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Well yeah. She probably reads books.


Probably IQ > 75 too


And not a sociopath*


I bet she didn't even visit Epstein-Trump Island or make any sexual passes at children. Does she think that makes her better?!?!?!?!?


Her ex looked 15 until about 10 years ago.


Can't tell if this is a burn or just the truth


Truth, but not a dig a Melinda. I don't even hate Bill. He stole someone else's idea and turned it into billions. If the USA has any future, we need to stop picking winners and design a tax code that favors small business.


That island is why she divorced Bill…Gates has the money to have snuffed out Epstein.


Hey, not all people with low IQs are assholes. And not everyone with high IQs are good people. Look at that Peterson guy, total A hole.


Good point. It was a joke aimed more at the willfully ignorant.


Yeah, I know. I was mostly joking too. But it is true that there are smart people on the right, they are just selfish pricks.


The super rich are the only ones who I can see reasonably wanting to vote for the Republicans. Only people with a net worth upwards of like $200 million will actually benefit from Republican policies. So in her case, it’s more about putting her personal values over reducing her tax burden, which I wish more wealthy people would do.




ex wife of Bill Gates. also known from 'Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation'


And speaks in words of more than two syllables


“More than two *what*?” -conservatives, probably


“Silly bibles? You calling the Bible silly?”


Syllables are woke.


….and possibly communist. Maybe even transgender. Say no to syllables and pronouns!


If Syllables wore clothes it would be a tan suit.


“Don’t talk to me with your Muslim numbers!” - also conservatives probably


Wait until they find out the top row of their keyboards have Arabic numerals on them...


Unlike Biden


And has compassion


The Moment of Lift - one of the most upbeat books I've ever read, and that despite that it works with horrible issues




Let’s stop and think about what you just said for a second as we reflect on Conservatives: Tough on crime - nominate a 34 time and counting felon. Preach the sanctity of marriage - nominate a man who has cheated on every wife he’s had….with the next one. Small government - nominate someone who wants to expand and weaponize it; his own words. Fiscally responsible - nominate the guy with the record of biggest national debt increase. Strengthen borders - nominate the guy who killed the border security bill. Mentally fit candidate - nominate the guy who can’t say origins and stares at an eclipse. I could go on but I think you get the picture. You want to claim these are intelligent people - how do you figure?




There are exceptions to any scenario, but in aggregate Trump voters are anti-education, and tend not to have higher education compared to Biden voters. This is just objective fact


Sure, but you’re pointing to anomalies to try and justify the masses. Just because I am 6’7” doesn’t mean that I represent the majority of males’ height Again, help me understand why the majority of Trump’s base preaches all the things I listed above, then votes for a man who does exactly none of them. That doesn’t strike me as intelligent.


Red states have historically less priority on quality accessible education. Smart people and educated people are not one in the same. I agree, there are smart and intelligent people everywhere and it's not dependant on borders, but quality education access is absolutely stopped at state and county borders. Intelligence =/= educated


You can be good at dribbling a ball and shit at passing it. Similarly, you can be intelligent in general but have a blind spot for many subjects including politics The case you posit, though, is an exceeding rarity given how obviously stupid it is to look at conservatism in america today and think oh yeah i'll vote for that


I mean obviously they read books. But I think the ones Melinda is reading has less...you know, pictures.


Why are you talking down that guy? I guess people just want to feel superior.


Great! The more the merrier!


Melissa French Gates reveals that she is a normal person.




Geez, maybe it was auto correct.




Different phones have different softwares including how they auto correct. You also didn't factor that they may have bumped a different key which would affect autocorrect. But my original comment was to convey it's just not a big deal. Edit: Ah, seems like you are reaching on others, too. Have a good one, you must be having a bad day.


Mine does if you fat finger the D to an S.


That's a prettier name, lol.


lol. I totally missed my goof. I even have a friend named Melinda!


Billionaires aren't normal people.


She's very actively trying to fix the first part you know...


Glad to hear it, women are the biggest threat to the GOP at the ballot box and will be the ones to save democracy in this country if it's salvageable at this point. Men also need to wake the fuck up, this isn't a game, lives are being lost every day because of these anti-abortion laws which prevent women from getting the healthcare they need.


That and common sense when it prevails


It blows my mind the GOP made that an issue. Even on the hard core Republicans' and moderate Catholics I know, most are pro choice or are not passionate about it. And of the ones that are somewhat pro life, I find they are mainly giving it lip service only. Again not that passionate about it. Not something that sends them to vote in any way and many it turns off entirely. When they left it as a moral issue and did not enact any laws around it, they more or less made everyone happing on the right. But by enacting some draconian laws, that has many motivated a few Republicans but pissed off others. I suspect they lost some votes. But what it did do is really motivate the pro choice Democrat side to vote.


> Glad to hear it, women are the biggest threat to the GOP at the ballot box Based on what?


So obviously the convicted felon Trump will now launch attacks against her. What childish nickname will this alleged statesman—and convicted felon—call her by way of his opening salvo of gibberish?


She can always counter with “wanna compare bank accounts”


Some people assume that super-wealthy people will all vote for Trump, but that's not necessarily the case. Even though many wealthy people often support politicians who push for lower taxes, I think many wealthy people also understand that: 1) Any substantial changes to tax code have to pass the House and Senate, and it's certainly not assured that 2024 will bring in a Republican majority, and 2) Although lower taxes are nice, Trump represents chaos. The shitty non-tax-related policies Trump has proposed could upend order in this country, and negatively impact businesses and foreign relations. Wealthy people are usually quite greedy, but they're also usually skilled at spotting risks. Trump represents a risk to their assets. People who know at least a little about oligarchies knows that not every rich person gets to have power. And when there is no consistent system of law and order, wealthy people could have their wealth confiscated without recourse.


Project 2025 is bad for business.


this is SO true!! i worked in the biotech industry prior to going back for my PhD (\~2018-2022) and it was very clear that trump was awful for business and new innovation. funding for these projects were up both in the obama era and in our current biden era - the republicans can cry about this all day but when we all look at the data, democrats have been better for the economy in the long term. now i'm scared if the asshole wins, then things will go back to being underfunded and novel biotech projects will be stymied.


The wealthy want to vote what’s in their self interest. The general public tends to get more… misguided on what their self interests are and can be mislead into shooting themselves in the foot. The wealthy care about a few things (not in order) 1) taxes 2) business environment they make money in 3) stability 4) enforcement of their rights 5) their own health and safety Trump may possibly be better for taxes, but his random and often bizarre ideas and mercurial nature means he is a substantial risk to 2,3,4 and depending on who you are - possibly 5. I’m “wealthy” (not 0.1% rich like French-Gates, but 1%). I would rather pay 50k-100k more in taxes a year to never have to deal with the chaos and nonsense MAGA has brought on. Unstable government (I.e shutdowns), lack of a long term visions for the county (I.e culture war focus), and the petty revenge streets of a madman means that investment in American business is unnecessary risky. Sure it’s still a great place to invest and grow money - but why should I pay the “Trump tax” and suffer additional unnecessary instability. The fact they still find lead, heavy metal, etc in baby formula may mean that’s I’m rich - but I have to worry about my kid being poisoned and ended up like a “self regulated” Republican. I don’t have private jet money - so even my first class ticket on a Boeing may be a death trap. Or worse - it might just fall on my house. Many upper middle class Americans could move and live like kings if they ended in in some place like Malawi 🇲🇼. But there is not point on being on top in a place that is basically a destitute and failed location. I don’t want to “pay less in taxes” and basically shit where I eat. The perks of being rich in the U.S. is to actually want to use all the amenities.


> not 0.1% rich like French-Gates Missing a few zeroes there.


I’m upper middle class and would pay more just to not have a bicycle stolen from under my back porch for some addict to buy drugs. Or to not see a house burning down because homeless set fire to it. Or to not step over needles when I park downtown. If you tell the poor you don’t care about them for decades, eventually they stop caring about themselves or what they do to other people. Why not get blasted on meth and/or fent? Life isn’t getting better for them. 


Totally disagree, especially on 3. Times of crisis are often the greatest opportunities for the wealthy to plunder public assets and hoard even greater wealth. From 9/11 to Covid, destabilizing events have been amazing for ultra wealthy people's portfolios. When you look at the history of transitions from democracy to dictatorship, business elites are typically on the side of the latter. History has not shown the ultra wealthy to be reliable friends of liberal democracy, so I think you are making a massive mistake by counting on them now.


>Malawi 🇲🇼. Why did you put the flag emoji after lmao


Quite a few of the very wealthy say they should be taxed more. Having a solid middle class is good for them too. Its only the scammers like trump and his buddies that don't want to pay anything.


I don't get wealthy people who think their money can save them from climate change but don't have confidence that tax hikes can't hurt them much either.  (I reality, I don't believe for a second that economics is the sole driver of wealthy Republicans)


It should go without saying. But if it helps swing any votes to Joe, good for her.


Verifies her hate towards Nazis and the Klan.


We were kind of counting on your support, Melinda


She probably gives away her money too instead of hoarding it….. nasty liberal……../s


Duh? Who’s next, Bill Nye?


Well, you’d think anyone capable of reading beyond a 2nd grade level would be a given vote for Joe, but there are a few that still surprise. There’s two types of trump voters: Morons, and the morally bankrupt. The latter are often at least mildly educated.


Heck yes. So am I!


Good for her speaking out against diabolical and morally bankrupt, former President Trump.


Hey, all you evangelicals that believe in Prosperity Gospel Jesus I want to point out that Melinda Gates is richer than Trump thus by your faith that means Jesus loves her more.




Me too, but I'm going to guess most people also don't care about it.


Why is this a news story?


Not sure if that is the endorsement Biden needs, but good on her.


She married rich, divorced, and has since been a huge philanthropist. Did you do any research?


It's not like she was a gold digger. Bill cheated on her a bunch of times, so she divorced him. Basically anyone marrying Bill Gates would be 'marrying rich'.


I’m not trying to villainize her, quite the opposite. Just trying to detail why she has the money she has acquired and what she has done with it since.


A huge philanthropist that helped derail the US public education system that cost taxpayers around $800,000,000. She didn't listen to experts in education, she followed her own ideology but everyone does what she wants because she's rich.


If this is true, please provide sources!


https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/10/the-plot-against-public-education-111630/ This is just one source. There are many. The problem with billionaires and their philanthropic ideas is that they only serve the ego of the billionaires even if they’re well meaning. The wealthy have the idea that they know more than experts because they have more money than the experts. They often create problems that we, the taxpayers have to pay for.


You are aware this is an opinion article?


It’s not the only one. If you really cared you would do a simple google search on this subject. There are literally dozens of articles about this. I just picked one of many.


Dozens of opinion articles doesn’t mean proof of anything sorry!


Which right wing think tank will provide the opinion you're wired to accept as truth? I don't know of a single one that can provide evidence of a positive outcome from Melinda Gates pushing her uneducated plans and ideas onto the American public education system while wasting $800+ million taxpayers dollars.


I’m looking for facts, dingus. Show me how much in taxes she wasted, show me how much test scores slid, show me how she profited?


"See? She's microchipped too!"


Me too. I wouldn't vote for Trump if he was the only one running. Neither are fit to lead, but only one is a cult leader. End of story.


Could you and a couple hundred of your friends move to Wisconsin so your votes will count much more.


While hearing her endorsement was good news, the media did a piss poor follow-up by not asking how much she will be donating to the campaign this year or any related SuperPACs. From the article: >She has yet to donate to Mr. Biden’s campaign, but she has made a number of six- and seven-figure donations to Democratic groups over the last few years. On Wednesday, for instance, Federal Election Commission disclosures revealed that she had put $500,000 into a super PAC affiliated with Emily’s List, the liberal advocacy group that supports Democratic female candidates who champion abortion rights. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation gave [$23,756 directly to the campaign](https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/bill-melinda-gates-foundation/summary?id=D000031958). In 2020, they gave [$182,426](https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/bill-melinda-gates-foundation/summary?topnumcycle=2020&contribcycle=2024&lobcycle=2024&outspendcycle=2022&id=D000031958&toprecipcycle=2020). I know people have been pretty outspoken, especially during Bernie's run, of not accepting money from billionaires. But the reality is that Biden needs to raise a substantially greater sum of money in order to win. Trump is receiving [*billions* in free publicity from the media](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/16/upshot/measuring-donald-trumps-mammoth-advantage-in-free-media.html). Biden will have to spend a large amount on ads since the media isn't giving equal coverage to Joe. Now, there are a lot of readers saying that this news isn't important. I disagree. Yes, her endorsement isn't going to motivate voters. But that's not the point. She can influence other billionaires to donate to Biden. For SuperPACs, she can help raise hundreds of millions of dollars just from her friends list. That's big news if any news reporter ever decides to ask a bloody follow-up question.


/r/politics should lead that news charge and stop posting 99% about trump


I’ll now expect Trump to label Bill Gates “a terrible businessman “


Any sane billionaire would. Why would you want to be a billionaire in a world turned to ash?


Surprising no one.


Phew. 😮‍💨Now I’m certain who I will vote for.


Phew. I can rest easy now.


Does this mean the dullards are going to gather around a bonfire and burn their computers? Because I'd be happy to build the bonfire...


Let's check in with Ja Rule at least.


This was super important news worthy of an entire article in the NYT. 


Tell her to put her money where her mouth is.


Her organization just gave [$23,756 directly to the campaign](https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/bill-melinda-gates-foundation/summary?id=D000031958). In 2020, they gave [$182,426](https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/bill-melinda-gates-foundation/summary?topnumcycle=2020&contribcycle=2024&lobcycle=2024&outspendcycle=2022&id=D000031958&toprecipcycle=2020). I'm sure her organization will outmatch that after each quarter before the 2024 election. By comparison, they only gave [$118,682 in 2016 to Clinton.](https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/bill-melinda-gates-foundation/summary?topnumcycle=2016&contribcycle=2024&lobcycle=2024&outspendcycle=2022&id=D000031958&toprecipcycle=2016) I don't know where to find personal donations as well as money to SuperPACs, but I will say Bezos's wife and her are some of the most generous billionaires far out pacing non-political donations by their wealthier his ex-husbands. EDIT: quote from the article: >She has yet to donate to Mr. Biden’s campaign, but she has made a number of six- and seven-figure donations to Democratic groups over the last few years. On Wednesday, for instance, Federal Election Commission disclosures revealed that she had put $500,000 into a super PAC affiliated with Emily’s List, the liberal advocacy group that supports Democratic female candidates who champion abortion rights.


Open Secrets has that kind of information. [Link](https://www.opensecrets.org/donor-lookup/results?name=melinda+gates&order=desc&sort=A)


Oh, great! The search on their site failed me for some reason. Thanks for the link!


Who are Elon Musk's ex-wives going to vote for? He has more of them.


Well this has convinced me!!! /s


So she says




Woah, never would have guessed that. Thanks!


She is like the primary Biden demo


No shit


Good, me too.


how is this news?


Wealth don’t meant jack if democracy is killed.


That's nice. Too bad the vast-unearned-wealth demographic has so few voters.


Who else is she gonna vote for? Trumps dumbass? LOL


She’s not an idiot and sees hope in women and children. She’s not looking to create a terrible society where it’s Russia or North Korea.


Melinda American Gates remains undecided


How else is she gon’ get them microchips ins ya blood?


That’s awesome! Have an upvote


Why do we care?


She probably stayed at a holiday inn 🏨 last night


Finish this sentence, "I should care because..."


...it might help keep Trump out of the White House.




She has deep pockets.


She's pretty influential to a lot of women, and some might be undecided.


Okay, that's a fair answer. But it seems to me it's a slow news week.


She is influential and surrounded by other influential people. She's widely respected. 


Because it proves not all rich people are selfish assholes.


Uh, wuh?


You cared enough to comment.




French gates would go well with my house decor.






That’s a handsome woman.


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In other news: grass is green


Pretty predictable coming from a billionaire notwithstanding the dribble Very Online Redditors bounce off the walls of their comfy echo chamber.


I didn't expect different. This is fucking news for the NY Times? Boy, that news organization's fall from grace is getting worse by the day.


Let’s see Melinda Canadian Gates vote…


Water is wet!!


Water isn't wet. It makes you wet.


But if the water is touching other water?


Then that water is wet, but the first water is the wetter.


I'm a wetter when I drink too much.


The wettest on record from the standpoint of water.


Wetness is a description of our experience when a liquid, such as water, comes into contact with a solid surface. Wetness is an attribute that requires a subject to become wet, and water as a substance cannot wet itself.


Can it not be wet by a lesser density liquid? What if it was water ice covered in another liquid?


Who the fuck even cares? Trump is beating Biden in nearly every swing state and this sub is upvoting posts about who a Billionaire's ex-wife is voting for. How long are you going to turn a blind eye to the reality of the situation?


Until November 5 nothing is set in stone, don't forget death comes for all and does not play favorites after all, and between you and me I trust the man out riding bikes over a man who adores fast food as Trump does to live longer.


No one said anything is set in stone, but maybe show some fucking urgency about how things are going now instead of pretending everything js going to be alright because Melinda Gates is voting for Biden >I trust the man out riding bikes over a man who adores fast food as Trump does to live longer. No one cares. **BIDEN IS LOSING**. The front page of this sub should be reflecting that every day until dems wake up to the reality and start doing something about it.


My friend that works for the foundation is pretty sure she's gonna run for office here pretty soon.


Is there some sort of significance to reporting that a smart person is doing something that smart people are expected to do? lol No one with an IQ over 85 is voting for Trump.




Bill Gates’ ex-wife.


She has a bachelor's degree in computer science and economics from Duke University and an MBA from Duke's School of Business.




Because more important than her vote is her vast wealth which she will likely use to enforce her political will, an act which will likely have far greater bearing on the outcome of this election than any action by you, myself, or anyone we know personally.


Former wife of Bill Gates.


















definitely worthy of being posted here and getting 2000 upvotes lol


Our only 2 choices for President is one with dementia or one we know is crazy. How the f did we get here??


No, we have a choice between an old but sane Biden and a "crazy" and possibly dementia-addled Trump.


She helped destroy the education system in the US. She probably created a large amount of MAGA just by weakening American education. I wish I was rich enough to waste hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars and still expect anyone to give a shit what I think.


What about her pedo ex I wonder.


Lolita Express flights are a reason I will not be voting for Bill Gates or for Donald Trump. __ *edited to change "why" to "a reason"




lol Trump is the epitome of "an elite".


For real, like do these people just have blinders on? Trump is a rich white man who loves other rich white men and has promised billionaires a tax cut. I will never understand the lengths people will go to justify this nonsense.


A rich person who donates a lot of money for all kind of good causes around the world is a elite to you. A rich convicted felon who grifts off his followers to pay his lawyers is someone you see as a good leader. Abortion is avoitable by abstinence? Not much of a choice for rape victims is it?


OMG small business is dead? 🤡


What massive inflation? US has the lowest inflation rate of the developed world. Its 3.28% which is basically the long term average of 3.27%