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You obviously weren't aware of Cashies reputation prior to this. Notoriously shonky. As ever, *buyer beware*. They rely on people not doing their due diligence to make their money. You're obviously smarter than that.


Seller beware too. I took a Rickenbacker guitar in once and they tried to convince me it was a fake and offered me $100 for my $3000 guitar.


Those places need their own red flags waving above the door to be honest. Then you get fat, goateed twats on shows like PawnStars trying to glamorise the industry


My dad had a Rickenbacker 12 string for years. It was cool as fuck but he was never quite happy with it. Spent quite a bit over years trying to get it sorted, new pick up and whatever else, I'm not too sure. Anyways, short story long, he ended up selling it a couple years ago to one of the Queen of England's stable hands.


> Queen of England's stable hands. She had tremors in the other hand?


Wow, imagine being one of the stable hands that looks after Camilla.


> Wow, imagine being one of the stable hands that looks after Camilla. Charlie is in a stable relationship..........


is that way she has a long face?


Something she was saddled with at birth.


some say its nature, but neigh, i believe it to be nuture.


At least she enjoys sausage fingers.


They’re awesome guitars! Miss mine.


> to one of the Queen of England's stable hands. And I bet all they can manage is 'Wonderwall' on it


That's absolutely barbaric.


Pricks man. Ended up selling it on consignment through The Rock Inn, who have always been good to me over the years.


$150 is my final offer


The correct answer is a few comments down. Report to ACCC. Buyer beware is a rubbish attitude that empowers scam artists and perpetuates people being taken advantage of. There are regulatory bodies. Well done on noticing this and taking action.


You can lodge a report on the ACCC website


As a guitar player and a cyclist I have two iron-clad rules for life: never buy a guitar or a bike from Cash Converters.


I bought a bike from Cashies when I was a kid. Got half way across town before the cops took it off me! I had pulled into Bicycle Entrepreneur to ask about a replacement speedo. They asked me to wait, wheeled it out the back, called CIB. It was a custom build for their friendly customer, owner had his house burgled. I was cool, had the receipt in my pocket. The next day a detective called to say I could go get my money back and let them know if I got any trouble. CC Midland had had the rest of the guy’s house on their shelves!


CashCity is worse than CashConverters.  I went into the one in Guildford a while back for a wander round. It was 90% utter tat with the other 10% (easily stolen) handtools.  As I left, I got to meet a scrawny methy ratboy pushing two really decent (as in $2000+ easy) roadbikes into the shop with his fat gf waddling along behind. Neither looked like they had ever been on a bike in their lives. Curious I sat in my car and waited. Sure enough ratboy and tubgirl came out a few minutes later sans bikes. Guess I was wrong and those two, despite their obvious physical lacking in cyclist physique, were indeed serious road cyclists and definitely the legitimate owners. CashCity most assuredly did due diligence in ascertaining ownership, I'm sure.  They also, weirdly, had a lot of wheelchairs and walking frames on their mezzanine floor which was only accessible by stairs. Not sure who those were being sold to. 


I was expecting ’balls’ to be the word that followed iron-clad if I’m being honest


Don't buy precious metal from them either. If it's genuine, it's o repriced. If it's fake, they'll still try to flog it off for stupidly high prices. I spotted a fake 1 ounce "gold" coin at my local Cashies priced, as it turned out, at $150. I picked it as fake long before I saw the price (the tails design was really bad), and I led on the sales guy just long enough to find out that the store manager had bought it as a walk-in, and paid well into the 4 figure range for it. I later found out that every pawnbroker within walking distance had been offered that coin and refused to touch it.


As someone getting into precious metals I’m very wary who I buy from. I’m not from Perth but was over for elimination chamber. My credit card got a workout at the mint when I was over there


How good was elimination chamber


How good was elimination chamber


Never buy most things from cashies.


I'm happy with the book about the Brownlow Medal that was autographed by the three Brisbane Lions Brownlow medallists I got at one. I paid $2 for it (and would have paid more if it had been at a reputable op-shop or other dealer).


You sure the autographs are genuine? 


As sure as I can be without getting them appraised or verified by Voss, Black, and Akermanis. Besides, I'm not interested in selling the book for any gain those autographs might add to it.


On a positive note, they're completely clueless often enough and sold a $3000 dollar guitar to my uncle for $300.


Honestly that's why we go haha


Cash converters reputation as a dodgy buyer of stolen goods will never recover 


That’s just pawnshop reputation. No matter who they are they’d get that.


Pawnshop near me has a suspiciously large volume of cordless power tools, no chargers.


its because tradies get their utes and vans raided by junkies all the time there's no reason to go to crime converters these guys were famous for taking their canberra stock and moving it to sydney and vice versa so the serial numbers wont line up with the police databases.... ie. syd serial numbers get left in syd. and are essentially 'washed' in canberra they do this everywhere


Cash Converters: Turning other people's goods into Meth


Meth Converters 


Crime Converters.


Yes that’s EXACTLY what they’re doing. From the managers POV they’ve already spent $X on it, and unless they are forced to take it off the market they absolutely won’t. Especially just because a prospective buyer said “umm actually it’s fake” - they hear that all the time on all sorts of items. While they now know it’s likely fake, they just want to not lose money on the sale now. Items are sold second hand and the onus is on the buyer. I’m not saying that any of this is good or fair, just explaining their side of it. Source: I was a pawnbroker for years


There is no legal reason why they can’t publish the serial number. I used to run the webshop at one of the stores. In fact it was a point of compliance for most items that it HAD to be listed or you got a black mark. It may be that the store is a franchise, and unlike the corporate stores they’re really a bunch of cowboys (a lot more fun and more open to haggling though).


They are completely shit, I noticed a fishing reel in CC last month and price was $80 vs new value of $300. I thought that is good but the drag was completely stuffed and the reel should have been thrown in the bin.


Reel bad.


Wait what? You're suggesting that Cashies might be as dodgy as fuck? Well I never! What is the world coming to, when you can't even trust dishonest dodgy ripoff merchants?


'the secret ingredient is crime' - superhans and cash converters i had a cousin come over from canada and i asked her what her 1st impression was while browsing a local cash converter, the goods, the merchanise 'quality', the store ambience, the staff, the prices her response was as you'd expect 'skeevy to the max' never wants to set foot in one ever again... like something out a bad david lynch movie


Damn it, I always trusted those spotty kids that greet you with a warm "howzzzz it gowan maaate" when you walk in.


> greet you with a warm "howzzzz it gowan maaate" Shit, they sound friendly in your neck of the woods. Never had that sort of interaction with the ones around Cannington


The welcome to store by the "sales kid" always seemed somewhat forced along with the sharp " thanks mate, see ya later" upon exiting. Having bought nothing and their meager commission gone begging, I always feel there's a silent ' ya prick/cunt' in there. Back before the advent of internet search engines, one would oftern find rather good quality snooker cues for very reasonable prices at said establishments.


Cannington is also my local... Maybe they're extra dicey


I used to meander into the Cash City a little more often; infrequently looking at tools (as in hardware, not the staff). But I think that's closed up and gone.


They moved :) near the Caltex


Cash City is still there. Tucked away in the corner next door to Caltex in Cannington the other side of Carousel. They took over the former ANZ building in Cannington after ANZ were forced to move inside Carousel near Target.


Those cunts are dodgy as fuck. More so than Cashies.


Yep I am a commonw.... .....yep totes agree.. .............tee hee![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


It was probably head office that suggested to take it out the back while they “look for someone to look into the matter”. But leave the ad online, if someone happens to buy it…


How tf is Cashies still around?


Crime pays.


I went to sell something at cashies once and they told me they aim to buy stuff for a quarter of its worth. Their whole business model is taking advantage of vulnerable people.


The one place to buy stolen and fake equipment since the day I was born, and I turned old today


this is normal for cashies, it's illegal and they play dumb when regulators catch them, they 100% know and choose to do it. There are two stores in adelaide that frequently sell counterfeit games and play dumb (oddly owned by the same person who calls both stores retro museums on ads). Several stores in WA that sell counterfeits one even claiming they have a right to if they state they're "reproductions" which doesn't make it legal. Another shop got busted and a fine for labelling their counterfeit games as "aftermarket" games. Selling fake dvds, handbags and guitars? yeah common af for them. They know the most they get is a "you naughty boy" from the regulator or the threat of a fine that means nothing to them if they move fake gear often.


A pawn shop is not the epitome of honesty and morality. I don't believe it.


Whats that, companies that exist for a profit, end up making choices to protect their profits? wow, shocker... we are all shocked, unprecedented... /s Seriously, all you can do is provide some proof and file anticonsumer notice. There isn't much else we can do.


What's an anticonsumer notice?


its illigal in australia to advertise something fraudulantly. They are commiting fruad by selling something they know isnt as described. ACCC, australian consumer rpotection. Sure there may not be any immidiate action to this particular issue. But with enough reports there will be an inquiry. Its better than letting companies to continue to commit fruad.


Also why would a Cole Clark end up in cash converters??? They’re sought after and really great guitars, any music shop would take them and sell on behalf of the owner


There are so many things like this at Cash Converters that i don't understand. Like this [1981 Gibson Double Neck](https://www.cashconverters.com.au/shop/music-tv-video/musical-instruments/guitars-string-instruments/electric-guitar/014400018801) or this [Vacheron Constantin Watch](https://www.cashconverters.com.au/shop/jewellery-fashion/fashion-accessories/watches/watch/000200223342) which they value at 56 grand! Why do these items end up at fucking cash converters? There must be many other specialist places they could be sold. What kind of person is walking into cashies in Vic park with a 56 thousand dollar watch so they can get some quick cash? And then even more insane than that what kind of person is shopping for a 56k watch at cash converters? How could you possibly ever buy something that valuable from somewhere with such a dodgy reputation?


Most high end items like this are pawned not sold. Intention is to pick it up and pay the interest but it falls through.


Fuck i bet there are some sad stories behind the items then.


It's entirely possible that the website is wrong and they just sent you a bunch of photos of it they had on file.


Yeah maybe! I think I'll go back to the shop and see if its still for sale. The guy at least pretended he was taking it off sale right there and then and sending it to their head office... If they're still selling it is there anything I can do? I don't want someone else to get ripped off.


If it's still there and you're feeling charitable, ask for a supervisor. Depending on their response you could take it to head office and consumer protection: https://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/consumer-protection If you're not feeling charitable/they're clearly just pulling something, skip the supervisor and maybe head office.


Any time I see a Gibson at Cashies or on FB Marketplace I feel uneasy..... even on Reverb I feel uneasy...... AliExpress guitars are everywhere. Take these two Angus Young SGs for example.......the prices they want are a shocker too. Fakes or Legit? [https://reverb.com/au/item/68394536-gibson-custom-shop-angus-young-signature-sg-vos-2010-angus-cherry](https://reverb.com/au/item/68394536-gibson-custom-shop-angus-young-signature-sg-vos-2010-angus-cherry) [https://reverb.com/au/item/63774907-gibson-custom-shop-angus-young-sg-2009-013-limited-edition-of-250](https://reverb.com/au/item/63774907-gibson-custom-shop-angus-young-sg-2009-013-limited-edition-of-250)


Aka crime converters




It's not a fake, it's a replica


I have seen them try to sell Bali PS1 games before at $10 each.


Don’t bother reporting to their head office. Cash converters literally do not care. You can report to the ACCC if you can be bothered. Cashies has a reputation for this stuff.


Police, My old man owned a money lent before retiring - same thing, Police take the stolen goods Same stuff Fraud is fraud


Is there a possibility you're wrong? Calling out someone for selling fakes could be a big deal. Even if so, it's unreasonable to expect them to be authenticity experts for every product. But yeah, likely they're not interested in its authenticity.


There's honestly no possibility I'm wrong. Its supposed to be redwood and its plastic. I wouldn't expect them to be experts so if its a good fake then yeah sure shit happens. But anyone can tap on plastic and know its plastic. It was easy to tell it was plastic before I touched it. I guess it is a "buyer beware" situation and they justify it with the 90 day money back guarantee. But seems really shoddy.


Always found Cash Converter/Cash City staff to have a certain air of superiority/arrogance about them the few times I've bought or enquired about small things. Nature of their game I reckon to try shit on and maximise their return on 'investment'; even if they were duped to a products authenticity themselves when it was pawned.


Ahh you’ve been to Joondalup cashies then


As long as they're not claiming its genuine, or its obviously not genuine, then its completely legal.


Cash Converters Dodgy, see the full story tonight at 6 on the Old News Network.

