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For those unsure of the significance of this victory, imagine Pakistan beating the USA at Basketball. It's inconceivable.


what does this mean in terms of the tournament? does Pakistan get eliminated and the US moves on? not sure if this is like a single elimination like March madness or more like the world cup


This is the group stage. US now has two victories with two to play (Ireland and India). Assuming India beats Pakistan and US beats Ireland, I believe it would put the US through to the knockout stage. US beating India probably won't happen, that would plunge us into a whole new world.


Is India beating Pakistan a given? I thought the two teams being reasonably competitive in cricket was the only thing keeping the area from erupting into a full on war


India is number 1 in the world in T20 currently, and Pakistan is ranked 6th. In terms of the major cricketing countries they are only ahead of South Africa, and SA currently aren't playing much T20 so it's not an overly fair comparison. If I was betting on a result I would put money on India every single time. The only match up I wouldn't be immediately confident in calling would be India vs Australia.


Man, imagine if it's another India v Australia final. The tension will be astronomical.


we could just skip the tournement go straight to the final and give us the trophy 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺


You remind me of a brave soul I saw waaaay back 2006 in Chicago. It was the world cup final, India vs Oz. I was in this bar in Chicago packed with desis, all of us cheering for India of course (this includes Indians AND Pakistanis). Australia was kicking India's ass, so the cheers turned to boos...expect for this one, lone, brave and completely random Aussie dude who was in the bar cheering for Australia.


Hahahaha. Yeah but that lone Aussie understands that having an opposition in the bar makes it all the better.


We fucking love those odds


Calm ya farm mate


I think that is the likely one, at least based on Englands performance against Scotland. We will see tonight when Aus goes up against England. That said England hammered Pakistan in their recent t20 matches, so scotland could just have been a blip.


That's fair to ask. I guess I'm assuming a lot there. But it feels like Pakistan is in poor form at the moment.


Based on recent history, Indian team is a lot stronger than Pakistan’s team but these being intense rivals for the past 70 years (take the rivalry between Ohio State and Michigan and multiply it a thousand times, that level of intensity), a rare upset is a close to but non-zero probability. Kudos to US team for pulling off what’s likely going to be the biggest upset of the tournament and I hope and wish they do well.


If Pakistan can't even beat the USA. Then they have no chance.


They were in a group with India and Pakistan? That's brutal


The groups are pretty blatantly seeded to have two or three favourites and pair up rivals India and Pakistan and, to a lesser extent, Australia and England.


USA beating India would turn the subcontinent upside down. Or maybe those former separatist colonials finally got with the program and started playing God's chosen game, like the rest of the civilized world.


Which god, though? There are quite a few to choose from, who would be the patron deity of cricket?


Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar


what about canada


We're mediocre my guy. That's why we're cheering for McJesus in the Stanley Cup finals


Has Canada been this unified in decades?


In 2018 when the Winnipeg Jets made the conference finals people were largely on board, simply because nobody gives a shit about Winnipeg and have no haters. Calgary is cheering for Edmonton to lose, Vancouver as well I think. But yeah, we're decently unified.


Don't you dare close your eyes


That would be a second “Harambe type” event


A whole new world….


Two teams from each group moves on. Usa, India, Pakistan, Canada and Ireland make up this group. So yeah, more like the world cup. It went to a super over, it was a close game.


>It went to a super over don't know what that means but thank you for the response. 


Overtime. An over is 6 pitches. In t20 there are 20 overs. Usa needed 5 to win with 1 ball left then they hit a boundary (4 points) to tie so it went to Overtime. None of the highlight videos show the super over so not sure how it went other than knowing usa won.


Here is a highlight video that shows the super over... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSTMKBLDoLg&t=256s


Basically, USA got 18 runs because Pakistan kept getting penalized by delivering wides. Think of it like a ball in baseball: a pitch not considered fair. Each wide is a penalty run, but in cricket, you can also pile on the runs by switching places at your desire. Team USA decided to run on these to eek out extra runs at risk of being called out and that ended up being 7 of the 18 all told. The rest came from good hitting. Then it was Pakistans turn to try and get 19, but could only score 13.


This all just confused me even more


Pakistan gave away too many free walks and then lost the overtime penalty shootout.


This, this I got


A minor league team beats a major league team because the pitcher keeps walking the minor league team.


Not just yet. It's group stage matches right now. However US already played 2 matches winning both. This was Pakistan's first match. Depends how the other teams do. Also, India is in this group.


So in a group including India and Pakistan (two heavyweights in Cricket, similar to seeing North Korea in a World Cup group with Germany and Brazil), we conceivably have a chance to snag a spot in the elimination round and deny either Pakistan or India? Ok I think I understand the gravity of what happened and holy cow that’s cool.


India is expected to win all four matches. Top two teams from each group qualify to the next stage. Since USA has already beaten Canada and Pakistan, they can qualify as the second team if they beat Ireland. That wouldn't be easy though as Ireland is a better team. USA can still qualify if they lose to Ireland as long as Pakistan loses to India. If this happens, both USA and Pakistan will have two victories each and the tie breaker will come down to NRR (which is basically a measure of how dominant a team was during the group stage).


So in other words this would be considered the group of death having to face India/pakistan.


It's a tough group for the lower ranked teams but I wouldn't call it the group of death. I mean, all other groups have big teams like England and Australia in Group B, West Indies, NZ, and Afghanistan in C and South Africa, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh in D.


Honestly, we'd probably handle that better


We’d probably make fun of the team if a bunch of NBA players got cooked by Pakistan


The memes would be lit.


r/nbacirclejerk would literally melt Reddit's aervers.


The greatest out jerking of all time would commence


More like the Dallas Cowboys visiting Abottabad and losing a game of American football.


Not inconceivable, I am an Eagles fan. So I would treat that L like Christmas morning.


If they gave out Super Bowls for hating, Eagles fans would hold a parade every year. Respect 🫡


The hatred Eagles fans have for the Cowboys is truly frightening to behold.


> truly ~~frightening~~ inspiring to behold. FTFY.


Or the Dallas Cowboys visiting Dallas and winning a game of American football. EDIT: A word


So every conference playoffs for the last 25 years?


If we're comparing 6th rank teams in the world, it would be like beating Latvia in basketball.


Similar but not quite. The USA is way out on top as the #1 country in Basketball. inT20 Pakistan are #6.


Going by world rankings, it would be more akin to the likes of Dominican Republic, Finland or New Zealand defeating Canada, Australia or Latvia.


TIL the USA has people who know how to play cricket.


Yeah look! There's almost a dozen of them!


There's nothing wrong with it. There are dozens of us.




I’m assuming most of the players are dual citizens from Great Britain and their former colonies.


Yeah it was mostly a joke. No American knows the rules to cricket. That would be to crazy an idea


It's funny. I just recently got into cricket a year or so ago. I thought it was kinda complicated until I tried explaining baseball to my Indian friend. Cricket is definitely easier to learn all the rules. Or at least the rules that actually get used most of the time. There's a few rare laws that barely ever come up.


So I work for a hotel, the owners lineage is from India, though he wasn't born nor raised there. He is a huge Cricket fan, and thus it is always on our tv at work. So after being exposed to it for awhile, I have to agree with you. I would rather try to explain Cricket to an American, than Baseball to someone from India.


Just trying to explain ball vs strike was pretty difficult. Then there's so much more. I've taken him to a few blue jays game but I still don't think he gets it lol


To be fair, Angel Hernandez umpired for over 30 years and never learned the difference.


God it's glorious to hear that sentence in past tense.


Tell him a strike zone is an invisible wicket that only the umpire can see.


Wait cricket is real?


They are always outside making noise at night, so of course they are.


2nd biggest Sport after Football


Potentially some immigrant kids who grew up with the game.


Just in case you don't know cricket: teams have 11 players. Hence the almost a dozen joke.


Major League Cricket started in 2023. It's T20 so about the same length as an MLB game. I hope to catch a game sometime.


It's definitely longer than mlb game but most people just watch last few overs of starting team and then the chase


A large Indian immigrant population will do that to you


And people from the West Indies. Best American cricketer I've ever played with was black and was American because his dad moved there to run a jerk shop in NYC.


A lot of Indian (and Pakistani) people play cricket in the US. Especially in New Jersey and parts of Silicon Valley like Fremont from what I have seen.


Fuck that's awesome. It's such a great game.


There’s a really nice new subdivision of big houses near my neighborhood, full of multi-generation Indian families, presumably brought in by tech and engineering money. They have a really nice playground that I bring my daughter to, and they’ve even set up a couple cricket fields next to it. My daughter likes to watch them because “that’s what they play on Bluey!” (I’m in Northern California)


There's a community in the SF Bay Area called Mountain House that has become primarily a south asian demographic. They have a pretty competitive cricket league apparently


I remember when Mountain House was just known for the biker bar that hosted Sonny Barger's get out of prison party.


We have a cricket stadium in DFW


Recently built I thought? It’s barley becoming popular Edit: alright you got me you bastards lol barely*


Well, I'm sure it's popularity is on the rye.


Eventually it may become in grained in our culture


Wheat enjoy it more if we knew how it was played


That's where this match was being held


Yeah people forget how huge the USA is. So nothing ever shocks me. Btw, people wake up early to play cricket in the park near me in Irvine, CA. The south asians play cricket, the latinos play soccer, and the Asians/black people are at the basketball courts lol


There was a push to bring a big international cricket tournament to NYC last year. The proposal didn't make a whole lot of sense from what I gathered though and it fell flat.


This is that big international tournament. They ended up using a facility on Long Island instead of the Bronx. There are also matches in Florida and Texas, as well as Trinidad and Tobago, and Barbados. That neighborhood threw away millions because they didn't want the hassle. Cricket is a massive sport, just not as popular in the US.


WAIT, this game took place \*in the USA\* and that's the crowd??


Oh..then u r gonna be surprised by the crowd on 9th (sunday) when India plays Pakistan in NYC. Tickets were selling at 20,000$ a seat in some cases.


Australia sent Ricky Ponting over to train them so they will be pretty good


So we are getting a new Disney movie about this.


If they make it to the final. Yet another underdog story. I’m getting goosebumps thinking about it.


“my pakistanis are better than your pakistanis”


For the uninitiated, cricket explained for baseball fans: https://youtu.be/EWpbtLIxYBk


T20 cricket really translates well for baseball fans. A lot of similarities and its fast enough that you get the outcome in about the same time as a regular 9 inning game


This is hilarious because a full 9 innings of baseball feels massively long.


cricket test matches are just better tho, 5 (or less) straight days of sitting on the couch watching tactical bowling plans and grindy batting


You forgot the best part, an excuse to drink beer all day as you are watching the cricket.


With little gaps so you can grill meats


For those who don't understand the significance, it's like: Local unarmed goon knocking out Muhammad Ali Random street performer outperforming Michael Jackson Or simply a cat hunting a lion


App State beating Michigan


Damn, too soon. 🥲


I think you will survive its not like Michigan has done anything since...


As an alumni who joined the victory mob in 2007, it brings me joy to see people still use this a reference for giant-killers


I was there! In the band, sitting in bleachers on the field. Absolutely #1 college memory


My late coworker would have put the score on his tombstone, if he had one.


At least App State was relatively competitive before this Apparently this is the US's first ever World Cup and we're only in it because we're hosting. These dudes are part time players.


So what I'm hearing is we're the best at everything USA! USA! USA! /S


MVP is literally a senior IT guy at oracle


I would be more shocked if you told me he was a carpenter.


I will upvote any reference I see to this game until the day I die.


I was at that game. Hilarious


Well, at least it's not Toledo.


Rocky beating Apollo Creed. An OHL team beating the NHL Champs. A WNBA team beating the NBA champs


Yeah, f'real, it's like the [Miracle on Ice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miracle_on_Ice), or like Argentina beating Team USA in Olympic Basketball in 2004. Or New Zealand losing at rugby to **ANYONE**.


>New Zealand losing at rugby to ANYONE. lol, maybe if it were at Eden Park. We lose occasionally to other good teams at other grounds. Even back in the day we'd lose at least once a year.


>New Zealand losing at rugby to **ANYONE** We still lose somewhat regularly It'd be like NZ losing to the USA lol


It’s almost like Pakistan beating the United States in basketball.


So, you are saying Pakistan is Muhammad Jackson?


It looks like we used bunch of Indian and Pakistani guys to do it. USA has its faults, but at the core we are a country of immigrants. You won't see bunch of white guys playing for the Pakistan or China team.


The team also has a few 2nd gens that were born and raised in America


The team is full of immigrants and immigrants kids. We have a player born in Bronx one from Alabama a former New Zealand cricketer former Canadian cricketer an Indian software engineer(he was the MVP today) a Pakistani born bowler and few others. It was so good to watch these guys play today and beating Pakistan was a huge feat


Damn immigrants taking 'r jobs! But seriously, That is beyond cool.


>It looks like we used bunch of Indian and Pakistani guys to do it. Mostly, but something tells me #78 isn't.


He's from New Zealand lol


Netravalkar, who bowled the last over, is a full time engineer for Oracle in the SF Bay Area


So he’s successful, rich, and good at sports!


Bet he hangs dong, too.


US team about to get a new sponsor


That’s fucking awesome


Damn, not even a full time athlete.


I didn't know we had a team


I honestly didnt know yall had cricket stadiums


The one on Long Island in Nassau was built just for this tournament lol. They built it in a few months and when this is done they're going to dismantle it.


We don’t. I would imagine they just paint lines on fields and just go play there or they play at already existing facilities.


We have at least two https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cricket_grounds_in_the_United_States


Now starts our cricket dominance


you know that meme about us beating china in the math olympiad with chinese students


There's a World Cup on. Get behind the team!








I am a real American!


![gif](giphy|3osxYrgM8gi9CDjcPu) TIL we have a cricket team. USA! USA! USA!


I’m our token American guy in my cricket league (Iowa) and this is the greatest day of my life. It’s awesome seeing all of my friends hit me up about my passion and I hope this leads to more Americans realizing how awesome cricket is. I grew up in rural Iowa, played baseball all through high school, discovered cricket in college, and now wicketkeeping is my passion. Give it a shot! It’s not that complicated if you can watch for 10 mins with someone that knows the game.


Dude, same! I got into it in college after a lifetime of baseball. It's not overly complex, but holy shit is it exciting to watch. Sometimes the matches take a while but they are not a drag at all.


Field of Dreams 2.


Where do you play in Iowa? My city has what used to be a cricket field, but as far as I know there hasn’t been a league in quite some time.


It's like when that Australian won the gold in ice skating.




LEEEEETS F ING GOOOOOOOOO 🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 AMERICA BABY!🎆🎇🎆🎇 What is cricket?




This was a great match that unfortunately very few people in the US got to watch  T20 cricket is a lot of fun and this US side is playing very well 


Is T20 the type that’s played in one evening, rather than over a few days?


Yes.  It’s the shortest version. Both sides get 20 overs each (120 balls)  There is also a ODI which is a one day match with 50 overs but this is all T20


You said words and I nodded, smiling.


***"Both sides get 20 overs each (120 balls)"***  **So first, what's a"ball"?** A "ball" in Cricket = A "pitch" in Baseball. The above means that both sides got 120 pitches to score as many runs as they could. In this particular match, USA and Pakistan scored the same number of runs (159) in 120 pitches ("balls"). So the game went to overtime, where you get 6 pitches ("balls") to score more runs than the opponent - the US score 18 in 6 balls, Pakistan scored 13 in 6 balls (and hence lost via tiebreaker or the "super over"). That's the format of "T20 Cricket" ie. 20-20 Cricket that has 20 "overs". **So next, what's an "Over"?** An "over" in Cricket is 6 "balls" or 6 "pitches". Unlike in Baseball, you have to rotate pitchers ("bowlers" in Cricket) every 6 pitches (or "over"). However, a pitcher ("bowler") can come back after the next "over" to pitch ("bowl") again - they are not permanently pulled from the game as in Baseball. So typically, you'll have bowler #1 (pitcher #1) bowl (pitch) 6 balls (pitches) and then bowler #2 will pitch the next 6, then bowler #1 can pitch the next 6 and so on. Rotating bowlers ("pitchers") is a major part of Cricket's strategy, and is a big part of what the fielding team's (team on defense) Captain is responsible for. ***"There is also a ODI which is a one day match with 50 overs but this is all T20"*** ODI (or "One Day Cricket") is another format of Cricket where instead of getting 120 pitches (balls) ie. 20 overs (120/6 = 20), each side gets 300 pitches (balls) ie. 50 overs each (300/6 = 50). This particular World Cup is the T20 World Cup, so all games have 20 overs / 120 balls per side. Hope that helps!


Yeah. Theres test matches which take ~~3~~ 5 days. Then there's ODI which is 50 overs. (Over is an inning basically, kind of) . That takes about 8 hours for a match. Then there's T20 which is 20 overs and takes about 4 hours to play. You should check out MLC in the summer, it's the American T20 league. I think there's 6 teams. Cricket leagues are just tournaments basically and last about a month or so. Lots of international players jump around playing different leagues since they're at different times. The most popular and probably best skilled league is the IPL which just finished a few weeks ago.


Just some clarification cause this is close, but not quite correct: Test matches last for a maximum of five days. It can end earlier, but if no team reaches a win condition before then it will go for the whole five days (and at the end, if there is still no win condition met, it is a draw, which is where those jokes about cricket matches lasting for five days with no winner come from) Secondly, an over is not an inning. An over is just six pitches (or "legal deliveries"). After an over is complete, a new pitcher (or "bowler") must pitch. So for example, in over 1, Bowler A pitches six deliveries. Then, his over is complete, and Bowler B must pitch their six deliveries. Then in Over 3, Bowler A can pitch again, and so forth. Since this tournament is T20, that means that each innings is 20 overs (or 120 legal deliveries).


I was actually gonna put it on but the options were Tubi and Sling? Like put it on YouTube Live for free in the US for fucks sake, at least you'd actually get views and ad revenue.


So stupid that the ICC let Willow get all the rights in the US. Unless you know cricket you have no idea the channel even exists let alone subscribing to it At least they could have had the US matches on ESPN or one of the other sports channels 


USA had a team until 1920s and actually had produced one of the best bowlers in the world.


Usa and Canada have a cricket match every year and have for a very long time


First ever international cricket match was USA vs Canada too


The first ever international team sports match was that game. Story was insane, basically a prank caused it to happen


It’s like the Muddogs winning the Bourbon bowl


water sucks. Gatorade is better.




What a great win.




I guess it's like Jamaica having a bobsled team?


#I’VE GOT NO CLUE WHAT’S HAPPENING BUT AMERICA OWNS CRICKET NOW 💥💥💥🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅💥🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🦅🇺🇸💥💥🇺🇸🦅🦅🇺🇸💥💥🦅🦅


I bet Pakistan is PISSED!!!


Oh yeah. r/pakcricket went full meltdown. The match against USA was supposed to be a nice warmup to get the team ready to take on India next. India vs. Pakistan is THE biggest rivalry in cricket, possibly in all of sports. Oops…


Holy shit!!! That was a wild trip down the rabbit hole.


I’ve been to talking to my Pakistani family right now and it’s insane. My parents are in mourning over this match


This has been an eye-opening experience FOR SURE. I have buddy at work who's Pakistani. I think I'll see if he wants to grab some lunch when we work next. Cause this dude is gonna be big big sad. We razz each other about sports all the time. I think this time though, I'll keep it to myself.


It’s insane because there’s an actual chance that Pakistan might not even qualify which is such a fall from grace. We were already excited for the India v Pakistani match, but if they don’t win, there’s barely gonna be a chance of them going through


That’s absolutely incredible. This is a huge deal


Damn, congrats US. This is going to be pretty big news, and for cricket overall. Honestly didn't even know US has a team (tbf I don't follow cricket), but hopefully this will increase public awareness of the sport in US.


my Indian friends: CONGRATS!!!!! me: For what?


I would be willing to bet there were more Indians cheering for the US to win that game than there were Americans who even knew it was being played


Anyone who has never see a game of T20 cricket, I beseech you to at least watch the extended highlights of both the U.S. games this far.


Is this like the world championship?  Did they win the whole thing or was this just a significant victory to advance? 


It was a match in the group stages of the world cup


It would be a bit like an Australian team beating a US pro team in baseball or gridiron. Only one match, but a team well out of the top 10 beating a country that is a giant of the game, consistently in the top 10 teams of world cricket for decades and has won the world cup before.


To people that don’t get the significance of this: It’s like Drake beating Kendrick in a rap beef


USA has a cricket team? Where can I watch these matches?


They are on Willow TV in the US - if you have a sports package you might already have it Idk how TV works in the US but the USA games should really be broadcast on Free-To-Air channels, but I guess money talks


I am a die-hard cricket fan and don't recommend Willow tv. App is unusable and has lot of bugs. It's better to sail the seas.


Dude we have Major League Cricket now! The 2nd season starts next month.


That’s hilarious, I literally just saw that USA had a professional cricket team earlier and thought to myself “Poor guys… Who’s more unappreciated than the American cricket team?” (Cricket is not very popular here compared to the rest of the world) Lmao, good for them!


I think I know how we won.....  *Begins counting the number of white guys*


This is fucking insane. Like Saudi Arabia beating Argentina in the WC. I'm a Kiwi (it's a huge sport here) and didn't even know the USA had a cricket team.


There's a US Cricket team?


Amazing, well done USA not an easy feat I know how the South African Proteas have battled against Pakistan on many occasions and come of second best. Reminds me of the time Japan beat the Springboks in the Rugby World Cup some years back.