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You know what, I'd feel great wiping my ass with that.


To be fair I can get on board with this. I keep telling my SO that I'll be wiping my ass with her Yorkie if it keeps annoying me.


The dog on the TP is probably thrilled at all of the different types of shit it will get to sample.


I know I labeled the post as Shitpost. And Hackle uses dogs in their logo. But those dogs are everywhere lol


Sadly, dog owners are such easy targets for businesses that we're fighting a losing battle. These emotional messes will throw money at absolutely everything cUz PuPpErS


At least this is better than the scattered bloodied tampons and toilet paper I stumbled upon last night. Dog (not mine) got into my trash and made sure to decorate my room with it. Not only that, but it shat everywhere too. 💔


At least you get to wipe your ass with them 😭 I'm just kidding but jokes aside, that looks like some nice quality toilet paper!


Ehh. No biggie. Is it sad that there is somehow a market for dog toilet paper? Very. Am I going to be sleepless because of it? No.


Well, at least you get to wipe your ass with it.