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I don't dislike Walker; he seems to be well-liked by his teammates. But he is not a good pitcher right now, and doesn't seem to have a real fire to improve. Turnbull, on the other hand, is intense and full of fire. He's got shit to prove.


I get the sense that Bryce does not like Walker.


Wait why? Just because he keeps losing or


I recall him saying something during spring training. I also noticed whenever there is a mound visit involving Walker, Bryce acts differently than when there are other mound visits. Finally, on Friday, there was a pickoff play that needed to be reviewed. That whole sequence between Bryce and Walker was really odd. Walker kept trying to talk to Bryce and Bryce seemed to be treating him like he wasn’t there.


Harper really doesn't go with the rest of the infield when there are mound visit, although he should. Where you at the game Friday? On tv they didn't show them interacting at all during the play review. Maybe you're thinking of another time. Maybe he doesn't like him cuz he struck him out so much in the past and hasn't been as good here.


Yeah, I was at the game. It was just an odd interaction. Bryce is definitely aloof at most mound visits, but he is usually facing the team and stays for the duration of the visit. When it’s Walker, if he does go over, his back is to the team and he leaves before the team breaks.


Walker's contract has two years left on it. I'd be surprised if he's with us after next year. We might be able to trade him with two years left, but we certainly can trade him with a year left. $18 million is a lot to free up!! The second tax threshold has moved up by 3 Million for years. It'd be worth a middling prospect to get rid of Walker to open up that money. The biggest question is - who are we replacing?? Maybe it lets us sign an outfielder and "rest" Casty.


We ain’t getting 18$ million worth even if we did trade him


Depends what the trade is. We could probably trade him without giving anything up and retain salary.


Yeah you'd probably have to eat like half the remaining contract


Probably more, I think at least 75%


Yeah probably, I just didn't want to be too pessimistic


Now the narrative can shift from "Why did we move Turnbull to the bullpen when he's a better pitcher than Walker" to "This is how it should have been all along," completely ignoring that the Phillies' intention has always been to manage his innings coming off several seasons of injury and inactivity.


I wish the bull nothing but the best


Walker just doesn't have it. Meatball after meatball, he just looks like he's lobbing it. After acting like a child on Twitter last postseason and proving this year why he got no post season time he can suck an egg.


Really buying into the idea that Topper took his whining personally about being left off Postseason roster, and was like “Show me then bro, I’m letting you out to dry if you don’t swim, tho 🎩”




Make love to me pitching giroux


Dress up as a Canadian cop and you may get your wish.


Our long regional nightmare is over


He gets 2 starts minimum against the Tigers and Cubs. If they go well we better be moving Walker back in the pen.




I feel like Walker might be better in a bullpen role anyway, he just doesn’t look durable


I think Walker will be pretty bad out of the pen, especially pitching like he has been lately. He actually has worse numbers his 1st time through the order vs his 2nd time in the last couple years. He’s also not much of a strikeout guy, and he has all of one appearance out of the pen in the past 10 years. If his FB stays at 90-91, putting him in the bullpen is basically a waste of a bullpen spot, other than the occasional mop-up opportunity.


The obvious move everyone wanted from the beginning.


You’re right. The obvious move was to ease Turnbull into the rotation instead of blowing his arm out in May


Who else would have started games at the beginning of the season?


I’m concerned that moving to the bullpen messed with his flow a bit. I can appreciate managing his innings and all, but they could have held him to four or five innings or a pitch count and had Walker as a long man. I don’t like second guessing Topper, he’s doing a great job, but ‘put Walker in the pen’ seemed like the clear move.


It’s also probably regression.




No don’t you understand? all these Reddit posters are actually elbow DRs and know for a fact if he throws more than 70 innings this year his elbow will explode


More like the team’s elbow doctors do.


Well they are letting him start again so I’d say they feel ok about it


Ok but that’s not the point. Nobody ever said he couldn’t ever start again. He can’t handle a full season’s starting workload. He’s at about 50 innings. They probably don’t want him to go too far above 80. Maybe 100 or so if they push it.


I truly don’t understand you people. Not a single person said he can’t start again this season. The whole point of moving him to the bullpen was to manage his workload, not shut him down for the season. He can still pitch lmao And no, this isn’t coming from “Reddit doctors”. It’s coming from the team


People have been saying he shouldn’t start again here for months to manage his workload


You heard one guy make a bad take and are now spiraling.


Spiraling? Lmao I just think it’s hilarious how everyone on here thinks they know what’s best for the dude


Yeah, I don't hate Walker, it's just ever since that June he had last year, he hasn't been a good pitcher and hasn't earned a spot in the rotation. Turnbull has so far this year.


About time. I said it two months ago that Walker shouldn't be starting games. I was right.


i mean that was the common take here. the only reason he even got his spot back over turnbull was due to the fact that turnbull’s inning count has been so low the past few years due to injury. you’re not some pariah for that take lmao