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It's actually 10% each raid as this event doubles the odds, but yes, you are more than a bit unlucky.


Not all these are from today. 2nd picture shows only 3 groudon with a light blue background- the indicator for caught last 24h ... So unsure how lucky/unlucky that was 4 real...


Is it still 1/10 if the event isn't active in your time zone? Just curious. 


My wife, my son and my dad went out and did twenty six .. My dad got six shines My son got four shines My wife got zero..🤣😅


The 1/10 is for the area of the raid so if you remote to a location within there time of it, it’ll still be 1/10


It’s so annoying that the bonuses are gone if you finish the raid after 5pm


Has that been verified? Because my group only got 3/58 shinies which suggests the normal 1/20 rate.


Raid day events are always 1/10 . that in no way guarantees a shiny within 10 raids tho thats not how rng works


3/9, here.


I got 6/22 today so I would say so yes




0/14, sad 😔


For every unlucky person, there is someone who is lucky. My friend went 4 for 8 Groudon and 1 for 1 Tapu Lele


Sorry to say but it’s 1/10.


Thanks for correcting that makes my luck more bad but now i know :)


No worries, I had 0/56 for Latios lol.


Thats even worse thats sucks


Only for today. Some of them are caught over 24h ago. (2nd picture shows only 3 groudon with a light blue background.)


Damn, I'm sorry man. I think you are extremely unlucky :( Not a single shiny out of 38... There's no pity system in the game that would let one get a guaranteed shiny after xx encounters, so this situation is bound to happen here and there. Unfortunately for this very time you are among the "chosen". Stay strong brother


1.8% chance of not getting a shiny from that many encounters, brutal luck :(


I feel like this happens more than it doesn’t happen


How have you seen 29 but caught 38. I'm so confused


My kyogre stats are the same, seen 1 caught 16. Something with how they count raid encounters maybe?


That's kinda weird that they have it set up like that


They’re too busy screwing up the avatars to handle bugs ig


I honestly wish that they would port over the avatars from the TCG computer game


That’s a good idea, but If an idea sounds good we probably won’t see it happen.


Using myself as an example. I’ve technically only seen a base form Kyogre once from the shadow I got from Giovanni a little while back so my Pokédex says seen 1, but caught 24. If you unlocked the mega dex, you’d see the correct number seen as a Primal Kyogre.


It’s the same with kyogre from last week. It says I’ve seen 1 and caught 7


Check your mega Pokédex if you have it unlocked. The raid days are technically the Primal forms, so you’ll see the correct number seen there. The regular Pokédex shows you how many base forms you’ve seen.


It took me around 56 raids to get my first shiny Groudon. Definitely feel your pain! It can always be worse. Zekrom was 79 for the shiny, and I’m at 86 Landerous raids without the shiny. Stay strong!


The thing is that it's 1/10 for the event so that makes your luck even worse


Shit luck, sorry.


Luck swings like a pendulum, mine, like yours was pretty honking today!! A raid nundo, my best CP ran away and no shinies out of 20 odd raids. My son was at the other end of the lucky swing and got 7 shinies in the same amount of raids...


Rip my guy happy for your son 7 shinys is insane congrats for him!


I went 0/20 today. My wife went 5/15. But Niantic can make it up to me when they gift me a shadow hundo during the rocket takeover event. Update: I got a shadow hundo. It’s solisis. Should have been more specific.


Your lucks just terrible, it happens, Even though in Pokémon games there's a 1 in 8192 chance to get a shiny Pokémon it's not insured that you will get 1 every 8192 that's why you just gotta cross your fingers and keep hunting brother


i did 12 raids and got one shiny, i can finally give up and not spend all my money 😂


I had no shinies last week after 20+ kyogre raids so I feel your pain. I got two shiny Groudon but all the IV’s are pretty mid:/


Damn that sucks hopefully u got some normal good groudons


That's not how shiny rates work.


Can you please explain how it works? I’m really curious too!


it's 1/10 for raid day but that doesn't mean you're ever guaranteed to get one. in 38 raids, there's about a 98.17% chance to get a shiny. So yes, OP, you are very unlucky, but it's just RNG.


If all 38 where from today. 2nd picture shows only 3groudon with a light blue background (caught with in 24h).


“1 in 20” does not mean if you catch 20, you’re guaranteed 1 shiny… it means that each individual encounter has a 1/20 (or 5%) chance of being shiny. So how many encounters you have had and their results don’t affect the probability of getting a shiny on the next one. Think of it as rolling a dice and trying to get a 6. Whether or not you rolled a 6 last time doesn’t effect if you’ll roll a 6 next time. (Though of course, if you roll the dice 10 times, you’re more likely to end up with at least one 6 than if you only roll a couple times. OP IS statistically unlucky, it just doesn’t mean there’s a flaw/lie in the system).


I knew this but didnt understand exactually how it worked thanks for explaining


A dice roll..


I thought it was 1/10 and yes, your unlucky


Took me 41 to get a shiny today. Granted last week I got 5 shiny Kyogre and 2 hundos in 20 remotes so I like to think this balances it out lol


1/10🤣🤣 did manage to catch 5 out of 15 raids. No shundo though best was a 98% normal


I did 7 raids, got 2 back to back shinies.


It took me 102 groudons to get my first shiny. That was from initial shiny release and returning times.


0 shines for me while everyone around me seemed to be getting. The girl next to me got 3 in a row...My account is crap! I never seem to get shiny legendary Pokémon and I've been playing on and off since 2016...how can I be this unlucky!!


I did 40 raids on this raid day with 0 shinies, im 76 total dry on raid days where its 1/10 chance, apparently less then 0.3% chance of happening but here i am, 98.85% chance i wouldve had a groudon in 40


Sorry to see, not to brag but I managed 1 raid in those three hours and the one I got was Shiny :>


U good happt u got one !


I did 3 raids, and got 2 shinies. Xd




Bad luck, I’ve only done 7 and have two shinies






Friend of mine got it in his first raid


My gf got 2 in a row


I’m having a hard time getting a group! You’re lucky you had that many people


I had that same luck too. Highest Groudon I could get was 2337 everything else was trash and no shiny


Nice mine was 2328 wasnt my best day :/


Yeah, just bad luck. I did 4 raids today and got one shiny. I needed enough for primal reversion. I already had a good 3* shiny and the second one I caught today was two stars and so so. My good shiny is the one that I will be using the primal energy on.


Play the lotto b/c what are the chances to get screwed like this? Had the same luck chasing shiny shadow Ho-Oh, went 0 for 55 💔


What’s the IV on the 4004


Bad didnt really understand ivs yet so i powerd the highest cp wich was this weather boosted but i already upped it before i realised the ivs were 2 star atill a power house at 4004


I'm at 42 caught with no shiny so we can be sad together


That is really bad luck, and it’s 1/10 for the shiny btw. Got mine first raid still half-asleep in bed lol.


Unlucky man I did about 20 raids and got 4 of them


My first and only Groudon I caught today was a shiny and I believe the only reason I caught it is because the legendary shinies are guaranteed catch. 😭 I raided 4 other times and they all got away 😭😭😭 all out of raid passes and money now 😂😂😂


Had the same luck with kyogre last week. Today I got one shiny and two 98% groudon from 20 raids. RNG can be a bitch sometimes…


It was supposed to be 1/10, but I only got 1/70


I got four shinies from seven raids today, which is mad. That said, my partner was running two accounts and got a hundo on each in the same time, so I still ended up feeling like I'd missed out in some way...


My bad I stole your luck I got a shiny on my second raid


And I thought my bad was luck with 20, and to top it all off on my three other accounts I got four total


It’s supposed to be 1 in 10 for this event. I’m calling pure bs at this point because a friend of mine got nothing in 21 and I got 1 in nearly 50. Bad luck sure however, no way this is 1 in 10. I should have at least gotten 2 or 3.


That’s tough. I went 1 for 1 on shiny today. I was in bfe on a raid invite at that


I was 0/48 before today, 3/60 after. So I’m exactly on odds disregarding boosted odds today


This was me for the kyogre event. I was lucky this time with 4 shinies. So I know your pain buddy. Sorry!


at least you caught em. only 1 remote pass and like regice, failed to catch it. Still tryna complete that it’s about time quest


If it’s 1/20, the probability of the first shiny appearing on or after encounter 39 is 13.5%. If it is 1/10 like a lot of people are saying, then it’s 1.6%.


I got three shinies in my first 4 raids and then no more after. I did 23 raids overall.


You caught one ?


I think I stole all the shiny luck. I truly apologize.


“Some guys have all the pain” -also me


Sometimes it’s like that. I have done 46 mega gengar raids. 0 shiny. 0 hundo. 23 groudon raids. 0 shiny 0 hundo. 17 kyogre raids. 0 shiny 0 hundo. 2 rayquaza raids. 1 shiny and 1 hundo. Sometimes luck is on your side. Other times it’s not


Last week I did over 55 kyogre and got 0 shinies. With a 1/10 odds I had a less than 1/3 of a single percent chance of not getting a shiny and still didn’t 😭


I dumped about a total of 25 passes or so and only got two, so I would still say the odds, even though they’re increased, are still low


I never get shinies in big raids, and today I got 2 out of 13. I may have stolen your luck, and I’m sorry!


RNG sucks sometimes...ive had shiny T5s where I get one the very first raid I do, and others, like mewtwo, where it took me 109 times before I got one.


I’m sorry I probably stole yours, I got 4 shinies my first 12 raids…


I'm usually really unlucky but out of 15 raids I got 3.


I know people who raided a 100 raids (not today, so with the 1/20 odds) without a shiny, at raid 143 they had then 9. They went from unlucky to lucky... Was hunting shiny groudon aswell got my first after 63 raids. Today the remaining shiny came in clutch with 6 out of 15 raids. If you push those numbers it will fit at some point...


i dont understand why you need so many groudons or use so many passes


At least you have primal energy now. I did 2 raids and I only have one more remote pass. I don’t have the ability to do in person or even host a remote raid right now. I got 2 good ones (14/13/14 and 15/13/14) but likely will never get the 250 primal energy I’m missing.


Cute. I remember I had to do 72 Rayquaza raids to get my first shiny Rayquaza.....😭


It’s worth noting that you’re playing a glorified gacha game where nothing is guaranteed So saying ‘wahhhh I’m done it’s not fair’ is no different from an angry 66 year old southern grandma throwing a fit that the casino slots didn’t give her her $300 lottery fund back I have sympathy - cause I’ve gone through several of these events with next to nothing (no groudon - no Hitmontop - no Smeargle - no meltan - only 1 shiny during Sinnoh tour and it was a qwilfish) but at some point you should take a step back, take a deep breath, and contemplate what it was that made you type that sentence


Skill issue


I got 3 out of 5 today


Did 7 raids today and didn’t get lucky either. In fact out of those 7, 4 ran away :/


Today I did 16 raids and I have got only one shiny Groudon. My raid friend have got today 9 shiny 😂


Did 30 raids got three shinies


My second one is a shiny lol


I've seen 56 articuno still no shiny


unlucky. But if it makes you feel better i had to do 110 legendary raids just to get my first legendary which was so bad ivs


Hey, I’ll make you feel a bit happier. 25 raids and no shiny or hundo so someone’s in the same boat as you


I had the same just bad luck I maxed the remotes so 20 raids, also had a lot of runaways compared to kyogre I did get a 15/15/14 which is good I suppose but now it’s not ML relevant that’s not that good? I might try five more raids in 40 mins just to try and get the shiny


i did 20 raids today and no shiny or hundos


A friend got 2 shinys back to back from remote raiding next to me while I searched for people to join our local raid


Ur just super unlucky


1/10 but it has no bad luck protection, you’re rolling a 10 sided die each time looking for the same number.


My shiny rate for today was 25% lol. I did 8 local raids and got 2 shiny.


Did 16, 0 shinies. Same as Kyogre last week


crazy bc i got 4 shinies after 8 raids😭


I did 30 Kyogre raids last week and only got 2 shinies. I did 31 Groudon raids today and got 10 shinies, including 3 in row. Probability can be funny.


I did 3 raids and got shiny on the last one. The IVs are not the best but it’s my first shiny legendary so I am very happy with the result.


*laugh cries in 200 non-shiny regirocks*


Might be u lucky my second raid was a shiny and so was my 4th


None for me either. Today or for Kyogre. Super annoying as I had the additional raid passes for each of them. GRRRR.


Here I'm sitting at 3 seen 0 caught


Bruh, I only did the raid 4 times and ended up getting 3 groudons, 2 being shiny…. Lol


I stole all your luck. 40 remote raids and 10 shinies. I'm sorry.


My second one ever was shiny💀


Yeaa that's some bad luck...I'm sorry 😞 I got 1/20 my hubby got 2/20 and my other friend also got one and didn't even do 20.


If it helps the shiny is ugly


You've seen 29 but caught 38?


I did 4 raids and got 3 shinies.


Yeah. And I made up for your bad luck by getting 2 shinies in 14 raids. You’re welcome.


I got it on the third raid and I only did three raids


I did 40 and got nothing, then got 3 back to back on like raid 44


I appreciate your sacrifice. I got a shiny on my second raid.


And there is me who got one on my first of 4 raids


Forgive me everyone! But doing that many raids….does that mean ya’ll spending a large amount of money for all of the passes? It seems obvious to me, but so many people in here were hitting so many raids, I’m just curious?


I did 7 raids today and got 3 shinies


I got 1 shiny on my 3rd raid, caught the 1st 1 on a curve ball without hitting the inner circle after 3 trys, the 2nd 1 caught on a curve ball without the inner circle on the 1st try and then the shiny was obviously 1 balled lol


I hate seeing these posts abt ppl complaining abt not getting a shiny, I didn't even get to do this event or the kyogre one cuz I live in a small town and I have no remote passes


Your luck probably went to that one guy who got like 9 Shundo Groudons in 40 raids


I feel your pain, I got 0 shinnies for Kyogre raid day, got 2 today though.


You know what’s crazy? I’m level 25, 1100 Pokémon caught and not a single one was shiny. I’m currently 0/1100 for catching a shiny… idk if that’s unbelievably unlucky or I’m cursed


I did 6 raids, got 3 shinies like


Its actually 1/10 so its even worse lol. Rng is a cruel mystrous. It always comes back arpund the question is is it when you want it to tho lol. I did 23 kyogres last week n no shiby this week i got 3 shiny groudons one of them on the 3rd raid lol. Shiny primal groudon looks sick at least i guess.


My very first raid got me a shiny. I'll DM you the screenshot if you want because I can't get my dam imgur to work


I got mine first try … sorry mate :/


0/45 myself. Not fun. Wife got 1/45 tho, so at least we got one. I did get a Hundo, so at least there's that.


I did 4 raids and got 3 shiny groudons. I had never gotten a shiny from a raid before, so I used all my luck today


i got a shiny on my second one and got another 2 raids later


I feel your pain




Nah, the funny part is seen only 29 when you’ve caught 9 more than that


With a 1 in 20 chance, the odds that you would not get a shiny in 38 raids is 14%. Sorry it’s not that crazy. But with 1 in 10 shiny odds the likelihood that you would not havre a shiny yet is actually 1.8% which is much much more unlucky.


My son did one Groudon raid with a remote pass the entire day and got a shiny.


If the chance is 1 out of 20 you have a roughly 1 in 6.5 chances to not get it after 38 tries. That‘s actually not that unlucky. Going 3x over the rate at which a random thing might happen is actually not that uncommon statistically.


How did you catch 38, when you only seen 29??


I'm 1 for 25+ lmaoooo 🫠


1/3 here


That was me last week with Kyogre


It’s 5% chance


Mathematics has entered the chat.


I only did 4 raids and got one.


It’s like a roulette wheel. Every time you spin the wheel the odds are reset.


God damn dude. I couldn’t do physical raids so I capped myself to 12 remote raid passes. If I didn’t get it - I don’t get it. …but I had leftover coins for ONE MORE and so hopped on the next friend invite and GOT ITTTT. Phew. It’s like 10/10/13 but I’m powering up that one I don’t even care lmao


I got 2 shiny’s out of 10 raids


I got shiny on my first raid.


0/19…I feel ya


I went 2/6. 1 fled. 2 shiny. 3 regular.


Gotta have bad luck, did 5 and got one, sorry you didn't man, hopefully you can get a shiny shadow one when that is going on


It’s 50% for me… 2 raids… 1 shiny… 😁


I got 3 back to back. Must of got yours.


It’s 1/10 chance to get a shiny on each catch, not guaranteed 1/10 catches will be shiny.


You don’t want to see my kyogre numbers…


How tf have you caught 38 but seen 29


Must be your luck because I got like 2 shinies in 11 raids


My friend once did 97 darkrai raids and only got the shiny on the 94th one


How have you seen 29 but caught 38??


Statistics are fun haha


I had much better luck with the kyoge raid. I caught 3 shinys out of 13 caught. This time caught 1/14 and it was the last one. I’m more mad about buying the ticket for the xl candy. Did the same thing for kyoge and got 15 rare xl candies. I got two this time and did more raids.


I did 27 not a single shiny same car My son got 5 and so did my Father in law lol including a 98 shiny


RNG is one nervous heckuva drug...