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Hang in there, best of luck for you.


Happy cake day


Thanks man.




Average Logan Paul fan


What the fuck is wrong with you


What did it say? It is deleted now


Very obvious throwaway account so this person can release all their pent-up anger and hatred from the unfulfilled life they're currently leading. Hopefully they come to terms with whatever makes them so hateful and can lead a normal life at some point.




Keep your head up bud!


"OH my chin wasn't high enough???"


How was your chin but not your head?


Sending lots of love and support.


Radiation? Just started? I did 28 treatments and it was rough. The docs all said it wouldn’t affect me…my body said that’s bullshit. Do whatever you need to push through this. Godspeed my friend. You got this 💪


The docs said you wouldn’t have side effects?


Yep. They didn’t think it would bc it was low dose and location wasn’t near certain organs (lumbar spine). I was sick from day one, in pain and tired like I couldn’t hold my eyes open after. I’d sleep for hours and lived off zofran. Also skin burns. Not as bad as others but they said it wasn’t going to happen to me and it did


Every person I have taken care of who had cancer was told the same thing. My sister in law, my mother, my husband and now my room mate. All of them had side effects from radiation, all of the radiologists said it wouldn't happen.


That’s crazy. My husband said that they were trying to keep me positive and hopeful. I just wish they had told the truth 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah that's the way I feel too. Let me know what I am facing and I can deal with it much better.


It's nowhere near as bad as radiation, but I had to have a gastroscopy a couple of years ago. My sister had gone through it a few years before, and told me it wasn't that bad, so I went in there expecting it to not be bad. It was bad, gagging a lot and feeling like my insides were violated. I asked her why she said it wasn't bad, and she told me she didn't want me to be nervous about it. Well I'd rather know something is gonna be terrible and be able to mentally prepare for it than expecting it to be fine and find out that it's not.


Right! I much rather know it’s going to suck than be lied to thinking I’ll be fine.


Exactly. That's the way I feel.


Right! Throughout my whole experience, I had to do all the research and networking. I had to search for others like me to hear their stories to know what to expect. None of my doctors gave me much insight.


That's pretty whacked. And makes me appreciate my radiation oncologist so much more. He told me everything that could possibly happen and gave me the tools to deal with the numerous side effects of radiation. I even had a feeding tube insertion scheduled even before I had my first radiation session.


Lucky. I liked my radiation oncologist but he was shocked I felt like I did. Also, my spinal cord was so inflamed by radiation, they suspected arachnoiditis


I think mine was very experienced since he was the head of radiation oncology for head and neck cancers so he probably saw it all before. And he was 100% correct about everything that happened. For someone like me who is very anxious about the unknown, it was definitely very comforting to go through that process having that knowledge.


My situation is rare and my radiation oncologist didn’t really even know what to do and had to consult with my neuro-oncologist/her tumor board. Hopefully this isn’t rude, but what was your diagnosis? My tumor type usually affects the brain and cervical spine more than lumbar.


I had nasopharyngeal cancer which is a bit rare in the US. The tumor was located behind my nose at the base of my skull which has a bunch of nerves which makes surgery really difficult so treatment is basically radiation and chemo at the same time. I didn't even know anything was wrong until I started having facial numbness because the tumor was pressing on those aforementioned nerves.


Only permanent side effect I got from 30 rounds was a small case of infertility, sooo...


That's wonderful, but sucks about the infertility if you wanted to have kids.


The plus side is I banked some sperm beforehand knowing the risk. Super glad I did even though the storage costs aren't cheap. Holding my newborn son right now actually. Just a bit humbling knowing I've only got three more vials of viable specimen left in my lifetime


Omg 🥹 this makes me so happy. Cuddle that little gift every chance you get! He’s even more special under the circumstances. I wish you the best of luck with those other chances 🙏


Oh my goodness; congratulations ❤️🥹


*Rawdog Achievement Unlocked*


Jesus, dude.




I’m sorry. I was already fixed and don’t need more than 5 kids I have. I really wish they had a better treatment. Maybe adoption is in your future. Give a kid who needs a parent.


Telling them that it will hurt could cause the placebo effect


Then why does every single medication ad on TV list every possible side effect you could have from the medication? Medical procedures shouldn't be any different.


The docs never seem to have a clue. Talk to the nurses - they’re the ones who’ll give you advice on care for side-effects.


So true. The nurse and techs were amazing! They were so caring.




Oh wow, that’s tough. Hopefully you’re doing better now


Oh yea, much better radiation wise. Still hurting but I’ll be fine. Thank you for asking!


I went through high dose radiation and that shit sucked. I was in so much pain too that morphine didn’t really helped. Also my oncologist and his team didn’t warn me about the skin burns. When I saw it in my armpit region, I was freaking out and wasn’t sure if I should go to the ER. But I call my oncologist the next morning and he said that’s a common side effect. Just wish I got a heads up about it before or during treatment to save me some stress and anxiety.


It does suck. Mine was low dose and kicked my ass! My skin didn’t get too bad but my friend I made during treatment was horribly burned all on her chest and armpit area. She would go get iv infusions for the affects.


As I got myself educated on my prostate cancer I noticed the literature on the treatments were definitely explained less positively than what I was told to my face. IMHO the doc's personal experience with patients shying away from unpleasant treatments and letting the disease do it's worst allowed them to 'slant' the treatment info with a mostly clear conscience. Can't really blame them.


I guess I can’t either but what I have is so rare, I’ve had to explain it to several doctors myself. My radiation oncologist actually didn’t know exactly the best treatment plan for me and had to consult with my neuro-oncologist who’s on a tumor board at her teaching/research hospital, the best I could get in my state. Thankfully, my team at that hospital has had plenty of experience with it and took good care of me. My neurosurgeon was always upfront about the risks but also made me feel confident in him. I don’t think my radiation-onc really knew what to expect and probably felt better saying I wouldn’t feel affects than scaring me away. Idk, I just would have liked to know it was more possible than he lead on but he helped me with medication to make it easier so at least he never hesitated on that! ETA: sorry for your diagnosis. I hope you’re doing better!


Thanks. I never had any cancer symptoms which made it easier to id the treatment side effects (which diminished soon after the radiation was finished).


I did 22 treatments and did not have any adverse affects and no skin irritation/burns. I guess it depends on location of radiation and other factors. I breezed right through it. I hope you get through it with minimal issues.


I guess it really is case by case. An older lady who had her treatments right after me, we became friends, but her treatments burned her horribly! I’ve been done since end of February and doing much better. Thank you. I hope you’re doing better as well 🫶🏻


I am thank you. I just wanted people to know that the side affects can vary. Like you, I saw other people that had major skin irritation/burns. I was 57 (in 2022) and my radiation was for breast cancer. I am glad you are doing better. I am so grateful that mine was caught early and that they could manage it with radiation. Cheers to us both! :)


Stage 4! That's the boss fight stage! You got this! You're gonna beat this guys ass and get out of there as a victor!


I got to stage 3b and turned the fuck around. We've got a lot of players that pushed it to stage 4 and made it all the way back. No game overs. You're in for a tough game but it's not unbeatable! I'm rooting for you to make it back with us :)


Get it done! Let’s go!


Your humor continues too.


You can beat the Boss level. Keep at it.




Rude question, how did your wife find out she had cancer? She’s so terribly young for it. I wish her and you strength and wellness.






God damn, I am so sorry. Women’s healthcare is absolute bs sometimes. Because of my own situation, I was ordered a PET scan and insurance approved but I’m terrified to find out if someone missed something else all this time. I’m praying for your wife. I know that’s not really helpful but I am hopeful for her!




I get what you're saying, but it's absolutely worse for women. There's been quite a few studies that [woman's pain](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/interactive/2022/women-pain-gender-bias-doctors) isn't taken as [seriously by doctors](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/women-and-pain-disparities-in-experience-and-treatment-2017100912562), for example.


I get that but I’ll bet women get brushed off much more often. Men just don’t go to doctors as often as women do.


Yes but it's so so *so* much worse for women. If they're the slightest bit overweight the doctor will focus on that "issue" instead of whatever symptoms they're actually experiencing. And god forbid they go in asking about ADHD, because that's something that "almost exclusively affects males" 🙄


My young adult cancer support group was full of people who were told they were too young for it to be cancer.


Holy shit. I am so, so sorry. I was diagnosed with colon cancer at 31 that kept getting ignored by doctors because it was “just my cycle coming back” after pregnancy. The cancer was stage IIIb because it had time to spread to lymph nodes before it was caught. Healthcare for women is a fucking joke sometimes.


It’s not healthcare in women, it’s fucking dumbass doctors. Oh the stats from 1970 say that you’re not likely to get cancer in your 30s so it’s probably just in your head and I’m too busy thinking about boating this weekend to care.


It’s healthcare for women. What you just said is a part of it. The majority of modern medicine has been created for men, by men. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/nov/13/the-female-problem-male-bias-in-medical-trials


Like roads and buildings? At what age do men get routine annual physicals v women in Great Britain? You linked an advert for a book. Do men routinely go to a Dr specifically for their reproductive organs?


I feel this comment so much. You have to stay so strong to self-advocate to get the treatment you need.


Seriously, people automatically defer responsibility as soon as someone is “qualified” or has a title. “Oh, they’re a Dr. They know better.” Hopefully they do, but at the end of the day, they’re a person and everyone can be dumb, have prejudice, and skewed perspectives and people with titles that seem to auto confer respect often have a level of hubris that is almost never put in check. That results in overlooking shit. Keep in mind, Drs are the people who recommended pregnant women smoke, and let 20 something’s without any degree convince them to create a generation of heroin addicts. Always get more than one opinion, and independently research and ask around. I’ve had shit Drs and great Drs. Any dr that doesn’t listen to their patients concerns is a shit Dr.


For sure. If we’ve learned anything in this, it’s that you absolutely *must* be your own advocate. You have to fight for what you need, and fight hard, and repeatedly. It’s so exhausting.


Oh, thats terrible. What a terrible situation. I am so sorry. Cancer is just awful. I hope your wife’s treatment works and she is back to healthy again soon!!


Thanks! Unfortunately once breast cancer has metastasized there’s no going back to healthy. You can shut it down for a while but the best news you’ll ever hear is “no current evidence of active disease” until eventually your current treatment inevitably stops working, the cancer progresses, and you start the whole cycle over again. It’s crushing.


Doctors really need to stop doing this. Cancer rates in young people are skyrocketing. I'm sick and tired of healthcare professionals acting like gatekeepers to diagnostics and treatment.


Doctors fall victim to the same cognitive biases as anyone else unless they’re trained to avoid them. In grad school we looked at a case study where doctors tended to under identify flesh eating bacteria until they have one patient who has it… then they tend to over diagnose it. It’s called recency bias and it’s hard to overcome partly because it’s usually a very effective heuristic. Without heuristics we would run out of mental capacity.


Where was the lump?


For me (27M) it was pain that started in my hip and then spread to most of my joints over the course of a couple of months. Diagnosed three times as a flare-up of an IT band issue I had back in college despite the fact that the pain was way more severe, not just in my hip, and completely unresponsive to the treatment suggestions. Eventually started having fatigue and nosebleed issues, demanded bloodwork be done and voila, I have Leukemia.


That’s terrible!! It’s a fear of mine. I have a family history of auto immune and cancers. I am 38 and have AntiPhospholipid Syndrome, Lupus, Lupus Antibodies (another blood clotting disorder), family history of breast cancers, etc. I’m worried that a cancer diagnosis would get lost in all the medical drama. I already have so much pain and so much wrong that doctors basically dismiss me, even while looking at my laundry list of diagnosable, measurable issues! I’m not being dramatic, these problems are on CT, MRI, EMG, Blood work, EKG, Xray, etc!! Doctors still want to dismiss me as having a mental disorder. Even worse that I was an ER RN. No matter HOW far women get in the corporate world, we are still treated as “histrionics” in the medical setting.


I known a few “stage 4” people who have gone through the works...and are alive 20+ years later. So, don’t give up. Stay positive. Listen to happy, relaxing music. And imagine yourself well. May you find peace and good health in your journey.


That can't be easy OP. I'm not a praying man, but i'm sending you all the best thoughts and vibes your way. Keep your head up OP! You got this man. Love from Canada.


I started out at stage 4 and it's been rough. We're down to pumping chemo directly onto my liver tumors to try and knock them out. Trying to stay positive but sometimes it's hard. Best of luck to you, fight hard ❤


Worst. Video game. Ever.


r/outside would argue it’s the very fact that it makes you feel so strongly that makes it a good game. But yeah fuck completely rng status conditions. Devs need to implement a hot fix to remove it.


Fuck Cancer.


My sister has stage 4 metastatic breast disease. She's been kicking cancer's ass for 8 years now. You got this! Never F**king give up. Sending you love and strength.


Continue the fight, best wishes for you!❤️


Fuck cancer !


Careful I hear that fourth stage boss is a real killer!!!


The insurance companies don't want you to know this, but if you can jump above the level on stage 1-2, you can take a warp pipe directly to stage 4. All jokes aside stay strong OP.


Same here. If you have the means please check into MD Anderson. They're the best cancer hospital in the world.


Stay strong, man. I'm in your corner.


Gordon Freeman, it is you, isn't it?


With you in thoughts and prayers, Never give up.


My thoughts are with you friend


Good luck and Godspeed sir.


You will beat it!!;


I thought this was a backrooms post at first.


Same, I feel like I've let myself down


Today must be a special day, I just saw someone else sharing the news that their mother has officially beaten stage for today (she is officially cancer free as of today) ... I would like you to come back here and give us similar news soon. All the best.


It took me a second too long to realize what was going on. I thought you were referring to a computer game stage or so. Anyway well "played" so far and best of luck in beating this "game".


Fighting! Me cheer for you OP!


I hope you beat every level you enter and end on top with a victory! Get well!


It might not help but you should try to Konami Code. > up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A and Start


I wish all cancer treatments were free. Seeing my mom go through the financial struggle after breast cancer is worse than watching her go through the treatment.


Been there, done that. Nine years ago! If it worked for me it can sure work for you too. You can do it!!


Cancer sucks ass. I'm pulling for you.


Major boss fight coming up...


Fuck. Cancer. Hang in there, head up. We’re praying for ya. You got it!


Gl with your battle friend


Is this footage from half life 3?




Keep fighting


Keep going!


Godspeed good sir


Best of luck!!!!!


Wow, stage 24 is pretty advanced. Probably a bonus DLC. Good luck there


My dog Lucky and I sending our support! ![gif](giphy|T72WkE9cBHPNH1NGy8)


OP: *shares their deepest problems* Mods: tHe TiTLe iS wRoNg


Every blessing and positive vibe I can muster for you!


Just keep trying!


Best of luck to you mate, don't worry I'm sure you'll kick cancer's ass


You can do it!!


Ayyy you got this 🙌


I hear the boss of stage 4 is pretty hard, but I’m sure you got this.


You got this OP wishing you the best!!


AND THIS IS TO GO EVEN FURTHER..... BEYOND! Seriously though kick it's ass OP I'm rooting for you, and I'm happy to see you have been able to find some silver lining of joy and comedy through this dark cloud. ♥️


Best of luck to you! That linen bag needs to be taken out.


You got this!


You got this, lot's of people are cheering you on. Tell us what you need in the way of support.


You are strong and capable and amazing. I am keeping you in my thoughts and I hope you beat the shit out of this.


Keep fighting, you got this


Rooting for you, but it’s so sad we use radiation as an excuse for medical treatment…


Hey, for what it's worth, that blue disposal bag is fit to bursting! You're not alone on either side of the aisle.


Hang tough trooper! You can do it!


I do not know you. And we almost certainly won't meet (in this life. Although I'm not a believer in other lives). But I hope for you so much: that you can fight it and you can do it!! Do it!!


Good Luck


Stay positive, you can beat this!


Way to go! You're gonna take it all the way to the final stage I am sure!




good luck in your fight!


have a friend in stage 4 prostate since 2019. he’s still here, don’t give up. lots of love from me.


The suck is only temporary you will be fine. Treat yourself to a spa day mid way through and at the end of the treatment cycle. It will give you additional motivation to power through


level 5 is the boss fight, you got this one easy peasy


Is Stage 5 the lava map or is another underwater one?


Sending you so much love


You can do this!!


If you wanna see something cool, ask your treatment therapists about the "leaves" on the LINACC. Its the system they use to shield non treated parts from the radiation, pretty cool to watch it work! Also sending good vibes your way, keep fighting!


You got this!


Kick some ass dude!


Best wishes!


i usually come on this app for cool pictures or funny pictures. but this post took a turn… i can’t imagine the feeling, but all i can do is hope for good care and for your health. best of luck!


CongrTs! Keep it up!


At this point I would just like to go home


You’ve got this!!!!! Finish this up and get back to the joys of your heart.


Haven't a clue who you are but hope you get better.


Hopefully you get the high score.


Congratulations! As my mom said before she passed away from Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer "Don't postpone joy" She lived that way for 1.5 years on Chemo and with a defined end point. It was joyous and wonderful and we all made the best of our time.


Taken as a meme, this post explains why any hospital visit is ultimately an underwhelming experience - none of the staff ever look anything like a level boss.


The [meet your maker](https://www.reddit.com/r/MeetYourMakerGame/) community would have a field day.


Hang in there, buddy. From a guy helping his GF through breast cancer treatment (stage 2b).


🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 Praying for you!! All the best !


When do you fight the final boss?


May the gods keep the wolves and the hills and the women in our beds! Godspeed, bud.


Hang in there buddy - show them who’s the boss!