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>“I said, ‘Dana, Dana [White, President of Ultimate Fighting Championship], I have an idea for you to make a lot of money. You’re gonna go and start a new migrant fight league. Migrants, only migrants,’” Trump said during his Philadelphia speech, echoing what he proposed during his D.C. speech earlier in the day. “And then at the end of the year, the champion migrant is going to fight your champion.” What. The. Actual. Fuck.


The actual fuck is the number of people who hear this and say "yeah, I want this guy as my president".


The dumbest, most bitter, racist, fascist, powerless, lazy, selfish, ignorant clowns see him as someone great. His fanboys are losers and rejects. Deplorable.


They affectionately call Trump the "adorable deplorable" it's gross.


This is why MAGAs are lost causes...irredeemable scum. No one who isnt MAGA should bother interacting with them.


What’s fucked up is people think he is actually better. Like, ignore his stuff like this and say Biden is significantly worse and then point at like… anything and say because of that. But if you’re going to vote for Trump it’s simply because you value money over humanity. Simple as that any further. 


I mean, you aren't wrong. Yikes.


I mean kids have already been put in cages, and he’s still their guy.


“He’s just joking. Don’t you have a sense of humor?”


Which is an absurd thing for people to say in regards to Trump, a man entirely devoid of even a semblance of a sense of humour (I also believe he's incapable of actually enjoying art, music, etc)


Donnie is one of three presidents to never have had a pet in the white house. One of the others was Andrew "trail of tears" Jackson. The animals know.


I believe the trail of tears was Jackson, but wow Johnson was a real shitbag too.


Andrew Jackson?


Everyone knows Andrew Jackson. The chapter of Andrew Johnson was such a dark one in American history that we chose to try and forget it all together. Some shame cannot be washed away though.


I’m saying that the trail of tears was not perpetrated by Andrew Johnson. It was Andrew Jackson.


He deserves to be forgotten by history, along with his 20th century counterpart, Lyndon B Jackson


Even if he were joking that’s not presidential behavior.


It’s just Schrödinger’s asshole. Get some blowback? Aw shucks we were just kidding to take it so seriously. No protest? Continue as planned


In all seriousness, he doesn't joke. I'm not sure he knows how. He jeers, crows, bullshits, and punches down--that's the size of his "sense of humor". ["I don't kid"](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-kid-aides-argue-joking-slowing-coronavirus-testing/story?id=71404943)


“So, what’s funny about immigrants beating each other up? Help me understand the joke.”


It’s especially funny because it’s a lot of women and children trying to survive. What’s more hilarious than violence against desperate families?


I'll respond to that the same way I do to most republican jokes and just stare at them and ask them to explain the joke because I must have missed the funny part.


He doesn’t mean this says the same people who claim he “tells it like it is”. The real answer is they literally worship him.


"hE's bEiNg sArCaStIc!"


It's the sort of thing I'd expect a crappy comedian to come up with. Unfortunately, he's running for president.


These are the type of ideas I’d hear in middle school. And, at the time, they still were kind of a joke. I want to believe this conversation with Dana White actually happened. I would pay $10,000 to see Dana’s reaction to that pitch by Trump…


There's no way this conversation didn't happen. They're both fucked up enough to entertain the idea. Surprised Dana hasn't started his Domestic Violence Man Vs. Woman Slap Fight League yet... probably still a bit too soon.


Bum fights was a thing. Migrant fights would 100% be a thing.


No way, they got jobs to go to. Red state governors would never allow them to shirk work.


Unless they got a cut from the bookies.


Fan Duel - but literally. Lose your house on Jose! Click here for your free first bet!


It’s absolutely terrifying. There is no low for these people that won’t be celebrated in the name of triggering the libs


This sounds like some Hunger Games kind of shit.


more like Django type of shit, I'm afraid.


Nailed it. Mandingos all over again if this schmarmy fuck is elected


Is he seriously fucking endorsing gladiator fights


why did they get rid of gladiator fights?


Yeah, the winner gets automatic asylum. Sick fucks.


Dude wants to starts a mandingo fighting league like in Django thats one of the most batshit things he ever said


Obese King Joffrey, all grown up and unrestrained.


Joffrey was at least coherent


This moron is not serious in anything policy wise


He’s never had policy unless you count concentrating his xenophobia and hate into a shitty tinfoil border wall. He has never actually had a political value enacted (other than bump stock I guess?) as a president and hasn’t argued for any change in policy as a nominee. Everything that has passed under him are agendas pushed by GOP top-down which do not stem from him. He’s a super useful political prop.


He's not, but he wouldn't be bothered to try something like this alone. His supporters and people he'll appoint to his admin hear this and start liking the idea and *they'll* get serious about it.


He might not be "serious," but he'll really try to do it even if it's just for the lulz, and that's part of why he's dangerous.


What's terrifying is I KNOW there will be people saying "Yeah that sounds pretty good." I like how he doesn't even suggest that WINNING would get you citizenship. Like some fuckin modern day death race scenario.


Authoritarians need to make out groups appear less than human. This is a way to appeal to the portion of his base that enjoy cock or dog fights, while simultaneously implying that immigrants are sub-human.




Would legitimately not be surprised if Trump only knew of Caesar as the guy with the hot-and-ready pepperoni pizzas.




No way. He is the other salad dressing guy. Just like Paul Newman.


Listen, Little Caesar didn't judge him for eating pizza with a fork and knife, okay?!


Ceaser cared about the poor and was actually liked by his soldiers


Caesar also committed atrocities, he's not exactly someone to emulate.


Except his supporters give him their bread and he is the circus.


I’ll bet Sleepy Joe doesn’t even have a position on the proposed migrant fighting league. Just like Electric Boats v Sharks, Sleepy Joe is, once again, _sleeping_ on this important issue. /s


Oh man... Donnie probably thinks the electric sharks can fight the winners here. Think of the ratings! /S


Sharks with frickin laser beams attached to their heads 


Do morons dream of electric sharks?


Chain gang all stars was not supposed to be non-fiction (although that’s incarcerated folks instead of migrants)


He just watched the Tom Brady roast and thought the joke on Dana White was funny and mistook for his own.


I was really considering ending my week long alcoholic bender today, but I think that I can wait until tomorrow. *fills pint glass with cognac*


He's going full Nero


John Oliver once described trump as "Rome burning in human form"


I've been watching trump rallies this summer. After disengaging from politics for the last couple years, it's absurd almost to the point of hilarity (but not really because this is our actual government) to see this sort of rhetoric from a *presidential candidate*. I think about what a similar sort of talking point would have been in the 90s: "My opponent doesn't believe in a secure border. Their policies enable millions of undocumented/illegal immigrants to swarm our borders, take our jobs and burden our social services" Pretty standard boilerplate anti-immigration stance for late 20th century conservatives. Now let's see how Trump espouses a similar platform in 2024: "CROOKED JOE BIDEN HAS THROWN OPEN THE GATES, ALLOWING RAPISTS, MURDERERS AND DRUG DEALERS TO RUN RAMPANT IN OUR NEIGHBORHOODS AND DESTROY OUR COUNTRY" That isn't a direct quote but it's very much on brand for Trump. The goal/overarching point of that statement (fear of foreigners) is actually pretty much the same as the earlier one, but the rhetoric is comically juvenile and obviously way more negative. Also note most of these statements are made *without remedy*, meaning he'll say something bad the Biden administration is doing, then offer *absolutely no remedy* other than say "and we're gonna stop that..." It's interesting to think about, if Trump had been a candidate 30 years ago, no one would have taken him seriously. Hell, remember Ross Perot? He was the closest thing we had to Trump back then in terms of rhetoric and other than his "great big sucking sound" speech he was still, by and large, a "normal" politician.


I firmly believe they could show Trump old Bumfights video, tell him they used his idea, and he’d believe them.


Camacho 2024


Camacho cared about the people and knew he was an idiot. Not comparable at all


Seriously, he recognized someone was smarter and tapped that person to fix a situation. Pretty solid leader.


We (the US) already did this with african slaves. We called them Mandingos because the people from the Mandinka regions of Africa were rumored to be better fighters. Slavers would have prized fighters like dog fighters do. I don't know if I have to say this, but this idea is shockingly cruel and the fact that it doesn't even raise eye brows in the MAGA community is telling.


I was glad to hear Dana White seemed to be appalled by the idea because sadly there probably would be a lot of money in some sick shit like this!


Kins of reminds me of the bum fights thing back in the early 2000s. Freaking awful.


Increasingly dangerous and unhinged rhetoric every.....single....day.


I’m just waiting for when he pitches the purge at a rally. It’s not entirely out of the question given his rhetoric at the moment. “A man came up to me and said - tears in his eyes - ‘sir, why can’t we do what happened in that 2013 Documentary,’ which we all recall, “The Purge”… I thought it was a movie, but is was actually a thing for a while. A wonderful thing. Wonderful movie. Could be the best movie. Many people say that. Some say “Gone with the Wind”. Too long for me. Just like Castaway. An hour without talking? Who does that? Seven Seagull wouldn’t do that in his movies. So…and I thought you know he’s a big strong man, he can defend himself, which is called self defense you know, that this man is right. And I’m the only one willing to allow you the right to purge.” Edit: thanks to comments below, made some changes.


Oh, they would fucking LOVE IT. They’re keeping track of the Biden signs in yards.


I can’t be the only one thinking that this is already their plan? LGBT are not going to be safe in this country if this orange fascist wins.


Who else has thought this about their social media posts? I know that if they started punishing people by their social media posts, I'd be dragged away immediately. It sounds crazy but I'm at the point of "it could definitely happen."


Trump has already stated any Veteran found not voting for him loses ther benefits. Any Veteran shown to have made anti Trump posts online will also lose their benefits and face 90days detainment. Soooo, yeah. If the Eternal Orange Dipshit is elected...


True. A *big* part of Project 2025 is replacing government workers with his followers. Thousands of workers may lose their job if he becomes president. You know damn well that one of the ways they "test" their loyalty is to check their online presence. We could be losing our best and brightest, with the only reason being they refuse to kiss the ring.


The brain drain in the civil service will take *decades* to recover from, if we even can.


Not just his followers. But extreme evangelical followers. What happened to Afghanistan in the 70's is happening here. He wants to rule.


As a Vet and a Biden voter I’d be extremely interested in a source for this. I wasn’t able to find anything in a cursory Google search.


I’m a veteran who hates this big orange idiot. Let them Fukkin try to get my ass. They’ll have to come in and get me or burn this bit down around me. Fuck them. I took an oath and I’m seeing a domestic threat more and more…


I have no doubt that if the fascists get into power, they will eventually target all “dissenters” in one way or another. I’m sure his cult followers will gleefully turn in anyone who speaks negatively about their deranged leader. The 1st Amendment will go out the window.


It's seriously time to start aggressively pruning social media / internet presence just in case the worst happens (which is not an impossible scenario!). Things could get very dark very quickly if Trump wins.


This could be true in Europe as well. They aren't immune, unfortunately. Especially if Trump *does* win. Facism is on the rise everywhere.


Absolutely, all the seeds are there throughout Europe. And while the UK might be on the verge of electing a centrist government there's a real danger that whatever comes after that will be far Right.


Women are already unsafe thanks to orange fascist's first term.


For certain. And round two orange fuckerooo is not a sequel I’m looking for. My only hope is that most of the republicans I know have been saying. I hope you don’t think I’m one of those kind of republicans. And my response is you only are if you vote for one of those republicans. I don’t think a lot of R are going to vote D I think they just won’t vote


We had lawyers argue that the children we put in cages were not required to have beds or soap during his first administration. Their rhetoric had only gotten worse since…


I am one, and no, we won’t.


Every time a chud says “you’re lucky you don’t live in Afghanistan/Iran/Palestine, they’d hang you/throw you off a roof/stone you to death” it’s because they fantasize about doing all of those things.


You forgot the "Sir" that he always includes in those conversations that definitely never happened.


I imagine him needing to harp on the movie for a while. “Do you remember that movie? Wonderful movie. Is it the best movie of all time? I don’t know. Some say Gone with the Wind, long movie. Great movie.”


Donald says a lot of stupid crap but his actions are even worse. Whether it's ending Roe v Wade or cutting taxes for foreign investors over middle class Americans, another Trump presidency would be horrible for us.


INB4 the dumbass comments from some redditors claiming "The left isn't doing anything to combat this...!" The "left" leaders are all outwardly speaking about this every single day. It is our dogshit media (wholesale) that is bending over BACKWARDS to ignore this messaging and to focus on hyped-up clickbait news, and to try to make this election as close as possible for maximum profit. Our 4th estate fell before anything else, about all of it now bought out by rightwing billionaires. I think the best thing we can do is, ourselves, on a personal level, talk to conservatives in our life. Who cares if they write us off and pretend we're being hysterical, it is 1000% warranted, and we'll regret it for eternity if we can't try to make whatever changes we can now. [They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45 by Milton Mayer, an excerpt, 2017 edition (uchicago.edu)](https://press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/511928.html%5D)


Since Trump rode down the escalator in 2015 we have been subjected to a new outrage every single day!! Remember when the media went nuts over "But her emails!"? #HillaryWasRightAboutEverything


It's not getting worse. It was always this bad, people just don't want to remember how bad it was.


He has 100% definitely been getting worse over the years. Look at any clip of him from 2016 vs any clip from 2024. The conspiracies and hate that he spewed have not changed, but it is very clear that he is not as lucid as he was years ago. The man gave a speech a while ago where he convinced himself that electric boats are good because he’d rather be electrocuted than eaten by a shark, and now he references that like once a week for some reason. He has claimed that he will beat beat Obama and Hillary in the upcoming election multiple times. He’s clearly going senile.


Remember that time he randomly tweeted "I did not have a series mini strokes" when nobody had asked?


I don't but it tracks


He did...


Like 6 months into his term he tweeted out of nowhere that everyone agrees that he could totally pardon himself, and conservatives all pretended that was a completely normal thing to say and not suspicious as fuck.


He’s now saying snakes when he tells the shark story.


And the story was already bananas


The ending was the most bananas part! Would you rather stay on the boat and definitely get electrocuted, or would you rather swim towards the sharks and possibly get attacked/killed? And he chose to die by electrocution!! The one sure-fire death! Of course, the whole thing about a battery electrifying that much water was also bonkers, but there's just so much to parse.


He was just so enamored when told that nobody asked that question before like it's a smart one lol


The most ridiculous thing about the shark/boat speech was that he gave it to potential voters in Las Vegas, which is in the Mojave Desert, a place not well known for having large numbers of either boats or sharks.


That's that no-filter brain of his. He just says whatever rambling, wackadoodle thought that comes to his increasingly evil mind. His worshipers love him for it. 100% cult.


That's probably the best possible place for ranting disjointedly about sharks and boats, to tell the truth - more chances that at least *some* of the dumber listeners might think that perhaps you had some sort of point that they missed due to their lack of familiarity with the topic...


You're not wrong, but even if I was a total moron that totally bought that Trump had a handle on solving the rampant shark/boat problems apparently plauging this country, it would be hard to see how electing him would benefit me personally here in the desert.


Tough call. I thought the most ridiculous thing about the shark/boat speech was the fact that he set up a hypothetical where his only choices were to jump *toward* the shark or get electrocuted. No consideration whatsoever for the possibility of jumping in any of the less shark infested 360 degrees available. Close second: thinking that a electric boat battery that could electrocute him while in the boat would somehow be safe "10 feet away." Actually, I've changed my mind. The most ridiculous thing about that whole story is the idea of him jumping 10 feet.


He was trying to make an argument ***against*** electric boats.


I think he was glitching on his hate of electomagnetic elevators and catapults on the new USS Gerald Ford aircraft carrier. "I said, 'What do you like better, steam or electric?' 'Steam, sir, there's not even a contest,'" Trump said, describing a purported conversation with a catapult operator. "When this thing breaks down you have to be Albert Einstein — he used that expression — to fix it." AND "So we have now an aircraft carrier that doesn't work," Trump told the historians. "The catapults don't work and the elevators don't work. Other than that, it's a lovely ship." Incidentally, The Ford just returned from an 8 month deployment with over 10,000 sorties.


Don't...non-electric boats use batteries, too?


Wouldn’t the sharks have frikin laser beams?


Yeah, he came out the sewer grate swinging. In his 2016 announcement bid he said he was gonna build that border wall and make Mexico pay for it because they’re sending rapists and thieves over to the US. I’d say he’s just gotten weirder instead of worse


And the conservative immigrants from central and South America still vote for this peice of shit that would execute them if he was allowed.


Only citizens can vote. But yes, immigrant families that have gained citizenship tend to vote conservative. Edit: gained, not stained. Fucking swype, man.


sadly it can be bad and still get worse.


It's being said into a mic and not rewritten by his handlers on Truth


Exactly how I felt through his whole presidency. Every day it was “holy shit what now.” Why *anyone* wants to do that again baffles me.


Just grabbing headlines by crazy shit.


"He was just joking. Why is that you snowflake liberals can't tell that he's not serious when he says things like that? Something something, Joe Biden, something border." - Republicans on all networks that ask them about those disgusting comments.


Remember when he tweeted an image of Biden tied up in the trunk of a car? That was in April


Bumfights. The dream of the 90s is alive in Trump's head. (I know the 1st video came out in like 02, but I was seeing underground VHS tapes of this crap way back in the 90s.)


i think this is closer to mandingo fighting


Yep. Trump is trying to reach that “I watch Django Unchained for the nostalgic setting” crowd.


he wants bumfights but with "bad hombres," you know, MS 13 and the like


Yep. Was still in high school late 90’s when bad quality bootleg video recordings were spread around.


In the ‘80s all we had were “Faces of Death” VHS tapes and pretty much of of that was fake AF.


It’s a version of “bread and circuses” from Roman times, where they’d invite the equivalent of today’s Trump supporters to watch runaway slaves get eaten by lions.


Actually reminds me of Dan Carlin's [Death Throes of the Republic](https://www.dancarlin.com/product/hardcore-history-death-throes-of-the-republic-series/) series. In one of the later episodes, as Rome is moving into the Caesars era, he actually makes mention specifically of Donald Trump in reference to a particular class of politicians (rich, out-of-touch Romans who didn't know shit about governing, essentially) that became more common during the final decades of the Republic. That was in 2011.


I'd honestly bet that despite serving at president for 4 years trump actually has less knowledge about how the government works than he did a decade ago.


I’ll bet there’s a paper somewhere comparing Trump and Caligula. Caligula could string coherent sentences together, reportedly


I’ll get the list started - Both want to fuck a close relative.


There are a ton of articles making this comparison back in 2016.


The problem isn't what a total lunatic Trump is. The problem is the number of Americans who will hear that and think, "Ya. That's the guy I want as president."


Migrant Hunger Games. Idiocracy was not supposed to be a blueprint for the future.


But, not even holding out the possibility of citizenship.


I know shit’s bad right now…


So this shitbrick has the same mentality as the sociopath who thought he was going to make millions on those Bumfights videos. Truly astonishing how big fat orange always manages to lower the bar. ETA that the venn diagram of people who bought Bumfights videos and MAGAs is a circle.


Believe the fascists when they tell you what they are going to do. They are not "kidding".


So Trump has gone full Calvin Candie now, I see.


This is it exactly. He wants mandingo fighting. Fucking sick racist scum bag


Yep. Thanks for bringing that up.


Anyone leaning right still planning on voting for this schmuck? Please explain to me why you think what he suggested is a good idea. Jesus tap dancing Christ.


They will just point fingers at Biden and call him the crazy one instead.


Strong indications he is a racist. He can’t help but say things about women, minorities. DOJ, Please send him away.


There is zero doubt. I’ve heard stories from dealers that used to deal poker at the Taj. When he came in he made all the black dealers go to the back of house.


Man, y'all are already violating the first and second rule of Migrant Fight club...


Can we just speed forward to where they destroy all the records of debt.


Trump would just make a deal to eliminate only his own debt in exchange for eliminating banking regulations


My favorite thing about Fight Club is how, in the end, they did nothing but destroy some buildings. Everything is backed up. They erased nothing. They accomplished nothing. Because the entire story is about the futility of performative masculinity and impotent ways that form of masculinity lashes out at society. At least, that's how I read it.


Yep. I hope you've read the book and some of Chuck Palniuk's other books, especially Invisible Monsters and Choke.


How about the migrants fight Trump instead. Beats him and you're in.


It will be more successful if you put lights inside their bodies and give them horse tranquilizers


How about bleach? Gotta have bleach somewhere.


Magnetic Pierre vs Jose "The Hose" is going to settle some things about magnets and water.


Sanity left the man long time ago


Insanity. This dude says absolutely nothing that will actually benefit Americans. Even his dumbass supporters get nothing.


Trump only knows how to promote carnival barker shit. It works great for the rubes who want the equivalent of shaking keys in front of a baby to make them laugh. But it's awful for running an entire country.


I would pay to see Melania get her ass kicked.


No real policy plans or anything for the people of America. Just shit like this and yet the room temp IQ MAGA squad still cheers him on. Could you imagine the Faux outage if Biden was constantly going off the deep end every time he spoke and speaking about nonsense things? Like they are reaching so hard on trying to prove he needs a handler and wonders off and that is all they got and even manipulated cuts trying to prove themselves.


I'm beginning to think Dorito "Convicted Felon" Mussolini should go to a mental asylum instead of prison.


And the best descriptive word they could choose for a headline is “bonkers.” As if this is some kind of comedy skit. I’m so tired of seeing him played down for being a deranged psychopath.


The really sad part about this is that when he loses the election he will still be part of a 24 hour new cycle.


This is right up there with the "bum fights" that people were filming. He's cruel and demented.


This is America now. Hopefully we will come back from this and these people severely lacking critical thinking will go away. It’s disturbing how vulnerable these are to being manipulated by a sociopath


For the love of God, please just make it stop.


What are the chances that his mouth diarrhea starts shitting stuff about another country and perhaps that country has heard enough and takes action(s)? No, there is no /s -this is not sarcasm


I don't think he thinks about any one else, or in many cases knows they exist 


100 percent red meat to the "He's not hurting the people he should be hurting" crowd, and "The Cruelty Is The Point". I am a fan of MMA, and this disgusts me. A fan of Dana White not so much. I am certain he found Donald Trump's pitch here quite charming.


I’d like to see a world leaders fight league. Let’s just cut to the chase.


He's giving his voters what they want. His voters being mostly hickerbillies who drive big Ford trucks who would rather coal roll a migrant than help one who is drowning and then call themselves a Christian.


lock him up already


He’s in full Caligula mode


Sign at border reads; Welcome to Thunderdome


I’ve said this a million times…every single one of these disgusting things that he does to rapturous applause just takes the dignity away from every single decent person that’s ever lived here, given their lives to come here, or given their lives to defend the ideals laid out in the constitution. A decent HUMAN BEING should be disgusted by this suggestion. It’s something you’d have a sit down with a child about when trying to instill a shred of morale decency into them. I previously was naive enough to think that America had a moral high ground. Thats definitely gone away. Now I’m just hoping that we’re not the worst of the worst. Time will tell.


Fuck this asshole and anyone who still supports him.


Let the games commence! I think the first contestant should be his illegal immigrant wife...


musta watched hunger games when Donald Sutherland died


This is something you talk about when high.


Question for the candidates: Shark frenzy or electrocution?


I like how the theme is faith and freedom. Freedom from what? It’s only freedom do you believe in what they believe. No freedom of religion because they want you to live under their twisted version of Christian belief’s. No freedom to live your life how you want if they try to control woman’s bodies. Freedom to become more poor as they give the rich more tax cuts maybe


When he goes to Prison he can watch lot if fights!


“Trump wants to give migrants jobs” - Fox News in a few hours


And conservatives will still try to claim Trump isn’t a racist and that they aren’t supporting racism by supporting someone who is openly racist.


Historians: "And during a much less-civilized time, this is how the Romans murdered Christians and outsiders, in an entertaining spectacle for the masses." Trump's Evangelical Base: "OMG, Yes! More like that, please!" Historians: "But..."


I hope Muslim and Hispanic voters realize how important it is to vote for Biden even if they have disagreements with him. Stephen Miller will whitify the country. When Trump solidifies power and become the permanent president, he will not stop at undocumented migrants. He will start to go after other communities, even people who have legal staus. If I were a Cuban-American in Miami, I would be very concerned what happens to me if Trump no longer needs votes to stay in power.


Migrant Fight Club. We’re at the Hunger Games stage of Trump’s immigration policy.


The Faith and Freedom sign on the podium is reminiscent of “ Work Sets You Free” that was over Hitler’s concentration camps. Don’t let history repeat itself.


Voting for Trump is failing a one question IQ test.


Is there anything more telling of racism than suggesting migrants should fight for our amusement? (Yes, it’s: -calling white supremacists “good people,” -Jacking up or outright denying rent to black people, -insinuating that Obama *had* to be African because he’s black, -calling for the death penalty of 5 wrongly accused Black and Hispanic kids (Central Park 5) and refusing to take it back when they were found innocent -Stating that black peoples can’t count his money because black are naturally lazy, only “short guys who wear yarmulkes (shocked that he even knows the word) -states that Mexican Migrants are rapists that bring crime -and many more)


Ask him tomorrow and he’ll deny knowing anything about it.


This is like 2-3 steps away from Mandingo Fighting.