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Screen tearing, enable V-sync to stop it.


and if anyone has AMD and doesnt wanna use v-sync, enable enhanced sync in Adrenalin if you have it available edit: punctuation


What's the difference?


Short Answer: better performance than vsync/more fps


only for amd or are there upsides for nvidia cards too?


It's called Fast Sync for NVIDIA.


Isn't it called G-Sync ?


That's adaptive sync, which is a different technology (and requires a compatible monitor.) Enhanced/Fast Sync can be enabled by anyone.


Ah thanks, if I have a G-Sync monitor, do I still need the other one ?


If you enable G-Sync and Fast Sync at the same time, when the framerate of your game exceeds the refresh rate of your monitor then Fast Sync will help to reduce tearing while still providing better input latency. It's generally a better alternative to G-Sync + Vsync or G-Sync alone. (The same applies for AMD users, just replace G-Sync with Freesync and Fast Sync with Enhanced Sync.)


Not exactly... most free sync monitors are gsync combatible so it is really hard to find a monitor which doesn't support gsync in anyway.


Less lag. Instead of holding the already rendered frame hostage until the screen refreshes, it forces to refresh the screen the moment the frame is rendered. Both methods prevent this screen tearing which is caused by the frame changing in the middle of screen refresh, but the second method gets the frame displayed faster. Your monitor has to support it though


Thank you for this. Tried playing helldivers 2 with vsync off and my cpu about had a heart attack. Never in all my years saw vsync making such a difference.


Omfg thank you. Ive been trying to find the right setting for this since i upgraded last year


Is there such a feature for my eyes? I get this sometimes when walking down a road with tiles.


Or cap frame rate to the screens refresh rate.


~~That is exactly what v-sync does.~~ Okay, not exactly. I simplified a bit too much.


Doesn't v sync also introduce input lag? While capping doesn't? Or am I being gas lit


So it's actually a bit more complicated than I originally said, but basically; Vsync - Synchronises frame rate with your monitors refresh rate, will increase input lag from capping frame rate and a tiny bit extra input lag from the actual monitor synchronisation. Frame rate cap - Will not necessarily remove or even improve screen tearing. Even if your monitor is refreshing 60 times a second and your game is locked to 60fps, since they are not synced they can update at different times which is what causes screen tearing. Also increases input lag from the frame rate being capped. Screen tearing is less visible the higher refresh rate/fps you go, but it can still happen if you don't use vsync (or something like VRR, which is better). Higher framerate will always give you lower input lag, even if you are using a 60hz monitor.


That is correct if it is an option. Some games are v-sync or nothing.


Vsync 🤮 The question is why doesn't he have VRR


Why was this downvoted lol VRR is just Vsync but better


Yeah, vrr is "hardware vsync", which is cool, because you don't lose fps at all. But not every monitor has vrr, so that it is silly to say you HAVE to have it. In most cases vsync doesn't take your fps by that much, if you have lower fps than you monitors refresh rate from the beginning. All it does is limits your fps to the monitor's refresh rate and ensures that they update at the same time. VRR, on the other hand, does the exact opposite. It sync your monitor's refresh rate to your fps. Sometimes, in my experience, it can even do douvle refresh rate than the fps, if your monitor has enough headroom. Also vrr can cause some issues sometimes. For me, using it with my Samsung G7 broke my shadowplay captures, so it isn't perfect. Correct me if I'm wrong about something ;)


> Also vrr can cause some issues sometimes. For me, using it with my Samsung G7 broke my shadowplay captures, so it isn't perfect. I wonder what issue you had with this. I have a Samsung Odyssey G7 with VRR enabled and I'm using Shadowplay without problems.


My recording fps would go to variable and float lower than 60 or whatever I set it to be. I looked for very long for how to fix this problem, and I accidentally found out that turning GSync off solved it. Since then, I haven't had any problems, and fps was constant on recordings. However, since it's 240 hz, I don't notice any screen tearing at all. So I'm good without gsync :)


Interesting, I had no issues whatsoever with all that. It's always 60 fps in recordings even when games are running with variable FPS. Also, I tried recording at 120 FPS with the latest Nvidia App, no issues too. Thanks for sharing. Now I know where to look if this happens :)


Thank you all for the answers, turning on vsync worked!


Turning on v sync will add input lag. I recommend leaving it off unless this really bothers you. Some monitors have G-sync for nvidia and freesync for amd if you turn that on this problem disappears and you don't have to turn on v sync. You have to turn on g sync in your monitor's settings and turn it on in nvidia control panel.


G-Sync saved my life. I hate the input lag from v-sync and once i got a 240hz monitor with g-sync i completely forgot about screen tearing. Heck even with any sync off the thing is so fast that you never get screen tearing.


you have to cap the framerate a bit below your monitors refreshrate though, as you otherwise could momentarily exit your gsync range and get tearing.


this! make sure it's 2-3 fps shy of your cap


and use good framerate limiter, some can still cause tearing


I top this. I never had screen tearing issues with a 240Hz monitor, even when I am not using G-Sync.


Gsync is honestly amazing, love it


it's portal 2, not ranked cs2, it'll be fine


Some guides on the internet (such as the one by Blurbusters) recommend turning on VSync combined with GSync. https://blurbusters.com/gsync/gsync101-input-lag-tests-and-settings/6/


I don't get the hate for vsync. I've got a GSync monitor, but depending on the game I still sometimes get screen tearing. I just turn on Vsync and I have never noticed any issues with it. If there is input lag it's certainly not enough for me to have noticed it.


Tearing will still happen if your framerate exceeds your monitor's refresh rate, even with GSync enabled. And even below your refresh rate, you can have tearing if your framerate changes quickly. You need all 3 to have the optimal experience: - VSync to ensure no tearing happens, ever - a framerate cap below your monitor's max refresh rate to ensure your monitor is ready to accept a frame the instant it is done rendering. Without this, the GPU will hold on to the frame for some time, introducing input lag - GSync to make those two work together nicely. It informs the monitor of what's going on, so it can show the frame exactly when it is ready to be shown. FYI, Nvidia Reflex does this automatically on a per-game basis. It even goes a bit further, because it solves some edge cases if you can't maintain the framerate cap. It reduces input lag some more in those cases.


Yep that's pretty much what I do. I oftentimes find turning Vsync on helps even when I'm limiting my framerate to 142 and have Gsync enabled and all that. Never understood the hate for Vsync since I find I need to use it more often than not and never once noticed latency issues.


Me neither. I don't notice input lag that much.


Yeah there's just alot of misinformation about what vsync is and when you should use it. Any game on pc apart from competitive games where you want an uncapped framerate for the lowest latency, (assuming you have an adaptive sync monitor) always turn vsync on and cap your frame rate a bit below the monitors refresh rate for the best experience.


the input lag is annoying but nowhere near as annoying as screen tearing


You need to turn on driver V-Sync with G-Sync


G-sync usually requires the enabling of V-sync to work, though (but still won't add input lag when it works properly).


Not really? Just need to make sure the game doesn’t top the max refresh rate of your display. Frame limit would be a better way to do this than v-sync.


You need all three: [https://blurbusters.com/gsync/gsync101-input-lag-tests-and-settings/14/](https://blurbusters.com/gsync/gsync101-input-lag-tests-and-settings/14/)


I'd argue it is an almost inperceptible amount of latency. I'd say 99% of players wouldn't be able to detect the added 1, 2 or 3 buffered frames. VRR for the win here of course (Gsync, freesync etc) but Vsync was absolutely, 100% of the time turned on before I got a VRR display. Vsync on always, you ain't that sweaty.


It’s more noticeable with lower frame rates


I notice vsync input delay immediately with M+KB. Doesn't bother me with controller though. It's not about being sweaty. It just bothers me to feel a delay between my mouse moving and my crosshair moving. Even if it's a casual single-player game.


That's a good point actually, I don't kb&m very much.


For a game like portal 2 on a build like Ops flair I think it'll be negligent. If it was a competitive shooter or along those lines then I'd agree to keep it off.


Portal 2 isn't an fps game...


Doesn’t mean screen tearing isn’t annoying as fuck.


Their point is obviously "input lag is not important for Portal 2" It matters in competitive multiplayer games.


Yes, thank you.


its an FP game tho


and technically a shooter since you shoot portals lmao


A 3060Ti running Portal 2 will be fine with V-Sync. You won't notice the input lag because it'll *marginally* be a factor.


Bro is playing portal, why is everyone so concerned about input lag. There is a 0% chance you notice input lag in this game in any meaningful way. Competitive fps/MoBa sure but iswtg if you think a nanosecond of input lag is going to be noticeable in portal enjoy the screen tearing lol


>and freesync for amd Freesync is for Nvidia cards too. G-sync is Nvidia only, and require a (more expensive) G-sync capable monitor. Freesync is far more widespread as a result.


A .05 imput lag that v sync adds will only affect the pro gamers.. in a Blind test, 99.9% of people will not notice or would not affect their gaming... you are not that good, and it's all in your head..


you have to have vsync turned on for gsync to work..


not ingame vsync


You turn on Vsync with Gsync. Why do so many not know this?


Thats great, but if your monitor support VRR (Gsync or FreeSync) then turn that on instead of vsync. Oh and if you don't have those, but you have an AMD card turn on enhanced sync instead. These options are all better v-sync, but if it is the only thing you got it is okay.


Try fast sync instead - less input lag


Screen tearing




Its screen tearing. it happens when the monitor's refresh rate (hz) is mismatched with the fps that your PC can render. To fix it you can Turn on V-Sync - it is an available as an in-game settings but It puts an artificial limit on fps which can cause a lot of problems that you probably won't notice. Change Refresh Rate of your monitor. - you can change refresh rate of your monitor thought windows settings however your monitor must support it (otherwise look into overclocking). if your monitor supports a higher refresh rate then look for your monitor's manual and use buttons on the monitor to navigate the On Screen Display and change the settings. Change Monitor specific settings like gaming mode, FreeSync, G-Sync etc. (only works if you have a good "gaming" monitor). Buy a better monitor. Live with it - if you have a good monitor say 144hz then the effect of screen tearing is practically unnoticeable even with things like V-Sync/FreeSync off.


If you don’t want to use Vsync, just cap your fps to the refresh rate (or below) the refresh rate of your screen


That doesn't always work, better to use fastsync instead.


Seems to always made it for me. What is fastsync ?


NVIDIAs version of vsync without a frame limiter made for high fps systems/games.


Thank you!


It's the rippin and the tearin!


I need to play Portal 1 and 2 again before Portal 3 comes out.


Got plenty of time


Yea infinity is a bit


I think you can replay it 200-300 times by then. Only starting one new playthrough per birthday. With Half-Life 3, they might as well not have made the other Half-Life games. Giving us a cliffhanger then just forgetting Half-Life even exists was probably worse than making one of the best games of all time, leaving it on a cliffhanger, and then just saying "you know what, we don't *actually* care about fans."


Screen tearing. You need v sync


Screen tearing meaning you’re playing at a frame rate that’s higher than what your actually monitor is able to show, which is causing a breaking in the picture(frames) You can 1. cap your frame rates to match your monitor’s refresh rate 2. Enable Vsync 3. Some monitors can OC to higher refresh rates, not super optimal but it can work. Best of those would be the first 2. GL


Classic screen tear. V-sync is your friend. Nvidia sync helps a lot.


Screen tearing. Someone already mentioned it but go into graphic card settings and enable v sync


Enable g-sync odd available, otherwise enable adaptive sync, otherwise enable vsync in game


Screen tearing, play the game in fullscreen borderless to fix it without the harsh input lag from vsync.


Caveman discovers screen tear


Off topic, what program did you use to record your video screen? Thanks in advance


I just used my phone camera. It was pretty late so I forgot I had OBS XD.


LOL you did well, OBS will not capture those screen tearing :)


That's what I thought as well.


Turn on v sync,


Screen tearing. Set the framerate to half or your total refreshrate. Try out VRR if your monitor has it but non-Gsync modules aren't recommended.


If it's a newer monitor, it's a bit of a non-issue. VRR has been around for so long now it's relatively settled in.


Simple screen tearing try enabling v synch


Either: Use V-Sync Or G-Sync if your monitor supports it. If it does support g-sync, use that because in source games, V-Sync increases input lag for some reason.


Your videocard is too fast. Enable v-sinch or alternatively Run a gpu heavy program in the background.


Too much fps could lead to this problem because your monitor can't handel the frame rate you can limit fps on the game or turn on vsync




Cap your FPS or use gsync/freesync


go into display setting and make sure it’s at the highest refresh rate. Most monitors come set at 60Hz even if it’s capable of 144/240 Hz


Why is Vsync a big thing... i rarely notice screen tearing and only had to turn it on in one game and that is Stardew Valley... for some reason in that game it-s Screen tear galore for unknown reason Lmao it's so jarring and almost unplayable with vsync off... But any other game? No issues... barely notice them anyway... must be how Stardew Valley is made and how it's played which makes tearing very obvious


Cap the fps 3 fps under your monitor refresh rate


I have just played Portal 15 minutes ago. I thought this is Portal subreddit.Portal is everywhere now. I love this.


sweet mary-ann joesph! I've had VRR so long, i've forgotten this is a thing.


Screen tearing put v sync on


I assume you mean the screen tearing, but I wasn't sure if that was just an artifact of recording a monitor with a phone. Enable V-Sync or G-Sync. I never play a game without these. And if they can't be enabled, I simply don't play the game unless I can find an external way to force it. I find screen tearing absolutely insufferable and unplayable.


That or turn up the hz on the pc


Crazy to see PC gamers not know what V Sync is


Why are you taking a video with your phone, just screen record (/s)


This game looks better than it has any right to.


no judgement OP, but how new to pc gaming are you that you're not familiar with screen tearing and vsync?