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>Outside of the rabid conspiracy theory MAGA circles, the social media response has mostly been variations of, to quote one Redditor, "Dear weirdos. no one cares about Hunter Biden. Signed, normal America." I'd say that about covers it


They are also looking to set a precedent of prosecuting people who own guns that also consume "drugs" They are caught between a rock and hard spot.


It was insightful the other day when Graham defended Hunter stating most people would not have been criminally charged for this Like, most people should be charged, but they aren’t, and conservatives don’t want to upset the gun industry at all over anything


Well put. And remember Trump said "We're going to take the firearms first and then go to court."... so Trump judges have really got a problem rn. Do they start prosecuting republicans now, and if they do under a trump presidency will they just be massively disarming the population whenever they feel like it?


"I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida … to go to court would have taken a long time." “Take the guns first, go through due process second." -Donald Trump, Feb 28, 2018


I don’t see how pro-2A Republicans ignore this. DJT is the only president to ever suggest this and he’s also mentioned wanting to be a dictator for his next term. A dictator is not going to want you to have guns. One shot at or near him and I think he’ll go with his gut response: “take all guns and let people apply to get them back.”


> I don’t see how pro-2A Republicans ignore this. I've brought it up many times and the line is usually: "You can't believe anything Trump says". Which is a great characteristic of a Republican nominee. However, it's more fun to miss-attribute the quote to Beto first and then watch them backtrack when you tell them it was actually Trump.


>"You can't believe anything Trump says". But they like him because he tells it like it is! They're either an asshole or a moron.




>I don’t see how pro-2A Republicans ignore this. The same way that Evangelical Republicans ignore the fact that he's a serial adulterer who said he doesn't need Jesus' forgiveness.


Evangelicals also ignore that he is 100% the person that the Bible described as the anti-Christ. Seriously, go read what the Bible says about the anti-Christ and tell ke it’s not a perfectly accurate description of Trump.


"No John I warned you about Trump/Pence not trumpets!"


I always like having a opportunity to post this website: [Could American Evangelicals Spot the Antichrist?](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)


Listen, I’m all for good coincidences, but *this* is fucking wild. The part about the border wall got le specifically.


Thats an interesting page. If I still believed the bible had any merit, I might believe it. Too bad the people who "read" the bible are ignoring it


And has clearly never read the Bible. He couldn't name a single verse when pressed on it. It is actually one of the funniest clips I've ever seen of a US politician when asked what his favorite Bible verse was at a Christian convention. He hemmed and hawed and eventually said he liked them all lol!!


And has only been in a church once in his life and doesn't know jack shit about the Bible. I swear some Christians only find out about the Ten Commandments so they know what to break, ask for forgiveness, then go break them again.


'When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked Him to forgive me.' --emo philips


Thanks! It is best to use the whole quote so people dont think its out of context.


Video works too ! https://youtu.be/yxgybgEKHHI


This is possibly the only time I've ever agreed with him. Take the guns away from crazy people.


No. They prosecute democrats and ignore Republicans. Or just pardon em after.




An article says 298 people were charged with the same crime the year HB is charged. I can't find details on those cases but knowing federal prosecutions I imagine those were add-on charges to more serious cases. It's pretty much impossible to prove somebody is lying about using drugs at the time they filled out the firearm purchasing paperwork (Form 4473). [Few Prosecutions For Lying On ATF Gun-Purchase Form (ncja.org)](https://www.ncja.org/crimeandjusticenews/few-prosecutions-for-lying-on-atf-gun-purchase-form#:~:text=The%20odds%20of%20being%20charged,roughly%20similar%20for%20fiscal%202020.)




The DOJ used the gun charge to arm-twist him into a plea deal on the tax charges. The GOP judge accused the DOJ of favoring him and rejected the plea deal. That's why one of Hunter's defenses is that there's still an active immunity agreement for the gun charge, and that the prosecution is unlawful. Depending on the wording of the signed agreements, he might be right (and the judge might not care) EDIT: Accidentally typed "lawyer" when I meant "judge".


It's somewhat of a reasonableness test. The reason, particularly in Hunter Biden's case, is that there's not much evidence to get someone on a "you a druggie?" question to support the claim that they're lying. In Hunter's case, it was plain given the fact that he was in a recovery facility. And he wasn't there for sex addiction. But, the reasonableness standard extends to what the lie is about. He wasn't lying about felonious use of a gun prior to the purchase, like hold someone up at gun point. He was a drug addict. And the question of how best to use the finite resources of the agency comes into play. Are we really spending this much money on someone who lied about drug use to get a gun they've already turned over to the authorities? It's generally not the best use of those resources. So, yeah, he should be prosecuted. But, also probably not.


On my local sub. There was an incident where police had a high 80mph speed chase in a residential area. Unfortunately, a 15 year old walking with friends to the toy store was hit and died. There was constant debate if the police should of had a high speed chase in a residential area or not. There were a lot of people who are willing to give up everything to catch the criminal. With no regards to what the criminal even guilty of.


Happened in Canada recently. Police were chasing some liquor store thieves when the chase was called off because it was getting too dangerous, but the officers ignored that to continue the pursuit. They're as dangerous as the criminals they purport to protect against. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/police-pursuit-policies-1.7193776 https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/police-chasing-suspect-before-deadly-highway-401-crash-in-whitby-had-been-called-off-but/article_dddfa72e-0800-11ef-9f11-ef632f0ea3da.html >Minutes before Monday’s fatal head-on collision on Highway 401, Durham Regional Police officers pursuing a suspect in a cube van were called off by a supervisor, but continued to give chase, driving the wrong way down the roadway, according to an internal police document seen by the Star. >As the van careened down one of Canada’s busiest highways, cars desperately swerving out of the way to avoid disaster, officers driving marked police cruisers continued their pursuit, lights and sirens flashing, in an attempt to stop the suspect, before the chase ended in tragedy.


I have a cop in the family. He works in NYC. He literally said he never chases subjects the second they get in cars. Why? He basically looked me dead in the eye and said "you've driven in the city, if I even tried to do it, someone would die." He said the precient itself forbids it too because the last thing they want on the news is a cop car barrelling through a family of 4 on live TV. ACAB and god knows if NYPD still has this rule since he's been retired for 25 years, but it makes sense.


That kind of thinking is absolutely rampant in the controversy surrounding George Floyd. He was a domestic abuser, a drug user, had counterfeit cash. Ok granted, but none of those things justify summary execution on a sidewalk.




The question is present tense. Even Hallie Biden said he hadn't been using in that time frame. The prosecutors are trying to imply that she or Hunter Biden are lying and that he was using, because obviously nobody ever stops using and then relapses. The whole thing is a shit show. They only filed the charges so he'd take the plea deal on the tax cases. But the judge wouldn't let that fly because she didn't like that it was combining two separate offenses and relied on her to determine if Biden broke the law while in the diversion program. They should have just let him into the diversion program anyway. But politically that was untenable for the Republican associated prosecutor.


He wasn't lying, he didn't think he currently had a drug problem. it's a stupid question because there isn't a single drug user who says they have a problem.


>most people should be charged Should they? Because if owning a gun while being addicted to drugs is dangerous, shouldn't owning a gun while being an alcoholic dangerous? How about owing a gun if you abuse your spouse? Or owning a gun if you have anger management issues? The list goes on. If we are imprisoning people for owning a gun while being deemed a danger to have that gun, drug addiction is the tip of the iceberg.


I think they are saying they should according to the letter of law, not their personal opinion.


Didn't they already have a plea deal until the repubs made a stink and got it nuked ?


Eh not quite how it went down, the Judge was getting the impression that the Prosecution and the Defense weren't on the same page with what the plea actually entailed. Hunter thought that the plea precluded being charged for this incident ever again, the Judge asked the Prosecution if that was so, and they said "Well no we think we reserve the right to bring charges again" and the plea deal fell apart. The judge was pretty astute in realizing the incongruity with which the two sides described the deal.


Yet the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in August 2023 that drug users cannot be barred from owning firearms. And that decision was based on the SCOTUS decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc v Bruen in June 2022. https://www.forbes.com/sites/dariosabaghi/2023/08/10/drug-user-cant-be-barred-from-owing-firearms-us-court-rules/?sh=9c269404e7ee


So what the fuck are we doing here then?




so same with immunity, they want the president to be immune to everything, but not when Biden is the president. lol


Ding ding ding! This person politics


Excellent question!


Going after Joe through his son.


you know exactly why we are here and why the plea deal was stopped by a Republican judge


As Stephen Colbert said, "Now someone's going to have to arrest Florida".


If Republicans really wanted to go after recreational drug users for owning guns, I wonder how that would really work out. Plenty of Republicans do meth, pot, opioids ... and *love* their guns. Or will this just be another IOKIYAR (It's OK If You Are Republican).


If they were to go after every gun owner on a controlled substance or marijuana the ATF would need more lawyers. Even medical marijuana would exclude them from gun ownership and would be easy enough to cross check.


I know a few people who smoke pot for legit medical reasons but wont get a medical card or even buy from a recreational dispensary because they don't want to be on any list the government could get there hands on and jeopardize the FFL or even CPL.


Plus, the guy down the street is generally cheaper than a dispo anyway.


I wonder how the conspiracy nuts would react if the Trump appointed prosecutor and Trump appointed judge fail to secure a conviction?


You know **EXACTLY** how they would react. They'd just call them a leftist-activist judge and prosecutor, might throw in some comments about "Biden.... weaponization...disaster" and his based would lap it up. Among his base, it would be "another example of how a Biden Judge and prosecutor are coming for your guns".


> prosecuting people who own guns that also consume "drugs" That would empty Florida pretty quickly


The real problem seems to be they’re envious of how much heat he’s packing.


Lotta weed-smokin gun-owning Rs out there


This is how I feel. I keep hearing the line from magas that if the public knew about Hunter Biden's laptop before 2020 trump would have won. No one cares about Hunter Biden or his laptop other than the people already voting for trump.


Personally, I have no interest in voting for Hunter Biden for president. Luckily, he's not running and his father is unlikely to give him a job in his administration just because. Strange how that works.


I dunno, watching him taunt the House GOP definitely upped my opinion of him.


Given my choice of substance abusing failsons, I’d pick him over W or Don Jr.


In their conspiracy ridden minds the laptop contains proof of every wild conspiracy they have ever concocted. No exaggeration I have seen them claim it proves Biden blackmailed Burisma, that he's controlled by China and/or Russia, and many more. Now supposedly the laptop has been entered into evidence in Hunter's case (I haven't verified this claim). So the conspiracy nuts are foaming at the mouth because they think that means that all of the above is actually true and we are all about to see it. In reality it appears there is nothing on that laptop other than pictures of Hunter doing coke and hookers.


Back during the 2020 election, one of the MAGA nuts here in town was all over Twitter posting images he "supposedly acquired from someone who had access to Hunter's laptop." All the pictures were of some dude that vaguely looked like Hunter with an 8-10 yo girl in white garter and corset with high heels. This mofo was posting Child Erotica. I contacted the Police and FBI. When he ran for the library board, in an effort to shut down the libraries in the county, I sent the receipts to the local paper. Screenshots, copies of emails and other info from law enforcement. When asked about why he was posting child porn, he replied "It wasn't child porn, it was a public service to show that the Biden family is a bunch of criminals and perverts.' Now he is actively working at dismantling the libraries because he won in a landslide.


I hate literally everything about this story.


I was waiting for the conclusion when OP said he got arrested and lost his seat on the board. Nope.


According to law enforcement, what he posted wasn't technically illegal. It was gross, but not illegal because the girl wasn't nude. What he was posting was technically Child Erotica and not Child Porn. That's why when I went after him around the election I had to use CE and not CP, so I could avoid defamation issues... They also felt that he wasn't the type of person to keep CP after talking to him. So yeah...


The laptop can't be entered into evidence of any case because they don't have a chain of custody for it. Basically they don't know who had control of it and if whoever had that control modified something on it. It could've been to Russia and back for all we know. Chain of custody is important for any evidence and even a Trumpian conservative judge wouldn't enter it into evidence.


Evidently that is not true. Had to dig a bit to find a non alt-right news source reporting it clearly but here we are. It was introduced and accepted as evidence over the objections of Hunter's lawyers. The FBI cross referenced data subpoenaed from Hunter's iCloud account with the data on that laptop and confirmed it is the device that was syncing to that account at the time in question. https://abcnews.go.com/US/4-big-takeaways-1st-day-testimony-hunter-bidens/story?id=110830830 "...But special counsel David Weiss argued in court filings that attorneys for Hunter Biden had not "provided any evidence or information that shows that his laptop contains false information," and the judge agreed to admit it as evidence." But like I said, doesn't appear to contain anything but pics of hookers and blow.


> But like I said, doesn't appear to contain anything but pics of hookers and blow. This is the part that MAGAts have a hard time understanding. They are fully running on the idea that any possible crime they claimed Biden committed has hard proof on that laptop and was submitted as evidence and thus is now a proven fact. The only thing on it that was verified was, well, some messages and pics of a bunch of hookers, drugs, and guns. So, a typically calm Tuesday night for the great white Christian nationalist savior Trump.


I'm just impressed that your MAGAts even admit that it was a real election.


They admit it was when is convenient and turn around and say it was stolen when that’s convenient. They have no problem talking out of both sides of their mouth for whatever argument they’re trying to make.


I got into an argument with a conservative family member a few years ago, and it was incredibly eye opening. He’d make some crazy right-wing claim that I had never heard anything about. I’d have to pause, look it up, and then explain how it was complete bullshit. He would then instantly drop that subject and pivot to the next crazy claim - standard Gish gallop shit. After this happened five or six times, I finally got frustrated enough to say “It’s like you don’t even give a shit if the things you’re saying are true or not. You don’t care about proving me wrong, you just keep saying things in hopes that I eventually give up and stop arguing.” His mouth drops open, and he stares at me for a good few seconds like I’m an alien. He finally responds “Well… yeah. How else are you supposed to win an argument?”. The thought of arguing in good faith, of actually knowing what you were talking about and trying to convince your opponent of the validity of your arguments, had *never even occurred to him*. He thought that winning an argument just means “your opponent gets exhausted and gives up”. I learned a lot about conservatives that day.


“Never play chess with a pigeon. The pigeon just knocks all the pieces over. Then shits all over the board. Then struts around like it won.”


Goodness. How does he think court cases work? How does he think people in mystery novels prove who the killer is? You gather evidence and show that your idea on what happened is more in line with reality. How has he never come across this concept?


Do you think these people *read*? Lol


Well I won't be voting for Hunter this election that's for sure! This just in he's not running for anything nor is he a politician? Just just the son of one? Doesn't speak at rallies or anything? Oh that explains why I don't care!


This is my sentiment reading the headline. I read it and thought “who gives a shit about hunter biden.”


I know I'll be sure not to vote for him.


For your Daly dose of crazy just head on over to r/conservative to get a good laugh and fear all at the same time.. it’s a weird I need to take a shower after feeling over there.


> just head on over to r/conservative No, I don't think I will.


It is full on upside down world there


It has been interesting to watch the downfall of that subreddit over the past few years. For a while they tried to maintain at least a whiff of legitimacy and tried to appear as small-c conservatives and not just trump dickriders. But like every republican politician that criticized trump at one time in the past that has eventually fallen in line to suck trump's dick, the same thing happened to arr/conservative, which is now just another trump-is-god forum where any contrary thought is met with 1984-like levels of "correction".


I think it’s hilarious they say they aren’t in a bubble but then setup flaired user only posts. I’ve seen people on there that actually think their comments are hidden from non flaired people.


>setup flaired user only posts.  That's because everyone is always brigading them! That's the only possible reason why so many people would find their opinions objectionable!  /S


It has become the new The_Donald.


Yea, they assume we are as craven and misguided as them when it comes to people associated with a president when, in reality, we see them as simply a functionary who has a job to do and they need to be about their job. It or they are not our personality and it or they are also to be held accountable if there are laws broken. Yet they will conflate anything associated with the schism they have created because it is, most definitely, their personality.


Oh no, he owned guns while doing drugs. That aught to take down his fathers presidency! /s Its not like Biden personally defrauded or raped anyone.


Here's how this will play out Hunter will be found guilty (he did lie about his drug use on the gun paperwork) Joe will do absolutely nothing about it. Maybe make a statement basically like that's my son but he made a mistake and consqeuses are consqueses. Many voters will view this favorably. MAGA folks think this case is going hurt Biden. I see it helping him.


If anything, the trial is giving Joe Biden some more points in the character column for showing compassion and trying to help his fuck up of a son through the years. It's also reminding people about the terrible car accident in 1972, when Biden's first wife and daughter were killed, Beau broke a leg, and Hunter barely survived with a skull fracture and other head injuries. You have to wonder if some of Hunter's issues as an adult can be traced back to traumatic brain injury from that accident. Where were we? Oh right, Biden's been through a lot of personal tragedy in his life and stands by his family even when Republicans give him crap for doing it. How was this supposed to hurt Joe Biden again?


Not just the brain injury but the trauma of losing his mother and sister.


And Beau’s death obviously did not help his in-process substance issues. And then the damn “Hunter Biden’s laptop” nonsense. He’s lucky to have pulled himself out of that hole and come out alive.


I agree. It’s gotta be so hard for him. The whole thing started because Ukraine investigated some of his business dealings there but found no problems. Trump caught wind of it and pretended they never investigated it. After that they just kept pushing for issues. Every time, like with the taxes, Hunter has owned up and done the right thing. I hope this will be the end of the drama for him.


Unfortunately he's probably got another 4-5 years of dealing with this shit.


It's going to last as long as the MAGA people are around. Not necessarily dealing with Congressional probes, but the MAGA people cling to their hate like it's the only thing preventing them from falling into a canyon.


This is absolutely true. They’ll cling to “crooked Hillary” and every other nonsensical thing they’ve come up with until they all die off.


Good point, there was all kinds of trauma that day.


It's hard for people who don't have children to conceptualize what an endless nightmare, what a bottomless pit of despair it is to lose a child, especially in an accident or due to an act of violence. It is one of the most horrifyingly painful, soul destroying, life warping things that can happen to a person. It hurts so much you wake up and think "How can a human body continue to function with this kind of pain." The fact that Biden lost his wife and *baby* daughter and lived for 52 years with that pain, watched his son die from cancer and lived with that additional pain for a decade, all while not only functioning but working as a senator, then VP, then president shows a strength of will and character that is truly impressive.


I bet a lot of families can relate, yeah.


It’s funny that Republicans can’t see how relatable this makes Joe Biden to a lot of families of all races while at the same time thinking convicted felon Donald Trump is now more relatable to black people because of his conviction of the most common crime in the hood, paying hush money to protect your presidential campaign.


I’m surprised republicans don’t realize it’s racist to equate black people with criminality.  No wait. That’s not me. That’s someone else. I’m not surprised at all. 


And meanwhile Trump's wife has literally vanished and not a single member of his horrible family bothered to show up to any of his court appearances.


Eric did a couple of times and I believe Tiffany did too like once. There's a video of Trump walking away after one of his "court conferences" and he walked by both Tiffany and Eric, but only seemed to acknowledge Eric. He treats his own family like shit so much they don't even support him at trial and people think he's going to treat us better.


Literally every family has a member they love who just can't get out of the way of their personal demons.


Don just doesn't care about his though..


"Don Jr. opened the door, wearing a Yankee jersey. Without saying a word, his father slapped him across the face, knocking him to the floor in front of all of his classmates," Melker writes on Facebook. "He simply said 'put on a suit and meet me outside,' and closed the door." Republican Parenting! Ta-dah!


Addiction, loss, trauma; I’d say so.


Agreed. It's very hard to help someone with an addiction who doesn't want to be helped.


And plenty of people do want help and get "cured" but it's a cycle. If they get out of detox and rehab and go back to the same people/places they frequented usually it's just a few weeks/months before they're back where they were before. Rehab is like a hospital but it's not real life when they leave and have access to their cellphone and can call whoever they want. I've spent a lot of time, money and my own health trying to save people close to me and it didn't work out. I don't know that I would do anything different despite the hardship but I don't have the answer to addiction obviously. That said, HB's case has me empathize with Biden more knowing he's facing the same problems as me and that he's handling them as well as anyone could imagine. Do I wish he'd pardon his son? I think politically he's correct to stay away from it but in light of what MAGA is trying to do part of me wants him to pardon HB because nobody else would face these ridiculous charges.


A thousand times this. Inpatient care is vital and life saving. But it is one thing to get clean in a controlled environment with daily therapy and new meds. Getting back to the real world is instantly overwhelming, and damned if I know what my go to stress reliever is. And man alive do I hate the emotional and monetary drain I've been on those I love; it sucks to fail yourself, it's worse to know you're failing them.


If Democrats used a special council to fine-comb Barron Trump's life for crimes unconnected to Donald Trump, then I would be outraged. Barron Trump is not a political player, so that would effectively be selective enforcement, misusing the power of the state to target a political opponent through his family. But this is what the Republicans are doing to Hunter Biden. I don't think there is enough outrage about it.


I do think they need to have a look at Ivanka’s and Jarrod, as they actually took positions in the whitehouse and seem to have profited significantly from foreign “investments”.


I think that's why they chose Barron. Javanka were in the administration.


Jared Kushner's Saudi deal stinks to high heaven of being a kickback for Jared's work in the government. Investigating Ivanka and Jarrod would be *entirely* legitimate. In fact, it seems like a scandal to me that such a government investigation doesn't seem to have happened yet, as far as I am aware. Jared got his government job because of nepotism from his step father. Arguments about family members being off limits from investigations are clearly not pertinent where obvious nepotism is involved.


This honestly. It annoys me that people aren't more outraged about the weaponization of government power to pursue a private citizen solely because it might be politically advantageous to one group of partisans who could never find any good dirt on a political opponent but found a tinsie tiny anthill in a close relative so they put his dick pics on national television and insinuate crimes and conspiracies wildly hoping that some outrageous thing they say will advantage them in the future. This is the kind of abuse of power the entire Bill of Rights is supposed to prevent from happening and sheer hypocrisy of it all only makes it more frustrating. And it's not just Hunter Biden. Anthony Fauci. Alexander Vindman. Everyone from the president's fucked up son to dedicated public servants, smeared endlessly by the right's personal propaganda machine and threatened with frivolous criminal prosecution not for anything they did but solely because it is political advantageous to the right to do so.


The Monica Lewinsky scandal was the same. The Republicans just held endless bad faith fishing trip investigations into Clinton, and then ended up making Clinton tell a non-lie under oath by asking Clinton questions about his private sex life. The real scandal there was always the Republicans' abuse of power, and the public actually understood that at some level if you look at Republican approval rating at the time. Some stupid people frame the Lewinsky thing as being about protecting interns from abuse of power. But the relationship was consensual according to Lewinsky. And the gleeful non-consensual public shaming of Lewinsky in national media shows that those same people never cared even the tiniest little bit about Lewinsky's mental well being.


To note, Monica Lewinsky wasn't even an intern when they started the impeachment inquiry, they just dragged the "witch hunt" on until they got a "gotcha" moment.


Not only this but people should remember this is after **6 years of investigation by a Trump-appointed special prosecutor.** The government spent half a decade and millions of dollars and this is all they could find to charge him. I don't know if anyone has been hit with this federal gun possession charge without an additional charge of actually using the weapon. No violent crime was committed. Talk about a massive waste of taxpayer dollars and federal resources...


I think Joe also gets points for releasing a statement that if Hunter is convicted he will not get a pardon. MAGAs constantly try to show that Democrats are *at least* as corrupt as Trump and that is hard to do when Joe won't stand between his son and any sentence he has earned for himself. Compare that to Trump who has offered pardoned criminals only because they're his fans and claimed he would pardon a lot of the Jan 6th folk who are currently in jail.


they are already pivoting to something like: "this shows that he's a terrible father, any good father would pardon a weak, problematic son, especially for a victimless crime. but he's going to get a slap on the wrist anyway, this is theather just to show how high and mighty democrats are, but that's just to hide how they are weaponizing the justice system against us". I've already read variations of this on multiple occasions. there is no winning with cultists.


I’d much rather back someone with personal tragedy over one without not because I feel worse for them, but because they’ll have more likely grown from that experience and it would have humbled them more. The one without personal tragedy knows less about life or what it’s like for normal folks who have undergone tragedy.


Also his refusal to pardon his son stands in sharp contrast of the avatar of corruption he's running against


Also it really makes it hard for far right conspiracy theorists to sell “crooked Joe Biden” when he won’t even pardon his beloved own and only son


> Hunter barely survived with a skull fracture and other head injuries If you've been through all that pain, I'm not surprised he was addicted to cocaine especially when pharmaceutical companies during that have been pushing opioids to everyone.


TBI as well as the emotional trauma of being in a horrific accident where your mom and sister are killed. So sad.


Yeah the right is so stupid that they can't see that a huge population of Americans either have a loved one that struggled with addiction or have struggled with addiction themselves and drugs don't discriminate between red and blue. How Joe Biden is handling this honestly makes me like a lot more as someone that loves an addict. I feel like he is setting a real example for how to love that our country desperately needs.




He's also not running for office


That's the key. The bottom line is that I don't care what Hunter Biden did, because I'm not voting for him.


You should care about Joe Biden's response because unlike Trump, Biden is expressing support for the legal system, not promising to pardon Hunter in exchange for Hunter doing a terrorism, etc. Wild that mighty Joe Biden, who can somehow control the justice system at the state level, refuses to wield this awesome power to help his son. Almost like Biden never had this power to begin with!


Or taking billions from the Saudis after leaving public office based on access he should not have had because he couldn’t clear the top secret security/background checks?


It really is showing how Trump is a spoiled narcissist loser that gets treated with white gloves, and the Biden family is much more normal and relatable- supporting family without trying to pay people off or whining about how they are treated.


And I have not seen a single tweet from Hunter OR Joe ranting about a conflicted judge or prosecutor, a weaponized system, a cold courtroom, lying witnesses, a biased jury, an unfair order from the judge, a judge's family member, or backing from wealthy donors.


A bit from the piece: > Democrats just aren't defending Hunter Biden on charges that he lied on a gun application about his drug addiction. President Biden released a statement affirming that he has "boundless love" for his son, but that he "won't comment" further. When asked about it, Democratic politicians and progressive pundits mostly reaffirm faith in the justice system and leave it at that. The only politician defending the younger Biden appears to be Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who said (accurately enough), "I don’t think the average American would have been charged with the gun thing." Outside of the rabid conspiracy theory MAGA circles, the social media response has mostly been variations of, to quote one Redditor, "Dear weirdos. no one cares about Hunter Biden. Signed, normal America." > > This was not how things were supposed to go. The sad saga of Joe Biden's only living son — the president lost a small child in a car accident in 1992 and his other son died of cancer in 2015 — was supposed to be the bright, shiny electoral gambit for the GOP. Republicans were going to use it to distract voters from the fact that their own presidential nominee is a career criminal who incited a fascist insurrection. As Roger Sollenberger of the Daily Beast wrote, every time someone points out Trump is a big-time criminal, Republicans "invoked a ‘whatabout’ defense to counter the charges with accusations about the sitting president’s son." > > But what about Hunter Biden? He isn't running for office. His misdeeds, as sordid as they may be, appear to have no victims outside of his friends and family members who have endured the fallout from his addictions. Trump, in contrast, has repeatedly conspired against the American people


> the president lost a small child in a car accident in 1992 That article needs some proofreaders. The accident happened in 1972 and his wife Neilia also died in the crash. Hunter and Beau were in the car, but both survived. Oh, and his daughter's name was Naomi. She was only one year old when she died.


Wow...the sentence was border line offensive just with it's brevity but to get the date wrong as well makes me irrationally angry. "Small child" just feels so dismissive


That’s all googable. It’s lazy reporting.


The one area where media organizations seem to have cut corners the most is proofreading and factchecking. Do editors even exist anymore? Even the biggest and most reputable organizations, it seems stories go from journalist-first-draft to print, damn any grammar/spelling errors or incorrect facts, we'll fix those later if anyone complains. It has been sad to see these past several years even the most storied and venerable of news sources start shitting out stories without checking first, and it really stands out when something as shoddy and easily fact-checkable as this is pointed out.


Whenever I say “good thing hunter isn’t running for office”, the most common response is “well Joe is criminally making money off of Ukraine and through hunter biden”. Any tips to counter that argument? lol


I'd say, "Cool, let me know when you've got enough evidence to charge and convict him... you know, like Trump." Then walk away.


You could always try the good old "Nuh uh," and "Prove it!" Just be ready for the response to be "It's obviously happening," or "Newsmax says so."


Then why did the Republicans investigate this and find no proof to move forwards with criminal charges or impeachment?


> Any tips to counter that argument? That's the thing - you can counter them with facts all you want, it doesn't matter. Their very reality is incontrovertible. Maybe the best course of action is not to try to argue at all, because their reality is never going to be changed. I guess it depends what forum you are arguing, if there are people in that forum listening in other than the arguers that would be open to your facts, but generally speaking best efforts and time are spent elsewhere at this point. MAGA minds, IMHO, are forever and permanently lost at this point.


I, for one, will definitely not be voting for Hunter Biden.


Me neither!


I would gladly vote for him over any MAGA politician .


I am going to write him in when any republican runs unopposed


Especially with Biden saying if he’s found guilty he won’t pardon him. Damn


And that's not due to lack of love, but out of wanting to uphold the fairness of the judicial process. It's amazing. 


To me this just slams the door shut on anyone trying to say that Biden is manipulating the justice system, not pardoning your only son left after the other two died is pretty hardcore upholding our laws.


It should slam the door shut, but it won’t. I’ve seen conservatives move the goalposts and say “He’s lying. He’ll pardon him after the election”


“Guy who is not a part of the Biden administration owns gun wrong” Cool story bro


And in any other situation they would be screeching that the form he lied on is unconstitutional and anyone should be able to walk in and buy a gun within seconds.


Every thing these smooth brains do backfires, I guarantee they’d find a way to mess up and lose autocratic power too.


I figure it'd be 6-12 months before an angry mob is pulling down Trump's giant gold statue.


"Democrats just aren't defending Hunter Biden on charges that he lied on a gun application about his drug addiction." What? Joe Biden isn't going to incessantly get up before crowds and saturate the media with his whining, and claiming the judge was unfair and comprimised, and that the jury was out to get Hunter and the trial was rigged, all while vilifying all the witnesses and court officials? What a snowflake! #


For three reasons off the top of my head. One, nobody is going out of their way to defend Hunter Biden. The closest you'll get is "Nobody cares about Hunter Biden because nobody is voting for him." Which leads directly into the next point. This keeps Democrats from looking hypocritical. Two, no one is being asked for vote for him. But, it elevates the fact that Trump is actually running for President. And finally, three, his legal troubles disprove the Republican theory that Joe Biden has taken over the justice system. That argument falls immediately on its face after you bring up Hunter Biden's problems.


Seriously. Trump has sent his lawyers to argue that being President makes you so above the law you can kill your political enemies if Congress doesn't impeach you for it. Biden hasn't made this charges go away. Even though it's probably really tempting to do so. So we have one person who's arguing that Presidents should be allowed to do whatever the hell they want and another that won't put his finger on the scale to make a law issue go away. I mean, to me the differences between the two are very clear.


Probably because only RWNJ give a fuck about Hunter Biden. He holds no office, he seeks no office.


Well yes. Republicans are all biting their knuckles because of their own gun applications.


I’m sure a lot of folks in rural America are watching with interest; thinking about their own use of state medical or recreational Marijuana and their ATF paperwork.


And when they think about those things, they instantly throw the mantle of virtue over their own life. 'I wasn't born a rich boy!'


It’s never been about Hunter, per se. They have been trying to connect Hunter to Joe somehow, and they have failed. All their attempts have proven just how empty the conspiracy theories really are. In the end, the effort just reveals how cruel the GOP is at its core, exploiting people’s personal tragedies and foibles to fabricate a flimsy political narrative. Meanwhile, their leading candidate is a convicted felon and has more indictments waiting. Pathetic.


Doesn’t Don Jr have a coke problem and also is an avid big game hunter and gun guy? I’m sure he’s purchased a firearm and would have had to fill out that same form 4473 right? Wouldn’t that be the same crime they’re prosecuting Hunter Biden for? It’s the definition of a politically motivated prosecution.


Absolutely. But, Hunter’s prosecution started under Trump who obviously doesn’t think laws apply to him or his devil spawn. 




They’re stringing him up on lying on the gun application about drug abuse but 100% of conservatives leave off mental illness, binge drinking, and probably you guessed it - drugs. Fucken hypocrite braindead moron conservatives.


It shows the Republicans betrayed their country by attacking America's justice system on behalf of their convicted felon rapist leader. If a sitting President's son can be held to account, why can't a true criminal like convicted felon Trump? Worse, for the treasonous GOP and convicted felon Trump, President Biden promised not to pardon his son if convicted.


I don't know a single person who gives a shit about Hunter Biden. He is not running for president, nor is he even a part of our government. It just seems like low-hanging fruit for conservatives to go after, since they don't want to talk about their policies.


Hunter Biden is a private citizen fail son who lied on a gun form in a country known for having massive legal loopholes that makes acquiring guns ridiculously easy. Donald Trump is the GOP nominee apparent with massive scandals including trying to overthrow democracy who’s been convicted once already. Gee tough choice on which one I am going to care about.


The funniest part is that Hunter being able to get a gun is a case for better gun control.


Well, now I'm definitely not voting for Hunter this election.


The thing is Hunter already had a deal worked out where he plead guilty and admitted his crimes that was shot down by a trump judge for purely political reasons.


Not been following the Hunter circus, but was surprised to learn some of the details today: He only owned the gun for 11 days (before his wife threw it in the trash), and the gun was never loaded during the 11 days he owned it. But hey, if we can use this to push for stricter gun purchasing measures, then maybe not all bad.


I guess I never understood why I was supposed to be mad about Hunter Biden? Am I supposed to be mad that he lost a laptop? That he liked to get fucked up and party? Am I supposed to be mad that he made some shitty choices but his dad loves him anyway? That he lied on his gun paperwork? I don't care. I can only speak for myself, but this stuff with Hunter Biden won't be affecting how I vote in the fall. It's just so hard for me to give a shit.


If Hunter is convicted trump will say justice was served and he has faith in the system.


It reminds me of that leaked phone voicemail Joe left for his son where you could tell he was clearly heartbroken. He ended the call with something like “you need to get some help. I don’t know what, but you need to get help. I love you.” The right flipped out like this was some sort of gotcha moment when to normal people it was a broken down father begging his son to turn his life around. I didn’t know much about Biden’s life before that and it only endeared him to me.


Tbh let's say he gets convicted what's the talking point gonna be? "SEE DEMOCRATS ARE JUST AS SHIT THE SON OF THE CURRENT PRESIDENT IS A FELON JUST LIKE THE GUY WERE RUNNING IS!" Like what


Well, I know damned certain that I'm never voting for Hunter Biden again!. Oh. Wait.


Yeah no shit, because Democrats and most independents don't give a flying fuck about Hunter Biden. Unlike Trump's kids, Hunter didn't get a job at the fucking white house making policy.


If Hunter Biden is found guilty, I won’t vote for him as president. Trump gets the same consideration.


Is Alcohol dependency not substance abuse? Are we going to start Policing AA meetings for people with registered firearms? NA Meetings? Should we start a tip line to rat out your fellow recovering addicts if you think they may have purchased a firearm between taking their first sip of beer and going to their first AA meeting? The law is unconstitutional on it's face, it was ruled so. They are still going to try to prosecute it. It will most likely just be dismissed.


Let's play a game of opposites, feel free to add your own: Hunter Biden's Laptop - donald trump's crimes George Soros - Rupert Murdoch Antifa - proud boys/oath swallowers/other freedumb fighters War on Christmas/anti-LGBTQ/classroom culture wars/anti-women's rights - democracy US military power - ruzzian cope cages


Yea i mean having the party of “less gun restrictions” take the opposing side’s leader’s son to court over illegal gun ownership while also claiming he’s a pedophile (no evidence there i guess?) at the same time their own dude got 34/34 guilty counts for tangible crimes we watched unfold in real time definitely seems odd


But some of the media sure are trying to help with that. CNN and NBC News websites have live update feeds on the trial just like they did with the Trump trial. We're back to them thinking they need some sort of "equal" coverage as if these things are equal. While the president's son is somewhat newsworthy it's not the same as a presidential nominee being on trial. What should be newsworthy about this is that we're a country in which a president's son can be on trial and the president is staying out of it. We won't have that system any longer if Trump is reelected.


Hunter Biden has already taken responsibility for his actions, and most of what he's done wrong was the result of illness and addiction aggravated by grief. Most of us have at least one family member that has gone through that.


Hunter and Hillary were only pursued as a political tool. Both never would have been looked at otherwise and they were both only looked at in an election year. It's so blatant.


Just so we’re clear, I would not support Hunter for any federal appointment either. Felons should not hold public office.


They are confused why we don't give a shit if hunter goes to jail.


There's a key difference between MAGA and everyone else: * MAGA when their glorious leader _may_ be held accountable or doesn't get their way riots. * Everyone else is fine with their political leaders being held accountable. If it came out tomorrow that Hillary, Biden, Obama, AOC, and every other democrat were guilty of even a 1/4 of the things they are constantly being blamed for I would say boot them out of government immediately and replace them with someone better. When it came out that Trump is now officially a convicted felon, MAGA doubles down on their support of him.


Why isn't the rabid, unhinged "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" mob defending Hunter?


God damn, the DOJ is completely under Biden's thumb. They came for Trump, now they're coming for his own son. /S


How many actively strung out fentanyl and meth junkies in MAGAt country currently split their time between waving Trump flags at their nouveau-Nazi rallies and making gun arsenals out of their double wides? Not seeing many of them going on trial for their no doubt far more egregious gun permit omissions. Also, anyone notice how quiet the NRA is about this trial? Any other person getting prosecuted for wanting a gun would be instantly deified by the NRA as the poster boy for 2nd Amendment rights on the line. Anyone other than a Biden, I guess. Nothing but crickets from them now.


The Hunter trial has created 1 of 3 responses in normal rational people. 1) why do I care that a guy with no political power or official govt position is having a gun charge trial? 2) isn’t the prosecution of the son of the president a sign the DOJ is in fact not in his pocket? Makes the Trump trial seem more fair if anything 3) Joe Biden has been pretty empathetic to his son, I really feel for him


I am getting so tired of seeing Joe Biden talking to the press outside the court room every day. Attacking the witnesses, the Judge and the prosecutor. Blatantly lying about what is happening in the courtroom. Claiming the "every legal expert" thinks the case should have never been brought. Oh wait, none of that is happening.


Well I'm for sure not voting for Hunter Biden as president. Still voting for his dad though.


Don’t care. Not a Presidential candidate. Nobody is above the law.


If anything it's made me even more impressed with Joe Biden as a person. I had zero clue of all the dirty details with his son. I only thought he was a crack head. This dude starts banging his heroic dead brothers wife, gets her addicted to crack, leaves a gun laying around where her kids can find it, shit it's not just her kids, it's his nieces/nephews. Meanwhile his President father is defending him at every turn, taking all the hits, telling the country on national TV that he still loves him and now says I won't pardon him. That's pretty hard core. I knew becoming President was Biden's life goal but this mf'er seems to be aiming for saint hood at this rate lol.