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Today’s “screw this game” moment: realizing that the earned clothing items associated with GBL aren’t free, just available for purchase.


It’s almost hilarious at this point 💀 locking accessories behind achievements and then you have to buy it with money


Whatttttttt. That is corny as hell.


Yeah that’s frustrating for sure.


Damn, I wondered why I didn't have em


Wow! 😳😵‍💫


What are you talking about??? They are free


No, they’re not. The veteran pants are listed at 100 coins and I’ve earned the medal to qualify.


You wanna know the best part? Before the avatar update I had the full outfit. After the update, I no longer own it and have to buy it




Oh you mean the ones from the medal, not the seasonal ones from each rank




Todays “I’m going to make shit up” moment:


I’m looking at them right now, they’re listed for 100 coins, so unless there’s a glitch, I’m not making anything up.


A reasonable way to catch a ditto.


To be fair, Zygarde and Goldie are relatively true to how they are in the actual mainline games, so I can't blame 'em there. Just means I'm just as unmotivated to get them as I was in the other games, lol. 😅 As for biomes, I love them but yeah.. I'm not about to go running around town to find different ones specifically. If I find one while out and about, tho, then cool. When first hearing about seasonal pokemon back in the day, I also expected a biome-ish concept and was honestly bummed there wasn't. So I like them even if I'm only going to casually experience them. It feels more "realistic" in a sense. But the game has very much become something I need one other motivator to enjoy. Like, I genuinely like walks and being out in nature. So if I'm in the mood for a walk, I'm probably going to at least bring my Plus+ and have it do its thing. But if I'm not in the mood for a walk, the game usually isn't enough to get me out, anymore. Unless it's community day. My wife and I like to do that together and see friends. But even raiding feels like pulling teeth unless I reeaally want it.. but that isn't often. Especially with how much they've been repeating the same stuff (THE REGIS, OMFG THE REGIS). 🥲


They surprisingly fixed the throw/catch circle issue rather quickly. But normal AR is still gone after two months. FFS


I went from not missing a single day of opening and playing, to realizing I got “1 Day Catch Streak” a couple times last week. With a friend list of 270+, I’ve also been seeing a lot less gifts/raid invites/activity in general. I forgot today was Community Day, still have 2 hours left, won’t bother.


today was community day?


Classic community day for Cyndaquil


I mean I already did so I'd have to agree


Absolutely. I predominantly play for GBL but I’m at my lowest amount of battles so far this season. I took a 2 week break and besides a few games I’ve had no motivation to start again. My second game crashed and caused a loss, the third I lagged and let some fast moves in that made it a lot harder to win. I was hoping there would be fixes to the many PVP bugs announced for the new season but nope, nothing at all.


Yeah my motivation for GBL is also lower than previous seasons. I skipped most of last week when summer cup was in rotation - I only did two sets of it


I just want to be able to find a shiny poliwhirl or dragonite or something in the wild! It’s crazy that we can still only find base and mega-eligible mons as shinies after all these years.


Same. I caught a shiny Gardevoir with great IVs once and it breathed new life into the game for me!


The shinys are the *only* reason I keep playing.


I’m a little bit in the same boat.


What are you searching for? I'm looking for Spearow right now.


Basically anything I don’t have yet. I got hopeful this last event of finally finding a shiny shuckle, but no dice. Psyduck before that.


I have an extra shiny shuckle! You wouldn't happen to be in LA?


Nice! I am not 🙂‍↔️


Any chance you're in the Dallas area? I have both I would gladly share with you! But I do understand your frustrations. I have those shinies but there were others I failed at finding. Sick of seeing all the same mon in both raids and in the wild.


Huh? I’ve gotten a shiny poliwhirl in the wild


Are they not locked? That was just a random 1st stage evolution I chose, but I know there are some exceptions (or maybe it was from a go fest?).


This will likely be an unpopular opinion, but I feel like I've had more fun playing the past few months than I have in a while.


Same. I like doing collection events and egg hatching events, which there have been quite a lot of lately.


It’s totally valid! What makes you say that / what about playing recently has been the best?


Would love to see any one of these ideas implemented by niantic. Such great ideas. Maybe shiny lure instead of charm, might by easier to map into the gameplay


I like the shiny lure idea too! You can even pay for it which seems like their MO 😉


They’ve been doing things like this for years. It caused me to fully quit the game a while ago


Having the game crash during almost every raid is getting me there


I stopped playing in 2019. Probably saved myself approx £3000 in 5 years, maybe more as I’d likely spend more as I earn much more.


def cool idea on the shiny charm, especially considering traditional pokemon games have a similar feature. i recently got back into the game and it's a commonly expressed opinion but i have some older researches like "a mythical discovery" and it's very hard to find some of the pokemon you need to find (in 2024)... i suppose less emphasis on the "biomes" and turning up the variety in random spawns may positively impact the game


I haven’t played since the avatar shit show, still subbed here in the hope that maybe they’ll get their shit together one day but it looks impossible


Exact same!


Making the most popular Rocket boss much more scarce than the others.


Pokemon go's a casual game to begin with. Playing once a week is what it's designed for.


Not really. If you log in everyday you get streaks and extra awards. They designed that to have people log in daily.


WTF: Locking the items you need to participate in the Scorching Sands event (incubators) in ONLY a 7,000 coin box for some players. For an extra chance to hatch my favorite pokemon, Larvesta (and Volcarona), I'd be willing to spend $10 on a decent box of incubators. But 7,000 coins is an exceedingly unrealistic amount, geez!!


Pokemon Go made me believe that 99% of pokemons are kanto regionals.


I just got back into the game after not playing since 2016, so I’m still having fun catching different kinds of legendaries and wild spawns that were only a fantasy back when the game first came out. That being said, I can see myself getting burnt out of this game after a few months


When I hatched my 577th Geodude (or whatever the number, I stopped counting 5 years ago)... I was like OK. They're literally not even trying anymore. Why should I?


I used to go out every night and use my daily incense while driving around this perfectly timed 15 min course that took me to 3 different parks & 2 churches and I haven't been lately bc they're all the same pokemon over & over! Even if I do go out I hardly ever drive for the full time unless they're doing events where new pokémon are out that I never see.


I’ve been playing only since February and only because of my boyfriend lol. But anyway I hate how much I like the game. I can see where if you’ve played a long time (especially some of you since the beginning!) It would be tedious. How are you even interested that long? My biggest complaints about the game in general are: 1. Not being able to trade with friends??? You have to be in person! I get that the idea is to get you out and about but it would be so cool to trade remotely and then you know…. Interact with your friends…. 2. No chat feature - again, if the idea is to meet up in person then not having a chat for me to do so is weird. 3. Things like mega Raquaza only being ONE day. So…. If you’re busy that day…. Screw you Idk how long it’ll take to get to level 50. Idk how long the challenges will take, I’m Pretty good at getting XP consistently because of the battles.


1000% agree. so whats the best way of communicate to Niantic that their game really sucks right now and is anybody doing that already?


Any of these options to give players a better experience will be great to have. I thing that I truly want overall is the extinction of Yungoos. That monstrosity returning as a common spawn is what got me to stop playing period with my extreme hatred for it.


The game was always mediocre… People are just finally realizing it after the fresh coat of Pokemon paint is peeling If you take out the Pokemon name it never would have made it this far


I think Niantic is doing pretty good with the game right now. The events keep coming that change around the spawns so I have a hard time understanding how you feel like the same dozen creatures are spawning in your area. The biomes are interesting, and honestly how the game should function with the exception of events. I do think the main spawn pool needs to be adjusted with more variety, but it makes sense that you encounter more water types by the ocean or river and more grass types in a forest. Raids have been rotating fairly quickly and also change with the events. If you don't like the game anymore, don't play it, but your complaints are a bit unjustified at the given moment.


You've been saying this for 8 years, I'm guessing. I would bet you probably threatened to quit after the remote raid nerf. Just quit, or don't, but stop throwing out empty threats.


Nope - while the remote nerf wasn’t great, I’ve actually enjoyed playing. It’s interesting to hear other’s thoughts, and who knows - maybe some Niantic employee will read this and (I’m seeing more and more that they have an idea of what’s talked about here; we just may not see any changes as a result).


A shiny charm??? no way. They already gave us a handicap with the shiny rate at 1/500 for most Pokémon and even 1/64 for boosted ones. In the main games, it's 1/4069. 21 days of win streaks? When you hit rank 20, you get a chance at the current legendary pokemon out. They had to nerf it because it was too easy to get legendaries back then. I'm mixed on the "diverse raids" idea. I'd like it if we had the same 3 legendaries from a specific gen, but people would still complain about getting the same ones over and over. And "chance to get their elite moves" sounds really challenging if you're trying to get a hundo with the best moves. Honestly, that's a great idea. If you're playing casually, that's cool. But for me, it’s all about completing whatever event comes up and doing stuff like community days, etc. Time and patience is what this game has taught me, even if I am very impatient for a certain event to show up, what can ya do? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Edit- glad I upset a few people who take the game too seriously.


The main stream games don't require you to battle every single Pokémon to shiny check them in an open world environment.  You can just look. 


Oh sorry I forgot about the newer "pokemon" games. Talking about the older ones.


Makes sense.  I think the frustration is that the older games do not punish for taking your time while Pokémon Go does. 


I hear you on that. On shinies, you can at least hunt in the main games. It’s still very much up to chance in PoGo. The GBL chance is there, but so low. I guess I pine for the days when you could research breakthrough an Articuno 😭


That's why rng is the best amirite? And yeah I also yearn for them to return those Pokemon back in the researches :\[ But at the same time when you have basically a ton of legendaries of the same Pokemon, you start feeling.......very out of it on playing casually. Now the next best thing is just doing spotlight hours/community days/go fests/raid hours/raid days. That's all I've been playing for lately, Niantic can get lame but its always the best to play with friends so that we can all collectively gather our thoughts and also agree that Niantic sucks, and then still continue to play their game LUL


*A shiny charm???* *no way. They already gave us a handicap with the shiny rate at 1/500 for most Pokémon and even 1/64 for boosted ones. In the main games, it's 1/4069.* Thats why i say one option they could take to make the Charm work is, instead of it boosting our shiny odds, it improves our ability to search for them. Whenever we are in an area of a lot of spawns, we click on the Charm icon and it "checks" all of the mons on our screen, and if it finds a shiny, said mon will start to shimmer and sparkle. Therefore reducing our shiny-check time.


Shinies are way too easy to get always bro we don't need it to be easier. Lol no thanks. They should be rare and it's not hard to complete the Dex. Also I'm level 50 and I don't have the raid medals done yet. I'm no where close. Why does it seem like everyone cares about raids so much? I've done one remote raid this whole year. I've raided every Wednesday in person but that's pretty much it.


I’ve got to respectfully disagree. It may just be my luck, but I seem to find the same shinies over and over (bronzor, zubat, lickitung, mankey), but for the life of me I can’t get a shiny koffing! It’s be nice if there were something in place to truly help fill the shiny dex, especially for high-leveled players who have already found regular versions of everything. And I personally enjoy raids - getting to work with others to take down some beasts is great, and I like the rewards / experience. Just wish that there were more variety season over season (for example, we just had mega Gyarados and Alakazam - what about Aerodactyl or even Slowbro?)


Bronzor and lickitung are shiny boosted already to 1/64 that's why you get so many. Manley and zubat are 1/500 and you're getting lucky. The main series shiny rates are 1/4000 this game it's way easier to get shinies. High leveled players have already gotten most of the shinies for the regions they've completed lol. I guess you can call kanto event they did where they boosted the shiny rates the shiny charm. Play during that and you'll get a lot of shinies for that region. Raids are the most boring part of this game. It doesn't take skills or anything. Just invite more people and you'll win no matter if you use Magikarp or something stupid.


It’s great in theory, but even playing all through Rediscover Kanto, I didn’t seem to nab anything either new or at all. And regarding rates, it doesn’t seem fair to compare this to a mainline game when you’re at the mercy of the spawn rate. And maybe raids are boring, but I find them at least consistent (as opposed to GBL, which is already a dead horse).


Not rediscover Kanto lol. https://leekduck.com/events/pokemon-go-tour-kanto/ this event. You can get spawns of certain pokemon all the time if you go to nests so yeah if the rate was increased you be getting 3 shinies every time you went to a nest. That's stupid. Gbl is so much harder than raids lol. People that say gbl is a tap tap tap fest have never actually gotten to the high ranks.


Ah yes - that’s definitely along the lines of what I was thinking with shinies. I like the idea of nests (like hordes), but why not be able to search for them or easily find them? Now THAT would encourage getting out and going!


Nests can easily be find on some local discords. It used to be that the silph road would have a list people would update. Niantic doesn't want people spoofing to nests. You can go to them yourself and figure it out pretty easily.