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Greene is full-on nuts. What a disrespectful low-life she is, earning $174K of taxpayer money each year.


Her constituents approve of the act she puts on. You couldn't pay me enough to drive nonstop through her district.


My wife is originally from Rome, GA. It's definitely a shit hole. I was trapped there for several years and hated every minute of it. It's definitely redneck dumb shits to the max out there.


Well, she certainly is their shitfirbrains representative! Lord, you can actually FEEL the IQ levels drop whenever she opens her vile mouth. Never seen such a po trash in Congress. EVER! What a huge embarrassment to the country, hell, to humanity!


Watch any Waffle House fight and that's Rome. Georgia is slowly changing but the Redneck label is pretty apt. Her constituents thinks she's sticking it to the man, when really she is showing just how dumb she is. But I'd love if her and AOC had a debate. AOC would wipe the floor with her.


It wouldn't matter. Empty Gs base (and the MAGAts) will just spout bullshit and say "Ok, I won!"


I went to Darlington academy for some soccer camps back then. All I remember was there being a convenient Waffle House to the shitty hotel 🤣


Every shitty southern motel has a waffle house. Were there any murders while you were there? I have seen police murder investigations twice at waffle houses next to shitty motels, and I am not even a frequent traveler!


It is shit here. Some people are too poor to uproot their lives though. My brother and I are working on it. I hate it.


That's the unfortunate part. A lot of poverty there, but even still, they continue to vote for those that do even more damage to them. Just doesn't make a lot of sense. Good luck to you and hope you can get out of there too.




Is it possible to just plain avoid it?


There's virtually nothing out there except gun toting mountain folk, racists who keep moving further from the city to escape the minorities, and carpet factories. Interesting her single largest donor is a cult leader out of ~~New Mexico~~ Washington. [https://www.opensecrets.org/races/contributors?cycle=2024&id=GA14&spec=N](https://www.opensecrets.org/races/contributors?cycle=2024&id=GA14&spec=N) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.\_Z.\_Knight](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Z._Knight) Edit: had the cult leader's home wrong.


I'm pretty sure JZ Knight lives up here in WA. I pass her compound on a semi regular basis, about every few months when I have to go to Yelm. She decorated her front gate with a red, white and blue Q during the last election.


Oh fuck, Ramtha lady. Crazies stick together I guess


Holy shit, I had no idea who JZ Knight was until you said that... dayum, that nutjob is still doing her shtick? Holy crap, I just assumed fake voice channeling shit act of hers ended up petering out... I had no idea she actually had followers. God damn people are fucking stupid.


“Think about how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are stupider than that!” — George Carlin I know it’s a flawed statement in statistical terms, but it still makes me chuckle


Well, since the bell curve for IQ is always 100 (what 100 means shifts as people get smarter), statistically half of people MUST be at or below that. It goes by standard deviations, not averages.


It doesn't answer why the stupids come together in their own communities with a big enough percentage to get their own congresswoman though


You're right, I misread the wiki.


She's endorsed by Ramtha? Well, shit, an ancient Atlantean ghost can't be wrong...


Maybe. But Ramtha manages to be wrong about everything. I'm starting to think, just maybe, Knight isn't channeling an actual Atlantean...


And interestingly enough, adjacent to Knight’s Lemuria stories, are Spirit Science’s idea that the “Jews came from outer space”. So me thinks I know where the “space lasers” banality came from…


If we didn't think it could get any more ridiculous... there's another door to open. The gerrymandering needs to be undone. This GA14 district sounds like it was purposefully architected to be a permanent GOP district. So, we're not going to get MTG out of Congress. We have to get Congress back and then let Hakeem Jeffries permanently censure MTG. At the bare minimum, no committee assignments. Silence her.


Wait, we have a cult here in ... oh, in YELM. Okay, yeah. That explains a fair bit, really.


It is, in fact, possible to just never go to Georgia at all.


That's fair, I hear the Devil went down there.


He was looking for a soul to steal.


Came back broke?


By flying you can, but if you are driving north from Atlanta to Chattanooga you drive through it. I guess technically you can avoid it but you add many hours to your trip.


So you can plane avoid it.


That’s right.


Isn't it technically wight?




I grew up there. Left after college, never looked back. Didn't even drive through for 25 years, only went back to settle an estate and will never spend another dime in that district again. The constituents are willfully ignorant, proudly racist, and vile.


Her district must be a real shit hole if this is who represents them.


Yep she’s the best they’ve got!


I spent a summer internship in somewhat rural PA and I forget exactly how, but I think I made friends with a maintenance worker at the pool of my apartment that lived in a trailer near town. My girlfriend and I went over one time and we played soccer with them and their kids. Both of us were varsity high school players but took it very lightly in such a venue with hot dogs and burgers. They eventually blew up at us over mishearing what they thought were fat jokes (all of them were overweight) that definitely weren't. Like not a contextual misunderstanding, they heard completely different words. Something like "Go over there" Being heard as "Go heifer". We left. PA or GA, These people are insecure and scared. They see their shortcomings and lash out irrationally. MTG is perfect for them because she does the same.


Im in this district and i know so many people who want her gone but nobody is running against her :( shes such a big powerhouse dems and republicans dont want her gone (the ones in the gov and news) because she creates so much drama and gets so much attention shes a great megaphone and punching bag. I want her gone so bad though :( And honestly this district is great just dont go past bartow or paulding if you head outside of these you are in redneck zone thats her goldmine


Megaphone and punching bag is a perfect descriptor. It's kinda like Congress is afraid of becoming irrelevant in the eyes of the public and needs to be inflammatory to keep attention. I would say that their jobs are inherently very relevant but in the current political climate of dead lock they kinda are irrelevant so I get it.


What makes the district great? It is a failure by every measure.


She perfectly represents a few people I know that went from uneducated but intelligent prior to 2020, to full on "the government wants your babies blood," now.


And that’s just her salary. Members of Congress also get a budget to pay staff and a per diem for living expenses (since they often have to maintain two homes, one in DC and one in their state). And not to mention that sweet sweet taxpayer funded healthcare plan they can get but we can’t. In real terms she’s easily receiving 2-3 times that amount from our tax dollars, at *least*. Infuriating, isn’t it?


I feel like a stoner with good intentions would do a better job than this foolish idiot. I'll take one for the team.


Her voters don’t want anyone with good intentions-that is why they voted for her. Agree re: stoners.


"Good and high" would be a great slogan.


You should see how much she earns from non-taxpayers.


Can't imagine a bigger waste of taxpayer money She isn't worth a single cent of it.


There are better ways to earn $174k a year. Productive ways! I don’t think you could convince me to humiliate myself for that money. Not worth it.


She doesn’t think she’s humiliating herself.


Like Trump, I do not blame Greene for being herself. I blame her supporters/voters who enable her. I blame her supporters who are effectively telling her they approve of her antics. I blame her supporters for giving her a platform. It's like the internet. The internet did not make people more stupid. On the contrary, the free flow exchange of ideas and knowledge has made people smarter. The internet has, however, given stupid people a bigger megaphone.


Doctor Fauci: I sympathize with Representative Greene. Someone dropped a house on her sister.


🏅🏅🏅take my humble offering, that gave me a genuine lol.


Can I have this to use as a replacement for reddit awards?🏅🏅🏅


Should be "Ms. Greene" because she shouldn't be recognized as a Representative.


Dingdong, we have a winner.


I'm broke but take my lol


I still don't understand the photo prop of Fauci at the baseball game?


Either lazy googling and that was the first image they could find, or else this is proof he's the devil because he was having fun at this game instead of curing covid right then. I always assume the most idiotic explanation from GOP House investigations, and I'm rarely far off.


I think he has his mask pulled down in the picture.


Yeah, MTG said he had his mask down and wasn't following the six foot guideline. She didn't give him a chance to respond, so I don't know who he was sitting with, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was his family.


That was when we were first in lockdown and he was at a baseball game - he and 2 family members were the only ones in that section. They each had a mask on but Fauci & his wife’s were down on the chin. So the far right was saying he’s telling Americans to mask up but not doing it himself even though there was no one within 30 feet of him and he was just with his wife and brother (or her brother I don’t know who the other family member was) so they are twisting it into something absolutely just ridiculous because that’s all they can do


> no one within 30 feet of him and he was outside!


Yep, I assumed that was the case, but since she never let him respond I didn't know for sure what the story was. Obviously nobody was recommending masking and keeping 6 feet of distance between the people you were living with.


Interestingly, during the 1918 flu pandemic, that killed 25–50 million people, they had exactly the same protests against masks and social distance, using exactly the same arguments.


Meanwhile Trump was getting Herman Cain killed at his rally.


And nothing of value was lost.


> instead of curing covid right then. I suffered through a bit of that hearing. Apparently the current conspiracy theory is that he literally created Covid.


She's calling him a hypocrite saying he told everyone else to stay home, mask, 6ft distance, all while he avoided those restrictions and that photo of him is her proof. She asked him if he "represents science, yes or no" and he says "I don't think that's a yes or no question" after explaining that he is a scientist that uses the scientific method to gain information. She's attacking 'science', lab testing, and the fact that the medical community recommended anything at a time when something unknown to us was flooding the hospitals. The photo is meant to discredit the 'science' if the scientist isn't even following the recommendations given to the people. The pic is real but it was taken while he was having a drink of water outdoors with close friends who are masked, and to discredit science because of that is a bit ridiculous. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fauci-without-mask-baseball-game/


Didn’t MTG invest big money in vaccine manufacturers during the pandemic?


Her son magically invested in Ivermectin just before it was talked about being good for COVID


Dec 23, 2021 [Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has boasted about being unvaccinated, owns stock in 3 major vaccine makers](https://www.businessinsider.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-boasts-unvaccinated-owns-pfizer-jj-astrazeneca-stock-2021-12)


Was it with her ppp money…just asking questions..lol idk which foxfucker talks like that but it’s one of them


“Greene concluded her questioning by calling for a criminal referral against Fauci for “crimes against humanity.”” I thought she was against the ICC.


And, ya know, crimes being a big deal.


The bar has been set so low by Republicans it’s hard to imagine it can get any lower. Sadly, it probably will. They are some of the dumbest individuals on the planet. They’re regressing human evolution.


They can. They always find a way to lower the bar. Unfortunately, with the election looming over us, I'm waiting for the pockets of violence to start showing up - before, during - and God forbid if Biden wins (which I'm desperately hoping), they're never going to accept those results. You're right, it really is regression. They've set us back decades.


These people will literally drink piss and eat shit just so you had to smell their breath. They’re nuts.


Remember when we all thought Sarah Palin was the dumbest Republican. I miss those times. And yes, it will get horribly worse until the few sane Republicans purge themselves of the idiots. Which will sadly not happen since Lara Trump is now vice-Chairman. That's why I keep telling people even if Biden isn't great, we need to send a message and have Trump lose badly. Only way to humiliate him and make him persona non grata in the party is to have him be a two time loser. Also I will remind everyone that Jared and Ivanka will be working at the WH again if he wins.


Wow. Read that article and what she said and then defend this ape, Republicans. Fucking defend her. Oh you can’t? Fucking joke of a party. Assholes, all of you.


I'm sure they're defending her over in r/conservative. But it is likely in their safe space 'flaired only' mode. Because they're pussies.


Why do they hate fauci so much. I seem to remember him as voice of reason and common sense during the pandemic Edit so bc dr said bad is happening and they went bananas


They didn’t like that the pandemic was happening, so they decided it *wasn’t* happening. Dr. Fauci kept saying it *was*, and they didn’t like that.


Literally Trump suggested that we should stop testing so much in order to get our case numbers down. He literally said that. That was their leader's idea at the outbreak of a pandemic that killed over a million people under his watch




[Slow the testing down, please!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEJogV-xUIM)


"You are offending my need for delusion with all your talk of reality!"


I mean... that was it though, right? Lol more or less


That's *exactly* it and it came directly from the mouths of the millionaire conservative influencers over on FOX. And yes, that's what they are. They don't report the news, they sensationalize tabloid-esque bullshit 24/7 to convince the uneducated to vote against their own interests.


This is about as clear an explanation as I’ve read anywhere , trying to understand further would have driven me crazy.


The ones that don’t agree with this, but still hate Fauci, say it’s because he and the CDC lied about how effective 6ft distances and masks were. The same people who say it was evil for the CDC to lie about masks being effective in an attempt to prevent a full scale buyout of masks also claim that masks don’t work anyway and they praise the president who still wasn’t sure if he should wear them or not 6+ months into the pandemic. 


I was working in n HR 2 years before and during the pandemic. I can tell you from a practical perspective, the masks worked not only for Covid, but in my roughly 300 employees company, there was a huge drop in absenteeism from all forms of sickness.


Yep. I get sick about 2-3x every year, and it's almost always the same set of symptoms for me. During COVID, the command I was at implemented a *strict* sanitizing period twice a day, every day, focusing on heavily-touched objects such as handrails, door knobs, desk phones, keyboards, etc. Between that and masks, I didn't get sick a single time over the course of two years.


Yup..me either. No sinus infections, no colds, no strep, NADA!! It was awesome!


the video they have of Fauci saying "we don't need to be walking around wearing masks" to demonstrate he was lying is cut short, every time. The full video has him acknowledging that masks ABSOLUTELY work, but are not needed for the general public YET, because first responders need them more and he didn't want there to be a shortage. The only time he ever said to not wear masks he explained exactly why.


Of course masks work. What kind of nonsense are they spewing?


Because all they know is hate and anger.


He contradicted Trump once in the media I think. That or they are all just so brainwashed they hate him just because he was the expert doctor during the pandemic.


Because his competence in handling the pandemic showed the entire world just how incompetent Trump was during the same time.


This is the biggest reason. There were daily Coronavirus Task Force press conferences for over a month where Trump would say stupid bull shit, argue with Dr. Fauci, and generally deny reality while the virus tore through the nation. If you believe Trump is a genius and right about everything then watching him pull this every day while simultaneously knowing that Dr. Fauci is a well respected doctor and public servant creates cognitive dissonance. But Trump had already trained his followers to have a simple answer. Cry about the deep state and the lying media and move further into Trump hug-box echo chambers. What the US needed was leadership and we had a stupid reality show criminal (not convicted but had already committed his felony) arguing with doctors and suggesting bleach as a treatment. Then Mike Pence would walk up and hold up his binder looking like a child giving a fucking book report on "15 days to slow the spread."


He recommended getting vaccinated.




I think you answered your own question. 


Republicans, above all else, hate change. Covid-19 required rapid changes throughout society at the time.


He's their Galileo.


Doubt it honestly. That place doesn’t usually post about anything that makes Republicans look bad, and when they do, they tend to be deleted by the mods relatively quickly. Only the absolute biggest stories that can’t be suppressed get posted, and when they do, it’s usually just “oh look at us get brigaded” as if the only way to disagree with a Republican is to be a Democrat coming from elsewhere


I accidentally started reading a thread over there and the mental gymnastics is like… they’re going to study this in 20 years for sure


Dude. I just…my word those people are fucking DUMB. I’m around middle-schoolers who very clearly have a better grasp on reality and the situation in the world. Like, GD, what must a day in the life of a group of people so excruciatingly deluded and dense while infinitely convinced of their superiority and rectitude based on literally *nothing* be like? Extraordinary group of abject people of the land. Yes, decades of rich research there. Probably have to add an enormous appendix to dictionary of mental disorders. Like, almost every single post and comment is some form of braggadocio-laden bigoted knuckledraggery masquerading as “patriotism” and victimhood.




We need to conflate every Republican with her. Every reporter should be asking other Republicans about her statements. She is the face of the Republican Party. Make them own it.


Wait, you want the party that’s full steam ahead with a convicted felon - 34 counts, but who’s counting? - to do … anything about Margie?


Don't call Jill Biden a doctor because she's not a medical doctor! Don't call Fauci a doctor because I'm a dolt who doesn't understand science and is too busy itching to go post more upside down flags on twitter. So glad they're really digging into the important stuff by grilling Fauci on a pandemic that was enflamed by Trump, who killed a fuckload of people (directly and indirectly). Let's not have them do their actual jobs, or anything.


If i was dr fauci, I'd just refuse to reply without proper identification. Say , sorry, I'm DOCTOR fauci, I thought when you said mister you were addressing someone else.


She didn't give him a chance to respond to anything after that anyway, so it was moot. She just ranted at him for the remainder of her time without asking any questions.


If I was Dr. Fauci I’d let her call me Fauci Ouchy as long as I can can address her as Large Marge or the 6B lol.


Greene not only embodies the views of her constituents but also represents the state of the current GOP. Despite any tut-tutting from leadership, this is who they are now. Perhaps if they lose the Presidential race, the House, and maybe even the Senate in November, the party will start dealing with goons like Greene more effectively but it won’t be changing anytime soon.


How can one person have so much ignorant hatred?


Dr. Fauci should have called her "Sir".


A simple "are you done with your tantrum?" would have have gone a long way.


When she went off, Dr. Fauci should’ve said, “Neigh, neigh! Whoa there, girl. Let’s get you back to the barn for some oats”


Just give her an apple or some sugar cubes and she'll be quiet for a while.


He should have recommended a psychiatrist to her.


Fauci is supremely professional. What a class act.


He could have said “Bleached blonde, bad-built, butch body says what?”


Or “It”


Or "Butch Bod"


If I was him I would have got up and left.


Our institutions are being taken over by trash. Imagine full control. Every fucking day will be trashier.


Her problem is that she’s just an utter imbecile. She thinks if she wins an argument that her point becomes valid. She’s too dumb to understand that angry insults in a context that gives you authority doesn’t make you right or prove any points.


Doctor Fauci is too professional and too much of a Gentleman to call out MTG; he knows mental illness when he sees it and it’s no laughing matter.


Well he is a doctor soooo can he just drop a diagnosis of her on the floor right there? Lol


Can you imagine how much she would lose it if he were to say something like "While this isn't my specialty, after the session is out, please let me give you some contacts for some good psychologists I know". I also like one of the comments above, giving his condolences, as he heard that a house fell on her sister.


Don't blame her behavior on mental illness. She's a disgusting, hypocritical, hate filled, bigoted moron, but I doubt her behavior has anything to do with mental illness.


You mean Marjorie Taylor “ Bleach blonde, bad built, butch body” Greene?


My favourite part is at the end of her rant she accidentally called him Dr.


She made such a damn fool of herself, even going on a tirade about how Fauci should be imprisoned over children wearing masks because it was a "crime against humanity"


What a nimrod! How, exactly, are masks a “crime against humanity”…? I can’t even fathom it… How many people died because of wearing masks (zero), and how many people died or caused others to die because of not wearing them…? (more than zero)


You don’t remember Fauci and the mask police out there on the streets, threatening people with batons, holding down those poor innocent children while masks are forced over their faces? Me either.


Can everyone simple refuse to call her a Congressman?


Fauci has been more productive and beneficial in any one day of his professional career than she has the entirety of hers. Pathetic scum.


I’ve long assumed that MAGA republicans don’t really believe the garbage they spew. It’s just a means to rile up and secure the loyalty of their base. MTG is the exception to that rule. I’m pretty sure she’s truly dumb enough to actually believe bonkers shit that comes out of her mouth.


Well she was dumb enough to make those qanon videos and post them online.


just fundraising tactics


ya know as someone on the right I don't get this fauci hate, if he was so bad and the stuff we did during covid was worth this guy being in prison, why isn't the rest of the world saying the same shit? I don't see reports out of europe or aussies etc bitching about the jab or the shut down of everything. Why are we doing this shit? We have all these problems and this is what we are doing? The didn't nail Fauci on anything and just looked like a bunch of dumbasses. I hate this party, we spend to much money, love wars and have pushed Trump to be our guy. I just can't ever vote for this dumbass. I knew he was garbage in 2016 because a friend of mine from New Jersey company got bankrupted by him over some scam shit. Our country is fucked.


That wasn’t much of a reprimand


Yeah, it really wasn't one whatsoever. The Dems said she should call him "doctor" and the chair agreed. Then MTG said she refused to do so, so the Dems asked that her words be taken down, and another GOP said that rules of decorum only apply to other reps, but not witnesses, and the chair agreed so he overruled the Dems' objection. No real reprimand at all. Just typical GOP nonsense.


She’s a toddler. Her constituents are toddlers. After years of this exhausting Trump shit, especially the pandemic, I’m convinced that all conservative Christians are hateful little fascist toddlers. Fuck them all.


I’m not surprised MTG has so much contempt for Dr. Fauci, after all she is a form of cancer so that makes him basically her arch -nemesis.


Dr. Fauci is humble, learned, and dedicated to public service. And MTG is the exact opposite of everything he stands for.


I’m impressed that roided up neanderthal from GA can speak full sentences in English. 


Clicking on this article gives her the attention she wants


GOP should move to expel


They keeps trying to polish Donald Turd and blame Fauci. This is Trump’s MO blame everyone else and take no responsibility, we seen it in his administration and his business. All Fauci is guilty of is speaking the truth and trying to save lives. How many J6er are in prison? How many lawyers need attorneys? Cohen went down for Trump and got even. Republicans are doing what Trump says and it is very obvious.


She is pure hate


Her district must be a real shit hole if this is who represents them.


I recall reading that she ran unopposed after her opponent withdrew after death threats were sent to his family (the wiki entry about that election says different, however).


MTG showing off her dumb.


Human trash


The GOP sure does have their circus of idiots.


Fauci was there to testify. i thought testify is some kind of Q&A. she did not ask a question, did not even allow Fauci to talk. looks like she doesn't know what she was doing. even republicans don't like her.


I'm old enough to remember when Republicans had actual policy ideas, and were serious about governing. Okay fine, I didn't always agree with their ideas, but at least they had some. Today's Republican Party is all about performance: it's about "owning the libs," getting on Fox News and claiming you bravely stood up to \[insert name of person Republicans don't like today\]. There are few if any ideas, and there's little if any intention to govern. It's whatever Dear Leader wants. And based on what I've seen, what Dear Leader wants is GOP politicians who are obedient to him, loyal to him, and willing to defend whatever he says or does, while ready to launch rude and outrageous verbal attacks on whoever today's "enemy" is. My heart goes out to Dr. Fauci-- and yes he is a doctor. He served 5 presidents, of both parties, and was generally liked and respected; he does not deserve to receive death threats from MAGA supporters, nor to be mocked by the likes of Ms Greene. I cannot even put into words how concerned this makes me. It's bringing back memories of the McCarthyism of the 1950s, and that did not end well for anyone. And yet, here we are, with a group of craven GOP politicians who care more about TV ratings than actually solving the country's problems. And this "hearing" was yet another example. Disgraceful.


MTG does not have a shred of decency in her!


Kick her out!!


What happened to the Republican Party? 10/13/88 Debate. George Bush when asked to point out inspiring Americans “Fauci, top Doctor at NIH, working hard doing something about research on this disease of AIDS” 2008 George W Bush awards Fauci Medal of Freedom for his work on AIDS. I hope republicans wake up in 2025 and turn their back on all things MAGA.


Bill Maher clickbait joke: *Baby born without brain is all grown up.* Should have been *Baby born without brain now works for the government.*


The area that votes her in as their rep has to be what Trump would call a SHITHOLE!! She is a joke. BlueNovember!!


Shithole politician voted in by shithole people.


Little late trying to improve her upbringing.


How embarrassing


She’s a disgrace.


She's a stupid pig.


Pigs are very intelligent animals. A better name for her is stupid piece of shit.




Okay. Now, ask your great leader why he didn’t dismiss Fauci.


Butch built blonde throwing another tantrum?


I don't think there is a word in the English dictionary that describes how much I despise this vile, repugnant, repulsive, and evil woman. It is the same way I feel about Donald Trump. The GOP has fallen so far into the gutter. I thank Dr. Fauci for his service and for saving so many lives. Trump is responsible for the majority of the Covid deaths in this country.


In any other universe there would be a move to censure. She embarrasses the country by denying his service and science in general.


Who were the two goons sitting behind Fauci, talking and making stupid faces during the hearing? Anybody know?


She's a crazy person with a low IQ, sent to throw poo and disrupt. Doing exactly what was intended.


Fauci needs to continuously ask MTG to clarify her questions until her time expires. She has no education and is a puppet of russian propaganda. Just let her time expire and ignore her.


Fauci should call her blondie.


No. All that happened was they said suspend and she kept spewing her bullshit. She was not reprimanded or punished in any way what-so-ever. She needs a fucking muzzle.


What’s pathetic is that she’s doing exactly what her braindead, knuckle-dragging constituents, sequestered in their own little safe-zone in Northwestern Georgia want her to do. She will unfortunately continue winning her elections because there are just some isolated areas in this country containing people who *want* their elected representatives to be the worst humanity has to offer.


She's such a hateful moron.


Endless pettiness is boring. “I got‘em, by making myself look like a dick.” Fucking lame.


She just needs to die... however that may happen


Nah. But if she can be manipulated into acting out to the point where she eventually crosses the line and ends up in a women's correctional facility, with no other white women in it, then I really think it's worthwhile making that happen.


First of all, as a retired private citizen, is he compelled to testify? Secondly, he should have stood up and ripped her a new one and then left.


It would have been golden if Fauci called her a butch built bleach blonde


The noise she made when shut down by her own party sounded like she was sucking a turd back into her ass.


Reprimands is just words. Useless. Vote her out


She needs a straight jacket


What’s with the Beagle picture she kept holding up? And why’s she caring about dogs when the VP she supported literally shot hers dead?


The Trump GOP party may go down in history as the absolute craziest political party ever. I can’t think of another period in our history that was this bat shit insane.


Remember that her policies and opinions that she brings forward are her secondary purpose. Her first priority is to simply disrupt. Any policies (such as those that favor russia) of hers that get through are simply a bonus to her. Best way around that is to deny her the platform and ignore her at all costs.


It would have been too funny if he started his answers with “well Marge to answer your question…”


She is earning $174,000 a year to troll Congress. Sweet gig.