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Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder. The Neanderthals would have had their own standards of beauty and attractiveness. Maybe they really grooved on each other's noses. We'll never know.


OP was born in the wrong generation to smash some Neanderthalussy 😔


I have lived long enough to see that word and I am glad


Just ask Kevin Mccarthy what he sees in Marjorie Taylor Green


A Neanderthal would look at green and turn to Mccarthy and say, "Dude, I can't believe you hit that."


lmao I'm now wondering how many paleontologists chose their career because they think Neanderthals are hot




i suppose, but facial beauty is one thing, perhaps neanderthals with their stockier build makes for a musclemommy build, i imagine back in those times, a physically strong women that can produce and protect your kids would be attractive. i guess musclemommy isn’t a new thing, it’s just making a comeback. also, stocky build like that might give them proportionally wider hips, large milker, and gyat. which tend to be associated with fertility, idk if the association already exist then, but hey.


ok , here is the thing : we don't have any trace of neanderthal Y chromosome in our genome ... so it seems likely that most mating was male sapiens and female neanderthal ... and like ... it had to be male sapiens and female neanderthal in that case wich was the most common mating situation ... and so yeah female neanderthals would have been pretty at least ... mind you beauty standards aren't universal , but still i am tired anyway of the notion of caveman with ugly theet and drab untreated leather clothes : hunter gatherers had and have remarkably good oral hygene since they ate a whidely diversified died with a high abrasion and poor in shugars and acidity , as such they would have had pretty well shaped theet , with remarkably few cavities ... and they would have had a lot of material to work their leather with , so they wouldn't have been just making a hole in a leather piece and worn it , they likely worked to increase the amount of time it lasted , and mended or replaced it for comfort ... neanderthal and sapiens would have both looked rather healthy and well dressed for the time , naturally no high faschion clothes , but just stuff made with taste , not our taste but a taste . they where still humans ...


From what I understand it may have been male neanderthals but they only had female offspring who were fertile, hence no female neanderthal haplogroups survived either.


It’s worth noting that there are other reasons for a lack of a Neanderthal Y chromosome than there not being interbreeding with male Neanderthals for example it may simply have died about because it’s last carriers only had daughters or died before they grew up or had kids. And it’s also likely given that women tend to be the ones who go into new groups that make Neanderthal pairings were rarer to start with


born too soon to rizz up alienussy born too late to rizz up neandergyat born just in time to have microplastic in my blood.


There is a pbs eons explaining how sapiens Y chromosomes replaced neanderthals before sapiens were widespread in Europe. Basically one or few guys got there, and since they had higher generic diversity than neanderthals, their descendants had an advantage over those with a neanderthal Y chromosome


Modern people: Neanderthals were ugly. Neanderthal woman: Your great^(2000)-grandpa didn't think so last night.


Always been a theet man myself


They way you spell "teeth" is a bit strange:


They way you spell "teeth" is a bit strange:


english isn't my first language


> they **where** still Please update your grammar. Also Neanderthal Y chromosome was likely lost because of a genetic recombination. Recent evidence shows that male Neanderthals intermixed with modern humans as well.


https://preview.redd.it/dviyr32hz59d1.png?width=1344&format=png&auto=webp&s=84d583290c006ddd7b52856231fb884fde658b87 This is my rendition. Much of her features are modeled on my best friend, put over a neanderthal skeletal base.


Glad for the smooth front.


For someone telling others to update their grammar, you sure seem to think "smoothy" and "smoothier" are words.


Am not english by the way. But that's less troublesome than saying "where" instead of **were**.


English isn't my first language either. People make mistakes while speaking and if you wanna correct it, do it nicely. I would argue creating new words is more troublesome than misspelling "were".


I didn't do that nicely? I said "please" which is a polite way to express a suggestion. It's clear you are just a troll wanting to annoy the others and I don't try with you.


I saw your post and updated my whole catalog!


It also seems female Neanderthals had smoother fronts than males.


Actually I'd kinda guessed that, my male character has a much more visible browridge, especially because he paints over it in ochre.


neandergyat muscle mommy


They are pretty in their own way


Shittt I’ve seen plenty women that look like her 💀💀


Our ancestors dont say no to this, wy ima say it? Still preety, i see regular woman being far ugly.


I doubt it, I'd rather mate with some one I found physically attractive. if they have a great personality that's a well appreciated bonus


> I doubt it, I'd rather mate with some one I found **physically attractive**. Go ahead with such a choice and you'll date a psychopathic woman. I'd suggest you to focus more on personality which is what helped humans survive and increase cooperation.


And you came to this conclusion how?


He said mate, not date


That's almost the same thing. Dating would involve mating.


Bro has never heard of a one night stand 💀


According to Homo sapiens standards, I guess.


Good point but the point here is that they intermixed with US.


the third picture looks like a girl i almost date a couple years ago. That stare is hautingly similar to hers. She is kind of hippie so even the hair is the same


Ancient people in general are reconstructed as frumpy as possible it seems, often having exaggerated physical characteristics (of the unattractive side). Why, idk, maybe to make us think we are better than them. Even people from the medieval period often get an unappealing reconstruction, as if attractive people didn't exist until modern times. But they were still humans so I'm sure some were attractive while others were average well others... weren't so great looking. Like nowadays.


First pic = Dave Bautista


Number 3 can get it


![gif](giphy|83d5GMzqgU5Mp6d4eI) First pic:


Clearly they were hot enough to screw. Everyone has Neanderthal dna for a reason


This is the most reddit post ever made. I do, in fact, think lady neanderthals were fuckable- 21st century man


Btw I developed the feeling that bald woman are attractive anyway.