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I’d argue there isn’t anything of greater national importance than every citizen being witness to what transpires in the trials of Trump. I know a certain part of the population cannot be influenced, but transparency is needed because this fucker is going to be convicted. Watching him squirm will be fun for some of us, but for others they need to be witness to the mountain of evidence against him and also be shown that he was given a fair trial. Let some disagree with the outcome, but everyone witness the process.


Also, this would be a vast departure from his usual TV appearances. His entire persona revolves around depictions in which he's "in charge." This time, he's simply a criminal defendant. He's so obsessed with everyone seeing him as "the boss." Which is definitely not what is going to be going down in that courtroom.


I'm looking forward to him being held in contempt. Because he's gonna be held in contempt at some point.


I’m getting my *Trump Trial Bingo* card ready!!!


Trump threatening and talking over witnesses for the prosecution should be the free space. I dearly look forward to judges shutting that shit down hard. Short of taking a swing at a judge in open court there's just about nothing that will get a judge to slap you with contempt fines and jail faster.




My liver barely survived his presidency, so yeah.


Trump mentioning his "perfect phone call" must be the free space lol.


‘Trump asking for a 10 month bathroom break, to try and stall until after the election’ should be the free space.


I'm honestly not sure he would be. Given the descriptions of his behavior in his recent court appearances, he seems (like most bullies) to be an absolute coward when dealing with someone who has immediate authority over him (like the presiding judge). Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see it, purely for the popcorn value if nothing else.


He can be held in contempt for things outside of the court room. So yeah he is getting held in contempt at some point .


Sheldon Cooper has better control of himself socially. I don't see this process going well for Trump..


>Sheldon Cooper has better control of himself socially. I don't see this process going well for Trump.. Trump actually *does* have a degree of self control, though. We've all heard about how he rages in private, but we've never seen that in public. Like most narcissists, he can be an absolute monster in private, but usually "behaves" in public.


Don't underestimate the simple fact of how much time he would have to be spending in the chair, too.. As you touch on, effectively all of his televised appearances to date have been on his terms; narcissists have a (figurative) battery just like all of us, and as that battery wears down, the facade slips.


Trump fell asleep during briefings when he was President. What would happen if he was nudged awake by one of his attorneys and that was shown on camera?


Yall don't get it. It's a cult. A cult. No matter what he does, "I could shoot someone on 5th ave", they will support him. Til the end. Til death do them part.


What would happen? Nothing. His audience will love it because they have as much respect for the rule of law as defendant Donald does.


He will definitely throw something at some point. Probably at the judge.


>He will definitely throw something at some point. His poop, right? I'm betting on his poop.




Regarding news "About 30% of Republicans... used Trump as their primary source... The Republicans that relied on Trump had a different perspective than those Republicans that didn’t." Lots use social media and only 25% watch newscasts.


For now, this article is just saying that if the grand jury indicts, that announcement will be televised this afternoon.


It's like how the allies marched the German citizens through the concentration camps so they couldn't deny it.


No, this would be like forcing the SS to walk through the concentration camps. They would enjoy it and be proud of the evils they had accomplished. Trump’s supporters see this as a witch hunt, no matter what. They will happily watch as every witness testifying against Trump just reaffirms their beliefs. They think Democrats are so afraid of Trump that they have to get fake witnesses to lie cause the only way Trump doesn’t win the next election is if he’s locked up.


>I know a certain part of the population cannot be influenced While this is true we still need to rob them of their excuses.


Right. We can see OJ get off for murder but we can’t see this clown go down? Fuck that.


That certain part of the population doesn't need to be convinced. The group of people that don't pay attention to what's going on are the ones that need to see it so that the lies don't carry much weight outside of the cult.


reply dime aware knee abounding scarce dependent scale cooing longing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have weed and Oreos, but I expect they'll be even better than usual.


I see you also know how to enjoy the finer things in life.


Go all out with some vanilla bean ice cream to dunk the Oreos in.


Mmm Vermont extra sharp cheddar.


I have a VERY expensive red that I have been saving for when I finally land a fucking IT Sales job again...but I think I may pop it prior to that. Big fat, juicy steak + this bombass wine...sounds amazing!


I'm also hoping for the full justice experience he's managed to avoid until now. If it happens I'll virtually cling your Prosecco with a tall glass of Door County cherry juice and a down few cubes fine Wisconsin sheep milk butterkäse!




Trump knows TV better than any of these people so that worries me with how he’ll use it. I certainly won’t be bored though.


Have you seen him on TV lately though? He has been looking and sounding pretty rough.


Yeah last thing I saw was him on Fox and he was tryna brag about pardoning Alice Johnson and then the interviewer pointed out how she would be killed under his new policy of wanting to execute all drug dealers and he literally said “uhhhhhhhhhh” for like a minute 😂


Attempting to locate brain cell... Attempting to locate brain cell... Attempting to locate brain cell... Brain cell not found. (A)bort, (R)etry, (C)ovfefe?


The orange kitties of the world have the brain cell and they are unlikely to share it with him.


That’s what I thought. “The one orange brain cell that we fucking hate”


That's known as "Mitching".


Yup...just replaying his "greatest hits" over and over. "crooked Joe; deranged Jack; Perfect phone call". I'd pay to see him on the stand, but don't think his lawyers are so stupid as to allow that. He'd be the real-life version of Colonel Jessup - "you're damn right I tried to overturn the legitimate election results!"


I wouldn’t rule out him just getting up and walking over to the stand on his own.


He's in a courtroom not a fake boardroom. He's fucked and we're all gonna see it. He can pull an Alex Jones all he wants.


Alex Jones gave us a nice preview of what’s coming. He started off trying to make political theater out of the whole thing and about three seconds after he’d opened his mouth the judge put him in his place.


I wish I could up vote this more


They also can’t just retake all his fuck ups


Rules of the courtroom though. He likes tv when he is in control, or thinks he is. If he doesn’t shut up when told in court it’s contempt.


He can’t say, “Excuse me! Excuse me!” and talk over the judge and bring up Joe Biden. In a courtroom setting he’s doomed.


But got damn am I excited for him trying to shout and yell over the judge. Judges take their authority in their courtroom *very* seriously


He’ll just make it a show anyway with disregard for the rules


When he's in control he knows how to use a crowd and that includes TV. It's actually something he's good at. This isn't him being in control. I'm sure they will fundraise off it but they're doing that anyway but he's probably terrified of this


Trump knows TV that he has some control over. He has zero control over this. He will be told where to go, where to sit or stand and will be told when and if to speak. They're not playing 'Proud To Be An American' as he strolls into the courtroom. Edit: However this says indictment, not arraignment.


If the judge is good, she won't put up with his shenanigans. See the wonderful Alex Jones Texas Sandy Hook damages trial.


Defendant doesn't typically speak during court appearances, right? You get a "Guilty" or "Not guilty" and otherwise nothing unless they take the stand in their own defense. Statements outside (the courthouse steps, cable news, etc) but he can do that now already.


He "knows TV" when he is: * In charge of the show, like The Apprentice * Participating in softball interviews hosted by fawning lickspittles, like Fox News * Performing staged theater in which he is scripted to win, like WWE Outside of those scenarios, his TV appearances are ghastly: * His legal depositions are uniformly embarrassing. He stumbles over his words, he has major trouble reading documents, and he makes gaffes that bite him in the ass. * His ordinary media spots, before even a neutral and passive audience, are horrid. "Person, man, woman, camera, TV." "Drink bleach to cure COVID." Etc. * His performance during the 2016 presidential debates was horrid, and only propped up by 20 years of Fox News / Rush Limbaugh audience coaching to hate Hillary Clinton with blind rage. * His performance during the 2020 presidential debates contributed to his election loss. * His January 6th public address is now prime material in his federal criminal indictment. How do you think he's gonna fare *in court?* Where he can't control the dialogue, *or even respond* when it's not his turn to speak? Dude is gonna get (proverbially) murdered on TV. Either he will sit there, silently fuming, while a parade of former toadies talk shit about him on the stand; or he will be unable to restrain himself and will end up being removed from the courtroom and tried in absentia.


Imagine telling Trump 10 years ago he will be the center of a TV event that will be viewed by hundreds of millions of people. Then imagine telling him the context hahaha


The "selling your soul to the Devil" version of fucked-around-found-out


First US president to be televised live, indicted. First US president to be indicted 4 times. First US president to be arraigned. First US president to be impeached twice. First US president to be [laughed at by the entire world, literally](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN2jqTilLOM). I guess this is Trump's way of "winning."


First president not to perform a peaceful transfer of power First president to not attend the inauguration of their successor First president to lose the popular vote twice


As I recall, neither JFK or Lincoln attended the inauguration of their successors. But I'm splitting hairs.


And still, I'm not tired of winning


He'll finally get those highest ratings he always wanted.


Guys, hold on, hold on here. He’s learned his lesson. /s


/s^(usan collins)


I had never seen that clip. He genuinely had no idea what to do. The bravado evaporated and he was merely a guy choking in front of the world.


I mean, unfortunately they all changed to laughing with him and gave him applause. They're still the social elite who kind of don't actually give a fuck.


Four times *so far*.


This is the best candidate the Republican Party can put forward.


First president clarified by a judge to be considered a "rapist."


Laughed at, by big world leaders, with tears in their eyes.


Charges leaked earlier. 1 RICO charge 1 Solicitation of Violation of Oath by Public Officer 1 Conspiracy to commit impersonating a public officer 2 Conspiracy to commit forgery in the first degree 2 Conspiracy to commit false statements and writings 1 Conspiracy to filing false documents 1 filing false documents 2 Solicitation of Violation of Oath by a public officer 2 false statements and writing All felonies.


If my mathes are correct, that's 91 felonies Trump raked in. 9 short of 100, but still impressive.




He still has plenty of time for more obstruction and witness tampering


His ability to commit felonies is perfect.


In fact he already did this morning with a bit of witness tampering


He's doing a tremendous job, everyone's saying it


"You should have seen these guys. They looked at me with tears in their eyes, saying, "No one can commit felonies like you do, Mr. President." My felonies are the best, okay. The. Best. Believe me. Believe me."


Any other big, strong men have tears in their eyes?


Calling out witnesses before the indictment even happens




I find it ironic that Rudy Giuliani will be prosecuted at some point on RICO charges. He used those same charges many times to prosecute mob bosses.


Give it time. There's another federal investigation into financial fraud connected to Trump campaign fundraising.


"I am the president with 👐 *the most*👐 fake felonies 👐*ever*👐. These guys...they say I'm a criminal, I tell them, I'm a true patriot and you are just scared I can beat lying commie Joe Biden. It's all fake news folks. The deep state is scared."


It's starting to remind me of pro wrestling star Chris Jericho's List of 1,004 Holds that he knows. 👀


If he walks, burn the entire judicial branch down.


You didn't count NY? I think it's over 100


[Full list as of August 2](https://www.newsweek.com/full-list-donald-trumps-three-indictments-78-felony-charges-1816951)


He's trying to reach parity with the ruble


"I'm the best. No one has done more for felonies than me."


Couldn't even get to 100! What a loser!


hey now, ex-presidents have faced an average of two felonies each after leaving office! This is barely out of the ordinary!


The forthcoming insurrection charges should put him in triple digits...


Another 9 felonies and he gets the first A+ of his life.




And also a state crime, correct? No pardons for that one.


And the state is Georgia, where the governor doesn't have pardon powers. Edit: a word


That RICO is going to sting..


Georgia RICO doesn't play around, if he's getting hit with that one he's screwed six ways to Sunday, that's a "dying in prison" charge here even when you're a young person it also gives hilariously broad leeway to go after conspirators, Lindsey Graham is sweating bullets


Yah it's basically on par with murder. Very serious charge


Oh boy, I sure hope so.


>If it's what you say, I love it. Especially later in summer.


If this is correct, that puts Trump at 91 felony indictments, well above the average of 2 felony indictments per president.


It took me a second, but I love the wording of this.


Statistics don't lie.


You're a genius.


I see what you did there.


And they are state felonies that a sitting president can't pardon himself for.


And Georgia has a pardoning committee, Kemp can't do it by himself.


Kemp also wouldn't. Trump is not that popular in Georgia and they have beef


Also has to do 5 years in jail before the pardoning committee can consider it for RICO in Georgia.


Not quite correct. To be considered for a pardon, you have to do your full sentence and then go five years without committing any other crimes before the committee can consider it.




The fat boy wanted to cosplay a mobster then we can give him the mafia trial he deserves.


RICO! RICO!! RICO!!! If Georgia really did go with RICO charges, gonna be some GOP folks in Congress that better watch out, because they might be coming for you.


1 Conspiracy to commit impersonating a public officer that's gotta sting.


what do you think that one is? pretending to be president after the fact?


> 1 RICO charge It's only one...but it's a big one.


I don't think we actually know the number of charges associated with each law, and it seems these haven't been voted on yet. I think they are more references to lines or pages in undisclosed documents (like a table of contents for charges that will be brought to a vote), but we do see that there are multiple instances of different law code violations.


Such beautiful charges. Perfect. Grown men with tears in the eyes come up to me and tell me how beautiful these charges are.


And the cult is saying this is all illegal of course


I already heard the "it doesn't matter if what he did was illegal" argument last month. I'm just going to avoid my family until the election/civil war.


Can someone please explain the RICO charge? I know it’s racketeering but it seems like everyone feels like it’s extremely bad for Trump


RICO came about to destroy mob bosses because their organizations always managed to have guys that could take the fall for them. Organized crime has a way of conveniently shielding the ringleader and RICO is meant to cut through it.


If it's a broad conspiracy with many participants and laws violated, it's much harder to defend. You can say I didn't do elements 2,3, 7, and 9 of the 10 counts, but even though they were the serious ones, you are screwed. It's like being the get away driver of a bank job that ends with murder. You are screwed even though you didn't enter the bank or fire a gun.


Before everyone gets carried away with excitement for these supposed new charges, Georgias District Attorneys office has already commented on the report of the leaked charges stating that they are inaccurate and that they cannot comment beyond that. Edit: Spelling


I need names.






Reuters posted a [Trump indictment](https://fingfx.thomsonreuters.com/gfx/legaldocs/gdpzwwwqyvw/Details.pdf) that someone in Georgia uploaded in error. It was quickly taken down but Reuters snagged it.


Nice. All things considered, I'd be amazed if it wasn't those charges, and I have to say, I'm excited to find out.


I absolutely DID NOT expect him personally to be indicted and I will still not celebrate until I see an official announcement. I thought it would be all low level workers in GA like the woman who let them into the secured area and the lawyers, maybe Ghouliani but I doubted that as well. I was hoping I was wrong. Holy hotdogs, it would be great to start believing again. It took me 50 plus voting years to lose my faith in America. I'd sure like to get that back.


This is his fourth federal criminal indictment though? Though they're all competing for most serious charges... I'm staying measured until he's charged and wearing a jumpsuit, but these indictments (plural) have been a win for justice and accountability.


This one will be state, not federal. Which means he can't be pardoned by a GOP president.


Now if some judge would throw him in the pokey for witness intimidation maybe I could breathe again.


The RICO charge is extremely serious. It's on par with murder. He's fucked


Not necessarily. A murder can be charged under RICO but a first time offender under RICO might get as little as 36 months. It all depends on what is being charged under Rico


He's charged with 91 felonies. If he gets the minimum 36 months, he's cooked. He's going to be convicted in other trials, too


I’ll sleep well with 36 months on that charge


Personally I think there the ones confirmed so far & the list will grow....look at where the dates associated with the charges stop.....I think this is a live document that's on "Partial" 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞 ETA....Sept 2021 is the last charge on that sheet...the first (Rico charge) is dated Nov 2020. 🤔


Am I reading this right? 39 counts? How dangerous is this that it was leaked? If this case is proven, and sentencing is before next July, this means trump is literally in prison trying to campaign for votes thru RNC and beyond.


No, not 39 counts, the numbers from the leaked pdf are either line #s or page #s


Things are moving quickly. Maybe we'll get it yet today!? >The Fulton County grand jury that is hearing the prosecution's presentation of evidence ahead of potential charges against Donald Trump and others for 2020 election interference appears to be moving faster than initially anticipated.  >Former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan is now testifying today after being told to appear tomorrow initially, a person familiar tells CNN. Duncan is also a CNN contributor.   >Earlier, CNN reported another witness, independent journalist George Chidi, who was scheduled for Tuesday will now be coming in on Monday instead. https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-fulton-county-georgia-08-14-23/index.html


cats out of the bag, they can't sit on it for days now that it leaked out. We might get the full indictments by tomorrow now.


The judge has already indicated that they will stay late. Could be today! >The presiding judge, Robert McBurney, just appeared briefly and told the deputies in his Fulton County courtroom that “we need to keep this courtroom and this courthouse open” beyond the usual closing time. It's a sign that chances are growing that an indictment in the Trump investigation could come this evening.


AJC has a great timeline of events today. Perhaps most notably, the two witnesses we expected tomorrow were bumped up to today. I think there is a good chance at this evening. https://www.ajc.com/news/live-updates/fulton-grand-jury-trump-investigation/#5MUSRZCUYNCQPMNAGYNKSINSTA


Can't wait to watch the indictment of RICO Slobby.


The devil went down to Georgia, he was lookin' for 11,780 votes to steal, he was in a bind 'cause he was way behind And he was willin' to make a deal. When he came across a man named Brad then the devil jumped on the phone and said, "Brad, let me tell you what" I just need 11,780 votes, which is 1 more than we have now and I am willing to make a deal…. Brad said devil let me tell you what, in Georgia we take voter fraud seriously, I am not for sale and Georgia will see you in court as he hung the phone up on the devil…. That Day is Coming Soon!!!!


Too late to buy Orville Redenbocher stock?


There's a Pop Secret ad just begging to be made Fani Willis walks down into the kitchen in the middle of the night and finds Donald in the middle of planning his criminal conspiracy The microwave dings - Pop Secret Pop Corn - but also the microwave is a hidden camera. Donald gets hauled out to the paddy wagon while Fani enjoys her fresh popcorn.


I just built a hot air popper out of a fan boat and a flame thrower. None of the commercial rigs could handle the volume I'm planning, so it was time to get creative.


You got any extra for a fellow Californian? I've got neon orange cheese powder to share!


I can already envision Trump screaming at people over the phone insisting on controlling the camera angles and lighting


“You’re fired! —Donald Trump” —Michael Scott


Possible? …Did anybody else see images of them filling the barricades around the courthouse w water? They are definitely getting ready to hold him accountable.


Yo why's there not a megathread? Is it because Trump Indictments are too common now? 😂


Did trump steaks ever sell any roasts?


Why is there no megathread??


Seriously wtf. This is potentially the most consequential indictment of them all


The revolution WILL be televised!


Come on you guys. Felonies are pretty common for US presidents. On average each president is charged 1.9 times. Here's the breakdown: President 1 - 44: 0 felonies President 45: 88 felonies President 46: 0 felonies Average 1.9 per president.


So where does one spend time in prison if they have multiple convictions in multiple states? Like, how is it determined where a person serves their time in that situation?


A Trump indictment, followed by a hillary clinton interview, hosted by Rachel Maddow is msnbc's wet dream coming true tonight.


Is it just going to be those two laughing for 10 minutes? Like the kind of laughter where there is hardly any sound and you aren't sure if they are getting enough oxygen. Then, after they finally compose themselves, Hillary just clears her throat and says, "I warned y'all not to elect him."


"I don't even know a Rico! MADE UP and FAKE CHARGE! MAGA!!!"


"I only went to Puerto Rico once, and [I threw paper towels at everybody](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEe7_zgZbuI)! I mean, what else do they want from me?!?!"


Put his trial on PPV and I’ll buy it


It should be on PPV, but only for his supporters, they can use the profits to help pay for his legal fees :)


My main question...Will Fox News cover it as much as CNN and MSNBC? If they do, to what degree?


His felonies are perfect.


Trump told me back in 2016 that I’d hear a lot of bad things about him from terrible people, and since then I’ve tuned out, knowing in my heart that Trump is a good man who is not being handled by the Russians… PFfffttt hahah jk


The American people deserve to see every minute of his four trials on TV.


None of his bullshit tactics are going to work within the context of a court room. He will certainly try similar to what he does when he’s on TV, the difference being a journalist will not always do follow up questions to his moronic ramblings and a good lawyer will. Not only that but they will get to the bottom of what he said to reveal more crimes. He can perform all he wants for his base through the television but he will incriminate himself 1,000%


Love state court. Finally we are going to see the Don live at the defense table.


Mugshot and Orange jumpers plz


It will be good for the local economy. That is if the magas don't show. If they do, the security costs will escalate rapidly. I'd be curious how much this dudes cost the US so far, just in excessive security responses, starting say January 6th


I will be playing 'The Devil Went Down to Georgia' on a loop when he is arraigned. I voted in Georgia. FU for trying to steal my vote and my son's first vote in a presidential election. Traitor.


Trump is going down…


And the right will refuse to watch it and just squawk fox's desperate spin and talking points.


its not that they will refuse to watch it, it is that their news networks wont carry it. last i checked no mention on the fox news main page


Holy Shit, please be tomorrow, on my birthday. I'm not looking forward to being 40 (holy shit, where did it all go?>!@), but seeing that orange motherfucker get slapped with charges he can't be pardoned for would certainly help easy the sting.


Here is the [list of charges](https://web.archive.org/web/20230814225815if_/https://fingfx.thomsonreuters.com/gfx/legaldocs/gdpzwwwqyvw/Details.pdf). (leaked earlier)


I got 99 problems but facing 83 felonies ain't one of them


All I can hear is the Rocky theme music. Lady Justice is getting ready. https://youtu.be/KPhqU--Mq1A


RICO!!!! Hell yeah


This is a good thing and the people bemoaning it are overthinking it. Having access to the raw footage will be deadly to trumps ability to spin outside of his base. Obviously his lemmings will believe whatever fox news says. But to the people not in his fan club, seeing him in court facing potential 50 years will be fatal to his power.


I can’t wait to watch this turd go down. I can’t wait to see the looks on the MAGA faces when they realize they’ve been duped into a cult. I shouldn’t find glee in this, but I do. I’m so fed up listening to the lies. I would just like a non News day for a while


Holy shit. It’s happening. Clerk brought a stack of paper to the judge. Live audio on CNN.


New game. How many times will fuckwad plead the 5th.


His speeches and thoughts are all out there for people to see. He can plead the 5th all he wants.


*popping intensifies*


Beautiful. Should further deter Swing voters from voting for him


Good. He should be treated like the criminal defendant that he is.


IMPENDING Ga indictment. Not "possible"


I still can't make sense of his statement asking for 11,780 votes, the part specifying "which is one more than we have". What is that supposed to even mean? Is it just typical Trump gibberish?* Is he referring to 11,779 votes somewhere, and why would he need those if he had them? The great part for indictment is that asking for even one vote crosses the line, so the number is irrelevant. *I'm aware this is the likely answer, as he's always trying to sound smarter or more authoritative by peppering his speech with meaningless qualifiers. I'm just curious to see if there was an intended meaning that he bungled badly.


I know there is zero chance of this happening, but can you imagine how pissed he would be if nobody watched?