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Get ready to die a lot BUT dont let that discourage you. Embrace it. Every failure is a chance to get better and beat that enemy or boss that seemed impossible. Thats what i love about Souls games, you will learn how to accept failure. Also dont consume boss souls, you can craft some amazing stuff with them. Have fun!


Couldn’t have said this better myself


Depends. I tried Sekiro 2 and I spent 3 hours on the second enemy in the game and then Uninstalled lol Souls like a definitely too hard for some people, especially myself.


Sekiro is the dark souls of dark souls


yea, level up before visiting the boss, spend all your souls on skill points dont try to accomulate them (based on my personal experience). Soulslike is a nightmare for a newcomer but its easy once you know how the mechanics work. also read about world tendency and how to keep it white otherwise you'll be locked out from some quests and the enemy becomes stronger, basically you shouldn't die in human form on the levels, only place you can safely do it is in the nexus if i remember it right


Thanks a lot! I will have this in mind, I hope its a great experience


Not being able to level up before the boss is like the entire premise of Demon’s Souls lol I get your point and what you meant, it was just funny out of context


I'm 10h in and now finally understand why there is red enemies in island bend for me lol. Thanks.


Git gud But in all seriousness Just enjoy it without worrying too much about what the best weapon is etc Still my favourite ps5 exclusive game I have played Wish I could experience it fresh again


I'm personally trying to find advice to lvl up in the game. I've been doing the same beginning lvl about 40 times. Is this what I'm really supposed to do? I just kill everything in the level until the boss room, then walk all the way back and retart it all. Feels like I'm doing it wrong, any commenters giving advice to another lost soul?


I’ve never played, but another comment said you don’t level up until after you beat the first boss


Well I actually have best the giant knight with the massive shield


Yeah, this was the most difficult hurdle for me personally.


First tip: Explore, check out every nook and cranny, and be observant. There are lots of hidden items, areas, and shortcuts that can be easy to miss if you are focused on the main path forward. Second tip: Stay in soul form as much as you can. Early in the game you will die, it’s unavoidable, and you will return in soul form; this form cuts your HP in half, but while you are in this form dying doesn’t impact world tendency. It might seem like it’s a good idea to regain your human form, but it’s really not because a) you will just lose it when you die again, and b) dying in human form lowers the world tendency of the arch stone you are in and makes the game more difficult there. Stay in soul form as much as you can unless you either want to lower the world tendency (some events and items can only be acquired at lower tendencies) or you are very confident in your surviving. Third tip: Jumping off high ledges in the Nexus will kill you. This is helpful when you need to return to soul form after regaining your human form from defeating a boss but don’t want to alter the world tendency of any of the arch stones.


Demon’s Souls was also my very first Soulsborne game. I loved it so much that I got platinum trophy for it. Then I bought Dark Souls 3 Definitive Edition, got platinum for that, and then bought Elden Ring, and got platinum for that too 😂 My advice is to not give up. You will die a lot, it’s a part of the process. If things get too hard, go on YouTube and find a tutorial. Also, throw fire at the Phalanax (giant blob of bodies with shields and spears). That’s my hint for the first boss.


All the rocks that you find for leveling up weapons can be left with the storage guy. If you go to a blacksmith to level weapons they can access your storage for the materials.... So you don't have to lug them around l!


Are you for real?


I only just found this out.


Same, like 40 minutes ago


Was it when you read this? Lol




Nice one! Glad I made a difference!


Magic is op but strength builds are always the most fun. Good luck with the man eater.


Slow and methodical. This is not a fast paced game.


I'll start by saying that I was convinced that these games weren't for me before playing them. And Demon's Souls Remake was my first attempt, which didn't stick. And it didn't stick because I didn't yet understand the games. But now I have multiple completions of Demon's Souls, Elden Ring, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 3, and now playing Bloodborne. These are some of my absolute favorite games of all time. Make sure you know what kind of build you want. Then make sure you know which weapons scale well with that build attribute. Understand that this isn't really a fully linear game. You don't necessarily complete an area and move on. If there are resources to be harvested from a location, then tap them before moving on. You'll fin that the game is a lot easier if you learn and level. So replay areas.


Don’t forget Dark Souls 2. It has a bad reputation but I absolutely loved it after getting through the first area.


I started it and didn't like it very much. It didn't feel very good to play, the levels didn't seem as interestingly constructed as all the other games, and the UI felt off. Couldn't entirely put my finger on what felt bad about it, but I wasn't into it. But I have it, so I'll give it another attempt once I'm done with Bloodborne.


I felt the same at the beginning. I thought it was clunky and the UI looked very dated. But I kept going and it became one of my favorites for the charm it has and there is just so much content in it. I have played and beat DS1, 2, 3, and Elden Ring. Still need to get through Demon Souls and Bloodbourne. I am playing through Sekiro right now trying to get better at parrying after playing Ghost of Tsushima and that game helped a ton. But give DS2 enough time to stew and it has a lot to offer that is different from the others.


Cool. Good to know. Thanks


can you help me with motivation? i just played through 1-2, just to find out that there's a boss behind the fog. the boss instantly killed me. now i respawned, lost all my souls. in other words...i basically made no progress, so Demon Souls is almost like a rogue-like? are there no save or check points in between? also, how can i level up before reaching boss? do i have to run back, enter the nexus, then try the level again (because all enemies will respawn?) that might be some noobish questions, but the game design just appears extremely de-motivating for me. or am I missing something?


The only save points are when you beat a boss. The difficult run backs are one thing that makes this game hard. The respawning enemies can be annoying, but it also makes it easy to farm them. What kind of armor are you wearing? There's 3 different dodge types. There's light, medium, and heavy rolling. The lighter your gear the faster and farther you roll. There's also something called i frames. When you dodge roll there is a slight moment where you are invincible. The lighter your roll the longer that moment is. When fighting bosses for the first time I'd recommend not trying to damage them at first. Take a few minutes to see their fighting patterns and get your dodge timing down. Then slowly start adding in an attack or two. For bosses try not to lock onto them, you can't sprint away from them if you are. You're faster than your enemies if you're sprinting. I can't think off the top of my head if there's anything that can catch you that's not a boss. Knowing that can make the run backs to the boss easier.


Yeah, that is the basic game design, but you don't lose all of your souls permanently when you die. If you make it back to where you died, you can touch your blood stain and retrieve all the souls that you had in your possession before your death. That is meant to be one of the motivations for continuing. I've always thought the Souls games are like Crash Bandicoot, in some ways. You have unlimited lives, but the same philosophy of memorizing levels/hazards applies. And, just like in Crash Bandicoot, when you die, you must restart the level from the beginning, or from a checkpoint if you have one. In my opinion, starting with Demon's Souls is a mistake. The first Souls game I ever played was OG Demon's Souls, back before Dark Souls was even released, and I think that's one reason why it took me so long to get hooked by later entries. Demon's Souls is far less forgiving and far more brutal than any of the other games, in my opinion. The Fromsoft game that finally hooked me for good was Sekiro, actually. I'm now on my 8th run through Sekiro, and I can't wait for the 9th one! I haven't played many roguelikes, that I'm aware of. I'm still kind of fuzzy on what a roguelike even is, but yeah, I get the impression that Demon's Souls shares a lot of roguelike qualities. It's not what I would call a "standard rpg" like Skyrim or The Witcher. Even though you create your character like a standard western rpg, in practice it plays like a very Japanese arcade-action-rpg (if that makes any sense at all). You'd halfway expect to get a letter grade at the end of each stage, like in RE4 or MGSV. But instead of getting new abilities/weapons like most character action games, you instead get points that allow you to up your stats, once again weaving a standard-rpg mechanic into the mix. The remake is great, but dense and inscrutable, and I would advise extreme patience and, honestly, the use of a guide for your first time. There's no shame in using a guide, especially with Fromsoft games. If you aren't familiar with the game's internal logic, using a guide can familiarize you with their level design choices and with certain common mechanics shared between all of their games. I used a guide my first time playing Dark Souls, and I found that it helped me adopt a mindset that carried over to all of their other games and helped me overcome them without guides. But as always, not all games appeal to all people, so it may just not be your cup of tea. That's fine, too. Even if you don't care much for Demon's Souls in the end, I would still recommend trying Dark Souls, Elden Ring, Sekiro, or Armored Core 6. They have varying shades of the different design philosophies Fromsoft has been perfecting throughout the years, and all of them are a bit easier to get hooked on than Demon's Souls. Sadly, there's just no getting around the fact that this is probably the toughest soulslike game, in my opinion.


thank you for this profound answer. I've actually beaten Elden Ring (and absolutely loved it). I knew that Elden Ring is somehow "Souls Like for Beginners", but I didn't expect a "true" Souls Like like Demon Souls to be that hard and unforgiving. Thanks a ton!


It is about the weakness of the boss 1-2 is Tower Knight. If you watch the intro it tells you how to beat him. The challenge there is not Tower Knight it is the archers. If you want to beat Tower Knight you have to either kill all the archers, as soon as you enter arena run towards right and climb stairs and kill the archers. Be wary of a blue flash that is the only long range attack boss will do. Kill archers on both side. Then if you have bow snipe him from top. If not then get down and watch his movement. Do two hits to his feet come back don’t be greedy. He had three attacks 1. AOE where his shield slams ground and a blue circle of fire expands 2. shield slam front similar to AOE but lesser radius 3. His big sword swipe/poke. The third attack will not be that much used if you keep running between the legs. But be wary of 1 & 2. If you want the trophy of killing Tower Knight without killing archers then get the thief ring from 1-1. It will help to a certain extent


thanks! it's not so much about this boss per se...more about the overall game and how it is designed....is it designed as I had described it? appears kinda brutal and demotivating to me, unsless I am missing something


Don’t try to fight the herd, this is not a movie where the AI waits for you to finish fighting. They will gang up on you. So you have to make them come to you. If you don’t have a shield which has 100 percent damage protection then buy the Heater shield from the guy in Nexus. If you fight one to one you can parry and then riposte. Figure out the aggro range. Even though the game doesn’t have check point other than arch stone. There is a way to circumvent that. You somehow pass a considerable amount of duration and are in safe area (ie no enemies attacking you). Save and Exit close the game and upload the save to cloud (requires ps plus) this will disable auto upload. Now slowly go forward and take risks and in case you fail. Close the game download and restore save. This way you don’t have to start from start. I know a lot of people will say you are not getting good. I say to each his/her/their own. I have reloaded a save 83 times just so that I could learn how to parry a particular enemy. Always do this before you fight an area boss so you can start right outside and figure out where you went wrong and apply.


Good luck, and god speed. Even though I think those are the exact same things


If you hate losing, play mage, and keep rolling. If you like challenge, play melle weapon.


This will be tough you can’t level up until you beat the first boss. I recommend starting temple knight or royalty for spell based. For the temple knight take off some armor so you can roll better and I suggest two handing the weapon it’s got very good reach and damage. Farm the enemies just after the first boss for upgrade materials. Look into how dying in your physical and spirit body affects the world.


Everyone dies. You’re going to die. The faster you learn that the better the game will be.


It's funny, I've been playing soulslikes since the OG Demon's Souls, and the fact that the game is brutal and you will die a lot kind of becomes something that you don't even think about after a while. I don't even think of it as "dying" anymore, I just think of it as "learning the level" or "getting better." I used to get discouraged at dying, but in this kind of game, that's not conducive to having a good time. Dying should motivate you. It should egg you on to get better. You should see death as a challenge each time it happens to you, a challenge that you surmount by making it back to your souls and getting a little bit farther along before it happens again. Strangely enough, Dark Souls reminds me a bit of Crash Bandicoot in some regards. You have to learn the layout of the levels like the back of your hand, enemies are always in the same spot, but you have to memorize their movements and figure out the best way to approach them. A lot of it has to do with muscle memory and just memory in general, I guess.


Don't give up


There is a nice farm point in world 1 at the 3rd boss


You’ll die a lot, but you’ll adapt 😉


Choose mage


Do not do it. You get addicted.




It will be a struggle at first, but keep with it. Once it clicks, it CLICKS. You will want to play through every FromSoftware game available


Get ready for this to blow your mind. You will die a hundred times over but god it’s good.


Do come back alive. I need your business. https://preview.redd.it/p7u9inedjbmc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=86ca77d7a0a9f40fee57f7f901cbce9b01692dd8


Have fun.




Don’t if you value any kind of patience you have


Magic cutlass and ward. Or wait is it a scimitar. Either way noble class plus that


Dodge, don't bother parrying


Google world tendency and how to manage it. Or don’t


For your build it is better to specialize than to be a jack of all trades. This generally applies to all souls games. If you decide to focus on strength, keep dumping stats there, don’t spread them out. You do have to still level other stats like vitality (health), endurance (there is a stamina meter), etc. but your main focus is strength. For melee builds you can either focus on stength (slower, hits hard, uses big heavy weapons), dexterity (quick and nimble, katanas and other smaller swords), or quality. Quality (you’ll hear this term a lot) is a combo of both strength and dexterity. I think most experienced players do one or the other, a lot of newer players will do a quality build. It’s important to note every weapon has minimum requirements, so you may have to level a stat you aren’t focusing on just to use a weapon. I prefer Dex but to each their own. Katanas are badass and fast. Whatever weapon you use, get to learn the move set. There’s a lot of narrow corridors in this game and if your R1 move is a wide swing you will hit the walls, so you have to do your R2 move (or whatever). If you do a magic build, the same things apply but to different stats. There are sorceries and miracles, these are two separate things. If you are lost you can google or search Reddit for build tips. It’s really not that advanced in DeS so you should be fine. Most bosses in this game have some sort of hokey mechanic to defeat them. There’s some of those in the other games but especially in DeS. The real challenge is making it through the level. There are shortcuts for quite a few levels that you will unlock as your progress. If you get stuck or need help, FightinCowboy is our lord and savior of soulsborne walkthroughs on YouTube. I like to do a level or most of a level and then watch his video to see all the stuff I missed. Souls are the “currency” of the game, for both merchants and what you use to level up. You get them from defeating enemies of course but you can also pickup soul items. These you will have to use like any other consumable item to acquire the souls. Save these for when you are at a checkpoint and close to being able to level up but not quite there. When you have a lot of them you can use them all at once for another level, you’ll figure it out. After this play all the games in order. That’s what I’m doing except for Elden Ring is where I started and then went back to the beginning.


Yeah, some here: * [**https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/comments/18z8p02/demon\_souls\_advice/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/comments/18z8p02/demon_souls_advice/) * [**https://www.reddit.com/r/demonssouls/comments/p341w2/any\_tips\_for\_an\_absolute\_beginner\_in\_demons\_souls/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/demonssouls/comments/p341w2/any_tips_for_an_absolute_beginner_in_demons_souls/) * [**https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/jychxe/give\_me\_tips\_to\_demons\_souls/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/jychxe/give_me_tips_to_demons_souls/) * [**https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/k662fm/the\_ultimate\_beginners\_guide\_to\_demons\_souls\_tips/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/k662fm/the_ultimate_beginners_guide_to_demons_souls_tips/) * [**https://www.reddit.com/r/demonssouls/comments/jy5qws/first\_time\_ever\_playing\_demons\_souls\_any\_tips/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/demonssouls/comments/jy5qws/first_time_ever_playing_demons_souls_any_tips/) Have fun.


Don’t die


Never resurrect yourself or play in "body" form with full HP. If you are in this state, suicide in the nexus. When you kill a boss you revive, so suicide in the nexus. Get ring of binding ASAP and wear that. Brings your hp to 75% in spirit form There are big shortcuts, once you find those dying and returning to the start of the level won't feel so bad anymore. You never want to die in body form in the worlds because every time you do they get harder. And there is no way to easily reduce the difficulty for beginners at that point.


Nope, never played any souls-like game before. I probably need help too lol.


Lol, give it a try, 5 minutes in the game and i died, reading all the comments, its normal, so im gonna keep trying.


Sounds hard, I’ll probably hate and love it at the same time lol.


it seems to me that's the point of the game haha. You should really try it out


I will, which one should I do first?


Im going to be honest, i dont have an honest answer, but i been reading and it seems that Elden Ring is good start. But again, i dont have knowledge in that subject lol


Ok, I will trust you and do Elden Ring First anyways.


Yeah No running


Have fun. Never played the original but the remake was so well done


Keep your equipment load at 50% or lower; any higher and you'll "fat roll".... keeping it under 50% lets you roll and recover faster. Look to upgrade your stamina along with either magic or strength (depending on your build) so you can equip better armor/weapons without hitting that fatroll load.


Just play the game. Have fun.


Don’t throw your controller. Have a punching bag or your little brother nearby…


Look up the order to play them. Thats what pissed me off the most. The constant changing of chapters versus trying to leg the difficulty…


Poison arrows


I really wanted to love this game. But I could not get past a single checkpoint and I don’t have the patience to do the same passage 20-30 times before moving on. That said, I adored Elden Ring because there was a lot less repetition.


Just remember Its okay to cry


Try finger but hole?


Smoke weed so you’re not sooo antsy and can time things better


Reading all the advice makes me want to play again.. I admit it was addictive but I gave up at one point, forgot I even have this shit


Yeah, im really hyped haha


Prepare to die


Get gud.


never give up.


I’d advise you not to get upset. I’d give the advice of making sure you set aside plenty of time for deaths.


Yes - it's C not S


Looked this up and: Advice: The noun. "Offer someone advice" Advise: The verb. "Please advise me" Never knew this.


Play the mage class for easy mode.




Keep trying


don’t punch the tv n wife n kids


Embrace your failures and fight the foes again and again. I have a platinum on this game and it motivated me to improve my skills as a gamer.


Don't feel like you have to finish an archstone before moving onto the next, if ones giving you trouble go back to another, it actually makes the game feel a lot more open.


• Go in blind • Don’t google mechanics you can’t figure out yet • Don’t google how to cheese bosses • Don’t worry about specific builds, just play your way • Remember to always take time and allow yourself to consume the beauty of this game, from the sound design to the castles, magic and landscape. In other words, don’t rush it.


I hate the fact I cannot get into these games. I've tried dark souls 3, this, and Bloodborne and I just can't seem to get it to gel. I play for a few hours, enjoy it then get killed and I'm like what is the point, I've wasted all that time


Don't die


Be careful with xXTheKilla092Xx


The most important thing is patiance and being capable changing tactics. Each mobs and bosses are different and you should pay attention how to approach them. Git gud gg.


Imagine a lot of side strafing and rolling around enemies


Check out how you dying affects the world state so you can have a better understanding and control over it. I dont think its explained well in the game itself. Its called World Tendency


Only the first area ( gates of boleteria ) will be difficult as hell in the beginning as you can’t upgrade your character. For brute strength go for temple knight and you WILL be op when you obtain the dragon bone smasher. For magic builds go for mage or royalty and obtain the crescent falchion in world 4-1 as a starter weapon. Also keep an eye on the world and character tendency. Last but not the least, don’t be demoralised by the deaths.


Shield. And lance/spear type weapon.


Thief ring


Don’t quit. You’re gonna die a lot. Learn the boss movements.


Oh, Umbasa!


If you get stuck on an enemy or boss explore the areas and level up, especially leveling up your weapon is important.


It’s Hard and you don’t know where to go or what to do…


Understand that dying is part of the game and each time you die you learn. Be patient. This was the first souls like I played in preparation for Elden ring. Was definitely worth the play.


Magic makes for an easier playthrough.


Magic is OP Use magic for a good time


It's ok to follow a build that'll make the game easier, for example, the Halberd. The game is supposed to be hard, but it's also supposed to be fun. Don't miss out on the latter. There are some souls game elitists, but fuck them 🌞




Brace yourself with patience. It is normal to die a lot, you'll get the hang of it. This is the first souls like, back then progressing through the game was hard, unlocking a shortcut or reaching the next checkpoint is a hard fought victory.


You’ll get frustrated but eventually you will be running around areas that gave you trouble with ease.


If you're going for the plat choose the ring as your starting item, also never eat the boss souls, instead save them for miracles and sorcereries. Also take your time when exploring because enemies like to ambush and if your not sure about a corner or doorway just raise your shield But most importantly UMBASA


Youll die repeatedly.


Great game, I always wonder why souls streamers don't play it as much. Some of the best graphics I've ever seen, fuck the swamp


Don’t give up… stay due course man. Again, don’t .., give… up


Nearly every boss has a gimic, full exploration and a keen eye/ear can help you. Don’t get discouraged! Enjoy the experience.


Git gud


Yeah! Don’t. Time saved : 60hrs + controller


Mage class -> get the crescent falchion sword in stonefang tunnel early into your playthrough


I started playing OG version back in summer last year, but somehow I don't understand the mechanism of it, so it's not as fun as I thought about it. Maybe I will start with this version instead to see why people love this...


Dont die


The easiest souls game by far, you will be fine


This was my first souls game on the PS3. I loved revisiting it on the PS5. It's truly a masterpiece.


Cling Ring. You'll thank us later.




Happy cakeday


Don’t die


Dying is a core mechanic of the game so don’t be afraid of it


Oh and don’t forget that most of the times you have to roll towards enemies attacks instead of rolling back, I noticed it too late but it’s great


Don’t give up!


Make sure if you ever need healing items, buy them from the shopkeeper in Boletaria. It's the cheapest prices and is helpful for the early game. Once you get further and more souls then you can bulk buy them easier from other places and stock up on a lot, but if you are ever in dire need of at least the basic healing items. Go there.


It's very confusing and hard mainly becauseost of the stuff isn't explained. I only had a great time when I quit trying to play it on my own and followed fighting cowboys walk through. He explains everything and that made the game fun!


Danger ahead


Thanks everyone for the tips and advice, i'll keep them in mind ♥️