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don’t forget that these days anyone can be a journalist. go rant on tiktok or youtube or wherever and we’ll bomb it with attention. get on niantics socials and tell them too. if someone is already in the app store then they intend to download, we need to reach those still in the awareness step because that’ll hurt niantic most


Here's a tip, stop playing this greedy fucking game and you'll feel better.




Actually, Niantic employees do monitor this sub. The only time I’ve seen them comment was in response to a serious issue involving an abusive Community Ambassador. They typically observe from the background and rarely interact, which was stated by the employee themselves, who only commented due to the severity of that particular situation. Engaging more often could probably be counterproductive. TBH I was surprised that their comment didn’t lead to a dogpile, but it prob went unnoticed because it didn’t attract as much attention as posts about infographics, new releases, or event days, which always get more focus from this sub


Niantic reading this sub is the equivalent to calling the guy filming a snuff film a witness to the murder. They have basically had a mandate from day one: how ridiculous and tedious can we make this game by designing it around thriving social scenes that are non existent and blaming the players for not forming them elsewhere. But also being mad when they find work around and can engage with your product too hard? It's just nonsensical and exhausting. Pokemon is held hostage wtf isn't anything being done lol


> Niantic employees and employers (who make the managerial / high level decisions) don't browse this sub. Fixed the initial quote




Oh yeah they need to be hit where it hurts. Here, irl friends, discord servers, other subs, other sites. Anywhere is good to spread the word, I feel like so many people forget they literally have a community wide "we're fucking pissed" button to use


It definitely does something. Money talks after all. And it’s highly likely that their monthly revenue hits rock bottom this month, even worse than the remote raid nerf.


The lower spend do wonders with pr improvements with companies




Hell yeah 👍


The problem is that people have to actually follow through with this. I find that a lot of people will leave the review, but they won't stop spending the money. FOMO is one hell of a drug to some people, and I imagine a big portion are parents spending money for their kids. I hope the change is reverted, but i'm not really gonna expect much.


I just hatch eggs and build up candies at work. I will occasionally buy balls, bundles, incubators, etc. it's not much of a change for me to just stop. Now I just have one mobile game to check in on each day; Fire Emblem Heroes.


I play Pokemon Go + FEH too 😄


I now regret the (embarrassingly high) amount of money I'd already spent in the past for my avatar. I genuinely enjoyed dressing her up in fun styles based on events and seasons and stuff. I'm not spending another dollar on this game now and I'm headed to the app store to leave a negative review as well.


Considering requesting a refund. Won’t go anywhere, but I spent money on things they completely changed.


Note if you request a refund in the app store (not with Niantic directly) they will likely just ban your access to your account


And I can't say I'd care one bit. Playing with these new avatars is already 500% less fun, with the dress-up being pointless. They can happily ban me.


I feel bad for you, I only bought the Candela skirt and feel ripped off. But players like you got shit on *personally*


Same. :-(


I turned off my location tracking to only if I’m physically in game, and I’m committed to not spending any money moving forward unless this is fixed. Hating the avatar you play is absolutely game breaking for so many people. It’s a fundamental game 101. How this was approved is beyond me. They should have kept the original avatars, and allowed you to customize from there. Their attitude and how they handle this is going to be a deciding factor for me personally moving forward, I’m not entirely optimistic they’ll make this right either. This whole situation is just crazy to me


I can't find a SINGLE review complaining about the new avatar feature.  God it's infuriating. The reviews are being actively suppressed, at least on google. Go check yourself. The only ones visible are ones that are just emoji faces vomiting.


Well this makes the case even more interessting for journalists! Niantic, Niantic... just making it worse 🧐


I can only see reviews from yesterday on my end. Actual dirtbags...


Yep, even sorted by new the most recent ones were from yesterday too


It could be that they've gotten so many it'll take a while to update the reviews lol. I'd prefer that to them suppressing reviews


I was planning to leave a 1 star review as well and yes, still the most recent reviews that I can see are from the 17th, and only just a few from that day. And NOTHING mentioning the avatars. Something is definitely fishy here and I hate it with a burning passion. Edit: forgot to add that this is at the Google Play store.


same on the apple app store- most recent reviews i can see are on wednesday. i’ve left the same review 3 times today and it says it’s posting but i can’t see any evidence of that


My review is still 1 star from last year's decision about remote raiding


Dang, I left in early 2019 and returned early this year so I missed those days entirely


I left when the paid events started and not looking back


I left a 1-star review in the App Store. Is there anything else I can do?


You could always tell friends or family or anyone you know who plays to do the same if they dislike the changes


Stopping playing the game altogether will send a stonger message. They make money off your attention as well as what you spend.


Yep. I'm done. I know it sounds way disproportionate, but this was finally the card that toppled the house for me. Me and my 'two friends that I play with all of the time' just left 1-stars and deleted the app. Can't do it anymore.


Definitely did leave a nasty review!


Recent reviews looks weird, just checked on more recent and there are a lot of 5 star reviews with texts saying, "Nice", "pokemon go op"," I just like it", alot from yesterday and today. Or people reviews are that bland or it on purpose


Eugh are we really at the point of review botting to cower from feedback


Maybe there is people that like the new feature and never really looked the avatars before hahaha


I could see that for heavier and nonbinary people, but those people also unanimously seem to agree that not keeping the originals in addition is mad snail disease level wacko


I always wanted more gender neutral options about hair and clothes but this is just bad. The body shapes are wonky, making clothes look bad and the faces and hair options are so few and ugly they're useless. For example, I thought we needed short hair for female avatars but now only the side cut looks somewhat good, then there's the old guy hair and a terrible bowl cut that's giving me nightmares. 


The first recent that I see says, "They are actually adding customization!" 🤣


I only recently rejoined Pokémon Go and was really enjoying it. Spent some money to get my avatar a cute outfit. I didn’t see this coming and now I regret it. I’ll keep playing but I did leave a review and I won’t spend anymore money on this game. They really shouldn’t screw over their player base like this.


They're just brain dead... 8 years to listen to people asking for hair styles, so they decide to ruin *everything* with an overhaul less than probably 3% of players wanted


Did they delete all the reviews? I don't see any from after they did the update in the Play Store. Most recent one is from the 16th


Either intentionally suppressing them or Google has a system to slow down reviews when a mass of them come in at once/are changed


I did that as soon as I saw it on mine. I thought they'd fix this shit in testing before rolling it out. Left a 1 star review, decided to quit till it's fixed, shut off all notifications and removed it from my phone's home screens. If they don't fix it in a month or two, I'll just transfer my shinies and legendaries to home and delete the app.


Thinking about doing the exact same honestly


Just did also


I’ve been preaching to people about voting with your wallet with this game forever. It means nothing venting online if you’re truly mad, then you turn around and give them money. These people will never stop and niantic will continue reaping in the cash. Don’t get your hopes up


This needs more attention. Please leave reviews guys!


I've already gotten a few friends to do it and I know people here are. Gotta keep this train moving


Stop. Dont encourage trash behavior. Do exactly as OP says if you do not enjoy the product: 1) Don't spend your money and / or time on the product if you don't enjoy it 2) Review the product based on your honest satisfaction levels Encouraging "review bombing" just undermines legitimate reviews. And it gives developers the opportunity to negate everyone's concern by summarizing the entirety of negative reviews by highlighting poor behavior patterns of a few.


I used “review bomb” incorrectly! My b! I just meant to do what OP was saying to do


All good. This is definitely frustrating.


I just did that


I left a review thanks for reminding me!


I haven't spent a dime on this game so far, and I don't plan to unless they revert this. terrible update.


I'm doing my part! I actually uninstalled as well. Avatar update was the straw that broke the camels back. Don't know if I'll ever come back, but for now I've lost interest.


Agree, just did my part


I can't spend less money than I already do, which is zero


Might as well start a petition on change.org, both that and this will accomplish the same thing…nothing.


Absolutely 💯 just updated my previous review to 1*




Good idea. Done.


I like this idea. Boycott!!!




I wish I could do that again but I already did after the remote raid nerf. I'd been spending money weekly until then too. Way to go Niantic, you absolute morons.


Already done and uninstalled the app too !


Just did. Thanks for the idea


Yeah I voted 1 star and sent a complaint in. Also won’t spend any money until this is addressed.


Good stuff! Love to see it


I've already stopped spending money on it after they nerfed remote raid passes.


Good call - left my 1-star review!


Just did.


I got onto my wife last night when she spent her coins on a pumpkin to cover her avatars face.  Even with the negative feedback, if they see a bunch of coins/money flowing in, the extra profit will definitely outweigh the negative feedback to them.  


Yeah thas literally the best thing you can do, This things do wonders in the beginning of codmovile Whne they implement pay to win weapons Now days yeah season weapons are generaly borken and that but the game its mostly good in weapon balance thanks to that Soo yeah dont spend its the best way to tel corporate people that we arent good with his products


Lol it's Activision, they're alllll about that money glad they listened to you all


If this actually worked, remote raid pass price hike would have been reverted. You're only fooling yourself in thinking we can change anything.


change the look of anything in any game or website and everyone hates it and then gets used to it until the next update and hates it and so the cycle loops.


I mean I get where you're coming from, but they basically did a big fucking rugpull after doing nothing for 8 years And they did it wrong


normally I agree with this sentiment because it's usually the case, but I just can't picture that playing out this time with how pixely and glitchy the new avatar designs are


This should work as well as when they tripled the cost of remote raid passes and limited the number you were allowed to use.


I’m not sure what happened, but my avatar was pale for a month+ and now seems fixed


This tank the App Store rating and they’ll go back


I did that when they upped the price of remote raid passes. They're still overpriced and have not gone down, except in special box bundles sometimes.


the dont spend money should be the standard considering how bad this game is all in all.


I don't even have the option to write a review on the Google play store. It's almost as if they removed it because too many negative reviews were being made..


Has the update just been released worldwide? I thought it already was. My avatar changed over a month ago. You get used to it.


I lov it.


I don't even know if mine has been changed. Looks the same to me.


Rated the app 1 star👍 I really hope they revert the god awful avatars


Fr, there's a looot of unhappy campers lol they've satisfied shockingly few people


Turns out I left a 1* review in 2016 and had never updated it. I tried to edit it to add in stuff about this horrible update but every time I hit "edit" my App Store crashes... conspiracy!


Negative reviews are either being suppressed or we actually overloaded the store and they're struggling to fix it


I'm having flashbacks to the remote pass nerf. Something tells me not to get my hopes up...


I did, but it looks like all reviews from the last 24 hours have been deleted.


Idk about deleted, but maybe hidden or they got an influx of so many it's struggling to update the list


Agree. I remember way back when we boycotted grapes. Some of us marched with Cesar Chavez to Sacramento. The one thing a California company will understand is a boycott and reduced revenue. This truly is a case of FAFO


The #hearusniantic campaign of last year didn't change anything either.


I just looked at mine. Don’t see much of a difference. Do people really spend a lot of time looking at their avatar?


Look at my post on my profile and you'll see what I mean, you couldn't *not* notice


Why buy anything on a mobile game in the first place?


I mean if you enjoy the game, why not? Even if you're not spending money on it the reason you're able to play these games is that other people do.


Uh, no actually. There's mobile games that don't have in-app purchases that are playable, which completely nullifies your comment


I am obviously talking about games (when I said these games) that do have in-app purchases. From the free games there are some that are truly free (even without annoying ads), but those are kinda rare and either are open source or some small indie project.


You weren't "obviously" talking about those games. Maybe re-read your comment 4-head


Lol, go back on twitch edgy boy


Tf does twitch have to do with you being a moron and getting called out for it?


I was very obviously talking about it. You not getting it and trying to "nullify my comment" by a braindead response is not my fault


It's not exactly obvious that you're specifically talking about games with in-app purchases if you just say "games" Maybe give your head a shake dunce


I said "these games" not "games". Maybe you should learn how to read and understand what you read.


I JUST spent like 1k coins on my avatar which is like. So annoying lmao it was basically all the coins I had


That's the kind of tragedy kids in history class are gonna be learning about in 60 years my friend


Literally like I'm poor and ugly now what do I have going for me 😭


I have never paid any money for my avatar. I set it up in 2016 and have not changed it after except in 2020 with a covid mask.


That is just sad and pathetic.


I feel like this might end up being a moot point. We had the ordeal with the Remote Raids, that never changed. This avatar update was also greatly disliked when it was in beta, Devs decided to roll it put anyway. Fact of the matter is, this game is also in The Pokemon Company’s back pocket. Pretty sure even of it’s hated and people don’t spend money on it, the game will still be going on, if not a quick shut down. The bulk of the Pokemon Franchise’s sales are in licensing merchandise. Even the shoddy quality Switch Pokemon games making millions despite their poor quality, that doesn’t even scratch the profits from licensed merchandise the franchise regularly sees. So if the main video games can’t scratch the same profit itch as the licensed merch, what makes you think Go is any better?


I'm not buying anyway, and I feel that 1 star review because new avatars are looking ugly is overkill. The game is still playable, they simply save money on graphic designer, for whatever reason they've got to change legacy avatars (maybe copyrights were time-limited)