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Check out his "no water" rant from a recent rally: >No water in your faucets. You ever try buying a new home and you turn on. You want to wash your hair or you wanna wash your hands. You turn on the water and it goes drip, drip the soap. You can't get it off your hand. So you keep it running for about 10 times longer. You trying, the worst is your hair. I have this beautiful luxuriant hair and I put stuff on. I put it in lather. I like lots of lather because I like it to come out extremely dry because it seems to be slightly thicker that way. And I lather up and then you turn on this crazy shower and the thing drip, drip and you say I'm gonna be here for 45 minutes. What? There's so much water. You don't know what to do with it. You know, it's called rain. It rains a lot in certain places. But, now their idea, you know, did you see the other day? They just, I opened it up and they closed it again. I opened it, they close it, washing machines to wash your dishes. There is a problem. They don't want you to have any water. They want no water. Dude belongs in a care facility, not on the campaign trail. If the orange shitgibbon wasn't a criminal trying to end democracy, I would feel sorry for him.


Take it that Trump stayed in a hotel recently that had water saving fixtures. And this was his understanding of the reason?


Or he has to update his hotels to news standards and is mad about it. Or had to decades ago and still salty.


This is while he was running the country actually. Its was right before Covid.


“Buying a new home? What boomer nonsense is this? Who’s buying a home in this Trumped economy?”


Also if the water isn't working in a home you're viewing and considering buying, perhaps it's because utilities aren't hooked up as the place is vacant?


I think the crazy homeless guy near where I work has made the same word for word rant.


It's pretty rough at this point. Wtf is the "open and close it part"? Out of context it is nonsensical, not sure there is context. I'm curious to see what he will look like in 3 months. The stress of his trials, and knowing that if he doesn't win he is absolutely fucked, is going to accelerate his decline.


I think he wanted to invent dishwashers, and somebody told him they already exist. He opened the discussion, they closed it. I'm guessing, of course. Except the dishwasher part. The thing definitely thought he was inventing dishwashers.


Who tf lathers their hair before turning the water on? (Outside of a camp shower of course)


I would never feel sorry for that irredeemable piece of shit.




shitgibbon . . . NICE; gonna use that extensively now to describe Drumpf but can we say CONVICTED shitgibbon?


Please tell me this isn’t a real quote. Lie if you have to.


This is how Alzheimer's patients speak.Or,people in insane asylums.


Trump once claimed that his "temperament" was not much different today than it was when he was in first grade, so about 6-7 years old. In truth, he was describing his entire personality. He has the intellectual capacity and problem solving skills of someone who only recently learned how to properly wipe themselves.


It's probably one of the most honest things he's ever said and he's and his cult think it's a great thing.


Me fail english? That's unpossible!


What a cromulent vocabulary!


Trump has really embiggened the English language


If you walked Ralphie and trump through a building containing our most top secret equipment, I would be more worried about Ralphie accidentally revealing something he shouldn't than I would about trump intentionally doing the same.


It’s basically his pea-brained way of saying: only fossil fuel will keep us strong. It’s so easy, just tie everything to masculinity.


The bizarre thing is that Trump's mental faculties have degraded so much that without reading the article, I can't tell if the headline is referring to fighting vehicles or if he thinks electricity is stored in a fuel tank like gasoline or oil.


I don't think his mental faculties were ever all there. - “So I think I’m going to put an order: When we build a new aircraft carrier, we’re going to use steam,” Trump told sailors and Marines aboard the amphibious assault shift USS Wasp at a Navy base south of Tokyo, speaking late Monday night U.S. Eastern time. He renewed his complaint that the new technology could be unreliable during battle. “We’re spending all that money on electric, and nobody knows what it’s going to be like in bad conditions.” ... - I said, “You don’t use steam anymore for catapult?” “No sir.” I said, “Ah, how is it working?” “Sir, not good. Not good. Doesn’t have the power. You know the steam is just brutal. You see that sucker going and steam’s going all over the place, there’s planes thrown in the air.” - It sounded bad to me. Digital. They have digital. What is digital? And it’s very complicated, you have to be Albert Einstein to figure it out. And I said—and now they want to buy more aircraft carriers. I said, “What system are you going to be—” “Sir, we’re staying with digital.” I said, “No you’re not. You going to goddamned steam, the digital costs hundreds of millions of dollars more money and it’s no good.”


> "you have to be Albert Einstein to figure it out." That should be easy for trump. [His uncle was a physicist at MIT](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-uncle-mit-professor/) , so he has good genes. /s


My brother is a physicist. I'm proud of him, but I ain't that smart.


Weird stance on digital. He didn't mind it when it was with Carroll, though she definitely did.


Moron doesn't realize that the magnetic catapults run on electricity produced by a nuclear reactor on a USN carrier.


Aircraft carriers do use to steam to, wait for it, generate electricity.


yes but the steam is generated by nuclear reactors. the cheeto is probably thinking of using an old-school boiler powered by coal.


probably invested in a bunch of bunker oil at some point




>I can't tell if the headline is referring to fighting vehicles or if he thinks electricity is stored in a fuel tank like gasoline or oil. Both. He believes that there are electric tanks that carry a massive battery around on a trailer behind them. You know, just like the big battery trailer you have to drive around with in your Tesla or other EV.


The Army's interest in electric tanks have been around for awhile. Though the sought after benefit is not clean energy. It's more about the logistics of fuel supply. It can potentially be easier to move and store electricity, than diesel.


Also, all the torque and power with 70% less maintenance cost and hassle than a turbine.


throw in very quiet engines with a lower thermal load.


While it'd be nice to be able to charge your tank corps remotely, I'm pretty sure that'd require the engineers to be running right behind the front with a reallly big spool of high-voltage wire connected to a dedicated nuclear power plant\*. I don't know how much battery would be required for any significant tank movement, but the Abrams is heavy enough as it is. The big advantage for having a battery on the tank as a supplement to a fueled engine is that you can turn the engine off and run quietly (both audibly and in IR) on stored power. Infantry are going to hear an idling tank (much less a company of tanks) pretty far off, so being able to stay stealthy while they venture further into the kill zone is a big advantage. An electric humvee, now, would be a great idea as long as you were operating near base. Great torque, quiet, and you can charge off of the big generator back at the FOB. \*Note, this is me supporting that plan, not criticizing it


Yeah, but you have to sign an NDA to get the free maintenance


No, no — they’re *invisible* — like the stealth fighters. Remember the [invisible stealth fighters](https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/aviation/a33658771/trump-keeps-saying-the-f-35-is-invisible/)? Or did you get flashy-thinged?


I prefer this source: https://youtu.be/gr9KS-hmXyU


It's a conservative trope that all these elites and egg head scientists don't have any common sense. But conservatives do. So it's common sense that batteries don't work, don't have the range. Disparaging electric vehicles is a giant virtue signal for the dummies. That is his starting point. That electric anything can't work, only he can use his superior common sense to see that they won't work. Engineers and scientists are coastal elites that have fallen for woke ideology. No need to reevaluate or understand that the tech is still advancing. That is the starting point of nearly all his dumb rants. Then his short attention span means he just keeps going on dumb tangents. He can't even finish half his sentences before he brainfarts out another one. Unfortunately half of the country is dumb enough and eager enough to believe in their superior "common sense" that they go along with him.


It would be cool if they could make it work. No real heat signature, instant torque, silent other than the track noises. There's a lot of plusses but it would need a mister fusion to make it functional.


On the other hand, if we get the fusion reactor working, we’re not far off from the *[Mackie](https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Mackie).* GM just needs to hurry up with that fusion reactor, and someone needs to get myomer working.


I think the current idea is basically a hybrid. Have a battery pack that allows the tank to run cool and quiet. Like if they're sitting for a while or moving very slowly.


I can see the benefits to it. Though main battle tanks have been going the way of the dodo.


I hear they are operated by gay frogs.


If we let the military have electric tanks they might try to fight uphill


Dementia Don slips further into madness and lunacy.


How does someone go further than suggesting injecting people with disinfectant and sunlight to cure COVID? Because he did that 4 years ago, and that idea was utterly batshit crazy.


Countdown to new Trump campaign slogan: "Trump 2024 - Fuck you electricity!"


This is the stupid asshole who was pushing for more coal even though the market had decided coal wasn't feasible anymore. Trump is an economic nightmare.


At this point trump is just an old man shouting at clouds, the only difference is for reason he has cult followers that eat up every word


Old man shouting at clouds, worshipped by people who don't like clouds.


Worse. He’s the disturbed person yelling at other passengers on the train.


Sir, this is an Arby's


He's the crackhead at the gas station that you avoid eye contact with.


Trump's narrative on electric tanks is so fake the Supreme Court is about to rule on it.


He is so beyond fucking stupid I can’t even wrap my head around it.


Trump's really going after the electric lately. A lot of people are saying it. Believe me.


It’s about time we had a presidential candidate that’s willing to take on imaginary issues.


"we will have a prototype by 2032 and it will cost $3b to develop but you save on diesel fuel. It will drive itself on the battlefield too" Elon probably /s


No shot a Tesla-developed electric tank would only cost $3b to develop. At least $15b.


Someone should show him the movie Stripes before the debate and see what happens.


The military has only been hinting we ought to consider alternative forms of energy for decades.  Slap a solar panel on a surveillance drone for Ukraine and see how public opinion shifts.


So here's the reality, only because I know someone bidding for the contracts: 1. They are proposed - there are plans for recharging stations in US bases. 2. **Some aren't for the battlefield**. The plan is to use them for training. And it makes sense - you can save a ton of diesel and other gases. Get the guys in for training, teach them how to do things, recharge them at night. 3. An for those that are for the battlefield - as with all things, "it depends" on how they're used. Imagine a case where you have a set of tanks on hand, with a reactor or generator nearby. Now you're not dealing with huge supply lines of fuel to those locations - charge up, get out, do the job. For longer term issues, you have the gas ones. So as with many things with Trump, it's a truth shaded either with a lie, or sheer ignorance (like his statements about how he thinks steam was better to propel things opposed to magnetic propellent systems). There's a lot of reasons to have some electric tanks in some situations, and diesel in the other. But he's on a kick of "electric motors are bad!" and that's when the thinking stops. Reminds me of Romney going off about how the US Navy was the smallest since 1910, and Obama replied with "Well yes - because we don't need a bunch of little frigates when we have battleships and aircraft carriers that can destroy 10,000 enemies at once." It's ignorance and feed for the people who love to be ignorant so they don't have to change anything in their lives, or learn that new things are good for them too. ^*Edit: Typo


Trump is smoking crack dude


He thinks his delusions are real, put him away today.


Or Trump is leaking classified documents, again,


Interesting idea though.