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According to Pete Souza's IG account (petesouza): > Last week, The Washington Post published never-before-seen photos of mine from the day of the bin Laden raid. In their FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request, they also asked for photos from “May 2 and 3.” Here are a few of my photographs that the National Archives made public for the first time as a result of the Post’s FOIA request.⁣ > May 2, 2023. **Edit:** In case you can't see it or don't remember it, [here](https://external-preview.redd.it/ILi7cZ3BGTGandxwimMZKYWGIfz-Jr8CSO0QierEERw.jpg?width=450&auto=webp&s=77a643fdee1c9de252caeaa4afc267896f61a05d) is that meme.


Pete Souza was my professor in 2007 before he got the call from the White House :) dude is very passionate.


His work with Obama is ~~legendary~~ iconic. [The fist bump](https://www.flickr.com/photos/obamawhitehouse/4190811941) [The foot on the scale](https://www.flickr.com/photos/obamawhitehouse/4921383047)


The fist bump was the photo that OU used as an example of his amazing work. If i recall, it was early on in his presidency and showed a real human side of him.


I miss him so much, damnit Michelle! (Kidding, she’s amazing)


Her and their kids helped drive home the human side of Barack that helped show a lighter side of the POTUS.


They were such a great power couple, and I miss the hell out of them in the White House


The scale photo is my all time fav


That is friggin cool. I always thought Obama had the perfect balance between “I am not fucking around” and “hey, watch this shit! hilarity” this moment- it could’ve been staged, but I doubt it- him putting his foot on the scale during some White House weird weigh in challenge. The reason I don’t find it fake is two of the guys in the background are basically doubled over.


He’s really cool he came to my school and did a whole presentation of interesting Obama photos and a few of Reagan


Go Bobcats!


Correct me if I'm wrong, but Obama had just done the White House Correspondent's dinner with Seth Meyers as the guest comedian where Obama talked about his long-form birth certificate, and this basically happened a day or so after that dinner.


is that the one where he roasted the ever lasting fuck out of trump, who was just sitting there grumping?


Yep. Obama gave the final order to execute the raid on April 30, the dinner happened the next day, and the actual raid took place the day after that. There was also a moment at that dinner where Seth Meyers jokes about not being able to find bin Laden, and Obama and Defense Secretary Robert Gates both totally crack up laughing.




That's the meme alright but he got the low quality back and white version of it


Why you gotta make this about color bro?


I like how that shit is printed out on a piece of paper rather than just shown on a phone/laptop lol.


You need top secret security clearance for that vintage paper meme.




I know this is a joke but doesn’t the fact that this was printed out and shown to the president mean that it’s likely legally required to be maintained in the records somewhere now?


It’s safely stored in a bathroom at Mar a Lago.


Next to what looks like the shitter.


I'm so happy she said that lol


Makes sense. Probably was.


For **OBAMA** eyes only




How can mirrors be real if our obameyes aren’t real?


What a period-appropriate meme. Me gusta


It's called OUO, Obama Use Only


It's recently been upgraded to COI, Controlled Obama Information


FOUO is an actual code already, so we can use that one ;)


*Mister O...*




Mr. F


*For ~~British~~ Obama eyes onlyyy*


*pushes nerdy glasses up* Akshuuallly, that page would technically be classified as (U)Unclassified.


Obama did an interview where he was talking about the fancy phone he got, which had all the cool features turned off by Secret Service and the intel community because it was too risky for him to have a device that could be compromised. So yeah, a piece of paper can't be hacked.


Yeah, that was a major point of contention between him and the Secret Service in the weeks leading up to his inauguration. As a candidate, Obama had a Blackberry, and he had become highly dependent on it. He didn't want to give that up when he took office, but the USSS said "No, absolutely not. Huge security risk." It seems silly, but at that point, even though mobile phones were a common technology, there had never been a President who carried one. There just wasn't any need for it. When you're President, you're surrounded by Secret Service agents, staff, and aides who all have access to any information you need and can immediately get you in touch with anyone you want. You don't even need to wear a *watch* when you're President; you can just ask someone what time it is. But Obama felt strongly about this and he wouldn't relent. So finally they came up with this compromise and gave him a Blackberry that was specially modified to be more secure.




Keeps secret documents in his basement bathroom or w/e. But that's all fine, or something. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Tbf he did try to declassify a few by flushing them down the toilet.


*That's* why he kept saying "ten, fifteen times" about flushing toilets.


I always wondered about that. I mean, you can get away with flushing a toilet (usually) once if it is clogged without it overflowing. You absolutely are not getting a second try, and he doesn't strike me as the kind of guy to wait OR to try and unclog it. What huge messes he must have been making.


They weren't secret, they were declassified. He just needs to think that it's declassified, he doesn't even have to tell anyone. /s


iirc he didn't even have a secured iPhone. He had a personal phone he used constantly. Also they never audited his digital security apparently because someone managed to guess his password and tweet from his account. I am very doubtful we'll ever have another https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/06/politics/donald-trump-secure-phone-calls-impeachment/index.html


> someone managed to guess his password twice. the same guy both times.


Wasn’t his password something stupid easy like ‘Password’ or ‘maga123’ something like that?


The first time it was “yourefired” and the second time it was “maga2020!”


For real?


I just googled it and yes those were his actual passwords. Grandpa needs a password manger app lol


All I know was Kanye West was shown typing in his iPhone code and it was 000000


Not only that but he had high-level meetings at Mar a Lago at open dining areas where regular people were walking up and taking pictures. Did you hear the milkshake story?


My favourite is him telling people that what he knows is a secret, that he could have declassified it but didn't, that therefore he shouldn't be telling the story, and then launches into the fucking story.


Did it bring all the boys to the yard?


If by “boys” you mean anyone willing to pay top dollar for national security information, then I would say, “yes!”


It brought all the Proud Boys to the prison yard, and they'll like, doing time is hard.


Tell the milkshake story


At one of his golf courses, Trump was getting a classified briefing. In the middle of it, he says, “They’ve got the best malts! Does anyone want one?” Trump gets one and in walks the server (who has no security clearance) and there are maps and charts that show stuff like (missiles here, spies here, and commandos here) all over the room.


Lol I still remember the time he tweeted a pic taken from a spy satellite of a military base that was shown to him during a security briefing. People used the angle of the shadows to calculate the exact orbit of it and it was of a way higher resolution than anything the government has admitted to possessing at that point


Free intel! Also sub 5cm resolution from space is insane


When the DoD gifts a retired spy satellite to NASA with the secret optics removed and it's still more powerful than most of what NASA has you know they've got some pretty incredible hardware in orbit


[Remember how he tweeted an image revealing the capabilities of US spy satellites?](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathanocallaghan/2019/09/01/trump-accidentally-revealed-the-amazing-resolution-of-u-s-spy-satellites/)


You ever see a toddler throw a tantrum when the tablet gets taken away? Same thing.


I remember this, and feeling like maybe that was a little irresponsible of him. I'd love to go back to 2009 and say to myself "sweet summer child, just wait..."


I'm assuming that all went out the window when Trump came along


So when a president wants to browse Reddit, they have a USSS agent stand in front of him and act out every meme?


No, the ones who can read can just use the phone. The other one, on the other hand.... let's just say that Rudy expensed an acting lesson or two.


All that fuss and now US elected officials are able to fire off a dozen tweets while on the shitter. Crazy how things change.


Hell, some ex-officials can paw through boxes of top-secret documents while on the shitter. Crazy how things change.


I'm sorry but you are delusional if you think a certain ex-president would stoop to the level of using one of the staff bathrooms at his resort. Nothing but a private 24 carat gold toilet for his precious bum.


It makes sense that the SS would be concerned about that since it involves national security.


Obama got his special blackberry right when the rest of the world started moving to iphones. When he left office in 2016 he had no idea how to use these buttonless rectangles.


There's a joke in here about LBJ's habit of chatting with aides and reporters while on the can, but I can't quite come to it.


It was a modified blackberry. He actually went through a few of them over the course of his terms, they’re all on display at the National Cryptography Museum in Maryland outside DC.


>it was too risky for him to have a device that could be compromised. And then Trump pulled out some briefing materials on North Korea's missile program while at a dinner at Mar-a-Lago, and aimed his phone's flashlight at it so he and Shinzo Abe could see. [https://www.theverge.com/2017/2/13/14597700/donald-trump-phone-flashlight-north-korea-hacking-security](https://www.theverge.com/2017/2/13/14597700/donald-trump-phone-flashlight-north-korea-hacking-security)


He also tweeted a satellite imagine that was probably classified


It was. Not because of the location itself, but because it revealed how powerful our spy satellites were.


NGA/NRO not happy about that one


all manufacturers of laserjet printers participated in a somewhat clandestine effort to print almost invisible yellow dots encoding data on all of their print outs so they could be forensically traced.


Didn't know my B/W printer could print yellow polka dots


It’s just color printers. You won’t get far with counterfeit bills printed in b&w.


It's so funny/sad/scary to contrast that with Trump's personal phone he used, that no doubt had every major nation/state's malware on it, reading all of his illiterate texts, Russian requests, and mcdonalds orders on it.


That's what the CIA wants you to think


I worked at a gold mine and we had very person/mine specific memes all printed out and put up on the walls. Somehow it's funnier that way.


It’s a comedy gold mine, Jerry!


Surprised that never came up


This takes me back to my dad complaining about a guy in his office in the 90s who would make COLOR prints of funny pictures he found over the weekend for EVERYONE in the office. He wouldn't put it on a bulletin board, he'd print out a dozen copies of each, and then go to the mail room and put them in everyone's boxes. Drove my dad up the fucking wall because every time he needed to print there'd be no ink, hahaha


Tbf if I was going to show Obama this meme, I’d probably print it off, put it in a folder with like a *Top Secret* stamp on it, maybe an official seal, and tell him there’s “something very serious he needs to take a look at”. But I’m a bit of a prankster.


Obama: *Oh you...*


This was exactly my thought! Glad someone else felt the same. It adds to the joke!


Fuck Reddit for killing third party apps.


the olden days


I wasn’t in my 20s yet now I’m 31 next month 😔


My first thought was “Dang, you old.” Then I realized I’m the same age :/


Shiii i don't wanna speak to you guys when you reach 50. You guys are going to have to schedule a 30 minute break to practice lying in a coffin


........I don't even get this joke, but I'm still laughing at the idea of someone calling a coffin store and asking if they offer free test rides.


The Before Time


Considering it's the oval office, it wouldn't be surprising if they aren't allowed to have a phone/laptop for security reasons.


Everything was printed out “back then”. It was less than 4 years after the very first iPhone.




Well when your cabinet is surrounded by people in their 50s+, how else were they going to show him?




I hope to god he put it in that "book of secrets" the presidents allegedly have.


I assume this is the presidential meme briefing where he’s kept up to date on all the relevant memes that week.


honestly if anyone was gonna have a weekly sit down where they went through funny memes of the week to take the pressure off a soul crushing job, It'd probably be Obama.


I believe they did that every morning to keep the last guy distracted.


Eating paper was the only fiber Trump got


Don't forget the glue sticks and crayons!


Trump believed the meme meeting was the actual presidency


Biden seems to be keeping up pretty well. He's having a lot of fun with the Dark Brandon stuff. Seriously, though, internet memes are pretty trivial compared to what a President has to worry about. But if you're running for reelection, this stuff can matter, and Biden's digital media team seems to be on the ball. So I would not be surprised if there are occasionally meetings about stuff like what the "Dark Brandon" Twitter account should say today (although those presumably would not happen in the Oval Office, because I think that's not technically legal).


Obama: "Hey, Joe?" Biden: "Yeah B-rock?" O: "You see all this wild shit from your debate last night?" B: (reads) "My god. This is hilarious." O: "J-dog, when we win, we need to sit down every week and see if they do more of this. I need this to live." B: "You're a goddamn genius." And the tradition continues.


Man, I wish I had the job of Presidential Meme Researcher/Archivist.


You do. You're a reddit addict. Just like me.


You joke, but Tony Blair actually had something kind of similar to this when he was Prime Minister. Every week, he'd basically get a summary of every significant pop culture event/phenomenon that had happened that week so he could be familiar with relevant references or trends while he was in office and somewhat isolated from the 'normal' world. One gets the feeling neither Sunak or Starmer likely follow his lead, and back then it was more things like the largest twist in Coronation Street, but who knows, maybe we'll see the return of the No. 10 meme expert-in-residence :)


Honestly, for all his faults, I think that's something more leaders should do. Sometimes your office is in an ivory tower, even if you didn't grow up there. Sometimes you can't come down from your ivory tower for security reasons. At least he was trying to stay in touch with what's happening outside of it.


Which essentially just became the regular daily briefing once the orange guy came in.


I was thinking the same thing. There were constant reports of people having to include more pictures in their presentations and more references to Trump himself, otherwise he’d lose interest.


While I don't know the scope, broadness, or range of these meme briefings.... we at the very least know he was very acutely aware of the ["Thanks Obama" meme.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhY9Zxv1-oo)


/r/ThanksObama had to shut down after that because they knew the subreddit had peaked.


I remember a gif meme where he said Osama is dead and then walks away and kicks in the door to leave. That one was my fav




They couldn’t print that one out so he never saw it. 😞


Dude stole the idea from the meme


The meme came from the idea


What if the meme was created after Obama killed Osama, and then was sent back in time to Obama giving him the idea to kill Osama?


"Obama, at 8:00 a.m. today, someone poisons the coffee. Do *NOT* drink the coffee. More instructions will follow. Cordially, Future Obama."


This was one of the most incredible weekends in history I’ll always remember. In that one weekend, Prince William and Kate Middleton had their Royal wedding, Osama Bin Ladin was assassinated, the Arab Spring happened, and Obama made fun of Trump so badly at the White House correspondents dinner saying he will never be President that some suspect that is what convinced Trump to go for it.


The celebrations that weekend were insane, whens the last time you saw a pickup with a confederate flag and a pro obama sign?


Obama didn’t say Trump would never be president, he made fun of Trump’s dumb show and having to make hard decisions like having to fire Meatloaf and Gary Busey.


I miss Obama. ![gif](giphy|o6sk0wB4MU6X05nzOM|downsized)


Did Obama just nail a 3 pointer and walk away? Bitch'n


A stark contrast to the two handed water drinking of the last guy.


This was in Flint, Michigan! Hell yeah.


But Obama don’t miss.


See, a president who can take a joke


Pretty easy to do when the premise of the joke is that you're sincerely awesome.


I miss the Pre-Trump days.


Interestingly, that specific weekend is often pointed to as when Trump made the decision to run in 2016. You see, Trump was also roasted by Obama at the Correspondents Dinner just before the raid


I also read that an episode of The Apprentice was interrupted by the breaking news that Bin Laden had been killed.


Yes, that is correct. He was just about to fire someone


Shooting someone in the head and dumping their body in the ocean is also a form of firing someone. So same net television result.


Jesus Christ he is such a pussy


Loser origin story


https://youtu.be/hA5ezR0Kh80 Edit: This is the 2016 remarks. [This roast in 2011](https://youtu.be/zeGpLg0b3DE) is the one where he makes fun of Trump. I'm still convinced that and the [Seth Meyers roast](https://youtu.be/7YGITlxfT6s?si=YErt6mgEA6wV6uuu) is why Trump ran.


Things weren’t perfect but god damn did everyone lose their minds after 2016


He was probably the President with the best sense of humor in recent memory.


He's got a good sense of humor but what separates him is his delivery. Biden is funny as hell but stumbles on his words.


Remember when you could laugh *with* the President, not *at* the President?






Obama bin Laden Wake up people


I remember when dozens of news sources mistyped Obama kills Obama. Fun article on it not sure how real it is though https://archives.cjr.org/behind_the_news/obama_osama_bin_laden_is_dead.php




Shape up, weeple


Obama Bin Biden


Obama Bin Bidin' His Time He's alive!!


> Obama Bin Biden Literally "Obama, son of Biden", hmm


oh true you're right


"the day" he ordered... --> "after" he ordered...


That makes it sound like he was like “let’s kill bin Laden. Ok, now let’s go to my meme review meeting”. It was the next day, not immediately after like just saying “after” implies. I like the suggestion to just remove his first name.


Oh so it the title is just a total lie? Congrats bruh


Also technically he didn't order an assassination of bin Laden, just to stave off the Geneva Convention guys. About Operation Neptune's Spear: *"the operation was 'a kill-or-capture mission, since the U.S. doesn't kill unarmed people trying to surrender'"*


"Best. Day. Ever."


I miss voting for that man


I would pay money to watch trump try to dribble a basketball.


They can’t afford color ink cartridges in the White House??


Reckless budget


Sure and then deal with weeks of negative stories on Fox News about Obama’s wasteful use of government resources…


This is the realest response so far


Unless you're printing something that *needs* to be in color, black and white printers are much faster, more reliable, and more economical.


I love the idea that they print memes for in black and white because he looks at hundreds every day and only the laser printer can keep up with Barack Obama's voracious meme consumption


I believe they had to tap into the Strategic Ink Reserve for this one.


Anyone ever notice that Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden will laugh at themselves? But there's just something about the other guy where he just goes absolutely ballistic if anyone suggests everything about him isn't perfect? Christ's sake, even Reagan had a sense of humor.


I literally didn't even know there were people that openly narcissistic.


Say what you want about him, but that guy was cool


IDK man, that's pretty messed up. Bin Laden killed a lot of people.


Ahh the ole' reddit [switcheroo!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/16su3g4/comment/k2bwxfe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Hold my ballot, I’m going in!




Dude had class, for sure. He could also take criticism without crying about it on Twitter.


But he wore a tan suit and used the wrong mustard that one time


They were only mad about the color of his birthday suit. Dude wasn’t perfect - occupying the office puts you in a lot of no win situations - but he was the most thoughtful and easily the best president of my lifetime.


I still remember Obama’s 2012 speech to the UN when he said that as president, he accepts that people say horrible things about him every single day, and other leaders should too. What a contrast from that whiny loser who followed him


Remember when a psycho conservative hick was attacking Obama and calling him a Muslim communist and John McCain took the mic from her and defended Obama? That's class.


Reminder that Trump was a major proponent of the birther nonsense and reneged on the offer he made if Obama released his birth certificate.


Let's take a moment and remember who made the biggest fuss about his birth certificate in the first place...


Ah man, I want to go back to those days so badly.


Fucking sucks. I remember thinking how much of the right track it felt like we were on then. Holy shit did I not anticipate the sheer capacity for cowardice, hatred and bigotry of right wingers. Had to grow the fuck up and wake the fuck up to all the stuff I had ignored.


Lol. I would vote for him in 2024.


I'm not sure they have enough apples


Thanks Obama! No, seriously. Thank you Obama for your time and service. Love, the rest of the world


Man, it was great to have someone with class and intelligence in the White House.


Anyone have the meme?




Can someone post this on r/Conservative and see how they respond?


Immediate ban


i got banned for quoting john boehner badmouthing jim jordan


I miss this dude. He was the real deal