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Torchic is annoying to catch but I love its little scuttle as it comes back round to face you. 


Yes I forgot about that one! The rushing back around to get into position again - very cute.


That one and Swinub, for the same reason


Wimpod too!


Darumaka kinda trips and rolls around. It's pretty goofy looking.


I always wondered if this pokemon was hollow on the inside. It would definitely add more goofy to its existence.


or if it's jelly inside and jiggles


hahaha ewwww


Stufful falling on its face is really cute. And Furret running closer to the camera is pretty funny too. My least favorite is probably Quaxly, probably because it’s coupled with an already annoying catch rate


Haha doesn't Quaxly also brush its hair away too - that pokemon is so full of itself.


Love Stufful when it swings it fat little paws at you! And Furret too!.


Annoying starter catch rate aside, Fuecoco falling over ala Stufful is kinda adorable, too.


This is what I was going to say lol


All i want is for gulpin to swallow the ball and spit it out


Amazing idea! I'd love that!


Offhand I can think of Swinub. For a brief moment you get to see it's little feets.


He's a little robo vacuum cleaner!


Yeah these are great! BTW the pokemon in the catch encounters have two actions, "attacks" (where they knock the ball away and the catch circle disappears) and "jumps/moves" (where they just jump or fly around, but the catch circle is still present and moves along with them). The ones you're talking about where they smack the ball away are the "attacks". Also the best time to throw a ball is \*during\* an attack, so the catch circle comes back while the ball is in the air. That way the ball lands before it has a chance to attack again, meaning you know your ball won't ever get knocked away.


I have no idea why I didn't think to call these "attacks" duh lol I just assumed it must have a cute name because some of them are so cute they can't possibly be perceived as attacks. Thanks for the clarification.


The attack animations are straight from the games! All the models are exactly the same ones they use in the main series games starting in 2013. Almost every pokemon has two attack animations, one for direct attacks (Slash, Body Slam, etc.) and one for indirect attacks (Flamethrower, Psychic, etc.) The "jump" animation is simply the animation the pokemon has once released from its pokeball.


It's cool when Hitmonlee kicks the ball away. I also like watching the different fainting animations during battles but they make me feel guilty.


It's not my favorite but it's weird- in the old games Cyndaquil and his line always had their flames out but now they only do the flames when attacking


oh yeah I never caught that - but here's what it says on bulbapedia "Cyndaquil is capable of defending itself using these flames, and the fire grows more powerful as it becomes angry or defensive. Cyndaquil's firepower is described as being tremendously powerful. However, if it is tired, the flames are not able to burn properly."


Swinub, and specially Shadow Swinub , is really annoying to catch, it can’t stay still for a second


I like it when the fighting types punch the ball away with their animations.


The only thing I find annoying is when they're still gearing up to knock it away and it still counts as being knocked.


Put a best buddy as your buddy and they’ll knock it back at the mon.


Doesn't Snorlax literally just yawn?


My favorite is when they jump right after the ball hits like they’re trying to get away before being sucked in. Gets a chuckle out of me every time.


I like the birds that peck. Very cute.


The voltorb dance is so cute.


Growlithe lunging and pushing the ball away like a puppy is adorable 😭🥹


I played jump the ball for a couple minutes with a ralts yesterday. No matter how I timed it, he jumped them all


When I got a shiny sudowoodo I was trying so hard to get a screenshot of his lil pose.