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All I hatched was Slugma, but I didn’t expect much from this, I know better


God bless I feel you on this, saved coins since the sinnoh tour and hatched 33 slugma 5 growlithe 17 litleo and 4 charcadet. I never expect anything from these hatching events but I'd be happy if I never see a slugma or litleo again.


My best haul was two Larvesta and a shiny Darumaka. The rest were a bunch of damn Houndour and Growlithe. Jealous of your Charcadet!


And never again want to see a Houndog (sic). I hatched a ton of those last two days. Hopefully that was even an event hatch. 


I don’t spend a cent because…well, I don’t spend for egg events. That said, I was hoping one of the many slugma would be shiny. Love that one. Alas, it was not to be. Oh well, next.


I hatched about 25 eggs, got 1 shiny Slugma which was nice but the rest was all transfer material 🥴


Most of the eggs right now are pretty shit anyway, so don't feel too bad


I needed that charcadet. I got one low iv one from a trade but i need two for evolivng armarouge and ceruledge.


Sorry for not knowing, but is charcadet good for PVP or Raids or just a fave of yours? 


Not my fav, but I still need three for my living dex


It’s decent in master league premier. Maybe a little bit of use in raids but other than that that I don’t think it’s anything special


You don't NEED anything..You WANT something, there is a huge difference in mindset there, could save you a lot of frustration


I mean...if their goal is completing the dex they do need both...


Wanting something and not getting it when you try is still frustrating. Not sure what your point is here bud


Yeah exactly it's like doing multiple routes and not getting any cells. Rewards for hard effort is a reasonable expectation.


The point of the game is to collect them all, so yes they do NEED this. They are putting time and effort in to getting it too so it’s natural to feel frustrated.


Sorry, are we in highschool again where pedantic contradictory takes for the sake of being grating and argumentative are still in?


These folks ain't going to hear you friend. But I see you trying to help them reframe their expectations, and there's not much for it - they're caught up in the fomo. Until they can decouple their cupidity from their mindset, they're going to suffer


Same here. I hatched 1 charcadet, and it's 10/11/10. I wanted to punch someone when I saw those IVs.


Farm grunts. I've gotten most of my 10k eggs from rocket I've hatched 3 or 4 during this event.


grunts don’t give you eggs tho? unless you mean the 12k from leaders but the spawns for those didn’t change for this event


The rocket stops I mean. I might be retarded


you must’ve just got lucky getting 10ks from stops that had grunts on them bc that’s never been a guaranteed thing


It's definitely conformation bias but I just feel like they give higher eggs most blue stops drop 2km for me Sorry for bad English it's not my first language.


I got 1 10km eggs and it was a turtonator, still haven’t have larvesta or charcadet, will probably never because I don’t play that much anyway


I’ve had 3 - all turtonator. OP ain’t missing out.


Here are my results. I hatched 179 eggs throughout the event and I guess the spread was like 40% 2km, 40% 5km and the rest 10km. No 7km at all since I was going for shiny larvesta. I got 14 Larvesta, none of them shiny. One shiny turtonator and no other shinies at all. To me the increased shiny rates seem like total bullshit, but ofc I might just be unlucky. 410 Larvesta candy is really the big take from this event for me, I don't have to spend a year with him as my buddy. The only other shiny I got was a Litleo from field research.


Listen: you cannot make a conclusion about to larvesta shiny rates with only 14 data points. People expect it to be 1/64. So the odds of you hatching a shiny after 14 eggs is only 19.7%.


I got 0 shinies from this event. But i did hatch 6 non shiny larvesta. I am 100 candy away from volcarona. And I did get 2 charcadet so I can get both evolutions.


Do you not have a large reserve of rare candy to make the Evo? I mistakenly assumed we are all swimming in rare candies or am I missing something different about Larvesta? 


i hatched 150+eggs. 16 larvestas no shiny. and from other eggs i got 0 shinyes. and got 14 charcadets... 9in row


Don't know how many I hatched exactly, but I do know I had 2 10K eggs and mostly Slugma and a whole lot of Litleo's. Not one shiny and terrible IV's on almost all of them.


I didn’t get any shinys but I did get like 4 4*s, nothing great tho just Darumaka, Growlithe 1st gen form, stunfisk and slugma. Miiiiiight consider fully maxing the first two just because they’ll get big but they’re nothing to write home about. All in all the eggs were nice for me but mostly just dex entries. I’m starting to get the vibe that all/most of the relevant mons are all raid locked essentially.


I got 1 shiny slugma and one larvesta.


I had more than 31 eggs and got no shinies, and no larvesta. You didn’t do that bad.


To quote Homer Simpson the lesson is you never try 😋


I’ve found that gyms that are the same color as your team give 10k eggs more often than pokestops. I generally always have at least one 10k egg chilling in my inventory at all times because I have a gym right next to my house.


I was beginning to theorize that 10km came more often from pokestops you spin frequently. On day 3 I got 3x 10km in a row all next to my home. It stopped raining 10km eggs thereafter and blew my theory out of the water. 


Don’t feel “too” bad. I hatched 77 eggs (walked about 2hrs a day) and got slugmas and litleos! And the slugmas weren’t even good IV’s! I’m BEYOND fed up with this game. I just wanted a decent larvesta 🤦🏻‍♀️


i hatched one larvesta. so many slugma and not wven a shiny one


A shiny larvesta would’ve made my day. Hell! A shiny slugma would’ve been acceptable. At least feel like I got rewarded for the work!


Mmm I could use some egg rolls 🤤


There were 10km eggs?


I hatched 44 eggs and I only got 2 10km eggs but I was finally able to get a Charcadet from one.


31 eggs is a lot. I put everything I had into this event (bought a bunch of incubators) hoping for a shiny larvestra. I didn't get a shiny anything, even out of the 50 slugmas and litleos. I did get charcadets though which I needed since I hadn't hatched a single one since the last charcadet event. Here's the breakdown of my eggs: 15 eggs hatched, 2 larvestra. 23 eggs hatched, 1 10k: charcadet. 36 eggs hatched, 3 10k: 2 charcadet, 1 turtonator. 45 eggs hatched, 1 10k: charcadet. 54 eggs hatched, 1 10k: charcadet. 63 eggs hatched, larvestra. 73 eggs hatched, 2 10k: 2 charcadet. 82 eggs hatched. 91 eggs hatched, 1 10k: turtonator. 100 eggs hatched, larvestra, 1 10k: larvestra. 109 eggs hatched, larvestra, 1 10k: larvestra. 118 eggs hatched, 1 10k: charcadet.


I don't know about everyone else, but I quit caring about ~~loot box~~ egg events years ago. I just won't participate in them.


I’m happy to play them using free incubators but I’m not spending money on them. It’s never worth it.


I'm in the same boat. I went on a 3 week international holiday at the end of March where I was walking like 20-30 KMs everyday and I was constantly getting eggs but only ever 2 and 5km egg. I'm a casual player and maybe only walk like 10-15 KMs a week now but I still haven't seen a 10km since before that holiday... The worst part was over 90% of the eggs I got were 5KM ones that all hatched into Pawmi...


I got more than 7 10km ones, not joking, they were *all* Turtonators. I'm so annoyed.


That’s worse than getting no 10ks I guess . Sorry m8:


I hatched 21 eggs and managed to get 2 10k eggs. No shinies, but I did get a Larvesta and a Charcadet.


I got 1 10k, just one, and I managed to hatch 2 larvastar from 2k eggs so the candies barely put a dent towards what all I need for it but hey it's something


2 larvesta 3 charcadet & 1 shiny magby which I had none of prior to this event. Key was to not open gifts & get useless Alolan eggs which was difficult to remember at times.


Somehow lucked in on a shiny larvesta on a 2km egg…still on that high days later 😭


If you expect a fun experience from an egg event, you're gonna have a bad time


Spinning gym discs tend to yield better odds at getting 10k eggs, at least for me it has works. I hatched like 11 10k eggs out of a total of 75 during the event and I still have 3 10ks that I need to put into incubators.


When does the event end?




Bad luck for you I was getting about 50% 10k at I think like 28 eggs. Was a pain to hatch them




Honestly just lucky i have been working from Home and have a treadmill. Also I hatched multiple at a time so it’s not nearly that impressive


Bro same! I've hatched a lot of eggs and only got like 3 10km eggs.


Terrible EVENT or terrible LUCK?


That’s 31 eggs of movement done though. Good for your health you got two things done. In video games as always as we do and always will we pray to the rnggods for many good drop rates and items with nice roles. Long live the church of rng!


31 is a lot, I don’t have incubators for that lol. I’ve hatched maybe 10 or so in total, with another 5 or 6 in inventory. I got two 10km eggs.


Egg events have never been good they’re just money grabs


I managed two charcadet so im happy one even has decent stats.


I didn't get a chance to get new eggs. All were my old 10k eggs. 🥲


80+ eggs, 0 shiny, 8 larvesta.


I got a shiny pawniard and pancham!


I managed to hatch 21 10k eggs. 13 charcadet, 6 turtonator, 2 larvesta. No shiny anything, no hundos. Someone put me out of my misery.


I got a bunch of 10k eggs


all the 10ks I hatched were so disappointing not a single larvesta 😢


Well, I hatched nearly 250 and got: 0 shiny 1 Slugma 100 1 Growlithe 100 9 Larvesta 6 Charcadet So yes, I agree this event was kinda unlucky


My last 20 odd eggs were all 2-5k eggs I was sad about that I hatched about 100 eggs and didn’t not receive any shinies unfortunately but it is what it is


Damn, I got lucky I guess. I got 1 shiny Larvesta and 1 regular Larvesta.


if i see litleo ever again i might lose it


i hatch it all the time from 2k eggs.


i’m so sick of it, and goomy!


2k eggs hatch quickly so i dont mind it that much. Every time i hatch a pawniard, pancham or vullaby though i just sigh.


true! it’s more annoying when u get a higher km egg and it hatches growlithe


42 eggs hatched. 6 Litleo, 3 litwick, 5 turtonator, 6 darumaka, 9 growlithe, 4 magby, 7 slugma, 1 charcodet, and 1 larvestra. I already had a 100% larvestra that I need a lot of candy for so this event was practically a complete failure in my book. The only shiny I got was a turtonator from a special research.


The sad thing is if you got a hundo it’s better to just save it for the inevitable community day so it can get its community day move which is probably fiery dance.


Didn't even think of that lol I've had it for a year now and walked 200k with it, just itching to get the candy for it lol.


Yeah its current best fire move is overheat which is just trash. I would wait if I were you .


dude in my local community got 2 shiny larvestas. no clue how many eggs he hatched, but it was probably quite a few lol


I did 140 eggs lol


What was the one you were most excited about? Did you get what you wanted?


A good larvesta, and no.


Got my100% charcadet, so all good here.