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The sweetest pibble wibble in the universe just CASUALLY and NONCHALANTLY bites its owner to the face. No barking, no provocations, no falling on the dog, no pulling its tail, no anything. 💀


That poor grandma. Glad that this dog was put down shortly after the attack.


Is there an article on that? Hoping it would be put down.


Yes, there you go! https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/ice-bucket-challenge-family-releases-footage-of-grandmother-being-attacked-by-untrained-pit-bull-10084538.html




Yeah they’re obviously bred to ATTACK when there’s a frenzy going on,.. some kind of sick stimuli that was obviously desired in the breed


And the woman wasn't even freaking or yelling


I dunno about the frenzy since I don't see frenzy in the video. It's just a lady getting wet. Is that frenzy enough? This is obviously already bad but I'm glad the pit bull didn't bite the kid. Or maybe it already did but the family just let it pass like it didn't happen idk.


To be fair it was desired to fight off wolves. That looks like a kengal or sheep breed. For thousands of years this dog was used to fight wolves everyday and had more interactions with sheep and puppies then humans... until you decided it should sit in your living room every day.


They were exclusively breed for dog fighting.


wdym!!! she SHOOK HER HEAD! *clearly* she was showing a sign of aggression to the child walking by, and the shitbeast was just fulfilling its duty as nanny!!!!


Right! "But it's the owners not the breed!" they all scream. WTF the lady and the kid weren't even doing anything besides playing with water and psycho nutter over there lost it's shit. It's the owner not the breed my ass. It's a breed that just snaps one day out of nowhere regardless of how you treat them or raise them. It's like living with a land mine or a grenade that any day after many years of being with it that thing can just go off and take people down with it.


How much you wanna bet they say it’s her fault for “triggering” that mutt who’s “never been aggressive before! Wow what a shock”


"Awww poor doggo puppers, he got so excited and wanted to play too." -likely half the comments on that video


Up until this point, I guarantee every time she forced that dog on someone while on walks she trumpeted the same "hehh hehh hehh...he's friendly...hehhh hehhhh"


Oh probably. Hell post that video in the wrong reddit sub that's not here or other sane subs and oh boy. Bet half the comments even there would be screaming about don't blame the breed they must be abusing the dog clearly grandma is abusive to it. Or going on about how the dog clearly just got confused or it's got doggie dementia or some shit. It's never ever the dogs fault is it.


I still don’t see how these things are not banned. The fact they even have an XL version is even more stupid.


It’s the sweetest, gentlest breed that everyone misunderstands


They used to be nanny dogs đŸ€Ą


Truly POS dogs. Can't believe it just came up to her and did that.


Wow that was just straight up an unwarranted attack


That's awful but thank God it wasn't the little boy who got bit


Give it time, not like pit owners can grasp the fact they own a dangerous murder beast and do anything about it


But she looked cool with that pitty she owns hanging from her face.


Wasn’t her dog


She was cold, wet, so Pibbles thought she could use a nanny /s


Aww, kisses! 😚


That's her dog, right? There's a word for the concept this video oozes by the bucket-load.


It wasn’t it was her sons or daughters




Dogs ate my face!


damn. That grandma's composure. 😰


The little boy who was ready to hurt and/or kill that dog with a stick though. đŸ„č Those boys are so empathetic, the trauma for them, sheesh! Poor lil boy was taken back by the bleeding. 😔


I can't imagine the amount of bacteria that were transferred into her bloodstream. Look how swollen her face is. What went through that shitbull's head right before it lunged?


It just happens to be another shitbl. *again*. All the videos of other types of dogs attacking things just probably got corrupted or lost or destroyed or something because the ratios are crazy. No chance they are an awful breed.


Noooo you guys have to understand!!! It’s the owners fault!!!!! /s


Absolutely horrendous


I hope they put it down


Devil dogs from hell.


It was just trying to nanny her! It was just playing!! Maybe it smelled an infection in her face?! I bet it was protecting her from the kids that dumped water on her! She triggered it by shaking her head! Her wet hair made it scared! (Heavy sarcasm disclaimer!)


That was hard to watch, like the one with the horse the other day (which I could not watch all the way thru). I will say kudos on the grandma for how calm she stayed - both coz of the kids there and also hopefully reducing the dog's instinct to attack her. Does anybody know whose dog it was? I saw someone said it was put down.


“The breed is so misunderstood though!” Says every Pitbull owner that thinks theirs and they are the special exception
. Pitbulls are designed for aggression and fighting


"We just don't understand why he would do this"


People just become too desensitized to having medium to large animals around. Not saying you can’t trust your dog but dog doesn’t always know how much damage it can do.


Please don’t post stuff this gory without a warning.


“He’s just playing!”


I bet you they kept the dog.


“I’m gonna go get a stick”


Time and time again. Not worth the risk!


Wow. That was insane. The woman/children sounded eerily calm during/after the bite despite its severity. I sincerely hope that the dog was euthanized.


So is there any knowledge of what happens after that vicious mauling? Did she keep poor baby pibbles, or did she grow a brain and take him to the pound?? I need some follow up...


The only thing good is he didn’t first bite the child.


I would have killed the dog on the spot. I think my family would have done that to any farm dog who did the same. When I was a kid I kissed out australian shepherd who clearly wasn't having it (I didn't know the signs or whatever) and bit my entire face all in 1 second. It did no damage but scared the fuck out of me. I'd be curious to think as to was my dog gave me a warning bite actually somewhat provoked and why this dog actually tried to tear her cheek off. Also looks like a Kengal. And that isn't not a family lap dog.


Why would their owner train them to do this?


I hope she was ok. That was hard to watch. I know lots of people say that anyone owning a pitbull deserves what they get, but I have a hard time accepting that. Many people own these things because they genuinely believe that they are great dogs that are misunderstood. There is a lot of information out there stating that they are not, but they don’t see that information because they are blind to it. It doesn’t exist for them. They are victims of the pit lobby just like everyone that owns one. I hate to see anyone get attacked by any dog. Dog attacks are brutal. One of the biggest misgivings I have about owning dogs is that people are letting an animal into their homes that can attack and kill them. And yeah, I know, some dogs don’t have the strength to kill, but every dog can bite. And people are always, “not my dog”. And that’s fine until it is your dog.


My vELvEt HIppO would never do that!


Lol, pack mentality I guess?


Pitbull’s gonna pitbull


Almost got the neck.


You are fucking kidding me. It took her to the ground by the face.


https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/ice-bucket-challenge-family-releases-footage-of-grandmother-being-attacked-by-untrained-pit-bull-10084538.html The dog wasn’t dangerous , it was just “untrained”. “It was the owners fault for not properly training the dog” Amazing how many excuses get made for shitbulls


Gentle giant just trying to kill evil spyder on the face of the unsuspecting lady, like always pibbles are misunderstood gentle nany dogs, it's the owners fault, not the breed or the genes


I GUARANTEE there were comments like “the poor pibble was probably scared and trying to help her”


Typical freaking pitbull’


The number one breed found at shelters


No one goes for eyes when an animal attacks. Not sure why.


Bet that dogs name was lady glittersparkles or something


Ouch oh my god. I can't imagine how painful that was!


Oh my fucking god


Normal day of a pitbull owner


“Awww the poor pibble just wanted to boop her snootđŸ„ș”




Why have so many people convinced themselves that these things belong in our society? In people's homes?


Bro really just bit her just cause

