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**It's important to note for the free travel continuation to activate, you need to tag on to a bus or train between 27/5 and 3/6** That's only a week, so if you have the free travel activated make sure you do it in that week to keep the free travel


It immediately follows this up with: > Passengers who are unable to tag on during this period need to contact the Transperth Infoline on 13 62 13 at least one day prior to travelling. So you're not going to miss out if you're eligible but can't travel during that week for some reason.


Trying to soften the blow for when they announce it’s running behind program.


I must admit, I navigate around the works myself if not every other, but every few weeks ever since the works have kicked off and each time I'm kinda blown away how quickly things **are** happening. Amazed how quickly the old stations were gone. Amazed how quickly the terrain along the reserve was changing. Amazed how quickly the new mobile gantries showed up. Impressed how quickly we started seeing the new raised sections appearing. But the cynic in me can't still but think at some point it'll look ostensibly near or all complete to the layman observer and it'll all get bogged down with behind the scenes testing and sign off.


I do agree with you, but I think the most visible, easiest changes have been done now. Since March there hasn't been much seeming progress on the line.


It depends where you are I think. In Armadale they are just starting to put the sky bridge together whilst it's looking nearly done the Cannington way.


Yeah.. Progress can seem to go in fits and starts I guess depending on where you are AND how frequently you're looking at or having to traverse it. I'd imagine if you were daily having to negotiate that detour in place of the old Oats street crossing at the moment (I only saw it for the first time following the bike path last week) progress would seem excruciating. Wouldn't want to be a business or a residence immediately adjacent to that - feeling just a small sample of central Bayswater's pain from the last few years.


Getting round Oats Street at the moment is a pain if you're not familiar with the area. Enough to make you repeatedly run someone over.


Condolences if that's a regular passage for you. Negotiated it late arvo outbound last week on the bike path; then had to come back after dark a few hours later from another angle. Yeeeeesh.


I'm somewhat familiar with the area. But must admit to becoming briefly incensed this week when I had to follow a detour that then had "no right turn"s and further detours. It'll be worth a short bit of inconvenience.


It was like that last month in Armadale. Our street basically closed to traffic, then church ave was closed and half of another street was closed so it was one way. I ended up somewhere completely different on the bus and had to walk like 700 metres to where I'd normally get off cause I wasn't aware of the closures.


They are still putting up concrete sections between Queens Park and Beckenham.


Insider info from a grunt previously on the inside (me): The first phase of the job (underground works/substructure) was quoted to be completed in a near impossible time frame to secure the job. This isn't new at all, but the time frame that was "guaranteed" was without consideration of time off over holidays, consistent 24/7 works and ZERO downtime allocation (which, anyone familiar with the industry will tell you there's a lot of downtime). Technically, it's behind schedule, but only because the schedule was quoted to be unrealistic. But, that doesn't pay the bills. Shareholders, investors, and companies don't make money from a reasonable timeframe and quality of life for the workers. Its already out by a few months, and will be tied up in court for years as to who foots the bill.


Well then hello fellow grunt previously on the inside (now on the outer circle). And FWIW, completely agree with everything you said.


I'm glad I'm out. Hope you're doing better too.


Are we talking delayed since the start of works, as in the reason the start of the shutdown was delayed, or delayed *since* the start of the shutdown?


Delayed since the start of works. From my knowledge when I was on the job (no longer since beginning of the year).


"We've gotten off-track with the project"


Rita literally quoted today as saying "on track for opening next year".


Were they railroaded?


Armadale Road is closed this weekend 3am Saturday to Monday morning. To allow the bridge sections to lifted into place.


Fuck yeah. Save myself $400 a month on this.


Pretty sure this was always the plan. They could have said 'free travel for 18 months at the start', but six months at the start, six months now and six months in the future is better PR.


Is free carpark gonna continue? No mention of that in article.


It should do cause the sticker at the station (at least at Armo) says for the remainder of the closure or something similar to that


what if you've been living on the line only the last 4 + months, do i get the free transport and how do I get if if I can, sick of traveling 1+ hours to get to the city when it should only take 30 mins max, also what buses/routes qualify you for the free transport.


Details in the link. But, no, unless you were a regular smartrider commuter before the shutdown you're out of luck


That's really bloody frustrating.


Presumably the rationale is that you knew what the transport situation was when you moved in, unlike people who already lived in the area when the shutdown was announced. It's not much comfort if it wasn't your choice to move, or you didn't have much choice of where to move to.


yeah i didn't have a choice unfortunately


That seems like such a strange decision to make, why not just have it as free to everyone during the shutdown. On the off chance that someone moves to the area and would otherwise use the train?


Guess because they had the patronage numbers and so based the replacement bus service capacity on a percentage of that. Making it suddenly free for everyone would be just too unpredictable.


Nobody would be travelling to there to take a train replacement bus?


A whole row of suburbs suddenly becoming free park-and-rides? I reckon a few would.


Because they're not inconvenienced by the shutdown, they just moved into an area without a train line.




They can still use the bus




Compensation for people who weren't using it before and now want to use it?




They can use it


Oh get stuffed, it's already bad enough on the Mandurah line with the extra freeloaders, hopefully we will get the same back when the freeloaders have left.


When they shut down the Mandurah line for 18 months, I'm sure they'll offer you free transport too.


Tbh, might just leave them down there and keep the CBD free of the riffraff


I'm not even half way down! The Government overlords where I work won't allow more parking due to "greening"/public access targets (even the on site Government heads think it's crazy and have been advocating for more, but it's a passthrough). All the contractors get shafted for parking and it's way too far for me to get a bus from where I am despite being newer dense suburbia. So I have to use my car in the opposite direction to a car park that is now full unless I turn up much earlier than my shifts - wasn't even half full before - then catch a train which I have to skip a few due to personal issues with congested trains/situations. I am probably going to get downvoted for this.


I also gotta skip trains due to personal issues with congested trains/situations. Plus the added time it takes to get anywhere just exhausts me. I don't care tho since people gotta get to places.


At some point in the future they will need to close the Mandurah Line for a while to build South Perth Station, but probably not 18 months.


At least 6 years away for Mandurah line closures. Next line closures with significant interruptions will be midland line in 2026 followed by freo in 2028ish and joondalup line in 2030. Mandurah being one of the newer lines is at the back end of these works They may start building south perth station before the closures but with out significant interruptions Freo to cockburn(ish) extension some where in 2030s Byford to Mandurah, joondalup to ellenbrook to midland middle to late 30s


At least your line is running. Get some real problems.


Poor Diddums


Cry harder mate