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“Race Mixing is Communism” lol of course it is


they haven't changed in 60 years. "everything i don't like is communism"


Though it has been updated recently to everything I don’t like is woke.


Which is, as they will all tell you, cultural Marxism and thus communist


Or Socialism, of course...


Which IS communism to this crowd. They're interchangeable. Oh, and Marxist.


Yes! Don’t you get it? These are *bad words*! How can you support this if it sounds so yucky? Too bad this simple shit actually works on stupid crowds


I think stupidity might have an inextinguishable persistence. The vitriolic criticism directed at Michelle Obama, for example, is very much the same as that directed toward Mary Todd Lincoln.


They literally think Michelle Obama is a man


It's totally unhinged.


>It's totally unhinged. Might as well be the GOP's official motto these days. ![gif](giphy|4VO6z8grwRmBmNA6ze)


Yep - "Mother of two is definitely a man." Fricking morons.


It’s okay they have another conspiracy to explain that.


And that her husband is not American. Then they have the gall to say Melania is a sophisticated First Lady.


It was a dog whistle all along. Not that Obama wasn’t born in the US but that he’s black he couldn’t be a True American ^^^TM


I mean plenty of people on the left think women are men, men are women, and men can have babies.


r/OneJoke might be more your speed Now tell me again if you think Michelle Obama is a man? I’ll wait.


Think of how dumb the average American is, then realize that half of America is *even dumber* than that


Obama is a communist! But also Obama is Hitler!


and Covid


Woke can take place of the word communism now.


Don't forget about "cultural Marxism". The favorite phrase of the right-wing pseudo-intellectual.


'Politically correct' sniffs, sad and lonely, in the corner.


It isn't they, it's we. And we have changed. We're all communists now. Need a new sign. We all startin to look alike, ya'll can go home now.


Now everything they don't like is 'woke leftist trash'


A “proud” American tradition…


I mean, to be fair, everything the left hates becomes either nazism or fascism.


... only when the facts demonstrate that the situation actually fits those definitions.


Going to have to go ahead and disagree with you there. Having been on social media for several years I can say with great confidence that there are all sorts of things people on the left call fascist that do not match anything close to the description


I don't typically see socialist or communist flags being flown at Biden rallies.


Did I suggest they were?


this absolutely isnt true, but i'll bite. communism is a very specific economic ideology eloquently laid out in a book. its kind of hard to misunderstand it. fascism is a nebulous term characterized by a cluster of qualities a person/government/state can have, and as such is usually more applicable as a term.


Are you seriously going to sit here and tell me that people on the left don't call all sorts of things nazi or fascist? C'mon, that's malarkey


Ah we’ve reached a slightly more in good faith argument, we’ve gone from a vague “the left” to a still way too general “people on the left”. Sure. “People” on the left have probably done that. Prove it’s a number worth caring about or get more specific. Also why didn’t you respond to my actual argument lol


Jesus Christ dude, this isn't a legal brief. I shouldn't have to carefully parse words or submit compelling evidence about something you know full well is true. People on the left (that is to say the left) overuses the label Nazi and Fascist. Hell, I consider myself politically homeless and can admit to having overused the label. I'm not going to argue the case here. It's truly not worth it. I've spent too much time already.


If grandma had wheels she would have been a bicycle.


Would she put cream in a carbonara?


\[Italian indignance intensifies\]




So I get a hot black wife *and* ownership of the means of production? Stop threatening me with a good time!


ah yes, all the communist countries with their indistinct racial traits due to open race mixing...like china and russia, and Cuba. Well Cuba might not be the best example for my sarcasm.


Well ... a lot of people in the far east of Russia are Asian in appearance, so there's that. In China, there are a small number of Caucasian or Turkic people, so maybe that counts too, a tiny, tiny bit.


The origin of this shit goes back to reactionary literature like The Naked Communist. The idea isn't that communists like race mixing. The idea is that the USSR was running a psyop to promote race mixing in America to degrade the gene pool and damage American society. In other words, it's basically a conspiracy theory. At the time, the USSR *was* critical of our racial policies, but more so as a cudgel to undermine American foreign policy in places like Africa.


Anything I don't like is communism!


Everything I don’t like is woke!


I mean viewing the proletariat as one international whole regardless or race or sex is communist.


Fun fact, I’m mixed and I LOVE COMMUNISM


Yeah, especially since most of the communist nations were white. Then China and some of it's satellites got into the act but they stayed East Asian. Communists don't race mix. Free people do.


Put a Black man in the same room as a white man and poof, instant 5-year plan.


Being FOR Race Mixing isn’t really Communism. BUT being AGAINST Race mixing is most definitely Fascism.


Just like today, when people want to be hateful they just call the other side "communists" even though they have no clue what it means.


God less is what they meant. Same reason in god we trust was added to the us currency around the same time.


It’s faded a bit elsewhere but will never lose steam in Miami. If you earn a “communist” or “socialist” label in Miami, you’re toast.


Tbf, a lot of people who live in the Miami area come from countries that were oppressed by communist or socialist dictatorships. 


So you’d think that they’d know the difference between milquetoast democrats and actual commies, yet “Biden’s a Commie” seems to have worked wonderfully


> “Biden’s a Commie” seems to have worked wonderfully That is a blatantly obvious strawman logical fallacy and yet, a third of the country accepts it without question.


Because a third of the country is clinically insane.


... and come from those social classes and ethnicities that were doing the oppressing before the communists took over.


Yep. Most of the people who fled Cuba early on were the wealthy.


And many of them were from Spain, Italy, U.S. Portugal and Southwestern France.


"My plantation!"


Lol no they're right. Part of communism (in ideal if not in practice) was racial equality.


It's not "people" who call the "other side" Communists. It's specifically Far-Right Wing Republicans who call everyone slightly to the Left of Hitler Communists. The one that gets tossed around by everyone, seemingly, is "Fascist". It's used disingenuously by the Right, and with increasingly noticeable alarm by everyone else.


> "Fascist". It's used disingenuously by the Right The radicalized right lacks facts and so they rely on logical fallicies to deceive their followers. In this case, a [tu quoque logical fallacy](https://www.logicalfallacies.org/tu-quoque.html). They accuse their opposition of being fascists to keep their opponents on the defensive and to distract attention from their own fascism. Of course, their claims of, "radical left" and "fascist" are in direct conflict, but they are beyond facts and logic.


And the fact they don’t realize that very often, when someone says they’re anti-communist because “race mixing” they’re actually saying that they’re in fact Fascist


There's your GOP voting mass today.


You say that, but these people were all working class union-supporting democrats. Many of them still vote democrat today.


I want either of you to prove your statements.


"Groups which are particularly likely to vote for radical-right parties - Whites, men, and Christians." Norris & Inglehart, 2019 "Cultural backlash".


That's not necessarily true. Back then, you had much wider spectrums of viewpoints in each party (liberal Republicans, conservative Democrats) than you have now. So while conservative Democrats in the south fought for slavery and, in the case of this picture, segregation, many Democrats who were further to the left did not support those views. The one thing that is definite is that these people are conservatives, and nowadays conservatives are almost exclusively found in one party. The passage of civil rights through congress cemented that transition.


Aside from strom thurmond, which southern democrats switched to the republican party? The South continued voting democrat well after the civil rights act, even up to the 90s. I get that there were sects within the democrat party, but they did not switch to the other side. These people were democrats, and they continued to be democrats well after this. (Robert Byrd for example) I live in the south, I married a southern woman. My wife's grandparents told my wife when she was a little girl that she couldn't watch that's so raven on Disney Channel because it made a black girl look smarter than a white girl... They are still strong supporters of the Democrat Party today, but they were most definitely aligned with the people in this image in the 50s and 60s.


Your sample pool is very very small.


That’s BS. Who fought tooth and nail to get schools in the south to integrate? I’ll wait. Yes it was kickstarted by Eisenhower (a notable Republican president with progressive views - he’d be a Democrat today.) and then continued by the Kennedy and Johnson administrations.


They were Democrats because it was before the Republicans enacted the Southern Strategy where they started directly appealing to southern white racial resentment. It was of course very successful since not every southern white republican is a racist, but pretty much all the racists down there (and elsewhere) are certainly identifying with Republicans. In short, it's wildly disingenuous and cynical to try and argue that these southern racists before the 1970's were Democrats in an attempt to disparage the party as some haven for racists when it's obvious that the reverse is true. The wikipedia entry is pretty good on all this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy


Ummmm, how does anyone know who exactly is in this picture in order to know who they did or didn’t vote for, let alone whether or not they worked?


"everything I don't like is communism" right wing morons


Everything I don’t like is woke! (Updated version)


My favorite is when they claim that they are "awake" to the conspiracies of the left. The irony is lost on them.


Ask them to define “woke” and you’ll get the most brain dead cognitive dissonance-ridden word salad you’ve ever heard


And they will quickly flash to anger. They were emotionally manipulated to believe what they do and so, they are emotionally invested in their beliefs. Any challenge to their beliefs feels like a personal attack to them.


I am amused by their attempts to make us believe that straight white Christian males are somehow oppressed.


Woke is just a word that is easy to hate, much easier than hating on the same thing, such as the word “progress” or “progressive”


> Race mixing is communism Everything I don't like is communism. My how some things never change.


People who are both Indy and Nascar fans sicken me.


when you hear someone wants to "Make America Great Again" this is exactly what they're talking about.


"Race mixing is communism" So the bigots have never understood what communism is huh




they bred . . .


Sort of ... Demographics are changing. The USA is becoming less white. With that, Republicans are losing support. I believe that they are trying to consolidate power now - to steal what they cannot win - in a desperate attempt to keep their white privilege in perpetuity.


God damn religion


Today they are all voting MAGA


“make America great again” is a clear wink and nod to these fucks that dream of returning to a white man dominated society


Communism: The blanket excuse for shitheads who don't like other people for decades!


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/GXUOjD5.jpeg) is a much higher quality and less cropped version of this image. [Here](https://www.loc.gov/resource/ppmsca.19754/) is the source. Per there: > **Title** > Little Rock, 1959. Rally at state capitol > **Summary** > Photograph showing a group of people, several holding signs and American flags, protesting the admission of the "Little Rock Nine" to Central High School. > **Names** > Bledsoe, John T., photographer > **Created / Published** > 1959 Aug. 20.


Are you a bot or just a really helpful human?


All human here. And thank you. But I'm often, understandably, confused for a bot. When you [do the same things](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/64x0v4/shadows_of_chicago_over_frozen_lake_michigan_usa/dg5z8gp/) over and over again, hopefully, you can learn to do it a little more succinctly and efficiently. But if you do that, a downside is that it also makes you sound like a bot.


Thank you for making Reddit a better, more informed, and better sourced place! It’s ironic that you’re often mistaken for a bot, given that you are actually hunting trolling bots. I wish you much success on that front.


In the early 80s during a 6 mo time when my mom had a very short marriage we went from little rock to a place called cabot that was becoming sort of a suburb city. LR was integrated except of course for private schools as a practical matter by the 70s when I came along. My American history teacher in cabot used the N word like it was a period to a sentence and sold a lot of myths about slavery not being a major part of the civil war. The big city schools had their problems, but crap like that wasn’t one of them. The history teacher I had in the big city was exemplary and I went on to major in it. Even at my rather nice private college, one older professor had an alarmingly large number of positive anecdotes about confederate leaders and few to none about Union ones and waxed more than a little wistful about the Confederacy losing. Never got that vibe or worse from anybody else there other than students. The ones from extremist outback areas would often be openly racist if you visited them at home but knew not to do that at school. Creepy honestly as it was a coupla friends.


If you haven't been back in a while, don't worry. Cabot still sucks. It might not be as bad as the 80s, especially due to the nearby presence of the USAF base, but it's still not a great place.


It' still bad. Nothing has changed.


MAGAs target timeframe


“Everything I don’t like is communism - an idiot’s guide to 1950s political discourse”


And 2020’s


2020s political discourse: Replace “communism” with “woke”, “CRT”, “DEI”, etc.


That photo could have been taken today if they were all wearing red hats 😕


I didn't know MAGA was that old....


They stole the slogan from Reagan's 1980 campaign. They stole the rest of it from much further back.


Goes all the way back to before the Democrats started the civil war.


You mean the southern Democrats that were slave holders and are now indistinguishable from the Republican party?


Aaaannnnnd there it is. That kind of statement is the "tell" that the person speaking lacks even the remotest inkling of an genuine clue and isn't worth engaging with. ![gif](giphy|tG0DOIsrVnyCAh179c)


MAGA anyone?


OG trumpers.


Ummm, isn't that Michael "I'm a Loathsome Fucking Traitor" Flynn right there in front with the mic?


Whatever I don't like is communism!!!


Odd there are no Bible verses used to support their bigotry.


That’s where they get you. There may not be a direct and clear verse, but like many Christian beliefs, they do have *interpretations*. “When god/the Bible said ‘that’, they clearly meant ‘this’.”


This is exactly what MAGA wants. Exactly.


What’s the point in posting this photo?


Lot of teeth clenched talking going on there.


Looks like demonizing  interfamily mixing has not been the roaring success they anticipated.


Harry, I already said I supported it, you dont need to sell it to me.


They don’t look very nice.


Proud Boy progenitors right there.


the explanation of endogamy in the movie Origin was rather eye opening.


Anyone see their relatives?


Educated lookin lot they are!


I believe that would be called Old School MAGA.


Lol. You know those are Democrats, right? That Democrats led the passage of Jom Crow laws? That Biden eulogized a former senior KKK leader right? Oh wait...I'm guessing you know virtually nothing about history.


I’d say FOX News executives put it best regarding you and your Republican brothers and sisters. “Just a bunch of dumb cousin-fucking terrorists”


It’s pretty amazing how much koolaide you terrorists consume.


Cool comeback. Guessing you haven't covered US History in school yet? Maybe next year or read some over the summer. Here's a good intro: https://library.law.howard.edu/civilrightshistory/blackrights/jimcrow


Did I mention how stupid you are. Lincoln a Republican President freed the slaves. Donald Trump and your bigoted white party received 9% of the black vote in 2020. Seriously. Sit the fuck down.


Do you need help reading the Howard University article? Maybe ask your teacher when you go back in September.


Looks like a single branch of a family tree in tbis photo to me


Arkansas is basically the same now


Why is this in B&W? They had color. It wasn’t that long ago.


Might as well be 2024 in some parts of Arkansas


I refuse to believe this isn’t actually from 2024.


How is race mixing communism? I'd really like to hear that sign person's explanation.


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Man, those people up front *really* look like their family trees could do with some outside blood, you know?


They can't have any of mine, sorry.


"Anything I disagree with is communism," still going strong all these years later.


Lot of these folks still vote.


The young Republicans of America.


Vu da je , I’ve never seen this before




Are you the Internet police or what? Lol




perhaps. what have you heard?




I think I saw some of signs outside the safe space rooms of my college like this


Please go touch grass


I love current photos.