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Unless Trump wins. Fuck these clowns


Remember the same ballot that gets Republicans elected in the house and senate is rigged but not THEIR election.


Even worse, they’re ALL rigged unless they win. So when Trump lost that was rigged but wherever R’s won on the same ballot, that was somehow legit.


Exactly. We’re supposed to believe their election was legit but those other elections in the rest of the ballot were wrong


rubio is a piece of sht, what else is new


I think we need a new law that says if you contest a state's election results, all positions on that state's ballot are deemed suspicious, and none of the candidates listed on the entire ballot can be declared winner or seated.


I hear what you’re saying but look what a clusterfuck it caused to recount one race in one county. No decisions would be made and incumbents would stay in office. Which, ironically, is exactly what happens anyway.


Oh, it’s only rigged if they lose.


I'm not certain the Biden administration should commit to the election results either. The goalpost shifted so far on the right that they are outright saying "there will be blood no matter what in 7 months" so fuck em.


Call their bluff.


Goddamit GOP why cant you just be normal-sauce?


#they’re literally trying to overthrow democracy and take over the country no offense but I’m so fucking tired of this cutesy normalization by everyone. it’s not a “can’t you be normal sauce?” situation, *the entire goddamn building is on fire.* I’m sick of it.


Yep and they've had three years and counting to plan their next attempt.




They’re all clowns. Fuck the Republican party


Not surprising. He’s always been an absolutely pathetic excuse for a human being. Florida could have had Val Demings as a senator but they wanted another six years of this weasel. That state is so far gone it’s not even funny.


Yeah imagine being a senator from Florida which has worked the hardest to disenfranchise voters and not accept a democrat win. They’re starting 100 miles behind you.


Well they are the only state with 3 senators. 


*And let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that Marco Rubio doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing.*


They all know exactly what they're doing. If you make people distrust the media and keep repeating the same lies, eventually it becomes the truth. Especially helpful if your population is as dumb as a box of hammers.


That was a callback to the 2016 debate when Rubio blanked and kept repeating this stupid line about Obama.


*2016, just an FYI


Damn, it felt forever ago. Covid permafucked my sense of time.


Florida resident, can confirm; we have 3 counties with literate citizens, 64 more populated almost entirely by meth-heads and q-tips


q-tips? Huh?


when you just see a swab of white hair peeking over the dashboard


I hate the sound of his voice. Republicans are such whiners. It's aggravating to hear Republicans with their bullshit whataboutism. He went on and on about how Democrats haven't accepted the results since 2000 as if Democrats ever did anything remotely close to what happened in 2020/2021.


I keep saying this. If they hold House and/or Senate after the next election, they will not affirm a Biden/Harris electoral win. To any moderate “I vote for the candidate not the party” voters out there, you won’t save our democracy with just your presidential vote. You cannot vote for any election denier — which is pretty much the entire Republican Party at this point.


Wisconsin here, and I'm able to vote for Tammy Baldwin, and my local state representatives happen to be safely democrat, but the gerrymandering makes it really difficult for good people elsewhere in the state to be able to vote for Democrats


Very scary scenario that could easily happen


I don’t accept his non-acceptance. He really does accept it and is just a huge lying coward.


They’re just openly rejecting democracy. The biggest fucking babies I’ve ever seen in my life. We’re to the point words and protests won’t fix this if people simply refuse reality and force everyone on their anti-democratic terms.


They're going to chip away at every norm in our society until they destroy representative democracy. Alarm bells are going off, warning lights are flashing red, a voice is saying "pull up, pull up". Folks, we're crashing into a mountain. A fascist mountain.


They have to in order to survive. The last GOP popular vote win was in 2004. The last one before that was 1988. If there was no electoral college, George HW Bush would have been the last elected GOP president, that was 36 years ago. Without extreme gerrymanders they basically would never win the House. Biden is the seventh Dem popular vote win in a row, that is a streak completely unprecedented in American history. Like it should not be possible. The GOP is a party that relies on gaming the system to over represent whites, a group that is rapidly shrinking. The baby boomers are all gone in 10 years and the rest of America is far far far browner and more liberal. The 20th century can’t last forever, we are 1/4 in to the 21st century. Imagine someone in 1924 running on a platform of “let’s go back to how things were in 1857”. That’s the GOP.


I think it's 7 out of the last 8 (Clinton, Clinton, Gore, Shrub, Obama, Obama, Clinton, Biden), which is still pretty incredible.


Facists you mean .. not babies


Pirate que no los dos?


Listening to his interview on Meet the Press this morning was pretty exasperating. The first thing that struck me is how annoyed he appeared before the interview even began. You can’t defend the indefensible and have a good spirit. To still say you won’t commit to accepting the election results after January 6 is akin to saying, I don’t give a fuck about democracy. I don’t care about the voters’ will. Shame is dead in the Republican Party.


He always looks absolutely miserable. Deep down I think he may be very disappointed in himself. It's kind of funny.


Maybe he wants out. But he's in too deep now and it'd be dangerous if he left or didn't toe the party line.


Remember when he did want out, only to then change his mind? https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/nation-world/2016/06/22/marco-rubio-expected-seek-re-election-senate-seat/15714602007/ I think you're right to some degree. I'd combine that with his debate against Val where he seemed to take some cues from Donald rhetorically and by the way he worked the crowd. My prediction's that he's becoming what he hates.


I hadn't heard him for a while and his voice sounds like he's chewing marbles, very weird. And he looks like a physical wreck, like some creature is consuming him from the inside out.


Yes, that is what a cult does. It leaves someone as a hollow shell of what they used to be.


Perhaps he needs a bottle of water


It was maddening listening to him. Particularly as he just seemed to want to talk nonstop barely acknowledging Welker and accepting nothing she said.


I had forgotten what a huge ass he is. I needed a beer after sitting through that.


So basically, one entire US political party has abandoned Democracy. The media has to start spelling this out very*clearly.*


no no no, you don't understand Trump is wearing diapers and stinks! This is the sort of bullshit that gets headlines/clicks. All the stupid melodrama with his trials serves as nothing more than distraction from what's really going on behind the scenes. Republicans continue to shift the Overton Window further right and all we do just shrug and finger wag. Juvenal was right: "Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions — everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and ~~circuses~~ circuits" (misspelling is mine)


> /clicks That's the important bit. Far too many people on the left respond to the dumb clickbait, if they spent a fraction of the time they do commenting on stinky don *talking* to the people they know to ensure they vote we likely wouldn't be in this mess.


The media tycoons don't oppose that party, even the supposed "left-leaning" channels tolerate the GOP while the right-leaning ones champion it.


No such thing as a left leaning channel. Please let me know which channel I should tune in to hear the ideas of higher minimum wage, paid family leave, universal health care, cheaper prescription drugs, universal pre-K, free school lunches, etc. being pushed. America's liberal party is basically center-right and the channels are owned by the same corporations that own the politicians.


I went to Florida when I was a tiny kid. It was pretty good then. No plans to ever return. I vote with my vacation money.


I broke this rule a few months ago and have since regretted it for many reasons.


*“If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism, they will abandon democracy."* - David Frum Frum's prediction, from long ago, came true a while back.


Such the fuck up you cuckold ass mother fucker. Go back to sucking trumps dick


Then don't fucking run. If you insist that you must always win the contest, the board game, the basketball game, the marathon... Then don't play. Don't participate.


Wtf is this? This is now multiple Republican leaders saying they won’t accept the results. What are they planning?


They want to have the state delegations decide it because there are a lot more red states than blue. This is going to be their new goal in every election because it's getting harder for them to win legitimately.


If you won't accept the results then don't participate in the democratic process and go to Russia.  I'm sure you'll accept the results there.  


No surprise as he is a far right traitor


The entire Republican Party has betrayed the American people


This has become the GOP Party Line now...Putin must be so proud


What a shocker. I'm still trying to figure out why people vote for him. He would hand his own kids over to traffickers for votes. Or Trump's approval. He's a coward. Surprised his own wife sticks around.


Fucking Ass Hats. Biggest damn snowflakes in history going around yelling “fuck your feelings” but can’t admit they back the biggest loser our country has ever known.


this should disqualify him from the office he is in - he serves under and for the constitution


Has Marco ever accepted that he used his Florida GOP Amex for personal expenses instead of official business?


Remember when stuff like this used to tank a politician, now it's a Tuesday.


Only so long as you have that magic R which absolves all past sins.


I mean the dems have their issues. This is the second time Menendez has been caught taking bribes and theres a lot of dems on the top 50 stock traders. No equivalence but it happens.


I’m sure he still plans to vote anyway.


maybe twice


Little Marco licking them boots.


It’s wild to me you would make a statement like this. Oh okay so when is your seat up for re-election cause that’s all I care about.




The fact that we have SO many elected officials saying this is a serious problem. They're gonna be real surprised when shit falls apart if they think they'll be the ones in charge.


The fact SCOTUS is essentially saying this is a constitutional crisis.


Then he should be removed from office


Following orders from his Master - Donald J Trump.


How Anti-American of him.


Then he should be forced to lose his Senate seat...


Can we just not accept his senatorial election results, then?


If you refuse to accept results, you shouldn’t be allowed to run.


Republicans synonymous with hypocrisy. Only accept results that align with their warped views.


Heads I win, tails you lose.


Because of course the only fair election is one in which your guy wins… You’d think after all this loosing he’d be used to it by now. In the past when your party lost you’d do a postmortem and readjust messages or policies. We need at least two functioning political parties. Hopefully some adults walk into the room after the next loss.


He’ll do as he’s told .


See, the signs are already beginning to show. J6 part 2 is coming.


Another traitor


Fine. I don’t accept his birth certificate. Let’s see him prove he’s a citizen.


I was a Marco Rubio supporter in the 2016 primary race, donated to his campaign and really thought he could be a fresh face for the GOP. Ever since then he has been nothing but a coward and, lately, a traitor. He can’t possibly get any lower on his knees for Trump at this point. As someone who for a long time has considered themself as a moderate, I will gladly vote a second time for Biden this fall.


Basically the entire Republican party is saying they wont accept the nect election if it is stolen. Guess what they are already claiming its being stolen. Somehow Republicans are going to attempt to overturn the 2024 election. If they are unsuccessful Trump will call for violence and demand the military and police place him in power.


I refuse to accept that Marco Rubio doesn't enjoy cock in his mouth.


He's still hoping to make Don the Con's VP shortlist, so he has to keep tonguing that sphincter and pretend it tastes like candy.


Do better Florida.


Anyone saying that should be immediately ineligible for any elected office.


Weak leader.


Stupid is as stupid does!


Why is this clown still relevant? Fuck him sideways!


He's a whore like the rest


It's treason, then.


Except if the candidate they want wins. Then the election is legitimate. I have never seen so many losers in my life.


Well then fuck little Marco


It's ok, his wife still doesn't accept him as a man


Will he commit to accepting that hairline though? It's a battle that's already been lost, bury the dead and move on.


[marco (wanna be head honcho) rubio](https://imgur.com/DBWJ7Zy) was the senator with the most missed votes in 2020. Surprised he's still alive considering the good he's done the state.


Can't believe I ever believed I might vote for Little Marco for POTUS. 2016 showed his true colors.


Only a loser says this. And let’s face it…he’s the biggest loser of the universe. Even a concrete block will beat his ass.


Don't worry that he doesn't answer - he won't. He's on Team Traitor.


Gutless man.


 Can I be VP, pwease?  What an asshole and like all the other Trump sycophants and suckasses he is ultimately shortsighted.


Then he should resign immediately.


No one gives a shit what he "accepts"


What's so hard to accept about a deeply unpopular man not being elected president?


These fucking assholes are so dumb. I am POSITIVE not one of them has ever worked at an election site. It is pretty much impossible to cheat, there are two people, a Democrat and a Republican, counting ballots or watching the ballot counting. It is fair, as it should be. But these fucking morons KNOW they’re going to get their asses kicked in November, because they are idiots and Americans are fucking tired of their bullshit, so they put this fraud bullshit out there six months in advance. Trump did it in 2015, he did it in 2019, too. They will never stop with the fucking lies, it’s truly disgusting and these assholes like Rubio should be in jail. There’s a reason FOX had to pay a $787 MILLION settlement, because they knew they fucking lied. What about those down ballots, Rubio? What a bootlicking lying dipshit.


800 million dollars is a fucking steal for attempting to overthrow American democracy. People should have gone to jail. If the Muskrat is willing to blow 42 billion to ban his haters from Twitter, I'd imagine there are plenty more rich assholes who are perfectly happy to pay the fine for trying to toss elections over lies.


Pandering coward


Little marco such a good lap dog. Maybe daddy will let you lick in between his toes. Maybe if you’re a real good boy he will give you that “special” peanut butter lickins you like. Just remember the eye contact and to thank him when he is done


Then he doesn’t respect democracy and he should resign his post


Another prick! How does he and Ted Cruz continue to have jobs in govt?


But the election hasn’t happened yet? -_-


He’s a ball-less punk.


Pathetic shadow of his former self. He’s beaten and owned by MAGA.


When someone says they won’t accept legitimate election results, they are a traitor to the country. Prove me wrong Putler!


No republican ever will again. Trump showed them that they don’t have to.


This should be disqualifying


Didn’t know we elected a bunch of children.


Why would he have to?.Not even the Electoral College has to accept the will of the voters.


After all these years "Little" Marco still can't stand up to Donnie


He's a fascist. People need to stop questioning why Republicans say and do these things. Stop looking for logical consistency and stop pointing out hypocrisy. The answer is because they are fascist.


Better get ready to fight back. Enough with the lies.


Another moronic commi from florida


This is such a blatant perversion of our government and its founding. This is evil personified because never before has purposely ignoring or even disputing election results been an actual platform to run on. It’s ugly and it alone represents the downfall of our government.


The frustrating thing is that he very well knows it will be a legitimate election. He’s just trying to get votes and signaling he’s part of MAGA. Yuck


He and his dry mouth have no business in politics


Then he’s disqualified from the job.


Pathetic Rubio. He has no shot at being Trump’s VP and this pathetic soul was one of the rising stars of the GOP until Trump totally ruined his ascension. Cringe.


Then you should be removed by the system that put yourself there.


Was marco always like this or did he become this after donald took his balls and soul?


They're going to show their loyalty a few at a time by showing up for his trial. These politicians will form the new inner party when Trump becomes dictator.


Did you stop the last one? I mean you’re fucking worthless.




The only ones they’re going to accept are a Trump win with all 50 states voting red


>“And you have Democrats now saying they won’t certify 2024 because Trump is an insurrectionist and ineligible to hold office. So you need to ask them.” I think Rubio spelled "traitor" incorrectly.


I mean. That’s one of the core pillars of the republican platform. Not really headline news.


You see Trump got everyone brainwashed


Democracy has never been this much in peril. America, step it up. If this election goes the wrong way, things will get extremely dark.


Just out of curiosity, how many members of this sub will accept the election results if Biden loses?


Good if trump wins be best be pissssed


Well, he’s already ready to move out of Florida. What’s another box to check?


Marco can’t even commit to himself


Oh no !


Maybe we don't accept Rubio's next election results.


All for a man who called him "little".


He still has hopes to be the VP candidate.


Little Marco is hoping to be Lindsay Graham when he grows up.


It’s a shame the Republicans have handed their balls over to Trump.


What a loser.


Disqualify him from running or holding office if he doesn’t subscribe to fucking democracy.


He's currently 4th in the betting lines to be Trump's running mate.


Just when you thought he couldn’t get any worse…


What if all the republicans are acting this way because they’re certain it will be stolen by the GOP…..


Hello he won’t accept going to work and doing his job


Remove him now.


Of course he won’t because he’s a sack of shit


Fuck these pissbabies.


He should lose his job then


This is what happens when you elect a thirsty patsy, who is a life long “C” student, and had a 550 credit score before being elected. He also used state GOP political money to get his back waxed and should actually still be in jail. Back from when he was a state house rep - I.e. the Jim Greer deal.


Why would any *Democrat* accept the results? Literally a fake electors scandal, numerous articles about Republicans voting multiple times, obvious attempts to suppress voters, obvious attempts to expunge voters, SCOTUS bias is evident, court cases about campaign violations and attempts to control media by “catch and kill”, and even attempts to run Republicans as “Democrats”. Literally, the Republican party’s manipulation of elections is off the charts. Why trust them?


What is it? Blackmail? How is this happening?


Gutless fuck


I realize my below comment does not directly refer to Rubio but Imagine Americans reelecting an insufferable POS that pretends the election was stolen and sent a mob to capitol to try and stop a peaceful transfer. Yet Americans may very well reward Trump for his poor sore losing behavior. There is zero chance a Democrat would have a chance to be reelected under the same circumstances. It is actually pretty insulting. Just no karma for this guy. It really is hard to believe. Hell Biden has lower favorability ratings than Trump. Not talking about approval ratings but favorability ratings. Yeah Biden is a flawed person but I am sorry in no way is Trump a better person than Biden. He just is not. Higher favorability ratings. Give me a fucking break Americans.


He’s a total loser. Not even worth thinking about


The question should be, “would you accept the results if Trump wins?” Then ask if they would accept it if Biden wins.


He is just saying what he was programmed to say.


He was a mess on meet the press


Grounds for termination in most businesses 🙄


How stupid is this place in 2024 where not accepting election results is rule #1 in the veepstakes. Humans have peaked, we're devolving back into neanderthals.


Wonder where he got that idea…


So what. Score is final


He added, “And you have Democrats now saying they won’t certify 2024 because Trump is an insurrectionist and ineligible to hold office. So you need to ask them.”. What the absolute fuck.


So what contingency plan do we have if they succeed? Are we just gonna roll over like Afghanistan and let women become handmaidens?


call it treasonous it's downright anti-American


they just lie for MAGA audiences


Neither will I if trump wins


Folks we got a lot of traitors to vote out. Have a plan, talk with friends, get out and vote.


This dude is 52, are we going to hear about rigged elections for another 30+ fucking years?


He’s a fuckn cuck what else is new.


As shitty of a low life MAGA boot locker as he is - that reporter was awful- she asked that question in order to derive a sensational answer from him…