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Got the cold I nursed my husband and toddler through over the weekend. So of course partner is back at work and child is well enough to run circles around me while I'm slowly shambling through the day unable to rest because...toddler. I'll be fine in a day or two, just feeling sorry for myself.


Hope you feel better soon! šŸ˜Š


Thank you friend, I do too <3


Should your husband not take time off as carers leave?


That takes an incredibly charitable view of how much time off a person can ask their employer for in a year, and my partner is in one of the many industries where too much time off is detrimental to their work once they get back. He'd rather go back and handle the work that piled up in his absence when he was home sick, as taking time to recover himself is more sustainable than to help me out unless I was literally bedbound.


"Hoping there's some relief in the market soon" Don't hold your breath. It's only going to get worse.


The rate at which the ladder is being pulled up is accelerating, not relenting...


Hey at least the boomers got rich /s




"Why is this repeated with what appears to be a sense of certainty?" Because it's the internal logic of capitalism, so short of housing becoming nationalised it's inevitable. Base and superstructure 101.




>Wasnā€™t there a shortage of houses after one of the world wars, here in Australia? Yes. >Wasnā€™t that over come? Yes. >Have we become more greedy since? Yes.


>Wasnā€™t there a shortage of houses after one of the world wars, here in Australia? Wasnā€™t that over come? Yes it was overcome by building huge amounts of public housing. The same that we are now paying through the nose on the private market.


Vested interests Government regulations (at all levels, think, zoning) Political incentives


How long do you think it took to create this crisis? How much action do you think it'll take to get past the crisis? How much action do you think our Government is taking? If you answered "very little" then you are correct! The WA state Government has no clue how to fix this issue, because they don't *want* to fix it. They're all property investors. https://www.watoday.com.au/national/western-australia/out-of-ideas-government-leans-on-lobby-groups-to-solve-perth-s-deepening-housing-crisis-20240507-p5fpjw.html


I think it's the realisation that we are in an unsolvable situation with housing right now. So much of our economy is based on it that if prices drop drastically it will have very bad, potentially catastrophic effects on the economy at wide. Building lots of stuff might help but we aren't doing that, it's way below what it should be for whatever reason. Alan Kohler, the finance guy on the ABC, said that the only way out of this shit is if prices stagnate for twenty years and wait for wages to catch up. Maybe there's others out there with different ideas and more positive outlooks, I don't know. The world is a funny place and can change on a dime so no one really knows, but I think that's where the doom and gloom comes from....a seemingly intractable problem with no easy and pain free solutions


Your second paragraph is answered by your first. The reason weā€™re not building is because it would relieve pressure. If the pressure is relieved, prices will ease and like you say, the economy is too tied up in the property market.


Because itā€™s only been getting worse. For decades.




No amount of hard work from individuals is gonna undo the rogering we're getting from the political class right now. It's time to give those in charge what for. Why are we giving more incentives to landlords to do something they clearly aren't interested in doing? How about you pay the government something like a $5000 penalty for every month the house sits empty without a damn good reason? I'm not talking about those who are doing works to upgrade and make houses actually liveable - that's fine they can do that. But people holding onto houses and holding out for high rents are screwing everyone. If they can't afford to be landlords, then sell. You'd get a good price for it in this market. That'll force some of these landbanking hoarding bastards to do something. It worked in Vancouver. It worked in New York City. Why wouldn't it work here?


Is anyone actually just letting their house sit empty so they can wait for higher rents? Surely theyā€™d be better off having some income than none.


I know people doing this, yeah. There's some bullshit tax benefit to this, somehow. I dunno how true it is... you're dealing with a lot of people in this space who "reckon" a lot of shit and are probably just rolling the dice on not getting audited by the ATO


I work 84 hours a week, and yet there is always some malodorous cunt telling me that's not enough.


laughed at malodorous


Me too. Malodouros! Sounds like an old Greek guy who tried to buy up the street when I was a kid back in Sydney.


You work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week?


Week of days, week of nights, week off.






Well not really 84 hours a week if you have an entire week off lol


That's dumb as fuck.


Boomer be like: I worked hard for my 7th and 8th investment properties"


So, did you only wake up today with your head thoroughly inserted into your arse? Or has it been like a forever type thing?




Projection much ?


Just found out work quietly let me go by removing me from the roster app. I think probably related to my workers comp last Sept, when I tore my calf on site. Happened in the morning and nobody sent me home, so I finished the 7 hours build shift. Honestly didn't even want to file, cause I know it's looked down on, but the supervisor sent me paperwork so I filed it. Now I'm looking for a new job. Bit shit aye


Contact workcover and talk to a lawyer thats illegal.


> Contact workcover and talk to a lawyer thats illegal. Pretty sure the business will just make up some BS about unsatisfactory work performance to kick you out. That's exactly what happened to me when I got involved in a workers comp case. FWA was useless; and I didn't have the moolah for a lawyer.


Lawyers take it on pro bono if there is a case


Depends on the job doesnā€™t it? Isnā€™t that why everyone hates zero-hour contracts, cos they can give you as much or as little work as they want?


As /u/Kevintj07 said, contact workcover. There are a lot of restrictions about how you can be let go whilst on workers comp. Also, if youā€™re injured at work, always lodge a claim. Small claims can turn into large ones, and employers canā€™t discriminate on previous workers comp claims. WA had one of the best systems for protecting workers.


Yeah na, that's not how it works. Once a WCC is filed, EVERYTHING is done through mediation with email, SMS, letters and calls as evidence for all parties.


Wow that is so scummy, Iā€™m sorry. I broke my patella at work in Sept but luckily my company actually looked after me. I imagine any previous place Iā€™ve worked would do to me what has happened to you. Hope you find something much better.


Year nines man Year nines


Rough year group. I remember my first year teaching prac was year 9 English. It was like being dropped into a gundark nest. Put me off high school teaching, I swapped for early childhood.


Yup. Got one of my own. He's a pain in the arse. Still love him. But fuck me he can be a dick.


As jimmy rees said: year asinine


Yep I was a big dick during year 9. My poor English teacher... Omg...


Good to see you back, sorry youā€™re here.


glad to see I can brighten people's days :)


It's so nice being retired cos, you know, no frikking year 9s. Also: No marking. No prep. No meetings. No yard duty. No parent nights. No camps. No bus duty. No swimming or sports day corrals. No NAPLAN. Happy days.


oh shush you!


It's been a week šŸ˜Ŗ


Yeah, this is rough. I also remember year 9 being the hardest for me. Iā€™ve heard from almost ever parent of a girl that year 9 is insanely rough


Year 8s too- idk why they have so much drama


My car is outta commission in the repair shop. Probably needs new timing belt. Planning to get new car in August on Novated lease when it comes out. But I had to wait a week to drop my car off because my mechanic is so busy. I have been walking and taking public transit places but it's exhausting because I have to walk like 30mins to train station and then walk a lot more to destination. Oh and I have a baby so I bring them and all the stuff they need. I'm dreaming of riding my bike, but I need a new part and some sort of baby seat or baby trailer. Would love to get that sorted soon. Just for fun.Ā  Anyways, it really sucks to be without a car this week, I could have really used it earlier.Ā 


Someone put dairy in my coffee today. I cannot have dairy. You can imagine the rest.




Itā€™s a bit shit


People who don't indicate out of pure laziness or entitleness. Usually Mercedes/BMW drivers.


And ones who don't know how to indicate on a roundabout. It's a good 30-40% of drivers


I kinda get the lazy fucks that don't bother indicating at all, but what gets me is when people wait until they're already leaving the roundabout to indicate they're exiting. Like, motherfucker, what do you think an indicator is supposed to do? If I see someone kick a football at you, I'm going to wait until it's already hit you in the head before saying "look out".


My favourite are the "indicate right so people know I'm not turning left but actually I'm going straight ha" assholes


I argued black and blue with someone here years ago that you donā€™t indicate right to go straight through a roundabout, even with links to RTA and learners guide, they insisted I was wrong. Some people are just ignoramuses.


They signal to exit but 9/10 times they'll signal right which confuses me when they leave on the first exit. It really makes me wonder how they passed their drivers test if they don't know to signal left at the apex and off signal after they've exited.


So many people do this. Good case for requiring driving tests every 10 years lol


Yep, you might think you're job is useless....imagine the bloke who installs indicators on BMW's.


Or worse, when they indicate on the freeway and just pull over without a glance in their blindspots. Like dude, an indicator doesnā€™t give you automatic right of way šŸ™„


Nah, thatā€™s just WA drivers.


The (private) hospital Iā€™m on placement in doesnā€™t have a pumping room so Iā€™m having to run around and find one in and out of surgery. The rooms tend to not lock so I get walked in on even if I move the sign to ā€œin useā€. Also medical students got shafted in the new paid placement scheme because doctors have a crap union. My baby is also starting the four month sleep regression, pray for me.


I was slightly hilariously about to ask if it had a first aid room šŸ¤£


I am praying šŸ™


Partner got a text from some cunt at Caporn Young (REA) saying they are helping an elderly couple find a home and partners house has been the one nominated. Firstly, partner has never engaged with this real estate company before, so how tf did they get details such as address/mobile number etc. Secondly, how fucking dare they advertise the property to buyers when my partner has never approached them or anyone else about selling? There's gotta be some law/regulation being broken because this is absolutely fucked that REAs are attempting these things Edit: ChatGTP says this is a breach of reg 13 of the REBA Act 1978. Gonna see if DMIRS are willing to penalise them for it. Fuck REAs


They are not marketing it. It is however a fishing exercise for a new listing. They would be sending a heap of these out hoping you are thinking about selling. The idea is that given they have a buyer you may decide to list with them. They would get the occasional stupid person to take up offer.


> They would be sending a heap of these out hoping you are thinking about selling. Yeah it's available for $5m! Oh your client only wants to offer three fiddy? GTFO of here.


Doesn't matter if they haven't actually advertised it. The only way to get these low life cunts to crawl back under their rock is to threaten them. And if you claim they are breaching regulations they will hopefully rub your name off their list in the future. I look forward to the day where REAs are looked down on like the scum of society they are. Regulations do nothing to curb their underhanded tactics to try and make a quick buck


This kind of strategy would make me NEVER want to go with whatever company/person tried it on me. Bunch of fuckers


REA can access a database that shows the name and contact details of home owner. It can also show name and contact details of renter living at an address too, I believe.


Doesn't meant they should be able to do that though


I was amazed when I found this out. Seems kind of dodgy


Yea but I don't think they are allowed to use that for unsolicited marketing sounds like a privacy breach and violation of the Spam Act.


I recently got a call about ā€œmy houseā€ in Ellenbrook from a local REA. I was a tenant nearly 13 years ago. Wondered how on earth my name came into it.


OK, so if I have an estranged relative who works in real estate, does that mean they can look up my address and details?


Yes, yes it does... šŸ¤”


So in this world of privacy, where is mine? Not happy Jan.


My partner has been getting unsolicited calls from REAs to get our townhouse (that we only bought a year ago) appraised! Vultures.


I live in my partners house and my name is not on the house or any bills etc. related to the house. We are not renting, he owns the home. But I get texts that say: "Hi [my name], Just wanted to introduce you to [Property Manager name] from WA's Number 1 highest-selling selling office, [company name]. [PM] has over 9 years of selling expertise and is dedicated to the [suburb I live in] area where he lives with his family. With the market changing rapidly, keeping up to date with your property's value is a good idea. Would you like a digital property update on your home? Melissa on behalf of [PM] - [company]" Does anyone know the fuck do they know my name and the suburb I live in? Could they have they accessed the voting registry? When I search the number it does bring up the [company] website as the first result, but I can't see Melissa's name/number, although the [PM] is on there with a different number. Would [company] even be responsible for the texts or could their identity being used fraudulently? I'm tempted to respond to the text to ask them how they obtained my my details but if it's not even that company I don't want to engage.


Get a burner SIM and advise Melissa that if her PM and her donā€™t know it off, youā€™ll be escalating it to the tyres on their cars. You know where they work.


Wait what's the end game with that? Guilt trip your partner into selling?


No idea. REAs are absolute scum though and can fuck off unless engaged directly by someone looking to sell. The fact they are shopping the property around to buyers behind my partners back is disgusting


Yeah, so much wrong with that.


Literally the worst people on planet earth


With you there. That is disgusting


At a ā€œreasonableā€ price too probably. Donā€™t want to rip off the pensioners


Do not trust ChatGPT- try Matilda.law it is trained on WA legislation


I only used it for starting my search. Once it said Reba I looked through the act and found the section that fit my issue. I would never use it as actual facts on legal issues. But it pointed me where I needed to go


> Edit: ChatGTP says this is a breach of reg 13 of the REBA Act 1978. Gonna see if DMIRS are willing to penalise them for it. Fuck REAs that's not how chatGPT works, dude. You should read into the legislation yourself, or ask for some help. ChatGPT just strings the next most likely part, with a random selection on top, given the context window.


Nope actually went onto the gov legislation website and confirmed the details of the regulation it spat out. Sums up that an agent cannot market a property without consent to act as an authority on behalf of the owner. Which is what the agent implied they have done


Yes, that is absolutely how it works, my man. And your statement here is not evidence otherwise. You should read up on the lawyers that used chatGPT as a case research tool, before you get yourself into trouble.


Language learning models are being used as a research tool by the lazy and stupid. Who would've thought idiots would be using what is essentially predictive text programs to find easily Google able answers because they can't be bothered reading more than a paragraph. It is a very sad state of affairs.


Watched someone who couldn't control their dog treat it like a toddler; ramping up from "come here!" to "come here now!" and getting more and more frazzled and frustrated, thus losing more control over the dog. And you just know when they corral it and it does do the right thing, it will get told off, creating negative feedback for displaying the correct behaviours because IT DOESN'T UNDERSTAND ENGLISH WORDS or the concept of previous behaviour. I do completely understand that it can be frustrating, but like with a toddler, you have to remember their reasoning is not the same as ours. And it's really hard to keep your cool sometimes, but unfortunately once you let frustration spill over, you've lost the game. So this whinge is really about people not putting the work in consistently to be able to handle such situations. (And you're not going to be able to handle every situation, of course!)


Yay someone else made it this week šŸ˜… Fee for me. Dental pain, need to get a tooth pulled (at least 3 tbh) pain isn't at code red yet but it is there and just uncomfortable. Know it needs to come out but just feeling miserable about it all. I've brushed every day of my life, just some early things fucked me over. Miss being able to smile. Also work shit, so stressed cause of the work types they got me doing, really complex work, asked for help for months and months and extra training on neurodiverse grounds. We are a large organisation so its possible, they apparently want to offer support. But nothing for the things I'm struggling in, take one of the work types away and give me something easier but decide I'm not good enough and then say I'm getting extra training. Just feeling fucked. Lastly usual life lonely shit, friends busy with their lives, never reaching out. Tempted to just message all and ask if they actually give a fuck or not. Just feel like I could fucking die and none of them would notice or give a cunt arse fuck.


In the meantime (if you havenā€™t already), clove oil directly on the tooth is a really good pain reliever! :)


I am so fucking sick of working with grown men who fill their days (and mine) with macho bullshit. I understand that the mining industry is basically Never Never Land where boys donā€™t ever have to grow up but Jesus Christ, could we at least get the supervisors into therapy or something? Iā€™d rather not have to scream at cunts just to earn their respect.


You'll find that almost everywhere, I work in quasi government and deal with all kinds of petty, immature, and agenda driven pettiness. I agree, though, adults can be worse than children at times


Dog sitting for my partnerā€™s parents while theyā€™re overseas. Hasnā€™t even been a week and heā€™s spewed in the carpet twiceā€¦ in the middle of the night. Seriously though, we donā€™t get made at him for it. If heā€™s not feeling well heā€™s not feeling well. Maybe too much play fighting with our dog, or just feeling homesick for his normal routine.


I don't think buying a house is in my future, so I'll be doing what I can to ensure mum never kicks me to the curb


The idiots who drove to Big Don's BBQ walk up event on the weekend. They were blocking traffic, parking in stupid spots and creating bottlenecks on residential streets. No forthought on maybe carpooling with mates, catching an uber or catching public transport.


Judging by Big Don's comments, I think this'll be literally a once a year event as an anniversary. I don't think he enjoyed that number of people coming around either. But if you live that close to him, he says he'll hook you up with an order for his meats anytime you're interested. And if I were you, I'd take him up on that. But I'd love to know what public transport exists that early to get you to the industrial end of Bassendean that early on a Saturday morning. The closest approach is a 20 min walk from Ashfield station.


No. 45 Bus from Bayswater Station 600m walk and it's maybe a 10 minute walk from Ashfield station


I donā€™t think the bogans that go to these events would ever consider public transport.


Is this Donā€™s business premises or his house? Heā€™s been in enough trouble with the council, I would have thought heā€™d avoid massive crowds if he could.


Pretty sure it's just his business...but I don't know What sort of trouble with the council? As for the massive crowds, people wouldn't shut up online about him not doing walkup events anymore so he finally caved and did one I was firmly in the no camp for walkups after enduring 5 hrs in a queue for only a few pieces of brisket and some sausages. He's outgrown them with his popularity and just can't do it And this one kinda proved the point. People started queuing at 5AM, by 10AM the infamous sign went out (the one that says anyone after this point is probably not gonna get any food) and that was that


He pissed off the council back in the day having huge cookouts at his house, eventually they fined him for running a business from a residential property or some such. When I read about massive crowds and whatnot I thought surely not again Don! Lol.


It was the business place on Moojebing st. I have no problem with the business at all, infact I think it's somewhat of a good thing and puts some life into a shitty industrial area. The prebooked thing he does, I've gotten used to it and the people that come along parking all over. But this was next level


No KFC at William Street - loved a trip into the city when younger and got to have that for lunch upstairs


I havenā€™t been to the city in a while, Iā€™m guessing theyā€™re doing Renoā€™s?


yeap (so thats good, I guess, I can only eat it at home as I don't want people seeing me chew on the bones)


Australia out of Eurovision, and SBS on Demand restream is shitty low bandwidth.


Danggg thanks for the spoiler alert haha


It aired 12 hours ago and itā€™s all over the news that we didnā€™t qualify. Itā€™s not really a spoiler.


Darth vadar being Luke's father isn't really a spoiler. This was <1 day


Took some time off for 3 days as needing to do some personal errands. But I also got a deadline the day after my 3rd day. So I am pretty much working anyway, however, my brain couldn't function at work mode. Hence, I've been staring at my screen for hours and have just been scrolling thru social media.


Iā€™m kind of glad I donā€™t have the option to work from home because Iā€™d never get anything done. My brain just doesnā€™t do work mode when Iā€™m not physically at work


Yeah I had to set up a work desk, it's looking at the corner so I can't see the rest of my house. If I had non work stuff in my eye line I would be fucked.


Everyday I'm singing the song "fuck off, I'm on smoko".


Pregnant. Nauseated and miserable. Need a new prescription for it (this one gives headaches) but don't want to go to the doc and spend another $50 out of pocket to get it when I have a half dozen appts and scans (each also costing at least $50 each) coming up in the next few weeks. No wonder people don't want to have kids anymore. It costs a fortune before you're even out of the first trimester.


Try some ginger gummy bears from the health shop. Seriously nothing worked for me other than them, it was enough to get me to function. Plus electrolytes for your headaches šŸ™šŸ»


Thank you! The headaches so far are only caused by the nausea pills and since I've stopped those they have ceased. Hoping to try another kind of pill that doesn't have those side effects but will try the bears in the meantime- thanks for the tip! ā¤


Just be mindful that certain types have links to cleft palette! Also try and eat anything - regardless of nutritional value at this stage - no matter how small ā¤ļø It gets better, honestly! Iā€™ve had 4 babies and work with pregnant mamas!


Just out of the first trimester and had the same. Iā€™m so sorry. Hoping your nausea and headaches ease up soon!Ā 


How far along are you? Feel free to message me. I had hyperemesis. The nausea is debilitating. Also, have you tried instascript?


Vit B6 (pyridox or something) from the chemist is over the counter and helped so much that I could come off of meds - yes it actually helps even though it's 'just a vitamin '. Hope you feel better soon! Congrats on baby šŸ˜Š


I started by getting a place in a regional town and rented it out for 3 years, at which point I used equity to borrow a high amount using my Salary and the rental as a guarantee on the loan. Sold the rental and was left with a semi normal mortgage afterwards


That's the plan! But at this stage, my job (in a specific field) can't be done rurally or remotely so... stuck for a while :/


That's that new [tennis court](https://www.realestate.com.au/news/gold-coast-real-estate-tennis-court-sells-for-29m/?campaignType=external&campaignChannel=syndication&campaignName=ncacont&campaignContent=&campaignSource=newscomau&campaignPlacement=spa) the owner wanted isn't going to buy itself.


Mine was put up $230 but the best part was they didn't want us to renew as they knew a bidding war would net them more


FightingĀ chest infection fml, been sick more than a week now


FUCKING TAXI DRIVERS!!! Iā€™M SO FUCKING SICK OF THESE CUNTS COMPARED TO RIDE SHARE DRIVERS!!!! Every single time, these fucking cunts wonā€™t just put the meter on and take you where you want to go. They have to argue, barter, demand a hungey up front or pretend they donā€™t speak English. Just do your fucking job you piece of shit cunts!!!!


Don't worry albos gonna solve the problem with a half million Indian migrants /s


Dropped hubby off at the airport at 4 am this morning now 2 more weeks with the cum pets until we get to see him again šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Hold onā€¦ just.. just hold on a minute..


Oh yes, keep it classy


Are you lost? Itā€™s Perthā€¦. Itā€™s clearly a joke lol


That's what I assumed... and hoped. My answer was made in jest.


sound like amazing parents


We adore all of our fuck trophies šŸ„°


Cum pets šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Skin dogs?


Hahahaha love that name for kids šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ’Æ


If a man wrote this, people would think it's hilarious.


Perth sub reddit and the double standards. Why are people downvoting other peoples laments on a whinge thread? Seems redundant. With all the hardships and suffering thatā€™s going on right now people really need to take a joke or move along. Crazy only happens on this sub too.