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Oh hell yeah. I live in Europe in the middle of a city, there's hundreds of pokestops and like 50 arenas in a one mile radius around my house. Literally all of them are fought over day and night. Community days result in masses of people roaming through the streets. It feels as active as ever.


I guess I just don't see people actually running around and playing it. I'm assuming they just play a bit between lectures in my case


Everyone is running around staring at their phones these days so sometimes it can be hard to tell, haha. I can tell you I have posted casual events on Campfire where 100+ people turned up, though. It was nuts. There are a lot of players around..


Two days ago I was in a brewery and pulled out my phone because a raid appeared and I was suddenly joined by 4 people. I looked around like wtf.


They’re everywhere man Lawyers, doctors, bus drivers, they’re everywhere


Lawyer here! My office has a gym right on top of it and we are constantly fighting over it haha so lots of professionals occasionally having a cheeky go at their PGO app during work hours lol


Yep once saw our local rural bus driver playing it


Yep I got back into it a few months ago and did some raid hunting on the recent Mewtwo weekend. I've missed god knows how many Mewtwo opportunities over the past 6 years and really wanted one. Spent a morning in the city center and went looking for raids in the busiest locations and was seeing 10+ players turn up easily. Sometimes they were easy to spot. Like the guy with a big hiking backpack, covered in anime and pokemon patches, headphones and sunglasses on. He power walked off the moment the raid was over. Then I even went into less popular areas in the city looking for more raids and there would be a couple of people sitting at the park waiting. A car or two turning up, and then a reasonable amount of people then joining to raid. That was a popular weekend for sure. It reminded me of the earliest months when the game launched, where people would collect in certain places with enough stops close together - and you could just chat to anyone. It was great how social it made people who would otherwise never have met or had any reason to interact with each other.


I miss that.


Something similar happened to me yesterday. I stopped at a church for a Tapu Fiki raid and posted it on the raid sub but only got one request. I was just about to leave when I noticed a sign on the gym that showed multiple people (I haven't played in a while so it was new to me) and I hopped into a group with 10 other people. I did see two people walking and staring at their phones afterwards, and I figured that a group in the church must have been playing as well.


What brewery ? Cause me and my co workers might have been those 4 people


My wife and I play even though our son stopped years ago. We hide it in public though


You'll start to notice on raids.


Yet I struggled to find tapu bulu people. Only got 2 raids in :'(


My area has active players but I haven’t been able to find any raiders really. Although it was kind of funny, one of my really good friends plays. I had no idea until he saw me walking around, noticed he had been kicked out of a gym a few minutes earlier and it was me that did it! So we got a small discord together


I did my first raid ( not including a few 1 stars) on a tapu bulu and got a 14 14 14 shiny after being carried by my friend


If it’s a community day I see SO many people playing in just about any park or city i’ve been to in the past year


I ran into people outside gyms at the mall during Shadow Mew Two raids it was the first time I've run into people playing! Just started last summer with my son


Once you start playing you notice the other folks playing too. My boyfriend and I picked it back up last August after seeing a ton of people near his house during gofest.


The raid trains and groups aren’t nearly the same as when they were first introduced. I remember driving from gym to gym with 60+ people to fight the legendaries. And people would stop and ask what this giant group of people were doing. lol Community days are still pretty packed at popular playing areas though.


We notice other people playing on big event days


I kind of thought pogo had died out a lot since 2016, then when I started playing I started noticing just how many people are playing because I recognized the swipes and mannerisms of someone raiding or looking for pokemon 😅


Go out on a community day or research day etc on foot and if you live in a medium-sized town you’ll see all sorts of bizarre behavior (both by walkers and drivers) that lines up exactly with routes or the current event objectives haha. You don’t see it at a glance but if you play in the same spots long enough you start to see a pattern of people stopping for five seconds, driving down the street two blocks, stopping again….. etc


Where I live, a lot of people play from their cars. They park at stops and then drive to other areas. I rarely see other players walking around. I honestly recognize other players cars, and I have no idea what the players look like.




Which country in Europe? Im in Austria and the overall activity is ok imo


Netherlands, very high population density I guess


My shock came from the introduction of the showcases. In my small neighbourhood park, 60-70 accounts participate in the showcase. I had no idea that many players were around me. Before the showcases based on the gyms, I would’ve assumed maybe 20 max


The gyms are what's surprising for me like even when I go home which is in the middle of nowhere the gyms are actively being fought for and there aren't many copy names so there's groups of different people taking them


I was amazed earlier this week, I had 12 pokemon in gyms as of my morning walk. Then a busy day at work. I log back in and watch as notifications for 10 of them stream in, as they have been booted out of gyms. Still no idea what happened, maybe a student free day with local schools or something XD (And this is gyms across multiple locations too, I had them across the city from relatively busy spots to distant hiking trails). Some of those pokemon had been holding gyms for 2 weeks. Anyway, that's 450 coins straight into the void.


As is the rule. You will only ever get long time pokemon back after you have earned your 50 for the day. Had 4-5 multiple month pokemon in gyms spread across an entire state come back in a single day. Already had 50 earned.


Believe it or not, the people online who say this game is “dead” haven’t played since 2016 There is still a strong community of players.


I always laugh and say “it’s just one of the top grossing mobile games, but yeah, no one plays!”


Gross is a good metric, but it doesn't fully account for Daily Active Players


The community has stayed surprisingly alive very well even though Niantic has caused a lot of drama over the last four years which has caused some players to leave and quit, one of these caused by the recent Avatar and Biome update. But there have been a lot of players to begin with.


not everywhere lol here in norway my pokemons chill in the gym for like 20 days on average


I think it depends on where you live. When I lived in the middle of Stavanger, gyms were being fought over constantly. I was lucky if my pokemon was in one for just long enough to get the max amount of coins. It's even more active where I live now, even though this city has about the same population.


yea i guess thats true i live on the country side so that doesnt really help


Its pretty active where I live in Norway, and my city doesn't even have 50k inhabitants. Its usually in the gym for a day at most.


I play because my 8 year old wanted to. Pokémon in general is still popular his age group. He doesn’t have a phone (and won’t for a while!) so we play together. He’s got his dad and grandma playing too.


Both my kids and my Dad play too, haha. We're a three generation Pokemon Go family at this point.


Truly, it will never hit that insane peak again, but it's still going strong


Colleges will always be the mecca of pogo. It’s not the frenzy from 2016 but it’s a healthy player base. Too many kids play for social stuff and honestly I’m cool with that. It keeps it an accessible game for all ages without having to worry about creeper shit.


Yeah that was my thought too, felt bad taking gyms thinking it was just a bunch of kids lmao but especially on campus it should be mostly adults. I've never used that campfire thing people recommended but I'll give it a go see what's there


I honestly see a lot more adults playing. Even when it came out, it seemed like a big crowd of people in their 20s/30s. The other surprising bit is all the much older people, like 50s+ who actively play. I actually know a ton of people in that older age group who are seriously addicted and they probably never played a pokemon game in their life before pogo.


I’m in my mid 60s as well as my three best friends and we’ve all been playing the game continuously since 2016. You’d be surprised how many older folks play PoGo.


This is my aunt! She's super into the game and she's well into her mid 50's. I love that she loves it!




And by dozens you mean weedles in my storage 😭


Evolve them on Double XP Evolution Day 👍🏽


When's that?


May 14th 6pm-7pm your local time


Download campfire you can find groups around you and chat with people


This!!! Make pokemon friends in real life. My area has meetups for all the big raids.


I didn’t know you can do this. Thank you for telling me!


Or if your area has any active discord servers too


Maybe they'll add the ability/system to trade Pokémon with best friends across the world. It'll ensure people keep playing.


Wait we can’t do that now?


you have to be near someone to trade as far as I know, I only ever trade with a couple of people though because they're the only active players I know of personally


There are literally dozens of us


And dozens


Most cities have a very active player base. Especially any collage campuses. Mine is riddled with pokestops and gyms everywhere.


I was at the footy tonight (NRL Qld... No I don't want to talk about it) and the bloke Infront of me was catching his Diancie. I had to say something to him. I had caught mine on the way to the game. I would have appreciated a winning score but it was nice to see someone I didn't know playing.


Yes! I got back into it last winter and was able to catch some legendaries in the Go Fest. Great stuff


Use discord or campfire to find your local community as others have said. The only reason i am saying the same thing is because you did not respond to any of them.


Would say we had a caravan of cars with 50-60 people for shadow Mewtwo raids. Games definitely alive.




There’s a whole new generation of little kids coming through now, and yhe parents are playing with their kiddos. We had never played until my kids wanted to play. So here we are out raiding together lol And, gyms are still active here. I didn’t make it 20 minutes the other day before I was knocked out while I was driving home


Turns out when a game starts with like ONE BILLION PLAYERS then even losing 95% of its playerbase still leaves FIFTY MILLION. I'm exaggerating, but still...


Being able to talk would just lead to a bunch of pedos playing.


Yeah I realised that after the fact. Glad Niantic thought ahead of that


My neighbor spends $40 a month on this game + all the tickets and plays every day


$40??? How???


He had to LIMIT himself to $40 a month mind you as well. He used to spend more probably close to $60. He buys everything, 5 raid passes a day to hunt for shiny legendaries. Incubators to hatch eggs


Pokémon Go: ‘the reports of my death are greatly exaggerated’


You can use Campfire to chat with other players


I’m in centre of London and I get kicked out of a gym inside of an hour every time


People still play and there's definitely still a community, but the number of active players in any region will vary. I've had pokes sit in gyms for days, weeks even. I remember before, you'd be lucky to get 15 minutes. Just depends on where you are.




Yeah, it's really on the community. There seems to be a sort of truce between players in my area. There's no point in trying to take multiple gyms. Just get your daily 50 and bounce. There's plenty of bread at the table.


The playerbase has definitely shrunk last year, with remote raid changes, and maybe last month too, with the avatar update, but it's still a lively game


Never did any raiding before what was the avatar update?


Style change that some people aren't enjoying. (Tbf it wasn't an incredible upgrade... more customization but the designers weren't very attentive to character proportions.)


Every university usually has a discord community so go find it and message them. Either that or message people on the local campfire. Copy paste https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/D8j48meIIv Guides for everything in game. Read the posts that apply to you. If you're confused what part you should read/watch please ask.


I'm so sick of people saying "peoPLe sTILL PlaY PokEmOn GO??" Yes, we do. I play it almost everyday.


The community we have in Michigan near Detroit is insanely strong. The game is heavily active. It’s the haters that say otherwise.


haters are always louder than everyone else. have to be cuz they are a minority.




Yeah, college/uni campuses are usually hotspots for pogo. I live near UCS and it's a good place to play during com days.


You have to get in a local discord. That completely changed everything for me.


You can text eachother if you download the campfire app, lets you guys plan raids and the like


Go to a downtown area on a Community Day. Wild seeing so many people out and actively playing still. Raid days as well if it’s a good Pokémon


There are tons of people around here. Our hyper local gyms at the park near our house swap hands at least twice a day. At the farmers market last weekend we were actively thwarting someone trying to take the gym over by healing ours (been in for 5 mins). Community days, there's a local park and I saw two raids fill up back to back. Even outside of community days there's still stragglers playing down in that park. I love it


My husband and I play. I started at lauch and him shortly after. I stopped playing before I met him and he got me back into it. We've both slowed down on playing but we still do plug gyms, and participate in community days. We actually go to our local university during community days and walk around the buildings. There's literally hundreds of people walking around in groups with multiple phones playing pogo during community day


Go to a community day or other event at a local park or something. At least in my area you still find large crowds of players most of the time. I'd say easily 30+ players will be at my park on event days.


During the recent events for origin form dialga/palkia, and primal Groudon/Kyogre a few months ago my local park was packed with well over 100+ players. I'm assuming gofest is going to be the same way. I'm playing in a very suburban borderline rural area, cities are even crazier. Game is assuredly not dead, anyone saying so is out of touch or lives in the middle of nowhere.




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Pokémon fans and some gamers are still playing. The everyone and their mom factor has died down lol


I had a dude walk by me and ask me if I was playing because he saw me spinning on my phone. He was playing, too, lol. That’s the first “in the wild” trainer encounter I’ve had in a very long time. I still play daily, trying to get to level 50. When they said you gotta catch em all, I took it personally. Been a trainer for 25 years 🤣


Simple answer you feel victim to what so many of us do. You believed the internet but done no actual research. Pogo, to this day, still has one of if not the single biggest mobile player base. There's millions of players still. Just because it's not 2016 and fake fans aren't pretending to like it while it's trending by no means it's not huge still.


Yep. I'm even a newbie essentially as I've been playing less than 2 years. I am a 90s kid...and so I know all 150 pokemon by heart. After that its all new to me lol 😆 I am playing to get in shape (that instant gratification piece makes up for the fact that physical changes do not*** happen immediately lol) and I happen to really be fond of pokemon growing up. Im learning quickly it has advanced as much as everything else has these days and so I'm trying to play catch up now. Coming to reddit for questions and stalking the community bc alot my answers are there before I ask ...there's def a good healthy amount of folks playing and so manu diff styles is easy to connect w someone even far away to play with. I don't have anyone in physical to play this game with as it was started as a solo thing real late onto the game release and I'm in my mid30s. Lol anyone I've seen is a child....it's tacky for me (not their parent or friend) to be involved for all sorts of reasons. Best to keep to one's self. But I'll keep playing as long as it motivates me. I'm sure I'll yet get bored of it eventually however ....I've been able to not be so lazy getting outdoors and steps in ....I also been doing this for awhile to have a good routine about it and my health is turning around like the progress in my game lol I'm well behind everyone...lol and don't know nearly as much as I should but...that's what i have all you for lol 😆


Oh the instant gratification is so true! I cannot motivate myself for my health but I can for the xp of doing routes or catching pokemon.


Yes. Precisely lol 😆


I've played and quit a few times since 2016. I like taking a few months' break and then coming back to a bunch of new research and sometimes a new generation of Pokemon.


I feel like it picked back up again during Covid


You can use campfire to socialize other people use discord too. We have a community FB pokepage and we give away prizes from local businesses like free pizza


Pretty sure this subreddit has more members than r/Pokemon itself which is nuts. The game is definitely less popular than at release, but it’s still absolutely massive


Universities always have a good community :)


I live in a city in NORCAL, and whenever we walk around during an event, we run into other people. I am in my 50s, and I see folks from kids to people much older than me. I have a gym I can use from my apartment, and it is always being taken over, very active in raids, etc., as are the other (literally) 20ish gyms within a two or three block area. Same at work.


My child got me back playing it and I was obsessed for like two weeks. I hadn't played in years and there were so many new research tasks, I knocked most of them out. I'm struggling with a few, especially the team ones and the "make a new friend" one. Making friends as an adult is hard. Making pokemon go friends as an adult is even more difficult. 🤣


You don’t need real friends! Head over to r/pokemongofriends. Add a few from those posts and you’ll have that research done in a few hours. Edit: add from the ones asking for friends or gifts, not raids. The ones asking for raids will likely delete you if you don’t join the raid they invite you to. This way you can keep your friends for gifts, xp, and scatterbugs.


I didn't even know that existed! Thank you!!!!


Just started playing it like a month ago, never play it when it came out


I had the exact same reaction last year with my gf where we study, I used to think that as I was alone playing not many people was still playing cause I barely saw raids being done so I thought no one were doing them and I didn't even try to do the harder ones (I didn't know about pokegenie back then)just open game, check, close. Then we both started playing again and damn there's always someone ready to help with a raid (we are lucky we reach the probably most concurrent gym in the city where we live) and then when we did the sinnoh tour and kyogre and groudon days we even saw some groups around the city farming raids


Our nephew got us into it last year. Wife and I play on the daily now.


Game is far from dead. But the playerbase has shrunk some since they removed the old avatars and natural AR.


When the game launched it was a goddamn international cultural event. Then it “declined” to only really really popular.


Nothing will ever stop people from enjoying Pokémon. Niantic will.


If you're on a college campus with active players there's probably some type of Pokemon Go club or group chat, even if it's not officially recognized by the school. You could ask around and see if anyone is in it or has a friend who is.


game is very interesting, I hardly see people noticeably playing, even in the city, but the gyms rotate pretty often each day. I guess people just play more discretely now haha


Most people who play are kids, youth and the adults that are adicted to it and can't put it down.


I started playing when I first launched. I stopped for years. Then I saw my parents still play so I started a new account back in October with the goal of catching up to them. My dad is level 35 and yesterday I leveled up to 35 lol I love playing. I’m glad people still do.


I like the game. It’s fun! It’s casual. Niantic is pretty good. The events keep it fresh. It’s nostalgic. It’s the first video game that makes me more fit. Hell yeah!


Welcome back! We missed you


Pokegenie is a life savor for gym raids and appropriate statistics for pvp pokemon to better organize you’re storage to max potential


just got back on it, 2 of my friends and their girls play it now too


I've been playing it since 2017 (with several breaks here and there), but i like how the general goal of the players has changed over time. In the early days, it used to be catching high cp mons, registering mons to dex. Now, it's mostly, catching good iv ones and ofc shinies. The game has rly evolved.


My university has a massive group dedicated to Pokémon go. Ik theres at least a discord and people plan going to raids together and what not. You just have to find them.


Poke Genie will allow you to join raids worldwide. You create your profile, pick which raid you want to do, and it puts you "in line." You have to keep an eye on your phone bc when you're approved, you have to send a friend request to the host within 90 seconds or it times out. Once your friend request is sent, the host will friend you and you are invited to the raid. You can raid worldwide! It's crazy. Use an egg during the raid and you'll get extra xp when the raids done.


Cities, college towns and tourist locations are still insanely active. The community is very much alive and well, we're just not stumbling across bodies every other day like back when it launched 😂


I just downloaded it again this week and started playing. Had the chance to go to an airport for work and sitting waiting for my gate someone had a lure down. I was also taking over a gym and just through up a random Caterpie and immediately got taken over by someone and he put up a shiny Caterpie just to flex on me LOL This guy had to be within feet of me but couldn't figure out who it was


We proceeded to do this back and forth where he would just put a more badass version of the Pokemon I chose, it was quite humorous


Oh, trust me. A LOT less do right now than just a month ago. Read up on all the terrible shit the company's been doing. Honestly it's a bad time to come back. You'd be better off uninstalling for a little while longer just to see if they fix things since there's a very real chance they'll take the game down before much longer. It would suck to come back and start to get invested only to have the rug pulled out from under you.


It's not the pop-culture phenomenon it used to be after launch, but there is a huge community of trainers still playing across the world.


Yeah same. I also just got back into it. It's still a lot of fun.


Same here!!I bought a house in the last year and am close to town now so I was curious if it was worth playing, as I’ve always been a rural player. Now I feel like if you pay close attention you’ll see people walking and looking at their phones, and doing their thing 😂


There's a cemetery in my city that has like 10 gyms and 25 stops and when there's raid days, community days, or any special event it's full of players lol


The game is so much worse right now from what it was from like 2020-22. it’s still good don’t get me wrong but the creators of the game have gotten super annoying with raising prices on in game items. But still the game is still really fun to play


Started again this last month. Found out I now have tons of stops and a gym right beside the house I bought. And damn Im battling for that gym. Changes hands between me and some blue team people daily. Sometimes some red team mons show up that dont seem to live in the neighborhood. Wonder who in the neighborhood im battling with.


Same! I just started again 2 weeks ago from 2020 and I’m pleasantly surprised


Yeah I have a friend who plays religiously and recently got me back into the game. I hadn’t played in two years or so. But learning about all the new stuff like routes and parties, I’m enjoying myself again.


A lot never stopped. There’s always the band wagon group that will hop off when they get told to.


I'm out almost everyday in my tiny cornfield of a town. I work nights and usually take a 1-2 hr walk when I get home as a routine


Don’t know if someone’s already mentioned it, but you could try downloading Niantic’s “Campfire” app to try to connect with your local players. If any locals are on your friends list, you’ll be able to DM them through the campfire app


Had the exact same feeling when I came back, you see activity in game almost all the time, and I started noticing tons of people playing in real life! And the craziest thing was the first couple of times I joined a campfire event, we had 40+ people showing up to a meet-up, even though I don’t live in some huge metropolis or anything, crazy!!


I stopped playing in 2020. I recently downloaded it again and started playing and couldn't believe how popular it still is. But I also don't know how to connect with other people locally. Like is see lures getting dropped and my pokemon get kicked out of gyms within 24 hours usually. I know they're out there. Apparently discord is where people are. I might have to figure out how to use discord.


Look for local Discords and Campfire.


Yup, I'm back in too


I been playing it everyday since it came out. Just finished one of the 2017 Halloween quests. Still working on some of the very first quests that ever came out. I hate being a rural player, I only ever see one poke stop every three or four months, (whenever I go to visit my mom).


I started playing last November


I just got started again. I’m trying to figure out all the parties and routes things. And what’s the big deal about xl and tiny Pokémon? Is there something exciting about that?


Campuses are big hot spots. Mines got 10 gyms that flip constantly, community days are coordinated to set lures at every Pokestop on campus, we do raids between and during classes. It's pretty neat. Might be worth checking if yours has a student group or a Campfire


We’re talking about one of the most famous video game franchises of all time. Even people who haven’t bought a card or seen an episode of the show have the app.


I played for a few months right when the game was released then after almost 8 years started a few months ago and I’m loving it.


I too just got back into and it has made my return to the office so much more fun


Not like this is a multi-billion dollar global game or anything.


Ah yes... because *I* stopped playing everyone else did. Damn man, Pokémon is life.


It's very surprising to see people still play this with the amount of balls Niantic drops. I still play but not super happy about it 😭😭😭


Those who claim Pokémon GO is "dead" probably haven't logged in since 2016. There's still a vibrant community keeping the game alive and kicking


I just recently got back in and am constantly seeing people in the wild playing.


It's a lot more active than people think. I was also surprised at how many players were in my small city. There's quite a few of us who now get together to play every event, ages range from like 5-65, I've made lots of friends with just this game. I even traveled overseas to Go Fest Japan last year with a lady I made friends with through pogo when raids first dropped. It's a great community I highly recommend joining your local city's raid chat if they have one, most do even rural places. If by some chance it doesn't you should try making one for your campus I'm sure people will join.


The other day, I sat in front of a gym with my toddler in the stroller, defeated the team, and took over the gym. I immediately noticed a guy across the street, pushing a stroller, looking at his phone. Dude kicked my pokemon out the gym! So, yeah. We're out here, pushing strollers, and making each other sad 😂 My older kiddo is into Pokémon, so I originally downloaded i Pokémon Go to test it out before introducing it to him. Now, we're running across the street to the pokestop to catch Pokémon together. My childhood heart is full. Even got hubby playing in his leisure (how I found out the chiropractors office has two pokestops across the street). This game is perfect for my recently diagnosed AuDHD brain.


Universities have always been a great place for pogo. It’s great


Quit game after I got mewtwo in 2017 I think. Came back to game about 3 months ago to trade all my mons to him. Realized I need tons of stardust/friendship to trade. Started playing casually again to make that happen. Got hooked but thought game was dead cuz no one was doing raids near me. Discovered pokegenie and other online matchmaking service and now I'm hooked. Also I stumbled on people playing kyogre Raid Day on accident. I was like wtf there are like 100 people raiding at the park right now. Now I get every shiny legendary on a budget using dual phones for the extra balls and party power. Originally I had a single crappy lg40 from 2019. Now I rock an Galaxy 24 and 20 with me at all times


I live in a small town and it's full of other players it's kinda surprising...


I was in Japan last month and it’s ridiculous how active they are on POGO in there!!! ANY raid had about 6-10+ people; constantly getting kicked out of gyms and the Pokémon centres were incredibly busy as well. Loved it!


I only found out in the last year or so that there’s still a lot of people just in my town who still play. There’s a gym just up the road from where I live and I’ve had Pokémon sitting there before. I don’t think any of them lasted more than about a week


There’s a high chance your university has a discord for Pokémon go. Mine does and that’s how we meet up to play the game.


lol you’d be surprised, out here in Texas I was knocking out a gym and a few minutes later a cop pulls up and puts a Pokémon in the gym and left. 🤣 that shit was a trip.


Depends where you live. Here in North Carolina, US I can put myself in a gym and won't ever get knocked out unless I get my husband to go knock me. It sucks. The only way to have enough people to possibly win a raid is to spoof to a big city. Sucks. I wish I was seeing what y'all are


I have never played a single game and I recently started playing and am so into it. I am Level 39 in about 3.5 months. Seeing me play my son who's in University started playing again. It's just amazing. And because I walk a lot for my work it just works for me!


Welcome back and have fun!


My city has a at least 3 Pokemon groups. One of them is mainly in Discord but they all (and their meeting/hosted events) can be found through Niantic’s official social media app Campfire, which serves as chat for Pokemon Go as well. Some of these groups belong to official PoGo “Ambassadors” who do giveaways of codes for some in-game items (battle passed, super incubators, and starpieces). Group is in its 3K members. The parks that serve as their headquarters’ are packed for Community day, and just recently Niantic added the benefit of getting the community day paid ticket for free by attending these hosted events. So… yeah, not dead game, just not trending as it used to be.


Yeah man I have been playing since it came out, with only a couple 6 month breaks thrown in due to getting over-played. But people totally still play/it’s secretly the best way to get Shinies in any Pokémon game thanks to Pokémon home :)


Ima 2016 player im still playing cuz I wanna be in worlds at least once and shiny hunting is fun


You might want to sit down for this. Yesterday I was playing Pac-Man!


Now I'm starting to see a lot of NEW players in my area or people getting back into OG low level accounts. It's refreshing to see more people getting into it.


I live in Philly, I can barely keep a pokemon in a gym for more then a day. There are players everywhere


I came back in January and couldn’t believe in 2024 how active my small town was. We have like 8k people and some tourism but thought this game was ghost. Now myself, my wife, and our friends are all playing again hardcore lol. I went from barely 33 to 40.


I live in Orlando and I have never physically seen or heard of a person playing YET but based on everything I’m seeing in-game I know they’re around


I got back to it like January this year and man I was hooked! I bought most of my family back to the game too but one of them still remembered everything! They taught me how to remote raid with ppl across the world and that’s how I got a shiny palkia my first month.




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


In higher population areas, the game is still good. Not so much elsewhere.


Yeah, colleges are pretty big hot spots since most I've seen are jogger friendly.


Download the campfire app. I downloaded it and found out that my town had a group. I joined that on Campfire and found out we had a WhatsApp group! Joined that and now me and a ton of others go raiding and playing together all the time!


Nothing beats summer 2016 when the game launched but still a ton of people playing


i also got into pokémon go again like two months ago and thought the same thing. i would get friend requests after doing raids in my dorm😂 i never realized how popular it still was especially on college campuses.


I suspect they are running an ad campaign because of the new updates and summer on the way. I recently started up again too as well as some friends of mine, had been thinking about it and likely saw ads that made me redownload it. the apartment complex across from me has a few active players fighting for gyms but it still seems pretty dead to me. It'll probably pop off more during the summer but I travel a lot for work and things are not very active outside a few localized areas. From what I've heard the developers have been doing a pretty lousy job since lockdowns, until the recent environment and biome updates. Which I had no idea was coming and helped get me hooked back on the game lol as well as getting my butt whooped in battle league and raids. Gotta get my teams up.


Get on Campfire, that's where you'll most likely find a group in your area of people chatting, organizing for raid meetups etc. When I was first playing, I wondered how anyone found people to do local raids or if they just showed up and hoped others were there... until I found Campfire.