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Lugia goes hard with Take Heart + Stored Power, the worst purple egg Pokemon is probably Terapagos since Tera Shell and Stellar form isn't fully implemented yet, so it has mid stats and effectively no ability Edit: Soul-Heart passive on it is a game changer, way better than Regenerator or Protean


That makes me happy, Lugia is my favorite legendary. Honestly didn't really think of Terapagos, i was biased by the fact it has Soul Heart as a passive.


Wait is this a recent thing? I thought it had either regenerator or protean


I think it was from the recent passive update, barely 2 weeks ago


It had regenerator until the recent passive changes (right before pride event started). After it got soul heart I decided to try it in classic, and istg I never swapped it out for any reason. Felt more unfair than the moxie/multiscale gyarados stuff most people use as their classic carry


Yeah I was surprised you thought Lugia. I accidentally forgot to heal so half my team was injured and lugia with 2/3 health beat eternatus just with take heart spamming and then simisear will o wisped and that’s how I finished a run off


Terapagos gave me my first 750 waves in endless and I made the mistake of merging it with another mon. Can't wait to get him fully implemented.


you can always unsplice yk


Yeah but not when it's too late in a boss fight.


Pretty sure you can unsplice in battle. I've done it before when I realized I'd goofed.


They recently changed that, now you can only change forms (unsplicing, deactivating a mega stone, etc.) from the "Check Team" menu between battles. On balance, I like that it makes it harder to accidentally mess up your team.


Not 50 minutes ago I unspliced mid-battle. Like 5 minutes before server went down for maintenance lol


Nah you still *can't* unsplice from the check team window. You can activate or deactivate Megas and G-Max there but unsplicing has to be done in battle.


almost lost to eternatus cos m aggron gets filter instead of sturdy and cheese strats with shedinja almost didnt work


You can unsplice mid battle, I usually have shiny fodder spliced with a metal burst mon I set up in case my carry can’t get through eternatus or I get stuck




Sometimes you need the mega mawile and the blue shiny (definitely not my exact experience)


Meanwhile, Terapagos has carried me through all my endless runs and currently has me at 1500 endless, better than you think, even without tera shell or stellar form


True, I may have underrated the significance of Tera Starstorm at first - reliable high BP spread STAB move


It even learns coverage in earth power at 40 and ancient power at I believe 20. Really good mon as a carry, especially after you unlock the passive Soul Heart


Soul heart is NUTS. Got it on my Latias, she OHKOs better than Kyogre. I have caught more terrapagos than any other 8 coster, can't wait for its abilities to be fully implemented, sounds really strong!


My first win, was with a quiver dancing, baton passing Jumpluff and Terapagos, the devastation those two would bring


I hate that little turtle so much. I caught him in the wild and then hatched 2 of him off of a Kyogre banner. Tried using him in a run and he was so useless.


As my first big gacha pull, I was never able to get much use out of terapagos and could barely get him to carry me through one of my early classic runs


Terapagos was goated in my classic run


Terapagos has really good STAB the entire run tbf


I beat classic recently with terapagos on my team and earth power on it did massive damage to eternatus


10% Zygarde It hatches from legendary eggs and is worse than many mythicals


Yeah ! I actually forgot about it's dog form ! At least it gets Huge power as a passive and naturally learns Thousand Arrows


I guess. It’s still so bad lmao. The stats are pathetic for a legendary.


There’s hope I’m at 2500 with a shiny 10% zygarde spliced with mega ray 😅


You can unsplice them! Like it's up to you but imo it would be better as you're fusing a 780 BST Pokemon with s 486 bst pokemon, resulting in a 633 bst pokemon... Mega Rayquaza is absurdly strong, that's why you still got that far but I guarantee it would be stronger unspliced


Would be stronger yes, you seem to know your numbers, mine has huge power, with that, is it that much worse, ray had to be spliced 2nd due to passive of zygarde needing to be kept, if I unsolicited, the ray is gone, I see it as simply buffing my shiny doggo rather than nerfing a non shiny ray


I’m just imagining a slightly worse Rayquaza, with huge power now, seems good ?


Oh yeah, if ray is second don't splice for sure lol


Your Zyquaza is actually significantly stronger with physical attacks! You've got a 140 base attack mon with huge power just make sure it's adamant. Now you do lose out on speed and special atk which are the only other stats that matter in endless


This man knows, adamant huge power mega zygarquaza with thousand arrows, dragon darts, extreme speed (for priority), rock slide. It seems nice, and if all fails I guess the mega sableye with wonder guard has done its job to as a backup stallmon ✅


I have maxed out carbos, nothing has out sped me at 2700 waves, maybe it’ll start happening soon, right now it’s just priority moves that’s all




It's actually slightly more than that, since things like IVs are also doubled. It's also multiplicative with boosts, so even better than that.


Yeah I may be wrong, but someone on another thread said huge power doubles the attack stat that you see in summary and not just doubled base attack. To mee that seems way too many attack points for 1 mon, please correct me if I’m wrong. I want dragon dance too.. but I’ll just get one shot before


It’s a good splice I feel like, for the circumstances Ofc


10% Zygarde carrying MegaRay as usual


Don't remind me of my 2nd Legend Egg ever... I spent 10min looking up if I can turn it into 100% Zygarde somehow. But no it just was a cruel joke.


My first two legendary eggs were both Zygarde. 💀 I got a third legendary in the same batch as the second and that was Dialga though. 


If you got it, 50% Zygarde is amazing Thousand arrow is among the best moves in the game, it hit nearly everything for a sweet brainless sweep passive huge power with 100 base attack the ability let you get +100% max health when you get to midlife, making him an incredible capture mon in the first part of the game (or classic) thanks to the regeneration Mine got victory dance as egg move. It's great for classic/before having the passive Kinda hard to fuse, because it lose the ground stab and the ability is missed a lot. But I got a shiny meditite to make a 100 base attack huge x pure power abomination It makes the 10% form even worse tho


Hey how do the percentage forms work? I hatched a 50% form zy with thousand arrows, but wasn't sure if he wasn't as good as a possible "100%% form" one I could have hatched. Sorry if it's a dumb question.


No problem, it's a little confusing, and ties to his event in the games, specifically Pokemon Sun and Moon (seems like it was designed for Pokemon Z, but that got cancelled, until now). Basically, Zygarde is a gestalt being, comprised of many individual cells and cores. Throughout Sun/Moon, there are a total of 100 cells to find, and 7 (I think?) cores. Once you get your first 10 cells, you can generate the 10% form, the dog thing. The intention of that was to get it fairly early in the game, and have it be an extra partner alongside your starter. Eventually, you find 50 cells, and can upgrade it to its 50% form, the serpent that we know and love from his first appearance in X and Y. Finally, when you find all 100 cells, you can enhance him to his 100% form, which leaves him unchanged by default from 50%, but changing his ability. Once he hits 50% health, he transforms into his kaiju form, making some of his stats change around and his health doubles.


don't worry it's normal to not know You get the 100% form through power construct power construct activate when 50% Zygarde's life is <50% When this happens, his base HP goes from 108 to 216 (i'm editing the first post, it doubles) (it also lose 10 base speed to get 10 SpA) It mean that if your Zygarde has 200 hp, when it get to 99, his max hp become 400 and he is at 299/400 when he get back to the 50% form at the end of the battle he is easily full life thanks to that so he's a great damage sponge 216 base hp is insane, blissey has 255 but Zygarde also has other stats


That's really informative, thanks so much for your reply! :)


Once you go from 50% to 100% form, does it stay 100% forever, or just until switch out or biome change?


Until switch out or biome change. It also doesn't activate that often when in endless, because you heal a lot with sitrus, shell bell, and leftovers at some point. So it isn't often in midlife or lower. I fused mine with a sturdy mon and also gave it rock slide for extra flinch chance.


Can you splice it to keep that form permanently like with palafin and wishiwashi?


I don't know, might give it a try next time


Is zygarde glitched? I've definitely hatched one with power construct but the only option I have on him for ability is aura break


I actually finally got 50% today. 


The funny thing is that Thousand Arrows was actually represented in my second successful run of classic... on a Beedrill. That plucky boy somehow lasted long enough to make that attack on Eternatus.


Its passive is still huge power as a 100atk pokemon and has good base speed. Just fuse that bad boy with mega medicham and dont care about defense.


Idk man, did the egg move gatcha and got double iron bash. Which is 30% chance to flinch times 2. Splice it with Serene Grace Pokémon with that item that allows you to hit multiple times and as long as you are faster (baton pass or dragon dance) you will mathematically never not flinch your target with pure power.


I'd say the worst (for the cost) would be Solgaleo and Lunala, because Cosmog is so defenceless and takes so long to evolve. Your run could end before it becomes useful.


It’s a lower cost atleast tho so you can bring some extra muscle to carry through early game


It is, yeah, but you have to carry dead weight for more than 50 floors I believe? That's going to be a rough start considering Cosmog has a base cost of 6. Even with the cost reduced you'd basically be building a classic team and hoping you don't fail before fully evolving. If you can consistently, it's fine, it's just much more limiting than most of the 6+ cost starters.


I REALLY want cosmog because my abra has never let me down until mid hundreds so my cosmog could usually get there


Honestly thought of that as well, but them having Beast boost as a Passive and Cosmog being only 4 points when fully reduced is pretty good. In that sense i'd only put Solgaleo because it is a physical attacker. Lunala bypass fur coat and fluffy at least. I had a Lunala build that consisted of Moongeist Beam, Moonblast, Eruption and Esper Wing i made by fusing. You raise your speed with Esper Wing while Beast Boost raises you special attack. Shadow Shield also helps tanking attacks. The only problem is 4× weakness to sucker punch and shadow sneak


Sunsteel strike ignores fur coat and fluffy


If you have Quiver Dance as an egg move, Cosmog is actually somewhat passable for the first few floors with that and Stored Power. Solgaleo is extremely good against Eternatus at least.


My first and so far easiest classic win was with lunala carry. 6x Quiver dance into stored power one shot both forms of eternarus even with focus lense


I tried Cosmog a couple times and it took a while to get a Classic run where it worked. With only one 4 cost mon/a 3 and 1 cost mons you can count on to carry the early game it leaves things pretty vulnerable to encounter rng. I got it with Totodile & Scatterbug as starters with Cosmog but it wasn't really worth it. Lunala was really good, eventually, but not worth using over other mons who have more raw power and could carry the run from the very start. And even then I felt like it consistently missed ko thresholds


They should make solgaleo and lunala cost 8-9 and start with them I know they evolve from cosmog but a 6 cost magikarp is so horrendous


did classis runs with all legendaries and the one who needed the most support (could not solo carry) was actually ho-oh, if u have not all egg moves(only had recover) it sux ass in the boss fights


Was my first ledgend, just used brave bird (eggmove) and it did resonably well.


That’s probably the most important one to have, the problem if you don’t have that egg move is just that ho oh doesn’t get any physical flying STAB besides like sky attack lol


Ye, i got lucky


Yeah without egg moves it's an adventure, had the chance to get its epic shiny form and unlocked Magik Guard immediatly so couldn't really see how rough early game was


how is it worse than Lugia? just bad move set? (i have swept with Lugia before also)


Having zygarde 10% and costing 8 points without the ability


Latias starting with Stored Power, Charm, and Psywave is a bit rough to start. Other than your egg move, you don't have a reliable damage source until Confusion at level 15. I remember being really disappointed to discover Ho-Oh doesn't actually get a fire move until level 54. Xerneas doesn't get a fairy move until level 60; you have to use Misty Terrain + Nature Power until then. It starts with Tackle/Gravity and then gets Light Screen. Idk, I know I'm not good at this game but I found myself struggling to get through the early/mid game with a lot of them.


For Xerneas, its ability wasn't working until recently. Apparently Fairy and Dark Aura were bugged and didn't increase type damage.


Yeah I used Xerneas after the ability was fixed and it was pretty chill. Think he had an egg move for early but forget tbh.


Yeah, I was just tilted by having "Fairy Aura" and not having any Fairy moves. It just wasn't hitting hard enough. It probably didn't help that my other Pokemon was Magikarp so I didn't have another way to get through the first bunch of floors.


Latias with core enforcer sweeps pretty much everything for me, especially with her passive unlocked


Latias is really bad without egg moves but just Dragon Energy changes it into an absolutely broken sweeper and its passive is completely absurd in Classic


I mean it's obvious of course - you are not expected to have legendaries of level 5. Makes it more fun as well imo, something to work towards.


Calyrex is terrible for classic but since it's good for endless I can't say he is the worst


I got a yellow shiny Calyrex a few days ago. What makes it bad? I know it can be useful for Eternatus at least.


Terrible base stats for his cost. Shadow version is a demon but you basically have to risk a run to get it.


What do you mean by this sorry?


You need a master ball tier item to change his forms 


Rogue ball tier*


Don't you go slandering my favorite dad-bod havin' God of the sea now!... He'll hear your slander and come down to show why his myths and legends claim rule over the sea, the bottom depths of hell, and all men and/or pokemen that wander through. I mean he literally crashed face first into the middle of three legendary birds duking it out, proceeds to knock their heads together, put them in timeout, and scold them like a father with his overgrown gametes. So please watch the slander and remember that he IS, now and forever, the King of the: sea,men, bottoms, and using stacks on stacks of extrasensory attacks at 10 hp per hit til either the battle timer runs out or you run out of your last breath.


Oh but to answer your question, I'd actually try to argue Arceus is toward the bottom of the box art legendaries in PokeRogue. For having the highest BST in the game (excluding megas and special forms). For a game like this, if I'm spending my limited points for a big hitter, they need to be able to carry me early and late game yet Arceus just doesn't excel well enough in any particular category fill that role. I'm sure he's like a great god and all that shii but when I find myself in a rogue like game or world, I'll take the psychopathic paper machete serial killer that gets amped up from each and every pokeman slaughter he commits. Arceus...are you seeing this? Hey thanks for reading. You can subscribe to my OnlyDans by following the link hidden somewhere within a 50 mile radius of yourself at the moment. That link will be a PO address in the country of *redacted*. Then simply just send your billing details/Full-SSN/Mother's-Maiden Name via carrier pigeon and VOILA you're subscribed! For Life. No taksies backsies Thank. Have Day.


I'll let you know Lugia is my favorite legendary lol. My point was that compared to other legendaries, Lugia lacks damage output, and having high defenses stats means nothing because of the damage tokens... I really like your point with Arceus, yet having Spectral Thief and Collision Course as egg moves is this OP. Maybe i'd put Arceus Normal and Ghost above the other forms. Extreme killer still is a thing in this game and now it has Adaptability. Still aggreeing with your point though


Well put. Yeah the damage tokens needs to be reworked into a system that varies between that and an equivalent challenge that would force, or nearly force, the players to need a well balanced team of tanks along with glass cannons. It seems like the biggest stop-gap keeping bulky mons from being viable late endless is that only steroid-ed out attack-mons can outdo the turn by turn healing/StatCondtions . After floor 2000, several of my 680 ish BST mons/fusions have become essentially useless. It seems like a tough thing to balance out, especially for developers working (presumably) without compensation but instead just for love of the game. I'm just happy to have and enjoy the game! Haven't talked to the wife or kids in a month and a half bc... you know...PokeRogue grind!


Ah ! Don't have such weaknesses. Endless rework is planned and i really hope they take players experience in their thought process. Getting rid of endure tokens, increasing opponents resistance tokens, nerf to damage and full heal tokens. As you said they love the game so i'm positive they will put lots of effort into the rework


Why is zacian considered to be so good? Is it because of its typing against eternatus? I have one but I haven't used it much because it doesn't have any physical fairy moves unless you get lucky with the egg moves.


High attack, great typing, boosts its attack by 1 stage when it switches in, really fast, surprisingly bulky, great typing


Typing so great it’s written TWICE!


Yup, fairy steel is just that top tier




On this topic, I just thought about it and I'm pretty sure swapping typings for the two doggos would've avoided a lot of op-ness of Cian while keeping the theme true, as steel fairy resists more types than steel fighting and steel fighting being a bit less powerful offensively would offset the bonkers stats it used to have... GF were smoking when they created those two.


ridiculous atk and speed, auto buffing, great typing, great egg moves. you can basically one-shot anything that isn't a steel-type boss encounter


Assuming the rusted sword of course. If you're unlucky he's not very great at all. Can go a full classic run without getting it


One of my recent classic runs I got the rusted sword at level 198. I was like "better late than never I guess"


While not bad, xerneas isn’t as good due to no one turn geomancy with power herb


Yveltal finally takes the crown as best gen 6 legendary with this game. Soul Heart is far more useful as a passive than Xerneas Misty Surge. Fiery Wrath is multi target and has good flinch chances and sludge wave gives good coverage, Xerneas gets Searing Shot for steel types but lost lights of ruin as an egg move, now it's forced to go back to moonblast or dazzlong gleam. They are still on par with set-up moves, Yveltal now gets an omniboost with Clangorous soul with synergies well with Oblivion Wing and Xerneas gets Tail glow to "replace" Geomancy.


Nah, Zygarde outclasses it with Huge Power, not needing to set up and still having the option with DD or Coil


Zygarde 10% if you don’t have 50 or 100


How do you get 50 and 100?


You can hatch 50% and I assume you can either hatch 100% or just get 50% with the ability. It might not be implemented though


Got red shiny jirachi and for a moment I was the happiest man alive. Wg least until I realized how useless jirachi really is. Also maybe not the weakest but mew learns every TM in the game, so he fills the item pull with a lot of garbage. Pretty much a hindrance for your team and don't even get me started on first good attacking move at like 100.


Like how does jirachi not at least have iron head in the movepool!! Using it is straight up gambling, both on flinches and getting the TMs to make it usable




Serene Grace was added a couple days ago


jeez i keep missing these new ability drops, my bad


* Terapagos is kinda bad without its Stellar form * Xerneas has a worthless signature move and barely learns Fairy moves early on * idk if it counts but Magearna doesn't naturally get a STAB Sp.Atk move until lv72 (Flash Cannon) and the only other one in its kit is at lv90 (Fleur Cannon) * Cosmog...


When thinking about the worst box legendary, there are two things to keep in mind, the best mons are typically wallbreakers with immediate power and their role sure lugia has bulk oriented stats but there are some box legends that are strictly outclassed by other legends. Zamazenta was made as a fast bulky mon with decent attack. Zamazenta wants to hit strong body presses but at the same time your coverage is weaker since natures and soul dews, its decent in classic, but in endless its a huge liability and is outclassed by Koraidon as an offensive fighting type and Zacian as an offensive steel type. Speaking of physical steel types, Solgaleo and Dawn Wings are good defensively but that doesn’t hold up in endless and is outclassed by zacian as well. Mewtwo and Calyrex Shadow are the premier psychic type special attacking legendary due to its high stats so its hard to justify using dawn wings/lunala/lugia (two have beast boost passive so ig its decent). Ho oh is a defensive mon with good offensive pressure but groudon does that way better and also has stab sun boosted eruptions and a really strong base like 110-120ish ground spread stab. Dialga is not as bad but has worse offensive typing than all the other dragon special attackers like palkia, rayquaza, reshiram, miraidon and even eternatus who makes up for poison stab with the strongest move in the game.


Quick question! How do you get Calyrex onto a horse? DNA splicers or is there an item?


item lol, only calyrex is required


I have this question but with Reshiram and Zekrom


i think you can only get white/black kyurem from kyurem


Zekrom. Completely outclassed by Miraidon in every way.


not really, zekrom is a physical dd sweeper while miraidon is a special wall breaker. zekrom is still good


While they have different niches in Classic (DD + Bolt Beak has an absurd damage output), in Endless there’s just no room for set up. There, Zekrom is absolutely outclassed by Miraidon.


again, not outclassed its just opportunity cost. It isn’t outclassed if they aren’t the same role. It’s just not as viable because set up sweepers are bad. If miraidon outclassed it, miraidon would also be a physical set up sweeper.


Endless is a different game. Being a physical or a special attacker makes absolutely no different in endless. All that matters is stacking up the one offensive stat you use. Very rarely you’ll face against a specialized phys or spec wall in a context in which that matters. And being a set up sweeper is strictly worse than having burst damage in Endless. So, Zekrom is a pokemon with the same typing as Miraidon, but no access to spread moves and hits way less hard without set up. Miraidon basically has a +1 on Dragon Energy from the get go, and a +2 for any electric move it chooses to use. And that’s not factoring in any passives, considering Opportunist as one of the best abilities for Endless. Zekrom has Hadron Engine as a passive, which Miraidon gets for free. There is a reason Miraidon is among the premium, S tier pokemon as an Endless carry. Zekrom is excellent, but it *is* outclassed by Miraidon.


I never said it didn’t i just they had different roles. Set up sweepers are obviously worse in endless, saying zekrom is better than miraidon is an objectively wrong statement, you are misreading my statement lol.


So your problem is strictly with the word “outclassed”. My dude, just because they don’t have the *exact same* characteristics it doesn’t mean “outclassed” is a term that shouldn’t be used. They are *very* similar pokemon when running Endless, and one is clearly stronger than the other. If that doesn’t mean one *outclasses* the other then I don’t know what to say. That would be like saying Kantonian Arcanine is not outclassed by Incineroar in VGC because Incineroar is also a dark type and tends to attack using its physical side, while Arcanine is a pure fire type who tends to attack using its Special Attack attribute. It sounds really silly that this is the hill you’re choosing to die on.


the thing is with that statement is that’s not true. The only thing zekrom and miraidon share is stab combination and typing. By your logic I can say that krookodile outclasses ting lu because its a better carry even though that’s obviously not true. That’s also a really bad example because both are premier fire type intimidate users and arcanine also uses flare blitz and extreme speed in their sets since it has a respectable attack stat. You knew what I meant by outclassing something and although yes, outclassed can mean what you were sating. Within the context of the rest of the thread, i mean soecific roles and I wasn’t referring to solely endless either. You are just arguing for the sake of arguing.


Arcanine rarely uses Flate Blitz on VGC, it needs its HP to tank hits. I’m comparing pokemon with similar roles. Krokodile and Ting Lu don’t fit similar roles in neither in pokerogue nor in any competitive format. Nice strawman, I guess? Even in classic Zekrom and Miraidon have a similar role. They’re high cost, Electric/Dragon legendaries. And egg moves / passives factored in, their only *real* difference is phys/spec attack, as Miraidon gets Clangorous Soul as a set up move. They are extremely similar pokemon, and you are choosing to be super-hyper-mega specific to somehow be a contrarian. Ask *anyone* on this sub to read this thread and they’ll tell you that you’re wrong.


Does anybody even still remember base Calyrex lol


I don't even know the name of it as I've not gotten the sv dlc and idek if it's good, but I'm upset I've gotten that turtle legendary 3 times now. A mfer just wants rayquaza.


Zacian is definitely not the best. Maybe among the most used due to its typing but definitely not the best. It doesn't have a spread move for doubles. Rayquaza, Miraidon, Latios and latias are all better options imo since they have spread moves & it's very easy to max dragon fangs


Lugia, Ho-Oh, Solgaleo, Lunala, Giratina and post-nerf Dialga are all very underwhelming. If you're not including the 10% Zygarde in the room that is


hard disagree on lugia, at least once it gets calm mind/if you have take heart as an egg move. can easily carry an entire run with its bulk and special attack.


Is Giratina really bad? I'm a casual, but Giratina was my first legendary in this game and has been carrying my classic and endless runs. The passive makes you take very little damage at full hp and then leftovers brings you back to full hp. Ghost spliced with dark or steel is nice too.


Not extremely bad or anything it's still a Legendary Pokemon, just comparatively not as good as say Zacian, Kyogre, Miraidon, etc. also Leftovers is a trap in Classic lol


Fair enough! I haven't tried Zacian, Kyogre, or Miraidon yet. You mean it's a trap because of black hole on floor 200? You can move the leftovers to a pokemon you don't need in the final fight.


Limit to how many you can have on one Pokemon tho and that means going into the final fight with only 5 Pokemon


Just move all your good items to the Most useless mon on the Team and use it for Phase 1. Worked every Time for me so far


True, that fight is hard. Unless you have leech seed and/or salt cure


Why is leftovers a trap? It mitigates any weather damage and lets you heal over time so you don’t have to spend money on healing items as much. It’s better than rerolling over it at the minimum. Only exception is the boss stealing it but you can just transfer it to a useless mon when you’re not confident


That means you have to bring a useless Mon on your team and go into the final fight with only a team of 5. Otherwise the boss steals it and there goes your Salt Cure strategy or just heals itself back up after boosting all of its stats and sweeps everything


Salt cure by itself does more damage than leftovers can heal, it makes the battle drag out more, but it certainly doesn’t invalidate the plan


True but if you're trying to stall it out letting it heal after boosting is pretty counterproductive, and that's also assuming you only brought 1 Leftovers lol my first time making it to Eterna I had 2 and that MF was like *our* Leftovers and that was no fun lol


The one time it stole my leftovers it was from my Metagross with triple axel, and I had a shiny pickup Diggersby with super fang along with leech seed or salt cure on another mon, can’t remember which at the moment, so it was never a matter of it outlasting me, just how long it was gonna take


What did they nerf with Dialga?


Switched out Speed Boost for Levitate. Speed Boost actually lets it contest speed pretty well on Floors 195 and 200 to let it be a somewhat-consistent solo sweeper. Levitate is nice and makes him only have one weakness in Fighting, but Dialga's already such a juggernaut that it feels like excessive padding to his defense rather than making him well rounded


Does Fezandipiti count as "big"? Because it's BIG BAD.


By big, I meant 670 and + in base stats. But you're right, it's really bad. The poison quatuor from gen 9 is abyssmal in this game even with egg moves and passives. Munkidori is the only one that isn't awful thanks to Neuroforce




possibly one of the strongest mons to fuse with


I got cosmog, and maybe its not a big legendary but they need to get fed big time and after the third evolution they still get 2 shot (their passive blocks a lot of incoming dmg, shadow shield or something)


In terms of actual box art Legendaries it’s definitely Dialga. Terapagos will obviously get buffed and getting 10% Zygarde is intentionally troll. He’s my only shiny Legendary and I looked through every other box art Legendary and he’s the worst, especially without correct Egg Moves(which aren’t the greatest). Useless passive, useless abilities, awful starting moves, stats are just okay, and only gets basic moves leveling since his signature is terrible. I literally ran him as my carry in Endless and even with Make it Rain spliced on he got walled so early I replaced him with a random Ho-Oh/Kyogre splice I found around the 1000s. Even if you have his rare egg move run Goldengo with passive, he will be tremendously better.


I hate how they took speed boost from the actual incarnation of time and gave it to Palkia ! It's the worst case of 1 legendary in a duo being favored, Dialga gets Core Enforcer, Palkia gets Dragon Energy. Dialga gets Make it Rain, Palkia gets Water Spout... Dialga gets Levitate while Palkia actually get Speed boost... At least give Dialga Earth eater if you want him to have a ground immunity lol


Really? Dialga carried me through my first Classic win, and about 500 waves of endless so far. I have a +SpA nature on him so that might be what's helped me, but slap a few SpA vitamins on him, run Earth Power for coverage, and he hasn't struggled at all so far.


Nothing should struggle in Classic. You can clear it with any Pokémon. In Endless you can usually just oneshot everything until around 2k. Dialga didn’t even reach that point due to weak movepool and no beneficial abilities.


Yeah, but I haven't played any games since Gen 5 so I had no idea what half the mons, moves, and items do or if they were "good" anymore. For someone way behind the learning curve, Dialga made it exceptionally easy. Around what endless wave do the meta mons like Zacian begin to outpace a supposed weaker carry like Dialga?


Whenever you stop being able to consistently oneshot. Endless is mainly for shiny grinding, which means stacking lures lets you double your shiny chances, so you want mons that can handle doubles quickly. IMO Zacian is overrated since he lacks good spread moves, probably just good for new players not using lures. Anything with good spread(Water Spout, Eruption, Dragon Energy, Glacial Lance, Astral Barrage, Goldengo) is good for this. Useful abilities/passives that boost damage or give utility are a bonus.


My Zacian until my current floor 2.2k has been one shotting everything except 4x weakness for all the run he is far from overrated.


Yup and he will probably continue oneshotting single targets until 3k which has nothing to do with what I mentioned. 🤦‍♂️


How is he overrated if he can stomp everything in double battles until 2.5k-3k without fusion?? Literally it won't get better than that.


How exactly is he oneshotting double battles without splicing with no natural access to a single physical spread move? Please, enlighten me. 🙄


Stun one of them and either kill/endure the other. Your second pokemon will bait the shot considering Zacian barely has any weaknesses and you finish the other one.


??? Just because you don't know what's better doesn't mean it doesn't get better lmao. All top carries will one shot to 3k without fusion. And Zacian's defenses and fantastic typing doesn't matter this late, and you'll always outspeed with 30 carbos, so damage and ease of spread moves are mostly the discussion. Doubles will always be a headache for Zacian. Wild pokemon don't always attack your weaker pokemon and they might get spread moves or multi hit moves (bypassing sturdy) of their own. Doubles are far riskier for Zacian than, say, Palkia who will spam water spout and dragon energy. Zacian's only main advantage over other carries is immunity to Eternatus. But floor 1000 and potentially 2000 can generally get bruteforced by the carry anyway, and for floor 3000 Zacian needs DoT support so it's not much of an advantage when you will get the same result building up a random sturdy leech seed salt curer


Regigigas also gets skillswap, which can debilitate physical attackers while making your stats crazy




Playing against a Rayquaza that knows Dragon Energy when it can literally only be learned by Regidrago and its impossible


Ho-oH too many weaknesses.


Don’t pick on my baby Lugia like that, it’s my favorite ;~;


I mean, what exactly is Regigigas doing to a physically bulky Body Presser like Bastiodon, which quad resists all normal moves and has a high defence + a fighting type move


The pink lake spirit, idk its name but honestly I think it’s siblings are better since I can easily finite what I would want to do and even them cresselia is better than all of em


I don't even know if it's proper bad, but I really consider Zamazenta to be terrible. I do not like it at all. It's awkward to use, and there are just so many better options. Like Zacian. If there is no Zamazenta hater, then I am dead. Bias aside, it's... still Zamazenta? It's just the worst box art legend there is. Pokerogue or otherwise


I’d say zamazenta just because rayquaza murks him


Reshitram, not only does it not even jold a candle to zecrom, but i can never find a use that a mega latios/latias cant handle


Type:Null is technically a legendary pokemon (yeah it's official) so, definitely one of the weakest.


I hatched Victini out of a legendary egg once then like a few days later they moved him down to epic tier I feel robbed


I'm surprised no one said Mew, he's pretty okay for fusing due to his base stats and protean passive but his moveset : - LVL30 : Ancient Power - LVL90 : Aura Sphere - LVL100 : Psychic He can learn every HMs so that's a good thing, but you rely on them and their RNG way too much, especially when he learns his only stabbed move at level 100 if you don't have the eggmove..


Normalize Regigigas is a thing? Holy…


Lugia calm mind solod eternatus without modest nature or good ivs


Lugia? BS, bro carried me to 1000 in endless. Insane bulk.


Lugia with Calm Mind, Stored Power and Oblivion Wing is a pretty good carry


Lugia fused with Mega Gardevoir running Take Heart, Giga Drain, Psychic and Hyper Voice is one of my carries in my endless run (~1200) right now. It did fall off a little in favor over another mon as a carry tho, but I didn't find it awful at the time


Rayquaza is definitely the best and the worst is probably cosmog


Zacian is the best


I prefer Rayquaza because it gets access to a broken spread move in dragon energy


I think zacian is close to worst. It really isn't a good carry once you get some of the better starters and even if it's your first one, I'd rather use entei or smth. Even some ultra beasts are better than zacian. Terapagos is deffo worse/worst tho.