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Defund the police is now a Republican thing. Didn't expect that.




You act as though Republican voters are rational. They now openly say they're going to vote for a convicted felon.


They're fucking PROUD of it. These are mentally unwell people caught in a cult


I'm thinking some GOP asshole thought he was making a deal with the devil on how much of the commandments they can break and still get elected. The more commandments the better the deal. Trump was convicted of breaking two of the commandments. Hoisting him is a third. 3/10...


By my count, the Orange Shitgibbon has broken 8 of the 10. Thou shall not have any other gods before me (he & his cult thinks he is better than Jesus) Thou shall not take the name of the Lord, thy God in vain (tell me he hasn't said God Damn or Jesus Christ in frustration) Remember the sabbath day and to keep it holy (he doesn't go to church) Thou shall not commit adultry (obvious) Thou shall not kill (his mishandling of COVID killed millions) Thou shall not steal (stole millions form a charity) Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor (lies constantly about Biden, others) Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's house, his wife, his slaves, his animals, or anything of thy neighbor (he compares himself to others constantly wanting what they have)


> Thou shall not take the name of the Lord, thy God in vain I take this not as swearing but as using God's name for wealth, power or influence as reason for your nefarious actions.


Good points!


I have been seeing "A Felon is MY President" t-shirts in my area recently. They relish in his conviction.


"LAW AND ORDER!" "Voting for the felon!" "Back the blue!" "The cops that were beat on at the capital were crisis actors for the deep state and or democrats so it doesnt count" "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE" \*Votes for a guy who calls dead soldiers losers\*


You aren’t trying to reach the MAGA core, his 25-30% are locked in. You are trying to reach all the folks who barely pay attention, but still sometimes show up on election day. And the ones that are traditional conservatives that don’t want to vote for a felon but might try and forget for just a few hours when voting. You need to repeat it to them every day. They might not vote for Biden but they might say “fuck it” and just not bother at all.


Messaging like that isn’t about the cult


It's not the irrational Republican voters that messaging caters to. It's the fence sitters that the Republicans were and to scare by saying Democrats wanted to defund the police in previous elections


Setting it up so there’s no cops when trump loses and the storm the capital again.


They won't care, something something FBI is the deep state and the base will like this.


That's not going to work with these cops because they are federal Stormtroopers out to get them and not the good old local boys out to protect them.


Given the tendency of Democrats to screw up phrasing, it will likely come out as something that ends up taking the heat off republicans.


Think it’s more geared to cutting IRS and FBI.


and Capitol Police


This is more "Defund the cops that are coming after us, but keep giving the cops going after black people all the tanks we can throw at them."


Yeah, he loves cops when they act as his brownshirts.


“No worries. We can go after who *we* want with our *private* security firms. Problem with the government law enforcement is they might come after *us* for all the nasty shit we want to do, and we just can’t *have* that!” AKA Rules for thee, not for me. They want to bring back the Pinkertons, but on steroids this time.


You can expect anything and everything with them as long as they can justify some angle that now serves their purposes.


They just are not so stupid that they call it that. Unfortunately some Democrats were not as clever. I don’t believe in defunding the police, but I do believe that police forces need pretty extensive reforms to have them properly serve every citizen - even when that involves locking up ones that have committed crimes.


I agree. Funding only the militaristic side is how you get only military solutions to every problem. They should have an arm of social workers, for social work problems too, for example. It's a terrible branding for something that is a fundamentally good idea. Kind of like "quiet quitting" which really just means stop going above and beyond all the time because it's expected- just do the work you are paid for. It's as if the powers that be want to poorly bend good ideas so that they will fail. There are some folks that want to cut all police funding, but if someone takes a building captive that I'm in I want a small military to show up. I just don't think a gun needs to automatically be present at routine traffic stops.


"Quiet quitting" is a name that is pushed by corporations and journalist outlets aligned with their interest, not the workers themselves -precisely because it is bad branding.


Routine traffic stops are frequently deadly for cops. Not a good choice. I think you mean you don’t want a cop with a gun showing up when the mentally challenged adult is lost and the restaurant he wanders into calls 911. That’s a time for social services.


Routine traffic stops are only deadly because of car related injuries and deaths. A gun is not going to stop a car from running them over. Very rarely will someone shoot at a cop during a routine traffic stop, and if they do shoot at a cop it's not because their tail light is missing it's because they're on the run for much more serious crimes. Stopping people over minor infractions doesn't improve public safety, it makes people distrust police, and police officers get struck and killed, so why do we do it anyway?  https://www.vera.org/news/police-are-stopping-fewer-drivers-and-its-increasing-safety


This is factually incorrect. The last time I checked the numbers (which was several years ago), there were over 32 MILLION traffic stops that year. How many cops were murdered in all those traffic stops? Literally only 3… If a less than 1 in 10,000,000 chance of being murdered is cause for pissing your pants in fear, then you’re too just much of a pussy to even leave the house, let alone be tasked with interacting with citizens.


Defind educated police with higher standards at the federal level. They absolutely still support local pd where you won't be hired if you're too smart, so they can terrorize the populace and put minorities in jail or the ground.


Well they have their brown shirt militia’s, so they don’t really need institutions that have to be more impartial and if they aren’t can be held liable in court


It was always projection. They accused Democrats of defunding police when in reality it was just a conversation about reallocating resources from swat to community engagement, and now here are the republicans actually trying to defund the police.


Actually it makes perfect sense, in a perverse way. Lessen law enforcement and then your gun totin’ MAGA/GOP can start enforcing the rules they want to enforce. Vigilante justice is going to make its way back if Trump wins.


MAGA foot soldiers HATE the FBI. Because the FBI has this tendency to catch onto their terrorist activities and massive caches of illegal weapons and let's be honest: their CP. Conservatives are diddlers. The dissolution of the FBI per Project 2025 is their wet dream.


Which is also one of the drivers behind the war in the movie Civil War.


Don't worry, your local MAGA Sherrif will take care of everything!


I'm Blyatman.


GOP only backs the blue when it comes to murdering people they hate. But when the Blue investigates GOP crimes & GOPers face justice, they hate the blue. GOP want their own version of Gestapo to enforce their rule of law on the rest of us unimpeded.


Vote, Bring friends. Flip swing seats. Before it's too late.


Nah, massive support for local shittier police depts that are there to beat up the minorities and poor, and defund the things that are there to investigate white collar crime.


Seriously, defund to the point that only the worst cops are on on the force. Enforcing "the law" against minorities. High and Tight only /s


something about a thin blue line or something .


More like something something brown shirts something something


No no no you see they want to defund FEDERAL police, they want to defund the guys that will shoot them when they attempt to storm the capital. They'll gladly fund the ones continually murdering unarmed black people in the streets.


Back the blue till it happens to you!


Well you see, the feds go after rich people crimes. They’d rather those go unpunished.


At the state level. As long as they are for the red. /s


Law and backorder


Not the blue that investigates them.


To your point, Roger Stone and Mike Flynn are free men.


The funny thing is, the FBI and other federal law enforcement is deeply conservative. 


The Party of Crime.


They didn't realize they would get arrested for J6


They do this because they will then just blame Biden for “defunding” law enforcement. Their cult won’t even look at the truth. And if they saw it, they wouldn’t believe it.


The GOP is saying that Dear Leader trump is free to commit crimes willy nilly, and if the feds go after him, the feds themselves will be punished. This is an abuse of congressional power in service to a felon, otherwise known as a *criminal organization*.


The entire GOP should be hit with RICO charges.


At the very least Gym Jordan and the other House Jan. 6 plotters.


It's going to come after Trump loses the election fair and square. Why do you think they are gnashing their teeth and frothing at the mouth like a cornered animal? Because that is exactly what they are.


Given similar situations before, I am expecting grand statements about "healing" and "coming together" or "reaching across the isle". The blatant criminality and disregard for democracy itself has thus far been met with a resoundingly lacklustre response. I would love to see the fascist core being properly addressed, I simply can not imagine Biden (or his cabinet) to do so.


In the interest of full disclosure, I’m a police detective (see other subs, not trying to initiate a brigade). Never voted GOP, but, for my point, a moot point. Bringing RICO charges is INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT on any level. Especially the federal level. You’d need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, or, in the USAO’s mind, absolutely certainty, that multiple criminal predicate acts, all which would have to be indicted and charged first, all were committed in the direct furtherance of the criminal organization, in this case the GOP. You’d also have to prove that the GOP as a whole is a criminal organization. I see no way for that to succeed legally. There are dozens of sacks of shit that are embarrassments to America in the party, same with the other side, but that doesn’t make them criminal masterminds per se, especially not across all fifty states. Say the DOJ and the USAO pursue the charges though. You’re talking the biggest legal manpower application in history, long-term. Thousands of attorneys and agents, for years. How far does it go? You can’t judge shop in every district, but you’d have to avoid the right judges or just charge them too. But the charges would have to be strong enough to stick for a judge to even consider. Which takes years of work. And would the next POTUS keep the investigation going? What if the next POTUS is from the GOP? The wildcard is the money. Fraud cases are too much for my patience, most of the time, though I’ve never worked significant amounts. But if you can go after the money and prove everything that way? Well… the IRS took down Al Capone. It’s been done before


A neighboring county scooped up 286 people in a RICO sting for a meth distribution ring, only 4 of which were dealers, 2 were the high level leaders. The other 282? Simple users who purchased atleast twice from one of the turned dealers. Assigned a single public defender for all 282, since you know, they were poor meth addicts at the bottom rung of society. Every single one got slapped with a RICO charge. Don't give me that bullshit about it being hard, it only takes the political will to get it done.


Thanks for sharing your professional perspective.


Not just him, the SC is free to take bribes as well.


To think, there are federal agents who are about to vote themselves out of a job.


I've always drawn a parallel of Republicans with the villainous organization Hydra from Agents of Shield. They opperate openly in various ways in Support of America but maintain their allegiance to their own brand above everything. Oddly, I've done the same with the Ferengi of Star Trek but for entirely different reasons...


So now they want to defund the police? And they called Kerry a flip-flopper.


They only want to defund certain police. They want local and state law enforcement cracking down and deporting brown people. They don't want an FBI to uncover plots and crimes against the nation.


It’s more that they have power at a state level, they’re removing or trying to remove people who will hold them accountable.


Trump bragged about how many pedos and human traffickers the FBI caught when he was President. So I guess now the policy is to just let those pedos and human traffickers slide by the way the IRS avoids going after the rich?


Only the police that focus on things like domestic terrorism, illegal weapons, organized crime, and child porn.


I'll take 4 things that theocratic republicans are known for, for 500 Alex.


There should not be any surprise. This was the natural progression of continued 40+ years of movement conservative degradation of anything federal government. 4 years ago they reached the United States Postal Service, ravaged that further, destroying prompt rural mail delivery times the nation had enjoyed for decades. And nobody got too upset, save for the pushback to the obvious Trump election scheming. So now they've moved into Federal law enforcement to continue the process. Think of all the other agencies that have been rifled through, sliced and diced, degraded, hollowed out, purposely made to run as rickety as possible. Republicans have forced this upon the country, for decades now. How far is too far?


>destroying prompt rural mail delivery times the nation had enjoyed for decades. And nobody got too upset, Incorrect. The rurals got upset, because they absolutely had become used to this service (that no commercial carrier would touch, as there is no way it would be profitable). Yes, they really do want to live in BFE and still have the services of civilization. Same way they feel personally attacked whenever a carmaker announces something that can't tow a horse trailer through five states without stopping while giving them a diesel powered scrotum jiggling. The easy part was getting them to blame dem city librulz.


I do love a good diesel powered scrotum jiggling


Bush tried to dismantle the Forest Service and nearly succeeded. Then Bush 2 tried the same thing.


How long before they go for the sacred cow, the military?


The Orange Shitgibbon already did that and admitted to it, he took money from the military to build a failing wall on our southern border.


This is because they are criminals, and they are threatened by law enforcement and the rule of law. For them, the only good cops are the ones that will do their bidding without question.


He's the Kingpin of Crime at this point.


John Gotti is spinning in his grave. That fucking moron managed to do things way beyond his accomplishments. Fun Fact, They Have a Connection Through Roy Cohn Who Trump Occasionally Mentions To This Day >Roy Cohn represented and mentored New York City real estate developer and former U.S. President Donald Trump during his early business career. His other clients included New York Yankees baseball club owner George Steinbrenner, Aristotle Onassis, and Mafia bosses Fat Tony Salerno, Carmine Galante, and John Gotti.


Also, one of Trump's lawyers (former lawyer now?) said his icon was Gottis defense lawyer.


Trump wanted to be a big shot back in the real mobster days of NY. He had to have met with them and maintained a good relationship by paying them off if he wanted to do business in NY or Chicago. He's probably known mobsters since he was a kid because his father before him was paying off the mob to do various projects. I've heard that Trump Tower was built from concrete during a time when the mob was in control of it. I don't remember the reason why but I think they had shut it down for everyone but Trump. Trump’s business kept everyone working while the higher ups forced their moratorium on everyone else. Trump was apparently one of their favorites...


>I've heard that Trump Tower was built from concrete during a time when the mob was in control of it. I don't remember the reason why but I think they had shut it down for everyone but Trump. Trump’s business kept everyone working while the higher ups forced their moratorium on everyone else. Trump was apparently one of their favorites... Yeah concrete in New York was mobbed up. Dealing with them was the only choice. Other real estate developers balked or looked for alternatives, but Trump was like 'I don't give a shit I'll do business with them!" Trump's good buddy Roy Cohn probably helped. Cohn did legal defense work for bosses and underbosses of like 3 of the "Five Families." So Trump had an in through Cohn.


makes sense when your presidential candidate is already a convicted felon and faces 3 more trials.


The Party of “Law and Order” wants to defund law enforcement who are investigating and prosecuting their cult leader. Shocking /s


Just more MAGA populist BS for the idiot and asshole demographics. They know they will get more MAGA votes with it. As usual, they could care less if such a bill could actually pass. It's all a populist BS trigger for the low-hanging fruit.


Getting ready to try for another J6 II, are we? Defunding the Federal Police includes the Capitol Police… 🤔


This is part of Project 2025. They want to gut the FBI. If any jobs get added they will be Trump loyalists.


And, somehow, this will not hinder their claims of being the “Party of Law and Order” amongst their base.


they need to make the cuts so they can start ordering their brown shirts and jackboots


In America, we do Silver Shirts.


They are the party of Law and Order they create laws to order us around


Because it’s 3 letter agencies they want to abolish, not “law enforcement”


A phrase invented when federal law enforcement wast 4he rubber stamp Trump imagined when they praised him during the campaign.


The Department of Justice runs the largest law enforcement agency in the nation: The FBI. No amount of mental gymnastics can refute the absolute fact that the FBI is a law enforcement agency. The other thing they want to defund are U.S. Attorney’s offices. Not only is that not a “3 letter agency” but those are the people who actually prosecute criminals. What criminals? Bank robbers, kidnappers, human traffickers… all types. As a for-example, the FBI last year arrested 79 child sex predators that were part of a worldwide child porn ring… and that was just ONE case. And the arrests in that case? Well, they get tried by U.S. Attorneys. But I guess the GOP doesn’t mind defunding the people responsible for catching and trying pedophiles.


Note: federal law enforcement. IE: the agencies that investigate republicans.


"Nice FBI and DoJ you got there. It would be a shame if something happened to it."


So who is defunding the police again?


***Defunding*** the police, while backing the blue?!?


More J6.2 prep


I guess I'd want to cut the law enforcement budget too if I was in a cult and my dear leader got convicted of 34 felonies.


Wow.. so they’re literally attacking police funding to try and kneecap the investigations? How is this in line with any of the GoP’s supposed values? Every single one of these conservatives have sold their souls to the cult of trump. This has to be stopped somehow. The left needs to wake the fuck up and start fighting on the same level. Believing in the system is no longer good enough.


Soft on crime as long as it’s within the party. Absolutely pathetic and completely unsurprising.


The GOP loves to campaign on how much crime is running rampant in cities and all the illegals are practically gunning down people in the streets, but hey let's get rid of law enforcement. Great plan they got there.


Party of law and order! Let’s go!


They just lack the balls to outright nullify all the laws to which they object. Worst little yellowbellies around. What a crop of creeps.


Do they have any resonable policy?


Defunding the police by GOP is not what I saw as an election issue, but it should be on every news channel tomorrow


A majority of local stations are owned by Republican Sinclair Broadcast Group. Newscasters are not allowed to deviate from script.


Retaliation for prosecuting poor, orange Trumpy-dump. Aren’t they clever?


What?? What happen to the fancy flags and shit? Back the blue?


It’s neat how NYT bent over backwards to not headline this “House GOP Pushes Deeply Defunding The Police” - I don’t care that it’s federal. Law enforcement is law enforcement and reporting is reporting.


Until they want to use it... then they will over fund it...


Damn this is some sinister shit


And yet so many police officers are die hard MAGA.


No, the cops that shoot disproportionately large numbers of black and brown people aren't the ones targeted for cuts here. Those ones are ok. It's the FBI that conducted a duly-issued search warrant at Trump's house, and the IRS agents that want to *gasps* collect taxes from the rich, that are the real problem!


A lot of cops hate the FBI because they are the ones who investigate their corruption. They also hated the FBI when they were going after the KKK, basically local police want to rule their territories with no oversight so they can kill and do what they please, they have never been pro law and order, just pro power.


Hmmm what else does the FBI do that republicans don’t like? Counterintelligence perhaps? Gotta cripple that, can’t have them rummaging around sticking their nose into spy stuff who knows what they might find.


Yeah, but the Feds are the bad guys… at least depending on the day. You can totally trust the local cops running black people out of their town before sundown, though.


I thought the GOP has been saying we're in the middle of a crime wave crisis?


Crime is so out of control the GOP wants to defend the police.


Defund the police?


Wait republicans want to defund the police?


Who elects these clowns ??? The end game is dictatorship..


Let’s see if r/conservative wants to talk about this


Thier trying to make it easier to overthrow the government. This has been their plan all along first the Supreme Court now this.


Back the blue, right?!?!?!?


Best to defund the FBI and other federal agencies that guard against foreign espionage efforts from countries like, say…Russia…right Republicans? wink wink…


How pro-terrorist of them.


the party of law and order, right?


This is a win win strategy for the criminal Fascist GOP. Defund DOJ to cripple their ability to go after Republican criminality, and pre-emptively accuse Garland of being a politicized hack so when DOJ actually produces criminal indictments of GOP members who were actively involved in the criminal conspiracy of Jan 6th, they can scream "POLITICAL PERSECUTION!! SEE WE TOLD YOU!" This is evil. The Republican Party is actual evil.


The party of law and order eh?


Defund the police so we can do more crimes, says the party of predators, which are convicted 38 times more frequently than their opponents.


Preparing for the next coup attempt.


Republicans want to shift from the rule of law, to the law of the rulers — defunding police helps.


Republicans are de-funding 'law and order' because they're the criminals now, and we all know it.


The Crazy Law and Order Party wants to defund the police.


Law and Order party


The faux "law and order" party has finally come out of the closet.


Got to Thin out the Government Defense so they can have their Fascist MAGA have a better chance of succeeding on Treason this time around.


Brown shirts back the blue?


Same day the GOP Supreme Court legalized political bribery. Go figure.


>Representative Matt Rosendale of Montana this week announced that he would try to add a provision to the military spending bill to strip money for in vitro fertilization treatment, which he said was “responsible for the destruction of life.” ....wut?


So much for supporting blue


Gop wants to defund the police


The party of law and order wants less law and less order




Well since they are really a criminal conspiracy over a political party this makes sense for them.


bAcK tHe bLuE…. Oh wait.


>Last year, Republicans were forced to circumvent the Appropriations Committee because they lacked the votes in their own party to send the bill to the floor, and then were unable to even secure a vote in the full House, after a bloc of ultraconservatives revolted in protest of a spending deal Mr. Johnson struck with Democrats. >The implosion reflected the treacherous balance House Republican leaders have faced as they try to push through the 12 spending bills that fund the government. A critical mass of hard-liners on the Appropriations Committee have insisted on attaching deeply conservative measures to the spending legislation. >That has forced more mainstream Republicans in politically competitive districts to either swallow measures that Democrats will later use against them in campaign advertisements, or to rebel on the House floor and refuse to back their own party’s legislation. It gives me some hope that the House GOP seems to be prioritizing appeasing its lunatic base over any political calculus, even in purple districts. They're buying their own bullshit.


Gee...I wonder why?


Criminals would do something like this. Not law abiding citizens.


Seeing as how Federal Law Enforcement aren't funded by bribes and quotas...


All republicans should be in prison


This has been the GOP playbook for years. Defund an organization until it collapses so they, the GOP, can do what they want. They are the descendants of the Americans who supported Hitler back in the day.


It's almost impossible to truly quantify the amount of damage trump has done and continues to do to this country.


delete and abolish republican power


The party of “law and order” is cutting federal law enforcement because, as it turns out, federal law enforcement is against the Republicans’ insurrectionist activities. “Back the Blue” was always bullshit. Republicans only like the cops who support Republicans. If you’re one of those *other* cops, screw you, I guess.


“The party of law and order”


They want crime to rise so they can campaign on something.


The "supposed" Law and Order crowd. Ha!


Yep, the “party of law and order” just loves to take money away from effective policing organizations. They really only like the jackbooted thug local variety I guess.


Make White House Riots Successful Again


You can't investigate domestic terrorists if you don't have any investigators left.


On the same day that [this happened](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/more-information-emerges-about-8-tajikistani-men-arrested-for-suspected-isis-ties/), huh?


Wait until they see how swiftly justice can be served when they *don't* have law enforcement in the bag.


muh thin blue line huhu


The party of law and order. /s


"Not like that!"- The party of law and order


Back the blue!


I'm sure that nothing bad could happen by cutting funding to the DOJ or FBI. Literally nothing.


The party of law and order and "back the blue" sure seems to hate law, order, and the blue.


Party of Law and Order huh?


Federal law enforcement is critical in stopping terrorist attacks on U.S. soil; both domestic and foreign. Just because SOME republicans favor domestic terrorists is all the more reason to maintain a robust Federal Law Enforcement.


The 'Party of Law & Order, ladies and gentlemen.


Sounds like GOP are the party of defunding the police.


In order to back the blue, we need to vote blue and rid ourselves of the red hat wearing fascists.


Wait don’t the feds go after criminals here illegally, pedos, Mexican fentanyl cartels, terrorists of a certain ethnicity, and all the other right wing triggers?


And, once again, people on the left can speak out against these actions without being in love with the FBI/CIA/DHS in general. Those agencies aren't without their flaws, but the reasoning behind these actions is also flawed.


‘Tough on Crime’ = just a campaign slogan. These mfers are softer than Trump’s mushroom.


Is t that a change from the party of law and order. Despicable


Do they want to bear spray them as well? Maybe put their children in cages and mace them then?


Now why would you do that just before an election? Inquiring minds want to know.


I say more cops ya!


Shit. We are already broke so…


Seems like they're setting up someone to get away with treason.


So they want to "Defund the Police"?


Law and order….