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Pro Palestine demonstrations


Meanwhile in Charlottesville there wasn’t a cop in sight when the tiki torches rolled out. Edit: Uniformed Cops. As a few have pointed out “Some of those who work forces. Are the same that burn crosses”


That's cause they were walking with the torches 


"Some of those who work forces. Are the same that burn crosses."


“Fuck you I won’t do what they tell me!”


Right wing protests typically don't threaten the rich and powerful


There were plenty of cops. Who do you think carried the torches?


Where are all the free speech absolutists who were so adamant that we had to let Nazis speak?


Arresting the pro Palestine protestors


The Freedom state in a nation of freedoms. (Results may vary, freedom not guaranteed at all. Please check with a lawyer on the specific details of "freedom".)


If pain persists, it was a pre-existing condition.


\*Freedom is Pay to Win FTFY


A democracy officer is en route to your position. Remember. Thought crimes kill.


Time to spread some democracy


"Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses"


As long as there isn't 1 school shooter, Texas cops will run and hide until the parents have to get involved...but pro-palestine protestors that don't have weapons or a way to defend themselves, Texas cops are going to real brave.


No no, those are just the Nazis the free speech absolutists were adamant about. Edit: I'm calling the police Nazis, not the protestors. I'm fully with Palestine and the protestors.


I graduated in 2012. Definitely think everyone from Nazis to BLM to pro-palestinian protestors should be able to speak freely (i.e. not under the threat of armed guards) on college campuses provided they don't disrupt classes. I'm sad that isn't just a part of our culture anymore.


Riot police have been breaking up university protests since forever and in some cases have murdered protestors. This isn't new.


I probably wouldn’t do this in Texas.


It's Austin. It's barely Texas. I'd be surprised if they didn't do this there.


Those aren’t Austin police. Those are Texas State Troopers.


Y'all Qaeda


The terrorism is coming from inside the house!


you joke but yes


Domestic terrorism is the largest terrorist threat to this country by far per the FBI, specifically far right terrorism and white supremacy groups.


In the good ol' days it was hippies. Gosh darn commy, animal love'n hippies.


oklahoma city bombing has entered the chat


No joke


Always has been *astronaut pointing gun meme*


They appear ready to escalate the situation.


Geez, didn't they remember the Kent State shootings? Edit: I just remembered it was the national guard that did the KSU shootings


It bears reminding anyone doing crowd control. A friend of mine was an Illinois National Guard during the Bull’s Threepeat year. They trained for riots in Chicago. The Guardsmen had to be reminded of KSU because it’s not covered in schools


You know that seems like a bit of an oversight.


Weirdly enough as a direct result I think the Guard is better equipped than cops, I was so happy when the Guard showed up in Minneapolis summer 2020. They were cool as fuck, they'd talk to you and just frankly were an all around better law enforcement option than the police. I never got the sense they were gonna start shit for fun, or try to take revenge on the population like the police did.


thats because they have consequences. the cops dont


guardsmen are humans


Went to an ATL black lives matter protest after Floyd, national guard, state troopers, ATL police, and every squad car, armored car, and Humvee in the state as far as the eye could see. The national guard guys were just standing around with riot shields shooting the shit and talking about just getting back from Afghanistan and just wanting there leave and how everyone should protest if that want. State troopers and cops were in full riot gear with guns and tear gas grenade launchers not talking to anyone. Guess who started firing off all the tear gas, making arrests and declaring a riot when everyone was standing around in a park doing nothing?


Also my experience


Also ksu is in Ohio


its in the song..four dead on ohio..


My childhood friend's father was one of the troops at Kent State, he won't talk about it.


Fifth Amendment?


I wouldn't openly talk about murdering students in cold blood, either.


> Geez, didn't they remember the Kent State shootings? The Texas state government is probably actively hoping for that outcome based on who the elected officials are.


There's no "probably" about that https://time.com/6272117/greg-abbott-blm-protester-murder-pardon/


Gee whiz! If only DPS showed up to Uvalde as such. *Clearly* a lone-wolf nutter's Second Amendment rights outweighs the First Amendment rights of peaceful protesters. /s Or this confirms the cowardice of LEOs in Texas.


For additional context, UT has one of the best Arabic/Middle Eastern Studies programs in the nation, which brings people who are sympathetic to Palestine.  


Which is why it should be done there.


You should be able to voice your opinion anywhere. That's the whole point.


Don't succumb to cowardice


Yeah, don't want any independent thought in the land of the free.


Yes Texas is super free. -a woman


Who are not rioting and faced down by riot police, and surprise, suprise, surprise, suddenly there's violent clashes.


The governor issued an executive order requiring Texas higher education institutions to change their policy within 90 days to prohibit antisemitic speech by employees or students and to prove they’re enforcing it or lose their state funding. The order gives examples of banning pro Palestine groups. The order is blatantly unconstitutional but forces universities to choose between complying with the order and not losing their funding but then getting sued for free speech violations, or not complying, losing their funding, and not getting sued. It’s part of the governors war on education.


This is wildly illegal, as you state. We had a divestment attempt from Israel at a public uni i attended and you can't do it. The state cannot do this and the ACLU/FIRE organizations will definitely sue.


Nah it's Israel US laws don't apply. Did you know that 37 states in the US have anti-BDS laws prohibiting government contractors and in some cases private entities from boycotting Israel? Many private and public institutions have similar rules preventing employees from doing so.




It's pretty disgusting that our state legislatures are so co-opted (by lobbyists), that they subordinate the government's interests (and our tax dollars) to a foreign country. It's a free pass to do whatever, and there will never be a consequence. I wonder if there are similar laws to ban divestment in British, Canadian or Australian firms, or any of the other countries that have actually put their own troops in harms way when we needed them.


Yeah conservatives hate free speech


Its Texas, you have to sign a pledge to Israel in order to get any funding.. [US Jewish Groups Cheer Upholding of Texas Anti-BDS Law](https://www.standwithus.com/post/us-jewish-groups-cheer-upholding-of-texas-anti-bds-law) [A Texas Elementary School Speech Pathologist Refused to Sign a Pro-Israel Oath, Now Mandatory in Many States — so She Lost Her Job](https://theintercept.com/2018/12/17/israel-texas-anti-bds-law/) [Supreme Court Declines to Review Challenge to Law Restricting Israel Boycotts](https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/supreme-court-declines-to-review-challenge-to-law-restricting-israel-boycotts) [Need Hurricane Aid? In One Texas City, If You Boycott Israel, You May Be Out Of Luck](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/10/20/559070267/need-hurricane-aid-in-one-texas-city-if-you-boycott-israel-you-may-be-out-of-luc)


Obviously they're there to turn a peaceful protest into a non-peaceful protest.


They only showed up because they heard it was an unarmed protest.


Maybe get those folks who carry rifles and pass out food to the homeless illegally down there


Meanwhile Nazis rallies there's zero cops (uniformed) in sight They are too busy participating. All cops are bad imo


The University of Texas


I was like “Texas University? WTF is that?” until I read your comment


I thought they meant "Texas State University" which is in San Marcos, Texas. However, IIRC from attending and living in San Marcos for a few years, those students aren't concerned with protesting but mostly concerned with going tubing down the river with a cooler of beer. I think you can even minor in it.


It's a common way for some universities to call UT, especially Aggies. Weird, given the context and how this issue is way more important, but that's just how it goes I suppose. Can't let us be The University of Texas.


Yeah since I moved here I’ve heard the same story, endlessly: A&M is older than UT, so it is actually the University of Texas. I’m afraid I’m agnostic to this predicament - I just want to be clear what we’re talking about when we’re talking schools here. That being said, I’ve worked at both of these fine colleges and have a huge appreciation for them both.


A&M is the oldest public university, but Baylor and Southwestern are older.


Dyslexic bot perhaps?


OP must be an Aggie because literally no one but them refer to it as TU


Or it's a bot that's read too much TexAgs.


Imagine the horror of a bot trained on texags


A bot with an inferiority complex; absolutely horrifying.


This is the year the bot gets released and takes over the nation. Just watch. I know I say it every year, but this is truly the year.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


What did it say before it was censored by our corporate overlords?


Something about starting a school **ooting so the police would disappear






Unfortunately it only works if they’re young school children. The college kids are more “worth saving”, I guess


You’re confusing living people with life threatening unviable fetuses.


Shots fired. And ignored.


Officers pants have been pissed, I repeat Officers pants pissed! Send all the back up you can! There’s a pokestop here.




It's easier than that. They just need to carry assault rifles and say they're exercising their 2nd amendment rights. The police will be too conflicted about if they should arrest them or let them go.


The last time progressives exercised their 2A rights at protests; republicans were all suddenly pro gun control lmao.


Exactly, this is how we get gun control, just get minorities guns, and they be tripping over each other to hand them in as long as we take away their guns too.


Armed Black Panthers is what got REAGAN to pass the first of the stringent gun laws in California. There is precedent here. However, cases like Philando Castille show what happens to legally armed people of color, too.


Armed black panthers are also what got LBJ to sign Civil Rights act. FBI was writing letters and petitioning him to sign it as they felt if it wasn't the Black Panthers were gathering enough arms and ammo to stage a very signifigant insurrection. The FBI felt that if that even came to attempt, even if the attempt ultimately failed it would open pandoras box for different insurrections. The head of the FBI at the time felt that it needed to be stopped and for credit to be given to peaceful protesters like MLK as they can largely control that kind of opposition in future protests.


It won’t even take that. Just one cop says he feels an imminent threat from seeing a protestor’s weapon would be enough for them to have free reign


Requires you to be white


I don't know what to do with my hands.


10k upvotes “removed by Reddit” wtf did he say?!


He said “if students didn’t want Texas cops showing up, they should have started shooting each other” because of the uvalde shooting where the cops sat around for an hour while kids were getting murdered.




Fuuuck! Right in the kisser! Don’t hold back, we got your back!


Damn that's a good one


Uvalde showed us that *one person with a rifle can fend off four hundred heavily armed cops for over an hour.*


Bro ☠️☠️☠️


Ouch.  Accurate, but ouch.


Lmao savage


No no, they sent the Texas police to shoot them. After Kent state there was a promise made to University students that it would never happen again. Turns out it was the same promise we made after the Holocaust; completely fucking meaningless.


Active shooting? Not our problem. Active first amendment activities: grab my riot gear.


Similar to the removed by reddit comment


Sooooo fuckin true


Left campus about an hour ago. I cannot remember a time in UT's history when I've seen so many people protesting or watching other people protest. Crazy!


It is crazy!!! I work for a preschool and a parent I know works for UT. She told me about the protests and all the cops. She was clearly not exaggerating.


This police state show of force bullshit has Abbott’s rancid fingers all over it. Evil bastard.


2020 vibes. 2024 another summer of protest


Summers during US presidential election years are fun


I dont think this year will be as bad. Lots of people had "time off" during the summer of 2020.


I graduated from UT in 2020... I hadn't stepped foot on campus for 3 months at that point since all my classes went remote.


We also had a president that stoked the flames every time he could in 2020.


Mf was squirting lighter fluid into a lit grill


We need a Kardashian to turn up with a Pepsi.


Best I can do is Caitlyn Jenner with a case of bud light platinums and she’s driving


I don't care what your political affiliation is... That's damn funny right there!! Shit was lost!!


There were 40 or so state troopers driving up to Austin around 5p today. Guess this is where they're going.


Yeah not Austin police.  Abbott is using state troopers as his goon squad. 


I was there today going to class, honestly I usually stay away from the whole protest thing but this really pissed me off, before anything even started they were lining up hundreds of riot cops and some horses and K-9 units. I eventually went to see if anyone needed anything and had to pull people off the ground from getting trampled by riot police. They were just pulling people around me out of the crowd to arrest them. They pushed us out of the lawn onto the sidewalks so they could arrest us for penal code 42.03 obstructing a highway or other passageway. A complete and utter mockery of justice. The really funny thing is this wouldn’t have happened if they hadn’t shown up it was gonna be a peaceful protest like all the other ones we’ve had. And when I came back later they were gone and people were sitting in the lawn like they had always planned not hurting anyone not doing anything wrong.


>I was there today going to class, honestly I usually stay away from the whole protest thing but this really pissed me off, before anything even started they were lining up hundreds of riot cops and some horses and K-9 units. The optics on this kind of stuff are *exactly* how governments lose control of the narrative and protest movements grow. People might not be sympathetic or supportive of a particular cause, but the images of heavily armed uniformed agents of the state manhandling college kids generates sympathy. If the powers that be wanted these protests on college campuses to die down, they would've been smarter to mostly just ignore them.


["THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_whole_world_is_watching)


In the Ken Burns Vietnam War documentary, there was an interview with a veteran, who was 19 years old, when he was in Vietnam. He said “I saw someone that looked like my dad, beating someone who looked like me.” when he watched the Vietnam protests on TV while he was in Vietnam fighting.


That's Abbott's Texas :/ A real tough guy directing other tough guys


You forgot to put quotes around "tough", because we both know it takes a special kind of coward to arm up against civilian students.


Congrats, you now understand that the whole "THIS IS A VIOLENT PROTEST!" is manufactured to give cops excuses to abuse people. The use of these cops, consistently, increases aggravation. In 2020 in Seattle, we had bike cops *run their bikes into people* and then claim that the bike cops were being harassed. They'd get off their bikes and just start wailing on people and spraying them. You can find videos of it online from people who captured it. Classic cop shit. Classic "the protesters are the *real* problem" nonsense.


That’s an Aggie caption if I’ve ever seen one


Should be lower case but that's pretty funny.




Don’t know if you’re an Aggie or from another country, but this would be The University of Texas.


What's an Aggie?


Texas A&M students. Their rival.


“Rival” is a strong word


A&M does a few things very well, 1. Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences. 2. Hate living in College Station. 3. Have an unreal amount of pride for middle performing sports teams. 4. Boots. 5. Try very hard to not compare themselves to UT in everything they do. After that, I am running out of things to mention.


Aggie jokes. We do better Aggie jokes. Did you hear about the Aggie that learned to count to 21? >!He was arrested for indecent exposure.!<


Engineering is way up there. Especially petroleum.


“Middling” is a compliment…


To explain it further, Texas A&M stands for Agricultural and Mechanical. Aggie comes from Agricultural.


Greg Abbott in 2019: "Free Speech on College Campuses in Texas!" Greg Abbott in 2024: "Sike!"


Excellent framing of the sign and the cops here. "What starts here changes the world" goes from something meant to inspire hope to representing violent actions against peaceful protestors.


"Come here and change the world!" "No, not like that"


Everyone is all for radical progress as long as it happened in the past.


It really is a fantastic photo. I believe this photo, or one like it, was taken by a UT news photographer. Since they are a news org, I have half a mind to ask them to submit it for consideration for a Pulitzer Prize.


[Here is a link to the original tweet](https://twitter.com/mxmimosa/status/1783201990278869414?t=ufRwGPEbhrSOYvgjjPFeJw&s=19) posted by the person who took this photo (@mxmimosa on Twitter)


Photo journalism at its finest wow 🥲


Funny how quick the cops in riot gear can respond to unarmed protestors.


Overtime pay!


Overtime pay and putting on all the big cool *tacti-cool* gear to use excessive force against leftists & minorities. Everything a cop loves!


And they're leftists, so much less likely to open carry guns or start a violent uprising.


Reminder that on the night of the day that Chauvin killed George Floyd, a battalion of 40 cops in full gear lined up to protect the murderer’s house


Reminder that the day of the Harding Street Raid the police union President said this at a conference attended by the chief of police and mayor. > "We are sick and tired of having targets on our back," he says. "We are sick and tired of having dirtbags trying to take our lives when all we're trying to do is protect this community and protect our families. Enough is enough... If you're the ones that are out there spreading the rhetoric that police officers are the enemy, just know we've all got your number now, we're going to be keeping track of all of y'all, and we're going to make sure that we hold you accountable every time you stir the pot on our police officers." For those who don't know about the raid, a cop completely fabricated evidence which sent officers to raid a house and murder two innocent people. To make the matter even stupider, 4 cops got caught in their own crossfire. https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/2019/02/28/323570/a-botched-houston-police-raid-and-its-consequences-a-timeline/


They really are the fucking worst.


Also funny how slow they respond to a school shooter murdering kids who haven't even hit double digits age. Fuck texas.


US: you are free to protest Also US: as long as you are on our profits side, else you eat the bullet


And for some reason the red patch is extra dystopian


There was no rioting at UT Austin. This was a police provocation at the highest order


I couldn’t believe my eyes despite seeing this behavior over and over. Cops formed a barricade. We rightfully stayed BEHIND the barricade. No physical contact with cops. Every ten minutes, they’d walk over their OWN barricade and hand pick a student (or an 80 yr old man) to arrest. I’m in shock.


watching them hurt that elderly man and arresting people who were literally just standing adjacent to the gate on south mall made me so fucking infuriated. the cops and troopers are the absolute only reason it got chaotic the way it did


Hurt and arrest that elderly man. Idk what else can radicalize someone.


seriously. and then a bullshit email from Pres. Hartzell was just adding insult to injury


Texas cops are real brave when it involves potentially getting to slaughter a bunch of kids in a school rather than trying to stop a bunch of much littler kids being slaughtered in a school, I guess?


Well yeah these protesters are peacefully protesting all menacingly


Yeah I think it's pretty clear to folks now that if you want to have a protest without police interference, all you need to do is exercise your 2nd amendment rights.


> all you need to do is exercise your 2nd amendment rights. *while white or white passing Armed people of color do not get treated the same as armed white folks.


Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?


Don't worry I'm sure all the conservative free speech warriors are about to jump in and fight for these students' right to protest and to say what they believe, even if those same conservatives don't agree with it.  What's that? Free speech is used selectively by the Right to promote their own ideals and take on a victim posture when they get criticized for calling for truly heinous things? And they don't care about your or my right to free speech so long as they can tweet the n word without getting fired?  No way, that'd be way too hypocritical...


something about those red shoulder patches screams fascism


Protesting at school? No! Guns in schools? #Yee Haw


I wish they were in height order dammit


Tin soldiers and Nixons comin’… we’re finally on our own. This summer I hear the drummin’… four dead in Ohio.


Texas University? WTF... this a bot?


Beep boop beep... no actually I'm just stupid and you can't edit titles.


> no actually I'm just stupid Your acceptance letter to A&M is on its way


Ghostbuster looking ass cops


Looks like the Republicans are dress rehearsing for a second Trump inauguration.


As they say, some of those who work forces...


Nazi pigs


Fucking losers. ACAB


That platitude poster to the left is ironic. “You can change the world!” “Oh not like that!”


Riot police line up to start a riot.


Credit to [@mxmimosa](https://twitter.com/mxmimosa) on twitter.


It’s one of them free states right?


I mean riot gear for a college protest 😒


You should pay us a visit here in greece, riot police everywhere for everything.


Same thing is going on at USC today. LAPD is in riot gear forcibly removing people who are encamping in campus Park and protesting for Palestine, as of writing this.


I mean, it stands to reason that the same folks who did nothing when children were being massacred in Uvalde would be eager to make sure nobody does anything about the children being massacred in Palestine.


Fuck the police


American police lined up to assault and murder American youth for the benefit of Israel tells you everything about this country


For a guy with legs that don't work Greg Abbott sure loves stomping on basic freedoms 


Where was this LE energy during Uvalde?


Bunch of clowns. Wish they would keep that same energy with an active shooter.