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[Byron Donalds](https://www.congress.gov/member/byron-donalds/D000032) is his name. He's a Republican representative from Florida. He's in a safe seat.


You have to be evil to be a white supremacist and you have to be really fucking evil and really fucking stupid to be a black white supremacist


Or just greedy, dude is getting paid for selling out his own race..


They’re not mutually exclusive. One can be greedy and stupid. 


And internally racist…


Hello, I’m Clearance Thomas.


Clearance Thomas can be bought off with last years’ model of recreational vehicle. Blowout pricing!




Well played


Welcome to jackass


Layaway Thomas or Sale rack Thomas!!!!


He actually is not stupid, he is greedy. I know people in Florida that knows him. I also know others who received the same offer he did. He just wants money and power and those like him see both sides as being racist and thus it doesn't matter. He just want to take care of himself.


Selling out your own kind to people who will turn on you the second they no longer need you doesn’t seem wise in the long run. What protects him now is the fact that “polite society” is maintaining a veil of civility. Once it is gone, nothing will really protect him and if authoritarianism does take hold there is nowhere for him to run to. 


But what you fail to understand to many in our community we basically live in a police state already due to how we treated daily. The mindset is if I get money, then I can buy my way out of this even if it worsens.


> Selling out your own kind to people who will turn on you the second they no longer need you doesn’t seem wise in the long run. Fuck that "he should act a way because he's black" nonsense. He shouldn't sell out *people* to *people* if he wants to be a decent human being. This is a flaw in his humanity, not his skin color.


"His kind" is himself.


I legitimately think people who sell out their own persecuted minority are worse than any shitty ignorant racist. A racist is looked at and eye rolled by the majority but someone who turn coats in this matter do legitimate damage long term. Guys like him and Clarence Thomas get put on a pedestal as a "good one" and it empowers the less vocal shitty people to be more vocal.


Completely agree. #45 is a prime example.


You can do evil without thinking you’re doing evil.


The Clarence Thomas Guide to Prestige and Power.


It always comes down to this. When people seem like they’re just being idiots they’re probably just being greedy


they exist...Candance Owens, Diamond and Silk, the list goes on...


Just Silk now. Diamond kicked the bucket last year.


I fully believe she died from covid. 


Yes she did. Not vaxxed. Got Covid. Got a little better, as they do, then bought her plot a month later. SAD


Yeah, it's so ridiculous. This woman had multiple pre existing conditions, as did the 7 family members I had who died and were able to take the vaccine because it didn't exist. But have others who are also of terrible health but luckily didn't get covid, got vaxxex then got covid and survived.  She would still be alive today if she took covid seriously. 


Yeah, Trump went to her funeral and said he just learned who Silk was. He seemed unaware that Diamond and Silk were two people. He met them both at the White House years ago, of course, but Granpa Fumblepants forgets. Trump missed the first day of a two day golf tournament at his club to attend the funeral. Still, he "won" the tournament even after showing up a day late. He gave himself a leading score based on a great round he said he played the week before on that course...which is not how tournaments work. Then he said on Toot Social that his "victory" was better proof than a physical exam that he was still fit to be POTUS.


Ha. Toot social. Clever. 


Thanks! Pass it on, no attribution needed. I think we should make this a common thing.


Clayton Bigsby


Uncle Ruckus 


Clarence Thomas, Tim Scott, Byron Donald… just put “Uncle” in front of their names.


> you have to be really fucking evil and really fucking stupid to be a black white supremacist He represents the 19th in Florida. The median age is 54.6. Ethnically, it's 70% White, 19% Hispanic, and 5% Black. He's not stupid, he's just saying what his base wants to hear.


Saying what your base wants to hear can be stupid in the long term if said base wants to exterminate you.


Maybe, but the ones who sell out are often seen as “the good ones” and give these people cover to say they’re not bigoted. They’re very useful tools, indeed. 


An if I'm correctly informed, he was charged with a few felonies for fraud/embazzlement or such before he ran as a MAGA? Like moths to a flame, conman go MAGA.


Yep. Two felonies that Donalds claim were expunged. https://x.com/jals2010/status/1706022819513995514


I hear Byron divorced his wife for marrying a black man.


"Clayton Bigsby" has entered the chat.


he’ll probably divorce his wife soon after he finds out


I usually call them the house servent. Samuel Jacksons character from Django Unchained. Anytime these guys see another black man/their people rise up its "why is this one on a horse?"


Reminds me of the Chapelle show sketch “Black White Supremacist”. 💁


Or blind. [Clayton Bigsby, the World’s Only Black White Supremacist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLNDqxrUUwQ)


>He’s in a safe seat. He wouldn’t be, under Jim Crow.


Isn't he also married to a white woman? Like his whole life would be impossible


It’s clear this guy has white billionaire fascist envy and so he lives his life under the belief that if he acts like it hard enough he’ll be a rich powerful white man one day…but in reality, this guy is a pathetic little fetching boy for his racist massah’s.


I thourght his name was Tom




> Stephen. "As Stephen, Mr. Jackson must navigate a host of thorny issues about race and class, which he took in stride. 'He believes in slavery, believes in the hierarchy of things, he’s the freest slave on that plantation,' he said. (In character, he added, 'I have the same moral compass as Clarence Thomas does.') " [Source](https://archive.ph/g36kJ#selection-869.1-869.307)


Unfortunately he’s my congressman. If you ever wanna know how in the world a black man could get such an overwhelming amount of votes in a ruby red district, here’s your answer. Lee County hasn’t voted for a Democratic president since 1948, before… you guessed it, civil rights marches.


>He's in a safe seat. That being the case, why is he groveling at the feet of the white nationalists?


Because his constituents are white supremacists.


Safe for Republicans, not safe in a primary. 


I can't fucking stand Byron Donalds. He doesn't even represent my district. CNN gives that fucking guy too much airtime. I change the channel pretty much any time he's on any network. It's not worth it to hear him out. After thinking about it for a sec, that pretty much goes for any conservative that gives a network an interview or participates in a round table. George Conway is possibly the only exception. I recently saw a video of him on CNN where he called out that blowhard Scott Jennings and CNN on the air. The host had to cut him off for a second to defend CNN. It was kinda nuts. I'm curious if he'll be invited back anytime soon.




More like Uncle Ruckus.


Don’t trust them Florida representatives over there!


Thank you for the chuckle, i really needed it this morning


He’s going to have to get a divorce…


The only difference between a Republican or MAGA and the KKK is that there is no difference. They are exactly the same.


"BUt THe KKk WERe DeMoCrAtS" Just to preempt the trolls a bit here lol


my co-worker likes to listen to conservative talk radio... you have no idea how often that comes up. pretty much every day. They bring up a ton of shit done under Democrats, every single one of which would be a conservative policy position, and just pass it off as "the Dems"


My MAGA aunt will yell "The parties never flipped!" if you bring it up in her presence. It's absolutely useless to try and convince her otherwise.


If you want to have fun, you could mention that Strom Thurmond was a powerful Democratic politicians back in his day. He was an outspoken opponent of civil rights legislation believed in racial segregation. After decades of being an influential Democrat, [in 1964 Strom switched to the Republican party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strom_Thurmond#Party_switch_and_late_1960s). One can only guess why...


They say this while waving Confederate flags and screaming "the south will rise again."


The GOP motto is literally “the party of Lincoln” They’re co-opting Lincoln like he’d ever approve of any of this BS.


I believe it. Especially the kkk thing. It is a 100% true fact but it misses crucial context Such as that back then the dems were the conservative party


"Dems were the slave owners, we're the party of Lincoln." *Drives off in his pick-up truck that's flying a Confederate flag.....*


Nowadays the Democrats have resurrected as the economically conservative party. They are socially liberal and fiscally conservative nowadays. MAGA or the modern day GOP is really not conservative much at all. They are openly authoritarian and now suddenly the socially conservative party that's really not either or fiscally.


They prefer to omit that southern conservatives hated Republicans. they viewed them as the "radicals from the north".


And don't even ask about their new besties, the Catholics.


I usually just restate it to "the conservatives did that".


I always want to ask them why Confederate states then went from voting for Wallace (segregation now, segregation forever) in 1968 to GOP in 1980 (reagan saying states rights in neshoba County MS where civil rights activitists were murdered and at time when white people still fighting school desegregation). Did all the racists move to Dem states (NY, CA)? Leaving behind GOP voters that wave the Confederate flag and defend Confederate monuments yet aren't racist? They could win a gold medal in mental gymnastics.


The KKK publicly endorsed Trump. I guess they don't identify as democrats these days.


I am always like hmm that was what 60-70 years ago. I bet you used to wear diapers, crap yourself, and cry all the time a long time ago too. Is that somehow still relevant to today as well?


>bet you used to wear diapers, crap yourself, and cry all the time a long time ago too. Is that somehow still relevant to today as well? I mean If were talking about conservatives they still do all those things Or at least worship a guy who does


I always ask "Then why are all the former slaver states of the Confederacy now deep-red Republican states?"


Replaced the robes for a hat.


It does help with outing them. Quite a few of them have lost their jobs because of it. The red hat will be the swastika or klan hood of future generations. They'll be found while cleaning out the attics of deceased relatives and either mocked or quietly destroyed.


Only if they lose, because if they win this November no one is coming to save us. No one. 


Even North Korea will be saved one day.


China has a plan.


The sun has a plan


Great, if Trump wins, Russia will have to come save us...


That’s not really motivating. I get what you’re saying but I don’t want to have America and the place that does multigenerational prison sentences on the same level


A flaw to democracy is fascists installing themselves and taking democracy away. And fascism comes from inadequate defense against ~~the dark arts~~ propaganda. That lesson needs to be learned. Now, we can learn it the easy way or the very difficult way. And that’s decision 2024.


If only the media would learn that they "*must not tell lies*"...


The media are salesmen. Their product is YOU! They sell billionaire companies and politicians your screen time.


The hood is already equated with the swastika, we have do the same with red hats, and Confederate flags.


Sad thing is I'm not comfortable wearing a red baseball cap anymore because I'm afraid I'll be mistaken as being one of them...


I have a really cool NASA hat with my name on it because my name coincidentally is the same as a NASA base. It is red.


Thank you for your sacrifice, but we need that shining beacon to pick assholes out of a crowd.


The red hat... And they shall be known by the marks on their foreheads. I never understood how this prophecy could ever come true, but here we are.


I’m just glad my favorite baseball team doesn’t have red caps.


I used to have this red baseball cap I loved to wear with my cute red canvas sneakers. I had to throw away the hat. I’m still mad.


NOW they’re terrified of wearing masks.


Red is the new white.


An AR 15 pin.


[And they're getting ready for November regardless of the outcome.](https://i.imgur.com/ljy4JN2.png) Time to invest in Tiki Torch futures.


> "The reason why Democrats have a hold on the Black community is because our parents' parents' parents keep telling us, 'You gotta vote Democrat,'" Hunt said. "It is up to us in this generation to say, 'Well, why?'" Uh has this guy been living under a rock? Did he sleep through the GOP freak out when Obama was elected? All the go back to Kenya comments? If this guy was a Democrat they would call him the “DEI Candidate”…..


These are the ones who would sell-out the freedoms of others in exchange for their own.


When they were clan they hided faces now as maga they in the open.


The letters are different but mean the same thing


Except now they let minorities model themselves after the behavior too! Separate, but equal, but also equity is socialism.


Voters need you to find the difference between these two photos.


“Sundown towns helped get families together in their home by nightfall too”


By this measure, the COVID lockdowns were some of the most pro-family policies put forward in decades.


“Lynchings brought the community together” “Red zoning made it easier to find a house that was right for you.” “Back then we had twice as many water fountains”


Tell that to the people of Black Wall Street in Tulsa c.1921.


Probably be hard to hear over the bombs and raging fires


Rosewood, Fl


Wilmington, NC


Zoot suit riots in Los Angeles?


If they actually believed a word of this shit then they would try to Jim Crow themselves.


Some are creeping towards it. See Clarence Thomas (who are we kidding, he *is* a politician and appointed for life, at that) and his rulings and comments on the Civil Rights Act. "Fuck you, I got mine" might as well be the campaign slogan.


I believe there is no, absolutely no government position that should ever be a lifetime appointment. There should be term limits for every single position. The idea of serving the people should be a limited time thing. It’s the only real way to stem deep corruption in my opinion. Doesn’t mean it will stamp it out, but it reduces the longevity and staying power of it I think.


The idea is to keep the justices apolitical but we see how that’s gone.


He was charged with marijuana possession in the 90s. So he'd probably just be getting out of jail about now.


This is what we are up against in this country


And we still have people pretending both sides are the same. 


TIL about the [Jim Crow laws](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Crow_laws): "*The Jim Crow laws were state and local laws introduced in the Southern United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries that enforced racial segregation, "Jim Crow" being a pejorative term for an African American. Such laws remained in force until 1965.*"


> "You see, during Jim Crow, the Black family was together," The irony. Yeah, you definitely would be at home with your family and not mc’ing klan rallies, fool.


Sure, sure... During Jim Crow black people (mostly men) were not unjustifiably imprisoned and therefore taken away from their families... During Jim Crow, black people had amazing access to healthcare, ensuring that all family members were able to stay together, healthy and happy... During Jim Crow, black people were given so many economic opportunities that families could stay in one place and live happy lives forever... /s what a fucking clown.


Even then, families would be ripped apart due to prison ( prison slavery is still legal) or leaving the family behind to work far away, since Jim Crow made local wages artificially low for black families. Raising a family also meant the mother had to work, because the father was in prison, or wages were so low that both parents needed to work.


>or leaving the family behind to work far away Yep, my first thought was about the Great Migration. When they acknowledge it at all, conservatives spin it as some triumph of capitalism, e.g. "They went where the jobs were! Bootstraps!" They ignore that most of those millions of people **fled** a system of oppression and injustice as soon as an opportunity presented itself. They didn't fracture their families and communities because they dreamed of working on a Detroit assembly line. It wasn't a desire to labor in a Chicago slaughterhouse that pushed them to leave behind everything they had and knew.


Ayyyye my grandmothers dad did this. Fled Louisiana after the local police forced him to watch his best friend get lynched. Left his 10 kids and wife to go work at Ford in Detroit and it changed their lives. He sent for his family and they eventually joined him. He made more than enough money to support all his children. Even after his wife died at 44. And my great grandfather never went down south ever again. But his family was together thanks to jim crow!


Why is it always the reactions to the story that are reported? Why can't we see endless articles about the action and statement? The reaction *isn't* the story. The headline should be: *CONSERVATIVES PLAN TO REINTRODUCE JIM CROW LAWS!* And it should be reported over and over again until everyone is fully aware.


> “During Jim Crow, more Black people were not just conservative — Black people have always been conservative-minded — but more Black people voted conservatively. And then H.E.W., Lyndon Johnson — you go down that road, and now we are where we are." What on earth? This makes no sense unless there's another definition of "conservative" that he's using


> and now we are where we are This dude is just... wow. "Where we are" includes having the freedom to marry someone of a different color. Includes having the freedom to walk into a restaurant or a bathroom without being kicked out. And on and on. It's fucking *his party* that has voters and politicians who want to go back to the days people like him were "lesser" in every way, to keep them out of everywhere, to scream the n-word from the rooftops without repercussion. It's beyond delusional for someone like him to think the clock needs to go back when, if that happened, he wouldn't even be allowed to *marry his own white wife*, all because of the party *he* supports. Like, I always think I've seen the stupidest that someone can be, but then someone like him or Thomas who are able to be in the positions they're in due to legal doors being opened for them through the decades by Democrats instead choosing to side with the Republicans who make it clear every day they want to kick them right back through those doors and seal them shut.


I used to ride around Louisiana with a marketing rep in the 2010s. We ate lunch at a local catfish restaurant. She casually mentioned it was the first time she ever walked through the front door. As a kid she ate there, but they only allowed black people to order takeout from a window in the back. Black people were not allowed inside the restaurant.  She’s not even that old. At the time — in the 2010s — she was in her 50s. I cannot pretend to understand the oppression and bigotry faced by black Americans during Jim Crow. But we are talking about a legal framework that made equal participation in society an impossibility and formalized oppression and discrimination. 


In case you are wondering what kind of money it takes for him to make such ridiculous statements, he has raised $3.2 million this year in a conservative district and over $12 million since he's been in politics. https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/summary?cid=N00034016&cycle=CAREER&type=I


Dude never had to go through it. HTF would he know?


My guess, he's been reading his Thomas Sowell, well known apologist.


I believe it should be mandatory to have a person at every political gathering to act as a fact referee as it were. When someone spouts this garbage, this person can loudly take over the mics and throw a flag and set the record straight. I feel it’s needed since reporters can’t seem to ask these people the hard hitting questions. Like “Oh really? And we need to segregate water fountains, entrances to buildings, make it legal to lynch black people? All that JUST to force a “traditional” family unit?” I mean that is the story for me right now. Yea fuck this guy, but why are the press not asking him “what the hell are you talking about?!” “Do you know what Jim Crow is?!”


The "slavery was good" crowd.


there will always be a black guy simping for the racists because that job always pays. "Screw everyone else, im getting my paycheck"


And the racists: “We’re not racist, we voted for that black guy.”


Uncle Ruckus strikes again.


Can we please all make sure to get out the vote for Joe Biden, MASSIVELY, so this orange shit gibbon never gets near the White House ever again?


I feel like the audacity of the lies coming from everyone on the Right has skyrocketed. They’re damn near saying the sky is green with a straight face and expecting us all to swallow it. 


Not all skin folk are kinfolk, and this ones definitely not kin


Uncle Ruckus motherfucker


These lunatics are going to try to bring back slavery. There is no limit to their barbarism.


Instead of the indignant “how dare you” rhetoric, people just need to get on record with something like “are you a complete fucking idiot?” Typically the “how dare you” stuff never works, but sometimes straight up calling someone stupid, especially multiple instances over time, can work.


Uncle Ruckus’ing in public now…


The convict’s entire campaign rests on two platforms: racism (against specifically Latinos and black people), and “own the libs”. The racism is essentially one of the several line items in the fascist’s playbook that he’s trying to execute


How would he know? He wasn't even born yet.


His ignorance of US history is just astounding.


"His ignorance ~~of US history~~ is just astounding." FTFY.


It’s not ignorance. It’s pandering at best and tomming at worst. Has he lived during the slave era, he would have been one of the slaves that tattled on anyone planning to escape or rebel.


hopefully someone pulls this man's card


It’s what his base believes. “Racism isn’t a thing anymore! Stop being sensitive and woke!”


Is a Black Republican similar to a Jewish Nazi?


> Is a Black Republican similar to a Jewish Nazi? There were no Jewish Nazis. There were, however, Jewish Collaborators. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_collaboration_with_Nazi_Germany The difference here is most Jewish Collaborators with Nazis did so in the desperate hope it might help them survive longer. Also, as an overall percentage of the Jewish population, their numbers were tiny.


Hillary was right about so much shit when it come to Trump.


I think a white person just needs to tell him to shut up. I mean, considering this dumbass shit, he HAS to obey, right?


reading this as a black guy... holy fuck.


White Trump voters: "Ha! Trump is fooling those black people into voting for him by lying to them! What fools! Everybody knows that Trump is secretly going to disenfranchise all those blacks he fooled into voting for him and favor only me!" Horribly, it's no more complicated than this.


I doubt a black man would have a political position during the Crow era. But this might explain why conservatives have such a hold on failed states like Mississippi and Alabama and Louisiana with large black populations. maybe they like it?


Righter winger I know... "Fuck the left...always calling me a racist." I'm fairly certain no one has called him personally an actual racist. I submit, however, if your party continuously promotes white supremacy and you continue to support them.... then...


> I submit, however, if your party continuously promotes white supremacy and you continue to support them.... then... As the saying goes - "If there's a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, then you've got a table with 11 Nazis."


Maybe that meant Jim Croce? Life was clearly better for white folks under Jim Croce.


Has this guy never watched *To Kill A Mockingbird*? (I won't say "read" because, hey, GOP).


He would've been hanged for his current interracial relationship under Jim Crow lol


> Rep. Wesley Hunt, R-Texas, who appeared earlier in the day at a Trump campaign event targeting Pennsylvania's African-American voters. He pointed to Black Americans' decisive shift to the Democratic Party around the time of the Civil Rights Act as a burden on today's electorate. WTF? Speechless.


Does this dude have parents or grandparents that live through the Jim Crow era?


I heard about this dude during the first fight over the speaker in the House back 2 years ago. To paraphrase he said that there not being a speaker was not really a big deal to most people and that everyone has to relax. To remind you, at this point the government was frozen since the House couldn't do anything till a speaker was chosen. Dude is clown


We got a name for people like this, in the black community. I can't repeat it here. It's okay, because the leopard always ends up eating their face.


He’s not even a Floridian he’s a transplant from Brooklyn.


Fucking grifter. I couldn't imagine being a minority that was discriminated against for generations and then claim my ancestors didn't suffer in exchange for money.


Imagine hating yourself this much.


Dumb comes in many colors.


"What?! I asked Clarence Thomas and he agreed! You're the racist!"


This dude really sold himself out for Trump hasn’t he? It’s interesting to see the rotation of new lackeys that Trump gets to please him. Pathetic grifters.


I don't understand how he cannot see that he's being used by a narcissist and a white supremacy campaign. Their "Black outreach" is going to a white neighborhood and promising to take America back to Jim Crow and they'll get rid of him before anyone else. He thinks he's exempt from it because he's loyal? Because he married a white woman on the far right? He's useful until he's not, he's never going to be one of the good ones


Tim Scott wondering, "why didn't I think of that"?


I would love to see r/conservative defend this position, but you'd get banned and the post deleted if you put this story up there.


I have heard my very conservative father in law argue that slavery was not as bad as its pictured. Basically said the worst casses of abuse are all that are talked about. Even said "there where lots of nice slave owners." He then went on to say that slaves were better off before the Civil War. They had a slaves master who saw them as valuable and would take care of their property. Fortunately, my father in law is now several states away.


Clayton Bigsby get his eye sight back?


Not from the US, but who was Jim Crow? Heard about the laws, was he some sort of judge or something? Edit: Nothing I have heard was good


Jim Crow wasn't an actual person, but the name of a racist caricature played by a "comedian" in blackface. It's unclear how exactly the name got associated with the laws, aside from trying to stereotype African Americans as all being like Jim Crow.


Cheers for the quick reply, and cheers again for explaining the link from name to the laws. It’s bizarre how the US has not really moved on from the “take the beam out of your own eye” suffragette movement 100 years ago. Edit: in the context of discrimination, same thing, same reasoning different target.


Sounds like Stephen from Django Unchained.


Dude, you can suck up all you want but Donnie hates black people


They see the world backwards or something, or maybe they are just all really stupid.


Life was better when you couldn't vote, live in the town/neighborhood you wanted or go to school/college you wanted. Life was better when you were 3/5ths a person. Being a while person is a lot of work. Discrimination is awesome! /s (in case needed) Wonder if they truly believe this (maybe thinks he will be on top of the discrimated and can push women further down). Or gets paid to say it. Both.


>During Jim Crow, more Black people were not just conservative — Black people have always been conservative-minded — but more Black people voted conservatively. Truly shocking!


I literally met no one in Los Angeles with this view point and people in Los Angeles is as left as it gets lol


Talk about a room-temperature-IQ take.


Enjoy your 20 pieces of silver jack off.


Byron Daniels Oreo Supremacist




Good to see Hakeem Jeffries referencing an Ice Cube line


It's too late, he's a RoboTom now.


“At least under jim crow we knew where whites didnt want us” -muttered unironically by a black separatist


When spewing misinformation, particularly uttering historically inaccurate comments to kowtow and kiss the ring of das fuhrer wannabe, demonstrates how low the bar has fallen. History has shown what happens to ignoramus politicians and delusional sycophants who've suffered from following individuals into the abyss and the ill-affects and hopeless symptoms of ingesting Trumps brand of Jim Jones kool-aid


TIL: Samuel L Jackson based his character in Django unchained on my congressman.


I doubt he'd be in office under Jim Crow, but hey if we ever get time travel he should take his chances.