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I have only ever used lures in two ways: (1) certain evolutions can only happen in the vicinity of a specific lure type (2) dropping a basic Lure as the PoGo equivalent of tagging It's an added bonus that perhaps someone will catch a pokie that spawns as a result or will be able to complete an evo of their own. Like you, I've never found them very beneficial for catching anything in particular


I have a nosepass that I can only evolve with a specific lure that I don’t have and have never seen . Good to know they’re not that useful. I guess all I can do is drop them to gain some XP


I randomly came across that lure the other day, someone had put it on a pokestop in a busy airport I was passing through. Evolved my Nosepass and others too! You never know


I’ve just had a baby and don’t often leave home at the moment so I think it’ll be a while before I find this


I got the magnetic lure by winning a showcase! I haven’t used it to evolve my nose pass yet but the showcases are one way you can get them for free


Unless you scatter like 10 within a short walking distance then they’re kinda useless. I haven’t had a good Pokémon spawn from a lure ever. Never caught a shiny or anything worth keeping


They seem totally useless because you'd have to sit almost exactly on a pokestop to have any pokemons, and normally, appartment buildings are not accepted as pokestops, so you aren't in radius... One of the most useless 'features' in the game.


It’s dumb that you can be close enough to activate a poke stop but not close enough to catch from a lure . If the former is true the latter should also be true


Lures are more of a community thing, not solo play. A lure spawns mons for everyone, not just for the one that activated the lure. By activating one, you're helping everyone in the area. For example, have several ppl use one lure each to lure the entire park. Then just walk around from lure to lure, so everybody profits from each others lures.


not really sure myself set one out a glacier module today in an attempt to attract a snowy castform the last one needed to complete the collection challenge, it generated about 25 mon of which maybe 4 were ice/snow so challenge remains incomplete.


They just forgot to activate. I tried this as well.


Something to keep in mind is that the range to put a lure on a stop is the same as the range to spun that stop, BUT the range to see any pokemon drawn by that lure module is half that. You might have been in range to set lures but out of range of a lot of the spawns.


Yeah I had no idea the range was lower to see the spawning Pokémon . Annoying but I guess I have tons of lures so I don’t really care they’re gone


I used to live within spinning distance but outside of spawning distance of a stop. It was a sad day when I learned I couldn't just drop a lure and get the event's lure-only pokemon from home. (It was impossible to get close enough to the stop in question, since it was up a hill and behind a 7 foot retaining wall.)


Typed lure modules - like the Glacier module, are pretty useless, as they have a set pool of Pokemon they can pull from. So if you want an ice type from an ice type lure, you're gonna be getting the same 10 ice and/or water types from every 30 seconds or so.


Otherwise, there’s the special: golden lure that can be used to catch gimmighoul but mainly get gimmighoul coins to evolve it, And then if you want to complete the game you can just put down lures, especially in dense areas to get the lure related medal


You were out of range. Please don't delete any pokemon caught 2016-18. Copy paste https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/D8j48meIIv Guides for everything in game. Read the posts that apply to you. If you're confused what part you should read/watch please ask.


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Evolving pokemon


From my limited experience using them of late I find it generates like one mon a minute or two, if that. This is with me sitting right next to it.


They are good for dropping at community days as one will last the whole time ie 3 hrs? I never last the whole time. Point is there is a badge for it and anything you catch and someone else catches counts to the badge. I'm about 480 off platinum. Platinum badges are what i need now. Once i have platinum I'll stop making sure I'm first ... pokestop predators atm :)


I love my Mission to catch 100 Pokemon via a Lure and zero show up. This is a year long mission if I am luck doing daily. I live and work on top of stops and a gym all in my range and a Route. Zero lure results some days.