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Crazy that their Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Civil-war era law that was created nearly 50 years before Arizona was even a state


Straight out of Pawnee Indiana.


The atrocities are marked in blue*


Straight to jail. Right away.


No abortion, no nothing. Straight to jail.


We have the best women in the world because of jail.


All of our favorite comedies are now real life


First in friendship, fourth in obesity!


Leslie: Why is the child size 512 oz? Sweetums rep: it's roughly the size of a two year old if it were liquefied.


My Dad made it!


They burned the magician (and his bunny) for practicing witchcraft, in the 70s


Only because they (both) expressed how much they hated paunch burger.


They were the only people who went to Sue's Salads. Don't worry, we ran them out of town *real* quick.


No matter what JJ's will always be superior. Because waffles.


Welcome German soldiers!


Zorp is dead. long live Zorp.


Or women could vote.


Wonder if we’ll see a lot more women voting in this upcoming election as a result


AFAIK Abortion has not lost a single voter initiative vote and Arizona has one on the ballot this year to protect it already.


> Hold my beer. - Florida




That's encouraging. What's crazy is that current polling has Florida going for Trump by 6-7%. Who the fuck is pro-choice and a trump voter?


They’re definitely a thing, unfortunately. Trump is more of an idol than an ideology


Lot of pot head republicans too


I’ve been amazed at the number of hardcore conservatives who used to be super anti-drug who are now retired stoners


They think it’s pro his choice to grab em by the 😻


Also, Arizona has independent redistricting and the GOP has razor thin majorities. The state could flip solid blue this year.


I'll do my part!


Be trying to do the same thing in WY yo


Fighting from Wisco!


You’ll have my…rummaging around in the truck…nail gun. First thing I found


Yeah ill be knocking doors again in my little red town as soon as they call me up


As will I.


It might be their last opportunity to do so.


Hopefully They turn up. Arizona 2022: * 7.4M Population * 5.8M Eligible Voters. * 4.1M Registered Voters. * 40% Lean Republican * 39% Lean Democrat * 21% Lean Independent/Third-Party/No Lean * 2.6M Voted in 2022 Over 50% of eligible voters didn't vote. 2.6M Female voters. Only 1.2M voted and half voted for republicans. Lost district 2 & 6 to republicans by 20k votes in 2 and 1k votes in 6. Out of 2.26M Registered democrats only 1.2-1.4M voted.




Nearly half of the women WHO VOTED. Not half of the women who could vote. Which seems like a distinction without a difference, but it means that turnout matters.


I straight up wouldn’t be surprised if republicans tried something like that, and the saddest thing is that their woman supporters would probably agree with it


My dad says he thinks only men that own at least 40 acres should be allowed to vote. Property value, of course, would be irrelevant.


Best I can offer if 5.56mm. If that's how he wants to play. No offense


I'm going to go out on a limb and guess your dad humbly owns 41 acres


And probably doesn't realize what his buddy who owns 1000 acres really thinks about him.


> My dad says he thinks only men that own at least 40 acres should be allowed to vote. Well, what if I only have 30 acres, but I also have 40 slaves?


You only get 3/5th of those 40 slaves to count towards your vote.


Let me guess, he owns 40 acres?


It's utter lunacy, and shows how far out of touch the GOP has become with reality.


It not lunacy, it’s cold eyed intention. No arguments, no justification, no wrapping. They are enacting their political goals via corruption right out in the open.


Exactly. It isn't like they have been quiet about their agenda.  They packed the Supreme Court, blocking President Obama from appointments in a not so subtle way that will bite them in the ass some day.  This is the single voter issue. The one dividing line, and I'm genuinely shocked at how many people actually vote for the restricting-personal-rights-party.


Unfortunately, them boombers be votin'. I've heard so many people in my generation (millennial) and younger bitch constantly about the way things are, then you ask them who they voted for, and they tell you they dont vote, because their one vote wont change anything. Its so frustrating. If everyone who could vote actually got up and did it, this country would better represent the wants and needs of everyone. The boomers know it, but because they have traditionally been the biggest demographic of the population, our entire government has only been what their generation wanted. Hopefully as they start to thin out, things will get better.


What next, go back to Jim Crow?


Don't give them any ideas


That’s been part of their plan for too long.


It's the entire plan. Always has been. Schlafly and Falwell and them invented the abortion hysteria among protestants because Bob Jones University lost a tax exemption for refusing to integrate.


Look up Project 2025 it’s frightening.


I thought they were just trying to push us back to the 1800s not full on fling us with a trebuchet


Do you mean the AZ Supreme Court?


Yes I was referencing the AZ Supreme Court


Made 100% logical sense from a legal analysis. It's up to the legislature to fix the laws as written.  The state law was only not in effect because it had been abrogated by Roe. Once Roe was overturned the state law had legal effect again. And the new law wasn't worded correctly to explicitly permit abortion.  So the legislate should fix it, not the court. 


It did not make 100% logical legal sense. Justice Lopez essentially invented that the 1977 statute (permitting abortion before 15 weeks) was ambiguous because it was silent as to the territory code from the 1800’s. He literally wrote that its silence as to the old law introduces ambiguity. This is completely novel in statutory interpretation. The 1977 statute’s language is unambiguous and permits abortions. The Court basically said, “we get to interpret the legislature’s intent because the 1977 statute is ambiguous, and we think the legislature intended for ONLY the old law to go into effect if Roe is ever overturned.” The glaring issue with this logic is that plenty of state legislatures designed their abortions statutes to automatically repeal if Roe were ever overturned. ARIZONA’S WAS NOT ONE OF THEM. Your argument actually supports that the 15 week law should still be in effect. The legislature should repeal THAT LAW if it doesn’t want it anymore. But until today, the specific was supposed to govern over the general in statutory interpretation. A new standard was invented by conservative judges for political motives, and the two most esteemed justices on the bench DISSENTED. EDIT: if you follow this thread to the bottom, this commenter concedes that they did not actually read the Court opinion/dissent. After actually reading what the judges said, this commenter flipped and now “agrees with the dissent.” This is the danger of Reddit and online comments in general. This person fervently argued a position without doing even basic research. And plenty of people unknowingly latched onto the argument without knowing it was baseless.


Girls Just Wanna Have Fun...damental human rights


Now that is a good poster slogan


Where is my t-shirt with this on it....redbubble here I come.


I still can't believe we're still fighting over this shit. We literally could've -Stopped the practice of abstinance-only sex education and generally improve awareness in early teenagers of the real risks of being sexually active. -Made various forms of contraception available for free to pretty much anyone who asks for it. -Put an end to victim blaming during rape cases and at the same time educate young men about the importance of consent. -Stopped religious lobbyists from restricting medical research so that more illnesses and birth defects can be found and cured in utero. If we did all that, we wouldn't even need abortion, unless in extreme cases.


The dirty secret behind all anti-abortion crusaders is that they do not want the abortions to stop. They don't actually believe that thing is a child, and even if they did they would not actually care about it any more than they do for the rest of the people. They just hate women and want to make their lives shittier, and will grasp whatever disingenuous argument they need to make this happen.


I agree with you except where you said they don’t care about the baby at all. They want more babies to contribute by becoming underpaid impoverished corporate labor drones, and to be warm bodies in the military. But beyond that, they couldn’t give two fucks about the baby’s well being. Frankly, the poorer and less educated the child is — the better. Future voters for them too.


They want to control everyone. I'll die on a hill that circumcisions are meant to take pleasure from men during intercourse too. These people take fanfiction too seriously and only want sex to be about making children.


>circumcisions are meant to take pleasure from men during intercourse too. Idk man, shit feels pretty great to me. Like 80% of people in North America are circumcised. Pretty sure we'd see more complaints if people's dicks weren't feeling fucking fantastic.


It’s a notable difference allegedly but the end result is the same so I’m not gonna rush to get it put back on lol


Please don't forget to vote


Nutbags just overplayed their hand in AZ.


Talking about banning abortion —> people vote red. Actually banning abortion —> people vote blue. 


i wonder how this will play out in the long term. the anti-abortion and far-right "Christian" groups that the GOP is married to have come out and said that States' Rights is just a means to an end and that they are and always have been working towards a nation-wide abortion ban. almost every GOP politician knows this is a loser and many of their voters do too, tho. i wonder how it'll play out.


Part of it is the whole Christian extremism shtick , but part of it is also that reducing abortion access in the long run leads to disproportionately more poor people that will provide cheap labor for the top 5 percent


Yup, this whole anti abortion ban may be covered in religious flavorings, but at its core it's the corporate interests that control the GOP using religion as a tool


> have come out and said that States’ Rights is just a means to an end They’ve been super obvious about it from the beginning. I’m not too hopeful that the realization is ever gonna set in.


I hope from this liberals and the left learn that voting is a forever job that needs to be done regardless of an in addition to any other "direct action" you might consider to be more important. The left has a bad habit of losing out once, them throwing up their hands and declaring it pointless forever. Liberals have a bad habit of winning one time, declaring victory, and checking out for the next decade while Republicans chip away at any gains until the next election. Political apathy regardless of the cause is a major problem outside of the right wing.


And handed huge wins to democrats this year




Don’t worry. They won’t actually find anything out, they’ll just find another excuse or boogeyman to blame.


Next thing you know, Conservative Christians are going to be forcing women to dress modestly, not show skin, etc like religious nutjobs in the Middle East.


Oh you mean like they do now?


As a former Mormon woman who wasn't allowed to show my shoulders or anything above the knee, can confirm


Conservative Christians are like the Extremist Islamists of America. Can we send them all to a remote island so they can destroy each other?


Remember to vote in November. Don't consider anything a given. However, this does seem the thing to tip Arizona blue. This is likely the death knell for Kari Lake's senate campaign and also possibly Trump's campaign in AZ.


To add, check today you still have a valid voter registration and check if any laws have changed in your state


These fascist judges just handed their state to Joe.


Yeah I can’t even believe they’d pull this before the election. Kari Lake was already making them look like shit.


Funny thing about Kari Lake, is that she is signaling *now* that she's against the 1800's territory abortion law, but [not that long ago in 2022](https://www.threads.net/@ronaldfilipkowski/post/C5jZdkbuWuc) she was in support of it. She's trying to get those precious, precious votes.


She’s gonna walk back the second she would be sworn in, like all the Trump appointee justices did.


I give her a week


Just like Trump and most Republicans, they'll just fucking lie to get them in the chair. Once they're there, they'll sign any legislation that bans abortion, guaranteed.


No doubt advice from Trump. He's doing the same thing.


Kari Lake is acting like she is pro-choice now. That is how bad this decision is for the election.


Incredible. I give her a week Edit: Apparently abortion will be on the ballot in Arizona in November. Even fucking Ohio turned out for that shit. This was an absolute dumb shit move by the AZ SC


In the long run this is good, in November they will codify it into their constitution. Meanwhile they are close to pro choice states. Arizona get out and vote for your rights, we can’t in Texas


Yes it was a completely dumb shit move, and I guess I can only hope they keep it up?


Like watching a trainwreck


The best part about Ohio doing it: They held a sneak August election on whether the referendum procedure should be changed, intending to invalidate the November vote before it even had a vote, and it failed The referendum passed with 57%, despite you needing to vote NO in the August sneak vote and YES in the November vote to put abortion protections in the state Constitution The OH Secretary of State was clearly using this as a launchpad to challenge Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown (up for reelection this year), and he came out in third place in the Republican Primary. The funny part is that the other conservatives called him a "closet Democrat." It's a shame that without abortion making people pay attention, Ohio is pretty red. They really need a rising star in the state Democratic Party here to challenge the 13 years of conservative rule with the Republican Party.


Last I saw I believe we are nearing 200k OVER the minimum signatures needed to get on the ballot but of course all still has to be verified. We’re still gonna keep getting signatures until the last second; fully expect the pro life to attack every signature possible. Today though only hurts republicans tremendously on all fronts in AZ for this fall.


Unrelated I love the profile pic and banner haha. That show was lit


Like this is truly the part I just absolutely do not understand, why in gods name did they do any of this before the election? I hope this doesn't bite me in the ass but it seems like Republicans just love shooting themselves in the foot since 2016


But people STILL vote for them. It doesn’t matter how awful they are, what rights they destroy or how many votes they suppress. There will always be voters that think they’re better than the “liberals” and that is all they care about. It is insane.


There are millions of people who will vote R because the Rs say they will lower their tax bill. That’s it, end of discussion. They literally don’t care about any other issue. Be as authoritative and tyrannical as you want, be a fucking rapist ffs, as long as you tell them they’ll pay $1,000 less in taxes next year, you got their vote, period. This is my family member. He’s the chief of medicine at a hospital. No im not joking or being hyperbolic, just quoting him.


That is why we need everyone to vote!


People are completely at peace with the fact that standards and conduct are meaningless and that rapists should be president as long as it stops people who don’t look like me from succeeding.


Part of it is that the modern right has been around long enough that people that actually believe their bullshit have made it to high office.


The GOP has been hijacked by ideologues. Nothing they do makes sense because you and I are sane


Republicans just love shooting themselves in the foot. ​ They need to aim higher


I honestly believe there are a large number of Republicans at all levels that are purposefully doing things to undercut Trump. Roe v Wade and the abortion issue have shown to be a complete misstep and weakness for Trump. So double-down on it. Assure a loss and finally move on.


I think you're giving a little too much credit to these people


They've been trying to do this for decades, it's not 4D chess...


Something something dog chasing a car




they are undercutting Trump, but not on purpose It’s because years of conservative Christianity, talk radio and Fox News have radicalized the electorate so badly that the strategists at the top of the party are unable to control them anymore


Honestly this may have been the best result, assuming the ballot measure that would supercede this passes. In the meantime the AG has already pledged to not enforce this and as you say Biden's chances probably just went up.


New(ish) Arizona resident, 100% going to influence my decision this voting year. And before anybody gets on me about moving to the state and affecting politics. I lived in Flag for almost 8 years, voted both sides in past elections, then moved away for a bit before settling down in the valley. Love AZ but this is 100% going to affect the opinions of voters there.


Long time AZ resident (39 years), this is 100% influencing a lot of younger/middle aged people that I interact with. Of course we still have our abundance of super right wing boomers that would vote for a box of half eaten toaster strudels if it proclaimed its distain for brown people equal rights for all. But over all, it appears more and more Arizonans are sick of the Republican party's fascism in disguise bullshit.


I’m Canadians but I’ve spent time in AZ. Love the state. The biggest thing I got from the people there is that they want to not be told what to do. I can’t imagine this law going over well, especially at ASU and UofA


Yep. The funny thing is the Republican party used to be the "low impact" government that won't tell you what to do. But now, they want to tell you what you can do or can't do with your body, what books you can read, who you can marry, and if Project 2025 is any indication, who you can vote for. It's terrifying, literally a road map to an authoritarian state like russia.


Were they ever REALLY that, or was that just what they marketed themselves to be? Conservatives have been trying to ban books, abortion, voting, black and brown people, etc for as long as I've been alive (39 years). And from what I've read, it was like that for a long time before I was born, as well.


They **never** were that; it’s a virtue signal, just like when they claim to be “pro life”.


I've already been bugging everyone in my family about registering to vote.


I love that you are voting with your thoughts and opinions. Most don't. But was this really the straw that broke the camels back for you? All the rest was acceptable?


Its a classic example of mad because it finally happened to me.


Right…you know it wasn’t. This isn’t going to change anyone’s vote…but hopefully it gets people who were “on the sidelines” out to the polls.


new AZ resident, just moved here from CA. changed my voting registration the week I moved here. Can't wait to vote straight ticket democrat.


I moved here with no history at all in AZ, I'm absolutely going to come and vote blue and affect your politics, muajajajajajajaja


>And before anybody gets on me about moving to the state and affecting politics. People who complain about that are complete dipshits. People who live in a place have the right to have a say in how that place is run. That's supposed to be a founding principle of this country.


Shit, as an ATLien, *please* come here and vote blue.


"They let you do that? Move state to state - no papers?"


He wanted to see Montana :(


You'd think so but let's see who actually shows up to vote


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/SWvkcBc.jpeg) is a much higher quality version of this image. [Here](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/abortion-rights-protesters-chant-during-a-pro-choice-rally-news-photo/1241715163?adppopup=true) is the source. Per there: > Abortion rights protesters chant during a Pro Choice rally at the Tucson Federal Courthouse in Tucson, Arizona on Monday, July 4, 2022. (Photo by SANDY HUFFAKER / AFP) (Photo by SANDY HUFFAKER/AFP via Getty Images)


Lol holy shit I was there for that.


I was at the TCC when Trump was rallying before he was president. There was an anime convention going on and it was so funny seeing his bewilderment when cosplayers would walk by.


I like how the ovaries are drawn like the moonites from aqua teen hunger force.


I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one who saw that!


It's disappointing there aren't more men at this protest.


My 3 children would be without a mother for the rest of their lives, if we had never moved away from Texas. It's not even why we moved so many years ago, but I just know I am thankful for everyday I get with them, because not making that huge decision would've resulted in my early death.


I believe it. I've known people from Washington who have had their Texas-based insurance company refuse to pay for a D & C procedure after they had a miscarriage, citing anti-abortion laws. *Fuck* Texas!


2 things that this solidified for the state of AZ: 1: AZ is going to be blue in this upcoming election. guaranteed. 2: we know where the corruption is now, and we will burn that rot out of where it hides. Also, we are going to have this(protected abortion) codified in the AZ constitution come november. it is pretty much guaranteed.


VOTE! VOTE EVERY ELECTION! Get registered - it’s easy!! But VOTE!!!


Vote Democrat


Good for all these folks. Take a stand and demand what’s yours. Fuck anyone who doesn’t think people should have their own say on their own bodies. You don’t live their lives, you don’t get a right to choose for them.


Lets be honest here. There’s no knocking sense into “pro lifers/anti abortionists”. They are the same people that would say, especially back during covid: “oh so by that logic I don’t have to wear a mask because its my body my choice.” Although in that case it can bring sickness to others. But yeah its fucked that states actually outlaw it.


Didn’t Biden just say in his SOTU that they’re going to see how much political power women have? Apparently AZ said “NUH UH!”


So even rape they must have the baby?


Yep. Only in the case of “saving the mother’s life” can a woman get an abortion, and tbh probably not even then because this country is so totally and completely fucked.


And since it's punishable with 2-5 years in prison for doctors too, nobody will do it even if medically necessary due to fear. Check out the testimony from [Amanda Zurawski](https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2023-04-26%20-%20Testimony%20-%20Zurawski.pdf) from Texas.


Using “mother’s life” is a cop out. They’ll never describe or qualify under what circumstances that would apply. Pregnancy is inherently more risky than non-pregnancy. It’s a cooling effect. It’s vague because if it isn’t clear no physician would perform one lest they be prosecuted after the fact.


They'll find a way to get around the life of the mother, for sure. 


1864. **1864!** 160 year old law for fuck sake, there is no justice in that presiding over women's rights and 160 years of scientific understanding and advance.




Vote against? Most MAGA dogshit women practically worship rapists and abusers


Destroy them come November. At every level. Presidential, Senatorial, local. The GOP will not stop so you shouldn’t either. 




Or vote and have congress do its job instead of passing it off on the courts to do it. Aren’t women 51% of the population?


They will just lie.


a lot of them already do…




This is an honest question: why are republicans so god damned fucking stupid?


Even Poland voted the christofascists out! Poland! You can do it gals and guys. In most cases, all that's needed is to get those few remaining folks sitting up and on their way to the ballot box. 35% eligible voters didn't vote, more than a third! Whether you go solo or in a voting group, please make sure to try and convince a single person to join you.


Well, stop voting for Republicans and this won't be an issue.


It is ironic that a bunch of men who are barely having sex get to dictate a law about sex.


More like a bunch of men who have no uteruses and no medical degrees get to dictate a law about women.


Pretty sure it’s the men with 3 mistresses who pay for secret abortions who want it banned…


Why is the American government so hell bent on such a stupid thing? How the hell does the government get to make the choice for a women having a child?


Religion. Fanatic religion


Because when you need people to act against their own interests, social issues are used to distract from class issues. After [segregation became unpopular](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133) there was a need for a new one. Abortion was that issue. The ruling class doesn't care about a fetus. They will always be able to get their abortions. But it does make a useful tool to control the masses. We could be talking about healthcare, housing, climate change, things that matter. But instead it's "the unborn", and once the child is born, then how convenient, it's no longer unborn, and so no longer the focus of such protection.


[https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/planned-parenthood-advocates-arizona/events](https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/planned-parenthood-advocates-arizona/events) List of events to sign a petition to get it on the ballot this November. 383,923 signatures are needed to get it on the ballot. Lets do it!


One thing I don't understand about the USA is how after they struck down Roe v Wade the whole country didn't just break down into riots and protests. If something like that happened anywhere else like IDK, Mexico or France, all the main streets in major cities would shut down that same day. In fact I remeber on twitter people were like "be civil, protest peacefully" and it's like, that was the exact moment when civility and peacefullness weren't required.


You are right but major cities are generally democrat strongholds. Tearing apart a place that already holds your beliefs will push many into the opposition.


Pretty much this. Blue states will keep in place their stances on abortion. If it was a federal ban on abortion, that would be a whole different conversation.


We are experiencing balkanization of the US.


Part of it was that the ruling made it so that the states could decide what they wanted, which wasn’t a problem here in Oregon since we previously passed state constitutional amendments in case something like this happened. Other liberal states depended on Roe v. Wade to set the policy, assuming it would never get overturned, but quickly passed legislation to get back to RvW protections since they only had old draconian laws on the books (Michigan is an example of this). Anyone else either knew what they were getting into by being in heavy Republican-controlled states or were happy with the ruling. Some Republicans states (Ohio and Wisconsin) had ballot measures that got them back to RvW protections as well, even though the Republicans fought tooth and nail to stop those votes. If there was a national ban put in place that restricts what some states have decided, that’s when the marching and riots would start.


1. Most of the people in the US still live in areas with stronger abortion rights than most of Western Europe. In Germany, abortions are, generally, only allowed in the first 12 weeks and only after mandatory counseling. In France it is 14 weeks. 2. Many (not most) states in the US have electoral majorities in favor of extreme abortion restrictions. 10 years ago, some of these states had \*supermajorities\* in favor of banning abortion in all or most instances but this has been shifting in recent years. [https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/compare/views-about-abortion/by/state/](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/compare/views-about-abortion/by/state/)


For a country that claims to be free. Except unless you’re a woman...


Take that Karen DNA and put it to positive use in the world. Come on ladies vote that sexist rapist down, win your shit!!!!


An 1864 law is taking effect. In other news: AZ has seceded from the union and is joining the confederacy.


Weren’t these the same morons saying my body my choice during a pandemic?! Damn such idiocy by the right


What a sad world we live in, where a few states are rewriting the Constitution and CIVIL Rights are not on the agenda - only old white men have rights - and half the country is drinking swastika laced orange kool-aid!


The only answer in everything is for women to start taking over the political system. No i'm not exaggerating. Things will only completely change then.


I am fully in the camp of hoping that no woman ever has to have an abortion, but still providing that every woman should have access to having one. You can be conservative and not be a prick about it.


It's gonna be an interesting election. This might have just kept Arizona Blue in 2024.


Prolifers are all useless scum.


The direct ballot initiative needs to be the number one priority for Democrats. Re-establish women's rights at all costs.


We've landed on the fucking moon, yet we still aren't equal of all the genders. I've lived since when we used those greasy hair gels and when John Lennon was the Taylor Swift of the time, 47 and doing fine, and i'm astonished to see that we still struggle with these things?


You might as well serve up AZ to Biden right now on a silver platter. That’s a monumental fuckup by Republicans in an absolutely crucial state.


I swear the people who want this banned don’t know people literally can die without an abortion


Vote blue or it will happen to you.


Looks like Joe Biden just won AZ


Next time my girl acts up I'm telling her she's ovary acting. Wish me luck fellas.


As a woman in Arizona, this honestly terrifies me.


It should. Arizona has effectively turned you into a brood mare and given more rights to your fertilized egg than to you.


Hopefully this is another wake up call to get out and vote these republicans out!


So stop voting for the GOP.


We did. We went all blue for most the statewide stuff. We’re going to have to do it more


I get that they are in a bad spot. I get that shit needs to change. But this is on them. If you don't fucking vote, this is what happens. Yes, it needs to be fixed. It can be. Get the fuck up and vote. Vote the state supreme court out. Flip the state house and senate. Flip the federal house and senate. You thought they gave a fuck about you. You were wrong. Don't give me the "both sides are the same shit." That's some right-wing bullshit designed to keep you from voting. Think. Vote. Fire them. Send them to the big pile of political mistakes that are out of office.


The Bible can be your guide but not my shackle.


Has anyone in here read Lysistrata by Aristophanes?