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Cool. Didn't know that this was possible to see.


same, given the numbers around the fires, I assume it is a DFES internal program


Also known as the department of sparks and wildfires


No, that is the Department of Parks and Wildlife. They look after the national parks.


Don't know why you're being down voted.... Dbca is sparks and wildlife, not DfES




Nice. Thanks


From DFES Facebook: ​ ⚡ More than 300,000 lightning strikes lit up our sky in the last 24 hours! With more lightning predicted today and tomorrow, along with hot and windy conditions across large parts of WA, we are prepared for new bushfire ignitions. We have: 🚫 Issued Total Fire Bans to help prevent unnecessary ignitions. 🚁 Strategically positioned air support assets in Jurien Bay, Northam and Manjimup. 🚨 Positioned Career Fire and Rescue Service firefighters and fire appliances near Toodyay. 📍 Additional teams are on standby in regional locations. There are currently 70 incidents active across the State, including multiple bushfires currently threatening lives and homes - so you also need to be prepared. Here’s what you can do: 🚫 Abide by Total Fire Bans. ⚠ Have your bushfire plan ready to enact. You can create or update your plan at [www.mybushfireplan.wa.gov.au](http://www.mybushfireplan.wa.gov.au). ℹ Visit [www.emergency.wa.gov.au](http://www.emergency.wa.gov.au) for the latest official alerts and warnings. 📞 See smoke and flames? Call 000 immediately. 📷 This map shows our incidents in ⚠ and individual lightning strikes in 🔴


What causes the pattern?


just how a storm front normally moves


Was such a pretty sight


“Great Scott, all those at over 1.21 Gigahertz’s each???” “Do you know what this means???”




What the hell is a jiggawatt


Never seen Back to the Future?


No thats what Marty says to doc


This is heavy!


Na, that's a parsec


Literally every single spot which also has a yellow fire sign I was considering going for a day hike tomorrow because it was going to be cooler :(


How can they pinpoint lightning strikes - but still get rain ~~reports~~ forecasts incorrect (at times being way off)?


Lighting strikes are triangulated from the RF pulse they transmit. You can only measure rain if you have a gauge at that specific location.


Sorry meant forecasts not reports


They don't forecast lightning strikes, they report them after the fact.


I know - I mentioned forecast in relation to rain not lightning. Maybe the tech involved in pinpointing a single lightning strike in a regional area is less complex/easier to do/or maybe more developed Vs the tech involved in forecasting rain.


Yep my point is that it's always going to be easier to measure something that has happened than to forecast something that hasn't yet. They're totally different issues. Forecasting is about measuring and comparing with past events, and creating modelling that can predict future events. It's hugely complicated. I don't know how lightning strikes are measured but it sounds like the commenter above knows, and it's to do with triangulating a radio frequency signal. Without any expertise in the area, I'd guess it's not too tricky.


>Yep my point is that it's always going to be easier to measure something that has happened than to forecast something that hasn't yet ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote) True. And I have further enlightened myself on this... [https://www.nasa.gov/feature/ames/planetary-defense-has-new-tool-in-weather-satellite-lightning-detector](https://www.nasa.gov/feature/ames/planetary-defense-has-new-tool-in-weather-satellite-lightning-detector) [https://www.inverse.com/article/48498-weather-forecast-accuracy](https://www.inverse.com/article/48498-weather-forecast-accuracy)


Nice! That nasa site is really cool, the whole planetary defence project is awesome. One step closer to not being wiped out like the dinosaurs!




Does each of these actually hit something?


Yeah. They "strike" the earth


How are we not obliterated after 300k strikes in 24hrs?


I don't understand your question


Probably a mix of ground strikes and air only. Not sure what their system shows


Looks just like the Covid conspiracy maps with the 5G towers. The higher concentration of lightning strikes also have more fires. Coincidence???? I think not!