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Oh wow, I thought surely you made most of this up, but seeing the video is even more surreal




lol it’s fucking insane! What the hell?


And yet the mainstream media refuses to cover things like this. The USA today's headline was something like: "Trump riffs with crowd with no teleprompter; promises to end taxes on tips" And New York Times is writing things like "Biden loves to tell tall tales, we cut them down to size" Like can you imagine just for one second, if Biden went off in a rant like this at one of his campaign events? What the mainstream media response would be?


Is this bias about creating horse races ? Like no matter who is behind, they’re gonna down play the leader in order to keep people engaged ?


This is not even one of the worst ones ..


Maybe he saw the guy with the lightning bolt T-shirt and riffed from there. ...holy cow


Beavis wears the Lightening bolt shirt right? And Butthead is Megadeath? Sounds like as good of a muse for this gibberish as anything.


Dementia don strikes again! Ore at 11, and why this is bad for Joe Biden!


And yet his base is blindly loyal and will vote for him.


Your sacrifice is noted for the record.


Not to play "The trump whisperer," but it reads like he's wondering if the high voltage battery from an electric boat would be an electrocution hazard since it's close to water. The way he's phrasing it is insane and meandering, but the fundamental question isn't that unreasonable if you're not familiar with the technology, although frankly it ends up with the kind of "would you rather get bit by a shark, or electrocuted" scenario I'd expect more from a stoner than potential US president. What's embarrassing is that somehow the media has decided that this guy is going to run no matter what, so they've stopped even questioning stuff like being a convicted felon, or rambling about electric boats. A convicted felon should not be a major part nominee, it's embarrassing that it si going to happen, and he should drop out.


It’s also the train of thought of someone struggling with linear cognitive function. He sounds just like a patient of mine who was in the middle bordering on later stage of Alzheimer’s. He’d show up to appointments in matching clothes but disheveled with food stains and crumbs on his clothes and face. We’d have meandering conversations and whenever I’d say something to get us back on course he’d just pleasantly say “you don’t say?” and just go back to his thought. It was like talking with someone who knew conversations have words, but didn’t really know the rules of communication anymore. He was very kind and pleasant, but I was always worried that he showed up unaccompanied to appointments.


The submarines in WWII had batteries. This moron has no clue what he is ranting about.


literally all boats with an engine have a battery


You are correct, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that he was talking about battery *powered* boats, not just boats with batteries. German U-boat's had a battery capacity similar to current electric cars, so they had significant capacity. The real issue is not that he doesn't understand electric boats (not exactly a key requirement to serve as POTUS) but that he doesn't know what he doesn't know. He's a abject moron.


I wish someone would animate this.


Another gem, found at Gettysburg, PA. "It’s where the Army weathered its brutal winter at Valley Forge, where General George Washington led his men on a daring mission across the Delaware, and where our Union was saved by the immortal heroes at Gettysburg. Gettysburg. What an unbelievable battle that was, the Battle of Gettysburg. What an unbelievable, I mean, it was so much, and so interesting and so vicious and horrible, and so beautiful and so many different ways. It represented such a big portion of the success of this country; Gettysburg. Wow. I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania to look and to watch. And the statement of Robert E. Lee, who’s no longer in favor. Did you ever notice that? No longer in favor. “Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill.” They were fighting uphill. He said, “Wow, that was a big mistake.” He lost his great general and they were fighting. “Never fight uphill, me boys.” But it was too late."


You know what? I can absolutely believe that this boat person was never asked "“So there's a shark 10 yards away from the boat…10 yards. Or here. Do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery. The boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted, or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?”


Now I'm wondering if this "boat person" either doesn't exist or if they do, how much they have been paid to keep quiet.


They point at Joe for pausing or goofy looks on his face. Meanwhile, Trump delivers the most insane word-salads of all time. Totally mad.


No no no they weren’t saying he paused. Many were saying he tried to sit in a chair that wasn’t there. If they bothered to find the video that went one second longer they’d see him sit down. When showed the full video in here to combat the dumbass notion that he saw an invisible seat, one MAGAt in here tried to say he crapped his pants. These people aren’t being serious, never were. Politics is their new 1980s WWF. It’s entertainment for morons. No offense to 1980s WWF..that was a wild time and fun to watch. This is not that. And look, I’ll completely agree if someone wants to say that we say similar things about crapping his pants. I rather we talk about real issues. But we don’t fall for obviously stupid faked videos.


The best part is that batteries are housed in waterproof cases. Boats already have batteries for everything from lights to emergency power. Nobody gets electrocuted. Sir.


I think the best part is him thinking a boat can sink under its own weight.


I appreciate that too. He seems to think that the boat will travel some distance and then suddenly realize that it has a large battery and so sink. You know, of course designers of the boat would never have considered the weight of the battery or passengers or motor when calculating the buoyant force, etc. If he weren't so dead set on getting himself electrocuted, he could have pondered whether he would be disfigured by the battery chemically reacting with stuff in the boat or whether the shark would get electrocuted before the battery dies.


Loony Tunes logic. As long as the captain doesn't look down at the water, the boat will continue to float.


Well, it seems you don’t have a relationship with MIT, so your comment is erroneous. /s


>he could have pondered whether he would be disfigured by the battery chemically reacting with stuff in the boat Reminds me of the movie *The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes,* broadly speaking.


To be fair, he's in it so of course it would. 🦈 or ⚡?


I've never had a waterproof battery and I've sunk a couple boats


Well I guess we're not going fishing with you then.


2016 "Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true!" 


Smart people don’t brag about how smart they are, or how smart their relatives are. Insecure, stupid people do.


Anybody with their iq in their Twitter bio = undeniable dumbass. Trump bragging about his brains is the same.


I know he's just that damn dumb, but the quote screams "dementia!" to me. Trump has always gone on rants, but they're getting worse.


>the quote screams "dementia!" to me I suspect that's the case and it's also why I bet he backs out of the debates. If he's this off his rocker without a prompter, there's no way he makes it through an hour-long debate with no script in front of him.


This is my bet. Some "random issue" will come up a few days beforehand. Who's graduation or funeral does he have to attend this time?


What the fuck did I just read? I’ve heard more coherent thoughts from literal crack addicts.


*eye twitch*


*numb hands*


Soooo he's saying he wants the chair??


Good lord. It sure seems like he’s spent his whole life interpreting the confused looks on the faces of the people he talks to as them being blown away by his intelligence rather than baffled at how stupid he is.


If Trump were your common drunk at the local dive bar or the village idiot, these sorts of questions would be somewhere between amusing and annoying. But he's neither of those things; he's an ex-President and presumptive nominee. It's really mind-blowing. A third of this country has lost grip with reality.


Oh, he’s been a moron for a long time. Hopefully more of the world will realize it.


I, for one, welcome our new copypasta overlord.. I mean, holy shit.. how many times do they need to see that their emperor has no fucking clothes!!!


This is some Grandpa Simpson onion on his belt level of dementia nonsense.


as it was the fashion at the time


Gimme me five bees for a quarter!


It reads like a Drunk History script.


https://youtu.be/9J0fUTiJLVc?si=z_qKOvnNCR2pn_qW About 42:30


Talk about an anti ad for Adderall


I'm a plumber, and personally, I'd be more worried about the lithium in the water.


His rants are legitimately too mentally taxing to read.




Everyday I wake up and check the news for that one big headline.


Yuge headline


["Donald Trump, eaten by sharks. He was delicious."](https://youtu.be/1tX6jdoruH8?si=awWXnxELNkokOGYu)


Think a more believable is sharks complaints of food poisoning after eating Trump.


Shark found beached, an adult diaper lodged in its gills


Poor Bruce. We'd have to put the poor fella down after that meal.


But not before we make a statue.


He tasted like hamberders and adderall.


Diapers. He tastes like diapers.


Given Trump’s fear of sharks, that would be poetic Justice.


Man's an orange whale desperate to convince the world he's a killer whale while convinced sharks are all around him.


“Rescue shark tries to save man from electric boat. Confused, unsuccessful.”


>Everyday I wake up and check the news for that one big headline. Yup, every single day.


I actually dread that headline. Remember when Scalia died? There are people associating with Trump mainly because of his supporters, whether out of fear or seeing future marks. Trump is his own worst enemy, if he's gone those trying to succeed are smarter.


Death is too good. Stroke with complete palsy on the right side.


They’d still vote for him


They would vote for a potato if it wore a red hat.


Yep it would’ve been a ‘democrat engineered stroke’ in that scenario


"It was the Fauci Ouchie! We knew it all along!"


That’d be alright with me.


And they still wheel him into court every day. And he has to sit there and listen to everyone testifying about all the stupid terrible things he’s done, he can’t say anything, he’s bored and he hates it. Please fate please.


Ah…want him to do a Stalin but be found sooner.


Perhaps 20 years of Locked in Syndrome would be partial penance.


Don't we all.


The biggest best headline that would make strong men cry


Pisses himself live on TV while standing at a podium. Trickle hits a stray electric wire and he goes up in sparks like Marv in Home Alone.


Let him have a massive stroke first so he can never play golf again.


not i. i want him to live long enough to see himself lose the next election AND go to jail


Not I. Should’ve been gone decades ago. Even the god of natural causes doesn’t want to be near the piece of shit


I remember when he caught covid, I so badly hoped that the consequences of his anti science rhetoric would've caught up to him. But he's a grifter and accepting the same science that he made his supporters harass the rest of us over, and so he recovered.


The world would be a totally different place if he hadn’t made it.


President Mike Pence, with the charisma of a mushy green potato, would have lost big. With no doubt about the election results, the chuds would have been deflated. No insurrection, no Republican control of the House.


For real man. His stupid antics are part of the reason my uncle with pre existing lung conditions refused to get the shot and ultimately died from Covid If any of the leadership on that side of the aisle, notably this asshole, had treated it at all seriously things could have very easily shaken out differently I wanted so badly for Covid to take that motherfucker too, but he’s rich as shit so he could afford better care than all of his supporters.




Another bookmark added to my collection.


painfully, alone, and in prison is my ideal.


In bed, alone, with no phone service.


Trump without a teleprompter. It would be sad if it wasn’t so scary. If I was American I could only be ashamed that a weird, corrupt, criminal, traitorous, orange, diaper rapist was elected once. Never mind it possibly happening again.


The fact he was elected the first time really made me sad, realizing how many voters really thought this POS was the person to run this country. I wouldn’t trust him with a butter knife.


I wouldn’t trust him with a microwave. Seriously. He’d burn the house down.


I did a perfect microwave, okay, just so you understand; and you had some firefighters, who were there for the entire, the investigation, and they said they did very thorough, and they didn't find anything wrong, nothing with microwave--but the fake news will always try to dissour, and distort, they're liars, believe me, they know how to lie--but everyone saw and everyone knows I did a good microwave, very good, no problem, the Microsoft--and microwave isn't the problem, but the radical left is trying to take away our computers now, they don't want electricity, but I think we should keep them, I want you to keep your microwaves, believe me, but you'd better vote for me, because if I win you can keep it, okay, if I win you keep it, because if Biden wins he's taking away the microwaves, believe me.


The fact that we still treat MAGA as Americans after all they’ve done is the saddest of all.


They started a campaign against Hillary years before she ran for president. The GOP set this mess up due to that. You had folks simply voting against that evil crooked Hillary character and it’s hard to blame them because the news they watched said so. The GOP couldn’t do this with Joe so they are trying it with his son. That just won’t have the same teeth as his son is running for anything.


I don't know about the rest of my fellow Americans, but I don't have shame that he was elected per se, but shame that I know people who voted for him in 2020 and will again in 2024. I give them a little bit of a pass for 2016 as I believe huge amounts of the electorate were duped, but to continue supporting him is just embarrassing.


I was holidaying in Mexico when he was elected in 2016. The Canadians and Mexicans laughed the Americans cried and got very drunk. There is no pass for 2016, it was always obvious what he was and is. To be clear trump voters have no shame (clearly) but to have Mr ‘grab em by the pussy’ represent the leaders of 5he free world….


I agree, it was known and there's no real pass... but a lot of Americans are very angry (rightfully so) and very stupid. They've been weaponized by Fox News and he managed to capture them.


I only give a small amount of pass due to the sheer amount of targeted propaganda America has been subjected to the last 10 years or so. I'd also caution non-Americans from taking too much time laughing us to not realize the far right is rising in plenty of other places around the world.


I think the elections in Europe show that rather clearly, yes. It's been at least 30 years of propaganda. Right wing radio has exists since at least the 90s and Fox News was rolling by 2000. 10 years gives us Bush, 30 years gives us Trump.


Stop calling these people stupid, they're not. Not sure where this idea comes from that only highly uneducated people are trump supporters. They are just hateful bigots. Thats is the singular thread that ties trump supporters together across both education and income. Calling them stupid is dismissive and completely ignores the primary reason people support him. Fox news is just confirming the biases these people already have and feeding red meat to a base thats already hungry for it.


As if the consequences of that election were limited to the U.S.


Yeah, I'm the same. I grew up near NYC when Trump was becoming a name. It wasn't a secret what a miserable, lying fake he was. But the coverage didn't help inform people, they knew him from TV and thought he was the chaos agent to shake things up, because they had their own gripes with both parties. But now? I mean I know there's a such thing as a sunk cost fallacy, but geebus, a lying, incompetent, rapey, fraudulent buffoon? It's so disillusioning for the country.


It’s hard to admit you’ve been duped. People double down instead.


30 years ago we had a President who gave a speech to Congress after the teleprompter had the wrong speech and nobody was any the wiser.


Just shame as a human being really. Guy is just absolutely one of the worst of our species. But yeah, as Americans, we do have to claim him for sure.


>It would be sad if it wasn’t so scary Meh. His four years desensitized me. I'm just "Sounds about right.'


It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so scary. Like absolute peak of comedy type shit.


Don’t forget about the relentless depression we Americans face every day knowing that we live with the people who voted for him once and are going to vote for him again. They’re everywhere.


You mean all that babbling bullshit over the last 8 years was WITH a teleprompter? ? Omg


Your comment sums everything up perfectly.


Trump confirms Stormy Daniels claim that he's 'terrified' of sharks https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/aug/21/donald-trump-sharks-speech-stormy-daniels Stormy Daniels Says Her Alone Time With Trump Included Watching a ‘Shark Week’ Documentary https://www.vulture.com/2018/03/stormy-daniels-says-trump-made-her-watch-shark-week.html


He’s basically saying he rather get electrocuted in a boat than get eaten by sharks. The more I think about it the more he’s thinking and acting like a 5 year old.


Exactly like those would you rather questions my kids ask. Would you rather get a paper cut on your eye, or have to eat a piece of poop? I know my kids are strange


I love sharks, but I love them a little bit more today.


Joe Rogen would be having a field day if someone told him this was Biden lol




Babbling idiot for President 2024!!


“Godemperor chump, what should we do about Ukraine?” “SHARKS!!!” “Palestine?” “SHARKS!!!” “Abortion?” “ELECTROCUTION!”


Abortion is wrong because it will attract the sharks!


Babbling idiot, conicted felon, confirmed rapist, fraud, traitor, sack of shit for President 2024! (FTFY)


What we should do is give Trump an island where him and his cult can live together, say like a Jonestown type deal. He can have his dream of being a dictator. Let em do their thing there and see how it goes. We'll even drop off a few years worth of ketchup and Depends for him in a show of goodwill


He also said that his followers would rather commit suicide than vote for Biden All of supporters would probably agree but still claim they're not in a cult


For a while they did (and likely still do) wear shirts that say 'Better Dead than Democrat". Though I'm sure any shirt with "Better [thing perceived as really bad] Than Democrat" would sell well. And actually....I kinda want to try doing something like that but spell 'than' as 'then'.


Rewatch the video and really concentrate on several of the people's faces behind him. They look like they're trying to figure out how the hell they got there and how the hell they can get out of there. That's the most disinterested crowd I've honestly ever seen behind him lol!


Aren’t they in like 100 degree heat too? Like, what are your life choices people??


After the first 30 minutes rambling about the border and the millions of people coming across, it became too much.


He also told voters "I dont care about you" but it was quickly downplayed because he was *just joking* LOL Donnie is such a prankster!


We were all assured he was just joking when he told them to stop testing for Covid to reduce the number of cases.


For a guy who "tells it like it is" and "says what he means", it sure does seem to be a full time job explaining that he was either joking or misspoke.


That suicide comment was straight out of Jonestown.


I thought only democrats used teleprompters what gives?


Are you calling Trump a hypocrite? How dare you! Besides, Obama wasn't a Democrat-he was Kenyan! Duh!!


This isn’t the first time he’s complained about the teleprompter going out either. So either he’s cheaped out on stage crew so much none of them know how to run something so simple, or it wasn’t the teleprompter that was the problem. My money is on Trump struggling to read it. He’s never struck me as a particularly capable reader, I wouldn’t put it past him to refuse corrective lenses for deteriorating eyesight, and there is so much smoke about mental decline it’s hard not to think there’s fire. Either way, the episode really speaks to his flaws. Either he is incapable of or unwilling to hire people who are competent at their jobs, or he struggles to perform a task most people would find technically trivial.


He does this all the time with the teleprompter and the sound equipment. He complains about it and then proclaims that he won't be paying them, and then complains how the media writes about him not paying his bills.


Pretty sure Trump has severe cognitive decline at this point, which is why conservatives have stopped attacking Biden about his age because they want to shift the focus away from Trump's clearly worsening age related issues. Don't let them.


That’s why they were attacking Biden.


He’s been dwelling on this for almost a year. He had the same story about preferring to be electrocuted by boat batteries than eaten by a shark last year around October, I swear.




Yes! The media are only picking up on this shit now! This isn’t a spontaneous thing, he thought this was such a great riff that he keeps repeating it. How much worse is that?


All I wanted was some sharks with some frickin laser beams attached to their heads


So… when’s the mental competency test? And the inevitable, permanent, stay at a mental institute?


To be clear the competency tests are just like "are you aware of person, place, and time?" and it is more meant to be like "is this person able to make their own medical decisions, or do we need a caregiver." There's a long way between that and being competent to lead a nation.


No, Biden has to take it first.  All the best people are saying it.


Eaten by a shark while driving an electric car. That’s how grandma went back during the Great War.


I wouldn't mind that being in my obituary regardless. Especially if my actual cause of death is embarrassing.


What about werewolves and vampires?


Trump does not even have a brain worm to blame it on, his brain is fried.


I can't believe he redid the "electrocution or shark" bit. I still contend that Donald Trump is just an ill-prepared stand up comic, who never works on his material. He just repeats previous off-the-cuff riffs that got applause lines. It's literally how "build the wall" became "policy".


It seems like having teleprompter issues is becoming the rule rather than it exception. It's almost like someone is intentionally sabotaging his teleprompters to truly show the world what he looks like when he goes off script.


Biden must be behind it... And Obama


Or the deep state or maybe the swamp?


All of the above. You know Obama directs them all from his mountain lair with Lex Luthor and Thanos.


Reflecting on all the stories I’ve heard of boat-related electrocutions… can’t remember any.


The most consistent thing about Trump is... fear of sharks! Here he is 3 years ago[ ranting about sharks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhgzcZH3SQ4&ab_channel=GuardianNews). Here he is in Iowa last October, [ranting about sharks vs. electrocution](https://www.tiktok.com/@vicenews/video/7285400238691519776?lang=en). And then of course [Vegas just a couple days ago](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1799895088354804183?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1799895088354804183%7Ctwgr%5Ef5248dedd9311035ed956061ae6cfd2980453339%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.huffpost.com%2Fentry%2Fdonald-trump-sharks-boats_n_666665d0e4b02fc48bf39e10). [Sources once very close to Trump say "He is obsessed with sharks. Terrified of sharks."](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/stormy-daniels-trump-shark-phobia.html)


Someone needs to take advantage of it and just like.. have a shark prop drop at one of his rallies, or have someone dress up as a shark with the head just full of like 10 rows of teeth, or have him show up to a rally and as he walks on stage a curtain behind him drops to reveal a giant shark backdrop. Just start trolling the guy with sharks. Watch him scream and try to run and then faceplant and shit himself. I'd pay good money for the video.


He's also pissed off about the fact that he got snubbed for the role of POTUS in the Sharknado movie.


That timeline would make more sense than this one.


I don't care how as long as it happens!


I wonder if “Big Mac” ever entered the list because that’s the most likely one.


Drug and cognitive ability tests!


Trump is well known for being absolutely terrified of sharks [from tweets about them being last on his list](https://x.com/realdonaldtrump/status/352796146927796226?lang=en) to [Stormy Daniels saying “Terrified of sharks. He was like, ‘I donate to all these charities and I would never donate to any charity that helps sharks. I hope all the sharks die.’](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/aug/21/donald-trump-sharks-speech-stormy-daniels)


I'm watching it now. Started off perfectly, forgetting what state he was in...


Maybe all we’ve really needed to do all this time is ban teleprompters.


The video is the funniest thing ever lol.


He has begun to talk about suicide. I wish I could comment on that.


Boat sank from its weight? That… doesn’t just happen… if it did, would that not happen when it is put to sea?


Quick, someone photoshop Obama riding a shark. That will be our new symbol because tr-mp is scared of both of them!


Trump rants against electric cars, solar panels, windmills, etc...and here, his buddy Elon, making electric cars, using solar panels for his Tesla home batteries...and can't STOP sucking Trump dick. Truly the most "developmentally disabled" timeline.


Nice correlation. I’d also considered the same point you made, but yours made me laugh.




You think he swims in those diapers?


It’s also a $300k boat, I’m pretty sure they figured out/engineered killed switched to keep electrocution from happening. The lawsuits would be insane if this was a fatal flaw


More broken teleprompters, please.


If the sharks could only eat him. Game, set, and match


Whole room full of electrical engineers staring at this motor powered by electricity and none of them stopped to think what if the boat was exposed to water.


He doesn’t have a problem with Sharks. Finally something we have in common.


So does anybody have any idea what he's talking about with the "young lady" who had her leg bitten off due to a simple case of misidentification? Edit never mind I guess I found her https://people.com/mom-of-teen-who-lost-hand-and-leg-in-shark-attack-speaks-out-8660807




Am I having deja vu? Didn't he rant about choosing electrocution over sharks in a previous rant? What is his deal with this scenario?


Why sharks specifically?


I have no preference on how he wraps up the show.


All in attendance found it to be an enthralling hypothetical scenario that he came up with off the top of his head. Whadda guy!


vote democrat ffs


Everybody knows about those laws that force boat manufacturers to build electric boats whether they want to or not, right? Surely he wouldn’t just make something like that up out of nothing!?!


Has Trump mentioned anything about future plans that will actually help his voters?


Seriously, how do you expect Trump to deal with Putin, Hamas, & Xi Jinping when he's only incapable of incoherent rants? All the despots are ready to start invading if Trump gets in office.


Isn't this like the third time this month his teleprompter fritzed?


Just to add an interesting fact. Electrocution in the ocean is super hard because any electrical leak would get dispersed in every direction because salt water conducts electricity so well. So the most you would feel is a tingle. But that same electrical leak in lake water would take a path to the most conductive source around which could easily be human flesh because we are so filled with salt. So lake water would be less safe. But in any case, encasing a battery for an EV boat would be a no brainer so the risk would be small regardless..