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My boys have been very protective of their babies. My one male kept them in the cave for like two month with minimal losses. I've also kicked the dad from the cave as soon as like 2-3 weeks with minimal losses. It's very possible that he's just an overbearing dad. I've raised them myself completely from eggs as all with minimal losses. The best advice I can give is feed LOTS of veggies. I'm assuming it's just the parents and babies in the tank?


Ohh okay, so it wasn't just mine? I feed them a baby marrow(zucchini) every 2 days. Currently, there are the plecos, endler guppies, bronze and pygmy cories, and some tetras. It's a medium planted 50-gallon, so I feel like they should be fine. What are your thoughts?


So chances are the dad was being overly cautious because of the tankmates. I find that when mine breed in community tanks they tend to hold them in the cave longer. It doesn't mean that the tank mates will eat them or is threatening them it just means the dad was being dramatic and paranoid 😂 the only ones I would be worried about are the bronze cories but even then I have yet to see one of mine do anything to anyone. Eggs and babies included. They absolutely should be fine I would just ve prepared to clean up a lot of poop from the babies. Depending on how many hatched your tank bio load could easily topple over. Even tiny they produce copious amounts of poop.


Thank you. This puts me at eaze😂 so, should I just gravel vaccuum like twice a week or something? Should I add an additional internal filter?


Honestly if you vacuum once a week and just go over the substrate (you shouldn't have to deep clean it) it would probably be enough until they get bigger (think closer to like 2ish inches) then maybe upping the vacuums to twice a week.


Okay, cool. Thanks. Appreciate it a lot


Run your siphon into a bucket and check it for babies before dumping the water.


I will do that. I am thinking of also placing a mesh fabric over the intake to just suck up the gunk and not the babies