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It's not popular in that It's not talked about often but Ho-oh is incredibly powerful. It can grant wishes and revive the dead. It's counter part Lugia is the guardian of the oceans but Ho-oh is the one who has truly mystical powers. 


Does kyogre and lugia have any lore between them? Never thought about it before but with lugia being guardian of oceans and kyogre being the personification of the sea I feel like there should be.


I’m Pretty sure that lore wise kyogre hasn’t appeared in thousands of years


But…. The entire story of Pokémon in Gen 3 is that both Kyogre and Groudon are awakened, and even if it’s been thousands of years, I’m sure Lugia and Kyogre have met at the very least lol


Well, we don’t know if they have lore after kyogre woke. Moreover, we do not know if lugia existed before kyogre “fell asleep”


We also don’t know if Kyogre remained awake or went back to sleep.


Kyogre was actually sleepwalking in Gen 3


sleep swimming


Just keep swimming Just keep swimming


Pokemon Sapphire/Zelda: Link's Awakening are the same game from different perspectives. Kyogre is the Wind Fish!


damn your right, that’s kinda crazy 😭


Based on its appearance in post Gen 3 games, we can maybe assume it remains awakens


Of course Kyogre remand awake, otherwise I couldn't use it to destroy some poor youngsters Spearow.


Ww know Lugia's wing were so powerful that he can demolish houses, and that's why he decided to hid in the depths Maybe he hid there AFTER Kyogre felt asleep


Maybe, but we don’t know. That is why I said, “we don’t know”


tbf the regions are so ambiguous there could be a worlds worth of ocean between the two.


Except that gens 1-4 are all based off of actual geography in Japan. https://preview.redd.it/03inmpqor4qc1.jpeg?width=944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=514a2663294a52b20c7106a460cd47c58a079805


When colored like that, it looks like Rayquaza


this is awesome and blowing my mind lol. the area between Hoenn and Kanto would be so ripe for a game if you could see a town or two on each end


it’s not actually Japan though, just because the regions are based off regions in Japan doesn’t mean they’re all connected to the same country aswell. like they’re obviously based off of Japan yeah but that map is not canon afaik, they never specify where the regions are in relation to eachother


lots of npcs and game data also show that every region besides kanto / johto seem to be “from a place very far away”


We know that Sinnoh and Johto are kind of close. Legends Arceus also implies that Galar is close to Sinnoh though. And I wouldn't say Britain is close to northern Japan.


implications aren’t the same as canon


All continents in lore are 3.6 billion light years away, explains the pre and post evolutions


Well Johto and Kanto certainly are beside eachother. Given that Hoenn is based on an island Southwest of the two regions of Japan that Johto and Kanto are based off of, I don’t think it’s exactly far fetched to assume the same applies to Hoenn. It’s also worth mentioning that the Sevii Islands are canonically South of Kanto (in FR/LG), and you can go to 2 of the islands via the S.S Tidal for two mystery gift events in Emerald, which kinda indicates they’re pretty close. Also in the anime, Ash takes a boat to Hoenn, but has to take a plane for the rest, like Unova, Kalos, and Aloa. In all likelihood, the regions are pretty accurate to the irl locations they’re based on.


I love that I can recognize Hoenn from just a regular map cuz I’m a scum gen 3 fanboy lol. Also wierdly I can do the same with Hokkaido for Sinnoh


Pokemon World traffic Planners ain’t that good, there’s no direct route from Osaka to Kobe, you have to go all the way to Kyoto first. Also, poor Nagoya, completely forgotten 😔


Mother of god


"Oh no, an ocean. However will I cross it?" - a giant whale with god-like powers over the sea


i didn’t mean they can’t travel the distance between them lmao, just that they have no reason to


I mean that's making assumptions about the migratory habits of legendary pokemon based on zero evidence still. Maybe it does stick to one region maybe it doesn't. I'm not a marine biologist, but I'm pretty sure most marine animals generally cover a pretty wide area. I mean someone on here said they once saw a penguin in the gulf of Florida!


but then you’re assuming that one or two of the oldest most reclusive sea creatures in the franchise travels continents of ocean for territory, I’m gonna go ahead and guess that since they’ve never mentioned Kyogre and Lugia in the same breath once in the whole series that my assumption about them being pretty far away from eachother and not wanting to swim a marathon for the lols is more accurate.


Marathon you say? No, my friend you are operating on the wrong scale! A marathon is 42km, whereas a migrating whale will cover several times that distance every single day. Often for weeks or months at a time. Travelling continents of ocean? That's standard whale behaviour, honestly. The exact range varies from species to species, but can easily be 10 or even 20 thousand kilometres. The humpback whale is reported to travel roughly 25 thousand kilometres between breeding grounds and feeding grounds. For reference, the Earth has a diameter of roughly 40 thousand kilometres. So Kyogre swimming across an entire ocean is actually thoroughly on point. Far more so than staying in one area.


I’m sure Kyogre has met *a* Lugia, since it’s been implied Lugia can have children since we saw a baby Lugia in the anime.


Anime lore and game lore aren't always connected


True this, the things they did/do when making the anime series is always to make sure the show could maintain a steady viewership. Their main focal point was making sure the show never got too grounded, by allowing aging viewers to let go and also new viewers to just jump right in. This is why we see so many things happen in show that just boggles us as players of the games.


Lugia only moved to the sea around the time Hisui was colonised


Easy. If Lugia is the guardian of oceans and Kyogre is the personification of the sea, Lugia is obviously Kyogre's bodyguard


Thats why it has deez hands. So people can catch them


Literally played a romhack today and a big part of the plot was this, kyogre being the king of the ocean and lugia being its lead guardian (and moltres, zapdos, and articuno being guardians too, just beneath lugia). Manaphy also made an appearance, being the prince of the ocean and all. Pokemon reminiscence if you're interested. Canonwise, they haven't met for all i know.


There's nothing official, but I think the idea is that Groudon and Kyogre formed the shapes of land and oceans that we have today, but Lugia is more like an embodiment of tides and waves. Lugia is like the spirit of the ocean, while Kyogre made the ocean.


Ho-oh has far more lore and a more detailed design than Lugia because Ho-oh was originally designed as the primary legendary of Gen II. It was designed so early that it appeared in the first episode of the anime, which was before the Gen II games were released. Then Lugia was created for the movie that it debuted in, and later added on to the games. That's why, while Ho-oh is clearly based on a real-like mythical creature, Lugia is not. The system of box legendaries that were designed to be counterparts or partners to each other truly began with Groudon and Kyogre.


I did hear that the game director in charge of Gen2 wanted to make it more obvious that Lugia was supposed to be Ho-Ohs counter part by focusing more on the water and life aspect and birth itself. Which would also be neat for more than Rebirth and Birth but with gen2s introduction to the Pokemon Daycare.


While I love Lugia, I've always preferred Ho-Oh over it because of its more regal looking appearance, and I love the lore surrounding it.


I think they oppose each other in a way. Ho oh is revival, the leader of the beast he resurrected, he is a concept, resurrection, and yet there has been no baby ho oh. He is as far as we know singular and a granter of life while welding SACRED fire. People worship Ho oh and their theme is controlled and traditional. Lugia is power, his job is to beat the shit out of the legendary birds when they're being stupid, she is a guardian with a child to take her role should she perish, her sheer presence can cause storms(probably more windy compared to Kyogre watery rain) by simply existing. Hier signature move aeroblast shows even more their need for winds and power to complete her role. Lugia is reclusive, their is chaotic and contrast Ho oh's well


Now imagine a legends game where they bring a third tower bird out. A bird of communion with spirits and dread


Lugia got a whole-ass movie barely doing squat, meanwhile an actual God got shown in the anime one time for 5 seconds.


I'm still peeved that Entei's big movie, that's not even Entei. In fact almost every Entei appearance in the anime iirc, except for maybe 1? Is either in an illusion or a flashback. Why do I bring up entei now? Because you mentioned how useless Lugia was and I just...have to bring up how useless Entei also is.


Still better treatment than Raikou lol.


Ho-oh represents life and Lugia represents Destruction. Wait a min... i think ive seen this combo before. Imagine a legends game where you get a third legendary tower bird. A third bird for communion with the spirits.


I feel like Celebi could represent that, as it can exist in multiple times at once so it's not far away from being a messenger between planes of existence. Or maybe the Unown as it's treated like an ancient language, a third bird could be themed with relation to the Unown to counterpart Ho-oh having the Ecruteak beasts and Luigia having the Kanto birds as their trios.


To be fair id also want a new trio for the third bird than just unowns. Though unown inspired trio could be cool. Three Pokemon of language or something. Cavemen paintings, pictures and words.


Which is why i question how it didn't get Revival Blessing


Ho-oh is a myth in the pokemon world.


People think it’s a myth, but I’m pretty sure it’s appeared in every different world (manga/anime/etc)


>People think it’s a myth, but I’m pretty sure it’s appeared in every different world (manga/anime/etc) It has, but Ho-oh still appeared to a tiny amount of people and they aren't blabbing (or would be believed without full proof) so I still think Ho-oh would be considered a Myth by the majority of the Pokemon World.


tbf thats kind of the case for every legendary


this is just so obviously not true. ash sees a ho oh in literally the first episode of the show.


I worded that poorly ho-oh is believed to be a myth in the pokemon world as professor oak explained many trainers searched for it but never found it.


Up until the point where they did and now they have


Well I mean protagonist Pokémon will always win when required lmao. Either slugma or magcargo (I don’t remember which,) is supposed to be hotter than the sun. That’s all I can think of atm


Imagine resting while in a cavern and a fuckin sun slug climbs on your arm…. What a world they created


I would love it if they do another past Legends, like deep in the past, where one recurring side character is just an assistant always getting into trouble that you have to save, and he always exaggerates whatever happens to him to save face, and that's how those entries end up I the dex. "Frank, how the hell did you let a Pidgeotto steal your glasses *again*? "Are you kidding, that fucking thing flies at, at like, Mach 4, it's impossible to see coming!" "Frank, why are the kids having nightmares, did you tell them scary stories again?" "N-no, it, uh, the Drowzee! It must be failing to eat the dreams because they...taste...bad"


My favorite Pokédex theory is that professor oak is following you around, and whenever he sees you spot something new, he texts you something interesting or cool he made up about them to keep you exploring.


I swear dude he just climbed into my ass! I know it looks like a poop that I put google eyes and a tomato on to look more alive, but I swear it just said “dig let”


> he always exaggerates whatever happens to him to save face, and that's how those entries end up I the dex. Isn't the pokedex canonically written by children? Oak gives Red and Blue the pokedex to make an encyclopedia. Kids are dumb and would make incorrect statements lol


it's not canonically written by children it automatically records data on Pokémon caught


Magcargo is commonly cited to be about 18,000 degrees Fahrenheit (10,000 Celsius), which is hotter than the surface of the sun (typically 10,000 F). Notably though, the surface of the sun is a *lot* colder than the core, which rings in at 27 million degrees F. Magcargo is also much smaller than the sun^([citation needed]) which diminishes how much heat it can put out. Now don't get me wrong, 18,000 F is still *hot*, you wouldn't want to go up and touch a Magcargo, or even be in the same room as it, but it's not a walking fusion reactor or anything. Stay maybe 50-100 feet away from it and you should be fine. This little slug has a long way to go before it outdoes the sun itself.


But about 10000 K is gonna give a peak wavelength that's definitely in the spectrum of visible light. I didn't calculate the color but Magcargo would definitely be shining very brightly.


> Magcargo is also much smaller than the sun ^([citation needed] ) XKCD spotted RAHHHHHHHHHHH


Yooo unrelated. But hell yeah, caterpie friend. I got a caterpie tattoo. My guy goated


I am the leading proponent of Magcargo propaganda so I agree


There's like, 8 different versions of "lore," the biggest sources being Pokédex entries, NPC dialogue, and the anime. Probably the most infamous of these are the Pokedex entries. For example, the shitty Pokemon Magcargo, which has never done anything interesting in the games, anime, or anything else, canonically has been described as being hotter than the surface of the sun. Alakazam has been described as having an IQ of 5,000, making it a super being that mere mortals cannot even hope to comprehend. Gardevoir can create a miniature black hole. Metang can survive a jet plane running into it. You get the point. Edit: just remembered another one from the anime. In the games, Unown are basically the shittiest of all Pokemon. They have no use whatsoever. In the anime universe, specifically the third movie, they are like, an ultra-powerful hive mind with the ability to create entire buildings, alter the laws of reality, hypnotize people, and summon legendary Pokemon.


I like the theory that all pokedex entries are written by the kids catching pokemon. That's why there is so much hyperbole in them. It explains a lot of the more insane aspects of pokemon.


That doesn't work tho. They never show in any media a child writing the dex entries also, in every media the dex is always taken as a true and relevant scientific tools developed to help with research. In LPA the entries are straight up written by Laventon and in SV the dex app is made by Jacq.


I mean, the one for Metang is potentially realistic. It depends on how dense of a metal Metang is composed of. If it's sufficiently denser and more durable than steel or whatever alloy jet planes are made of, then it could _potentially_ survive a jet plane crashing into it. Especially because Metang has the ability Levitate, which means it's just floating in the air. So that means there's a lot less resistance involved and it could result in Metang mostly being pushed out of the way of the crashing jet plane as opposed to staying still and having it slam full force into it.


Jet fuel cant melt metangs


Jet fuel can't melt Steel types


Metang does not have the ability levitate. That’s just in rom hacks


So what you're saying is that Metang is stronger that the WTC? Yeah that makes sense, but it does fit OP's criteria of Pokémon being unexpectedly strong in lore. However, the Dex entries specify that it won't even be scratched if it collides with a jet, NOT if a jet collides with it. I'd argue that means it's not being pushed out of the way. Regardless, not only is the metal durable enough to survive, it won't even suffer any damage.


Metang might survive the initial crash. But just like the towers, it probably won’t survive the incredible heat of the burning jet fuel splattering all over its body as a result.


Jet fuel can't learn Steel Beam.


Ofc not. steel is weak to fire


Do you think that there are Metang Truthers in the Pokémon world?


The Elite Four did the S.S. Anne sinking


Imagine a jet flying. Now, imagine that in its way there is a solid steel ball, going in the opposite direction, and the ball crashes into the jet, goes through it and goes out, unscratched. *Is a steel ball stronger than the WTC?*


It's made of the most dense thing in the universe: pure undiluted shounen anime protagonist.


Whyd u have to call magcargo shitty.. I love him


It's okay. We all have brain damage in one way or another.


This this this. OP needs to be more specific because there isn’t one singular canon for this franchise. The anime, manga and games all follow different rules and lore and characters. OP makes it sound like Pokémon has some power hierarchy or bloodlines that are usurped by Pokémon who are at war when they’re usually just protracted as random animals in the world


> This this this. OP needs to be more specific because there isn’t one singular canon for this franchise. I mean, OP said they have no knowledge of the franchise. Let's not castigate them for asking questions.


The lore is simple: You don't fuckle, with the Shuckle


Dusclops, mummy pokemon, is a literal black hole. Gardevoir might be able to create black holes, but Dusclops is one.


So... has a Gardevoir ever accidentally created a Dusclops?


Happens all the time.


Doesn’t Victini just always win no matter what?


Not really, the trainer who wields it is the one that always wins.


I read somewhere a while back (don't know if it's accurate) that victini is supposed to be allegory for a nuke. Idk if it was true or where it was (it's been almost ten years) but it had well thought out arguments for it's point.


I wonder if it's to do with 'V for Victory', what we now know as the peace sign, came into mainstream after WWII, which was the origin of when the atomic bomb was created.


It always seemed a bit ww2 influenced, signature move is Searing Shot (firebombing reference?), ability is Victory Star (the US' national symbol) and of course the V for Victory name connection. But it doesn't seem like Japan likes to go on about the war too much so it might be western bias making us think this. Bulbapedia mentions none of this and lists multiple things including [usagi-ringo,](https://64.media.tumblr.com/d24540aac3803869ee1a637c0a1f3025/tumblr_mjsw9x8xMx1s4jgamo2_r1_1280.png) a Japanese apple-cutting technique as a reference to New York being the Big Apple. Another possible influence could have been the torch from the Statue of Liberty.


BW has a lot of these really subtle US references that would seem problematic if you really dug into it, so honestly it wouldn’t surprise me.


A certain song just popped into my head and I thought I had forgotten it finally...


Well, aside from stuff like Machamp throwing people over the horizon and Dugtrio moving at the speed of light, there's some picks that really aren't obvious. Most people would say Magcargo for it's insane heat, but basic thermodynamics makes it a non-issue. That being said, Lanturn's light being visible from the bottom of the ocean would make it RIDICULOUSLY HOT, like, boil the ocean hot. You also have Electivire, who is able to power a large city on it's own for a year, I shouldn't have to tell you how crazy that is. Of course, no regular pokemon is on the level of the high-tier legendaries, but some are crazy


Lanturn is not just boil the ocean hot, it's [boil the universe](https://www.reddit.com/r/CharacterRant/s/aREqXjz4KW) (and probably several neighboring universes) hot.


Jesus who would have thought that dopey looking thing was actually a universe ending threat


i mean sort of understandable? Pokémon are often inspired by eldritch beings/concepts and anglerfish are one of the most known terrors of the depe sea, which would basically count as eldritch to many. just ask a little dolphin by sega how safe the sea is, really


I love people trying to make scientific sense of a universe in which a human can get launched a thousand feet into the sky by a bolt of lightning and be fine.


That post (and others like it) relies on the fundamentally flawed premise that the laws of Physics work the exact same way in the Pokémon universe as in real life. There is no evidence that water behaves similarly to the real world there and in fact there is significant evidence that it works entirely differently (for a start multiple Pokémon can generate it spontaneously) As the initial premise is flawed the whole argument can be thrown out. Particularly as it's a universe in which literal magic shows up regularly.


That post is 6 years old and I've even interacted with it. Yet forgot about it haha


What's crazy is even then it's not even in the top 5 strongest pokemon


Remember that the Pokedex entries are very likely written by kids considering you are filling out your Pokedex while adventuring and the protag is typically in the 11-14 age range. Mythos and exaggeration seem to seep into the Pokedex entries as a result


This is so obviously false, even in gen 1 you are specifically told that the pokedex is an automatic encyclopedia that updates itself, where did people get this from? The only game where that would be somewhat true is Legends Arceus, but even then it's written by a professor, not the protagonist. You are literally told this less than 5 minutes into the game


I have no idea when the theory got popular but someone on reddit made the "pokedex written by kids" comment like a year ago and people have been running with it now on this sub


May have gotten popular a year ago but it's been around for years.


Espurr. Basically a cute walking psychic nuke with anxiety.


honedge steals your soul if you try to grab its handle


Shedinja does the same if you look at its back


i’ve seen macargo 100x before i saw these or even a single drifloon, that surprised me


Ninjask is the fastest non-legendary. It moves so fast that it became invisible to naked eyes.


Ima add some of my personal faves Shiftry is said to live atop of trees for thousands of years, be a forest guardian and whip up wind at speeds of 100 ft per second- able to level houses. absolute menace of tree spirit if you ask me Cosmoem is canonically 2,204 lbs which is ludicrous. we also see it be held and set down on things so idk Incineroar “excels at violent no-holds-barred battles and finishes off opponents with fire from its navel which exceeds 3,600 degrees F. that’s basically 2k degrees celsius. The melting point of steal is 2.5k degrees F. would never wanna fight this thing Exploud triggers earthquakes with its yells and can be heard up to 6 miles away Yveltal is an apocalypse waiting to happen, when its life comes to an end, it absorbs the life energy of every living thing and turns into a cocoon Mimikyu is a creature of spite- there will be no forgiveness for any who reveal that it was pretending to be Pikachu. It will bring the culprit down, even at the cost of its own life. Off the top of my head only other cool lore i remember is Lapras can apparently read minds and understand human speech. Also are almost extinct in every generation


Alola says that they're overabundant now, actually


oh really??? the war on lapras poachers is finally over 🙏


Machamp who can throw a 1000 punches in 1 sec, also known to move mountains


Minor and unpopular becoming stronger than the top and most popular? It's hard to say, because strong pokemon become popular, and popular pokémon become popular because they're strong usually. Like there're meme pokémon like Magikarp and Rowlett, and while there are strong varients, none are strong enough to take out strong popular pokémon like Pikachu or Charizard or Mewtwo.


Bellsprout kicked butt in the Pokémon League tournament in season 2.


But then got smothered by a living pile of sludge 🤣


Oh man! I was trying to remember what finally beat it! Who would have ever thought Muk was OP?


Yeah. Something along the lines of nothing could stop it, even Pikachu. So Ash goes for the unexpected: Muk.


There are so many of these it’s hilarious. The one that comes to mind is Macargo whose dex entries say it is as hot as the sun. It’s just a little lava snail😅


Tyranitar is said to be indestructible, so is mega Slowbro's Shelder. Looking into the back of Shedinja for too long will kill you and so will glancing at Mimikyu's true form. Magcargo is hotter than the sun. Lugia can create massive hurricanes. Every time an Entei barks, a volcano erupts. And many more.


Charizard can technically travel thousands of lightyears in less than 10 seconds. As far as I know that makes it the fastest Pokemon ever.


You would be wrong, as Necrozma's light (if you count it as an extension of itself) moves at infinite speeds, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina being able to move in a space where space and time do not exist makes them faster than the concept of speed (since that requires measuring distance traveled over time, which neither exist in that scenario) and Arceus, being omnipresent, is beyond speed. That being said, Charizard would be the fastest non-legendary, ignoring pokemon able to move in the distortion world and whatnot




The chrollo lucifer of pokemon


Malamar according to lore is one of the strongest manipulators/ mind controllers in the game. It could be devastating if it took over some of the stronger trainers or pokemon. Plus, with the ability contrary, it could in theory make any attempts to weaken it as a means of making it stronger, while also being immune to other psychic types.


Alakazam has a 3000 IQ, which is one of the most ridiculous uses of a unit of measurement since Cyborg's one million decibel sonic cannon in the New Teen Titans comics. But its probably still below Magcargo and the black hole duo of Gardevoir and Dusclops.


Fun fact. Once you get to a certain level (194 decibels, to be precise), there comes a point where the low-pressure regions are completely empty – there are no molecules in there at all. The sound can't get 'louder' than that, technically. (It CAN get louder, but in with our atmosphere)


According to the Pokédex, Kantonian Ninetales are vengeful Pokémon and are known to place a 1000-year curse on people who dare to anger it and have the ability to manipulate a person's mind. Some dex entries state that simply looking at it will curse a person. Kantonian Ninetales is not partially Psychic type or Ghost type, it's pure Fire Type. In the games, it can learn the move Curse, but since it isn't a Ghost type, the move is useless to have in its moveset.


Ditto can potentially match the strongest of the strongest.


I feel like wooper could rock the heck out of the universe


The entire Porygon line got hoe’d out of any chance for popularity by Pikachu, and then lore-wise had their whole gimmick usurped by Rotom. This is made even worse by the fact that Rotom is something akin to a low-tier legendary Pokémon, and now society has built their appliances and mobile devices with the express intent to be possessed by this supposedly rare Pokémon species.


Rotom and Porygon have entirely different functions Porygon is meant to be a Pokemon made of code, it's a digital entity, while Rotom is a Pokemon that possesses technology, so Porygon is the Program and Rotom is the device. except Porygon's role as a program is mainly to exist


Unown can rewrite reality when there's more than one of them and we have seen it in action in the anime no less than 3 times


Don't forget the movie dedicated to them


In the anime, Wobbuffet could be unbeatable, as hinted in the first fight Team Rocket used it in. Reflect and Counter stop every Special and Physical attack, respectively, there is and deals the damage back to the caster. As long you don't use the wrong one, like Team Rocket did. But they never learned and never used Wobbuffet again in battle. But they had to, because otherwise they'd be unbeatable.


Team Rocket's Wobbufet once reflected a blast from Giratina of all pokemon so yeah


Pachirisu. It's underrated, not used often, and as minor/unimportant as they come. But if you watch the Pokémon championships you'll know how much potential it has to be a truly destructive force when it's utilized correctly.


iirc Mimikyu wears a disguise because any living thing that sees its body dies, if you try and look under it or damage it's disguise (tear it etc) it will find you while you're sleeping and snap your neck. That's pretty OP tbh.


Magikarp was a classic derpy Pokémon with potential to evolve into something super powerful. At least that was the case in 1st season of the anime, and in the GB games. I realize that Gyarados is its own Pokémon so technically Magikarp on its own was pretty useless/worthless but it came up a lot in the lore.


Look up magcargo's pokedex entries about it being hotter than the sun. Its very existence should wipe out life on earth.


Wrong, because of it's size thermodynamics dictates that nothing more than a few feet away would be in danger


Mind you, we do make things that are way hotter than the surface of the sun in laboratories. For example, when we created quark-gluon plasma: Scientists at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) in New York have generated temperatures of 4 trillion degrees Celsius using a particle accelerator. This temperature is at least 10 times hotter than the center of a supernova and about 250,000 times hotter than the center of the Sun. This temperature we created was near the heat that was produced just after the Big Bang.


How does that extreme heat just not melt everything around it ala burning Godzilla 😅


It's extremely hot, but also in very very small amounts. Plus, stuff like this is usually made in a vacuum so the only way heat can transfer is via radiation.


My head canon is that the entries are written by kids cause spoink in the anime should be fucking dead


And some entries are straight up misinformation 


Hoops is just a little guy but quite possibly the most powerful Pokémon. As seen in its movie, it’s summons some of the most powerful legendaries and seems to be able to command them, as both Hoopas summon and send the legendaries against each other, causing space time to break. They literally nearly destroyed the universe, on accident. “Hoopa brought some friends to help!”


Tangrowth has a BST of 535. That is the same as Swampert. Magnezone, and Lapras. Solo grass typing isn’t great but it has like 110s in attack, defense, and sp. attack. You can get giga drain, wood hammer, sludge bomb, and growth on him and you will have an absolute monster in your hands. Tangela doesn’t show up often so it goes under the radar, but i recently used one in a HGSS playthrough and I was blown away by how fun he was to use. Edit: Didn’t read the description, so this doesn’t really answer your question but I hope someone sees this and decides to use Tangrowth


Plenty of people have competitively


True form arceus


There’s a really good animation on YouTube (search “terminalmontage Pokémon battle royale”) that shows a lot of Pokémon using the full extent of their power according to the pokedex. The “all pokemon” and “all legendaries/mythicals” are based entirely on pokedex and lore information.


Well, the information available at the time. Nowadays, knowing what Arceus actually is, no other pokemon can beat it as they are, themselves, part of Arceus


Female Meowstic is said to have so much psychic power it can wreck a truck with her mind, yet her in-game special attack is by this time and age, mediocre.


It’s probably not the most popular or actually very strong, but I’ve used Bronzong at any chance I’ve been given and their my favorite! (They’re a steel type that has levitate ability, and it is a major benefit)


If you actually read some of pokedex entries - it turns out that many pokemons are stupidly overpowered and downright fucked up evil (especially the ghost types). E.g. Gengar will eat your soul and Drifbloom may steal your kid and send it straight to the afterlife.


Nah, Dusknoir will send your kid straight to the afterlife. Drifloon/Drifblim will get them there after acquainting them with the concept of terminal velocity.


I feel it in my bones that Avalugg is one good tool away from UUBL




Bidoof or as I like to call him BIGGOD should be the most op Pokémon in anything relating pokemon. I even pray to him every Saturday because he is my god The Church of Bidoof is what we are called


Jirachi grants wishes


Magikarp. Sure it's weak as hell as is, but consider it can evolve at any time and become a mighty gyarados. Those mfs are everywhere in the pokemon world and essential function as living ticking bombs


Mimikyu is a Pokémon who made itself a disguise to look like pikachu. The real body of this Pokémon is never seen beyond a shadow anywhere in the canon (nor in the games nor in other media) and is said to cause a number of ill effects in everyone who sees it, usually death. Also, Shedinja"s backstory has it stealing the soul of everyone who looks through the hole it's got in the back.


outside the game anyone could be stronger than anuone. It's just how the editor whats to write the story


Everyone in the world is actually a ditto


Pikachu in the anime can destroy everything and is like level 1000. Pikachu in the actual game is weak af


Porygon z is absolutely busted in lore, its offensive stats are insane its one of the most destructive pokemon out there, their body is completely adaptable it can change texture shape and even recover himself, not only that but it could also change out of types at Will with no pesky items required unlike others like sylvally or arceus changing its typing to resist or be inmune to attacks,  Tldr porygon z is basicaly what happens if you put a terminator t1000 and mahoraga in a blender


Smeargle is a better mew, it can copy the attacks of god and then put him to sleep with the attack he stole from darkrai (or at least he could lmao)


Heliolisk, my bro needs an evo or at the very least a stat buff, or at the very least he should get a mega in Z-A


Level 1 Ratata can beat level 100 Mewtwo.


Beartic is pretty much the reason why the Arctic in Pokémon isn't affected by global warming, that guy straight up freezes the oceans.


Victini's whole thing is being a insta-win button no matter what, that's op as hell


Can we get an image/clip of Kyogre and Lugia both blasting whoever their joint enemy is into literal dust particles with a combined aeroblast and origin pulse? Thanks 😁


Marcargo is as hot as magma from the inner earth


Brock Happiny, Brock Happiny scares me.


I know nothing about Pokémon lore so I’m just gonna read answers


In this case, the question is, why are all the Pokemon you listed not used to win tournaments? Or even for more serious things


I understand why you’re asking this, but you did say in your post that it’s purely about strongest in the lore sense and not in their gameplay. Naturally through implication, people will first think of the examples that are not strong in the gameplay sense. Just thought it’s strange lol For the record, I wanna point out Eternatus, which is literally a gigantic alien that gives other pokemon the power to become gigantic as well. Lore wise, it required the power of two legendary pokemon to take it down. And even then it’s just sleeping. And to answer the question about winning tournaments, I haven’t checked, but due to it being a legendary pokemon, Eternatus was probably banned from use for most formats.


But all Pokemon were originally wild and they were simply caught and used in the tournament? So I mean, why not catch that god of the seas


If you mean game tournaments, as the other commenter said, those “bests” are based on the stats and numbers. Tournaments often boil down to math and strategy. The god of the sea may be the god of the sea, but stat-wise it’ll fall short of being what some people want in a team. There’s 6 stats to disperse, so a legendary with high defensive stats isn’t going to be good or used on a team if they need something with high speed and offensive stats. Anime-wise, it’s because most of the legendaries aren’t easily accessible and probably can’t be caught with normal pokeballs (as the villains who even try to catch them create powerful devices to capture/harness their power when they show up in movies). There’s also an aspect of agency in the anime where a Pokémon that doesn’t like it’s trainer can and will disobey at any opportunity. Having a god that won’t obey you is just useless at that point.


Just took another look at the title and to be fair, Eternatus and other legendary pokemon are definitely not minor. And to answer your question, there have been legendary pokemon used in IRL tournaments. Like you said, they were “simply caught” and trained to do a specific purpose, be it support/damage/tank/etc. Depending on how you choose to build your team, you don’t need too many of a certain role. Furthermore, supports need not be legendary, since it’s mostly down to what moves/abilities can be used. If by an off chance that you’re referring to tournaments in the lore, yes there has been at least one instance of a dude that used multiple legendaries in a tournament. Namely this guy named Tobias who has both Darkrai and Latios. In the lore, legendaries are rare and hard to take down/catch, so that’s another factor.


How successful were his matches with the legends?


He steam-rolled 8 gyms and the entire tournament with just those 2. We don't even know what his other 4 Pokemon were because he never used them. Ash is literally the only person to ever even defeat one of his Pokemon - Darkrai. And Tobias immediately called out Latios and finished beating him (technically Pikachu knocks out Latios, but he was Ash's last Pokemon and faints so the battle ends there).


I mean it’s just an anime, and he pretty much won the whole tournament with those two pokemon.




I think alolan muk is a fun but also very annoying pokemon to face. It gets access to alchemy and minimize which prove to be extremely annoying