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r/Assistance r/borrow


Is it normal to ask for 500 dollars on those subreddits? I feel like that's a big request. 


Well....someone requested $100,000 last week to pay off his mortgage. People DO ask. But honestly.....$500 is a LOT and you're not likely to get that amount. The other thing is....let's say you do get the amount - how do you avoid ending up right back here in another two months time? Are you able to work? I saw under your name that you have a disability. What skills do you have? You can check in r/disability, they have a couple of stickyed posts about applying for disability benefits. Would it be an option for you to make something like a homemade BBQ sauce or salsa and sell at farmer's markets? Can you sing, dance, draw? You can look at sub-reddits like r/commissions and r/artcommissions for example, maybe someone will hire you to illustrate a book or draw them as a Star Wars character (I saw you're a fan in your profile) just hover over someone's username and their blurb shows up. You can also look at the shows on "Mind Your Own Business" on [AMI.ca](http://AMI.ca) tv. [https://www.ami.ca/Mind-Your-Own-Business/episodes](https://www.ami.ca/Mind-Your-Own-Business/episodes) MAYBE there's an idea there that you could copy? Are there any small business development offices in your area? Could they help you with funding and assistance in buying a business? Take a look at [www.flippa.com](http://www.flippa.com) I saw one business around covid-19 times for $600 USD that was a drop shipping website. I don't understand how it works but if it's something you know or could learn, maybe that's an idea? I know there was a business started in Winnipeg, Manitoba that was called "Coffee Shop News" and it was a newsletter in the vein of "Uncle John's Bathroom Reader" to various coffee shops so people had something to read with their coffee and donut. I \*THINK\* the franchise was like $8,000 for a territory when I looked at it but it was labour intensive in terms of driving all over the place: [https://www.coffeenewscanada.com/franchising-info/](https://www.coffeenewscanada.com/franchising-info/) Anyways.....I'm not trying to write a novel here but this is one of my passions and if you want to DM/PM you are welcome to. Please do NOT use chat - it screws up my device for some reason and it's a hassle to get it sorted out.


Additionally, OP from checking out your page and previous comment history it seems you really really need to get your mental health, suicidal ideation, depression etc in check first and foremost to avoid being put back in the same situation whether you get help or not financially. I think you mentioned not wanting to take your medication but that’s very important as is access to access to therapy and free services due to your income I’m sure you’re eligible. It’s almost impossible to work if you’re depressed and suicidal so that is the place to start!


100,000 DOLLARS!? Gosh. And that is a good question. I'm hoping to have a job by then.  I have customer service skills. Its difficult for me to hold down a job but I'm willing to push myself until I can get out of my current circumstance. I have applied for disability benefits but they won't have an answer till November. I need part time work until then.  No, I'm not a good cook and my kitchen isn't really set up for cookimg currently. Most of my meals are quick things I can throw in the microwave or eat right out of the fridge.  I can draw and I have been trying to sell comissions on tumblr but I don't feel like my art isn't very good and I'm never sure how much to charge so I've been charging small amounts but no one is really biting. Ill take a look at these subreddits. I thought about trying to get into jewelry repair and running it out od my home once I was trained, so I applied for an appretinceship but I didn't get it.  Ill look into small business development offices.  Thank you for the ideas and suggestions


Yes....I really don't understand the thought process behind requesting $100,000. I think someone pranked him and told him it was a possibility. I don't know....MAYBE if there's a millionaire lurking around and they decide to help out but the chances of that are so small. My suggestions were to look into boarding international students for the local high schools, roommates, or foster parenting - those all would have generated income.


"Pay off your mortgage with one simple trick!"  Kind of funny to imagine a millionaire lurking on r/poor like "Hmmm I wonder what the peasants are up today"  Thats a good suggestion! 


Very good point and yes what happens in 2 months. but these r great points


One thing to remember about disability, it can sometimes take years to just get approved. Then you still have to wait months for them to actually send you money. And not to mention if your case gets audited after approval is another wait.


I’ve seen people make larger requests. You have nothing to lose. Keep us posted!!


Thank you 💖💖💖


Have you tried FB Neighbors Helping Neighbors Group in your area? These groups are full of valuable information. Also try the NextDoor app - join neighborhoods in your area.


No I just moved to this area a few months, I hadn't considered that. Ill look into FB groups. Apprehensive of the Nextdoor app. 


Hit up the temp agencies. It’s hard for so many to find work right now.


It's a fairly common asshole move, but not the largest Ive seen here


Yes, you can ask in places that you’re allowed to ask, but you may NOT ask for nor offer money, items, link, clicks, etc. in this subreddit.


Oh I wasn't asking for money here, jist advice. I should've worded my post better. Sorry. 


As a lender from r/borrow, please stop sending people with no means of repayment to r/borrow. They're not going to find help there. So you're just setting them up for frustration.


i saw someone in my area post on the next door forum. she was in a similar spot, looking for someone who'd allow her to park her RV in their yard (pretty rural area) in exchange for a monthly fee. she found someone to do it, and they helped her move it too i feel like you might have more luck going that direction than cash donations


I am apprehensive of Nextdoor but I will give it a shot


nextdoor is flooded with scammers full of hard luck stories just grifting cash. people are very wary of it. that's why i suggested trying to find someone who is able to let you park it on their land (assuming you are more rural)


That's crazy I've never seen 1 post of someone asking for cash or money assistance. I guess it depends a lot on your area.


you must live in a very nice area. 🫤 sadly, in many places (the last two i've lived anyway), nextdoor is widely understood as a great place to grift


"Criminal" charges ? That doesn't sound right. If you can't pay rent, you get evicted, you don't get criminal charges. "Theft of services" doesn't make any sense to me. It would be eviction. Are you not in the US ?


in an RV park, you're hooked up to services (electric, sanitation) which is part of your rent. if you use those services and don't pay your rent...theft of services


The theft of services charges will fall under other bills, etc. They really want you out more than anything. The sooner the better. I just went through this so I get it


Also, an RV park isn’t considered regular housing. You don’t have the same rights as you would if you were actually living in a home.


I am in the US. And thats how RV parks do it, they don't have to do an eviction. 


If you have a lease, it should be a civil matter rather than criminal.


Nope, no lease. You just park and pay. 


Ohhhh. So you're renting the space / utility access point. The RV is yours.




It's portable or stuck to the ground?


Portable but I have to get someone with a huge truck to move it


An RV is typically a vehicle. So this is more of a mobile home?


Its a fifth wheel


May be illegal if they have no contract. Id contact the city/county to see if it's a legal park and have them come check.


Are you renting the RV or just the space? If you own the RV, can you find somewhere to park it? If you don't own it, can you couch surf or stay with family temporarily? Do you have a vehicle? I'm trying to figure out your options.


I rent the space, I don't really have anywhere else to park it. My family won't take me in, they don't really want anything to do with me and I don't currently have a vehicle. I understand. 


Would they allow you to park your RV on their property if you went to live somewhere else? I understand that your relationship is probably very complicated with family, but I hate to see you lose your RV. Or can you sell the RV, and maybe stay in a motel for a while which will give you some more time to look for a job? I wish I had some better advice to give you.


I texted my mom and we're going to try to pull the money together. In kind of hesitant to ask in r/borrow but I don't have a lot of other options, do I? 


I think it’s ok to ask for help when you really need it. Being faced with homelessness is difficult and scary. I hope you find work soon. I’m cheering for you!


Thank you 💖💖💖💖


Keep us updated on the mom conversation too


I will! 


Here are some optional sources for loans: Dave, Cash App $20 to $200, Chime. Also, Albert $25 to $250; instant receipt, fees $14.99; Chrome Spot Me, up to $200 instant, no fees ; B9, $30 to $500, instant, fees $9.99 or $19.99. The app Brigit states $50-$250 in minutes. Empower $10 -$250. Varo $20 to $500. Money Lion up to $500.


I can vouch for empower and money lion.. but you have to be with them for a while before they will loan $500.. they are good to have in emergencies for sure.. "cheap" and convenient pay day loan..


MoneyLion in my mind is the absolute best took out $500 and paid back several times with them and it also boost your credit score I know because I’ve been with them for 4 years now only to build a point or 2 here and there which has helped drastically ….so check in with the Lion if you haven’t already and only a small fee to signup for creditbuilderplus👍🏽


Moneytree can help too if you’re in a state that has it. All of these options do not run credit checks or report to credit bureaus. No delinquencies on late payments.


Yes but you need a job to get those loans don't you?


I’m not entirely sure about all of them. Some of them do parse info from bank accounts to verify deposits have been made. Looks like op is in a tougher position than we thought.


I just want you to know places like Walmart let RVs park there. Just in case


Not all of them, and it sounds like this is a camper not an RV. OP said elsewhere they need someone with a big vehicle to move it for them.


Places like walmarts in my country let any van and RV dwellers park in their lot for FREE because they know they’ll be coming into the store for every little thing like toilet paper and food etc.


Might just have to do that


Depending on the size of it, park it at Walmart, then start looking for free/cheap camp sites. We have a few around some of the reservoirs around here that charge like $5 a night. I've also heard of people parking/staying at airport parking lots.


Contact local churches and explain your situation. I have helped three people in similar situations simply by doing this, many will do a one-time payment directly to a landlord to help catch up on rent.


I will call them first thing tomorrow


Applied at Amazon I work there it’s not bad just do it any job is something


From what I heard they are always hiring!!


There are no churches around there that helps with food and bills? In Texas you can dial 211 to find help in your area. I do not know what the number is in other states. That doesn't make sense that there is no help in your area.


211 is nationwide.


I live in a trailer park in my camper trailer. My landlady is riding my a** over homeowners insurance, which you can't get on a camper as it's a vehicle. I feel your pain and I wish I could help.


We did have homeowners on ours when it was parked seasonally. We had to give them the address of the park where it was, etc. So it is possible but it might just vary by state or insurance.


I'm just going off what the insurance company that finally actually talked to me told me.


That must be so annoying! Sorry you're having to deal with that. 


Can you ask the park manager if there is work you could do around the park? Maintenance, yard work, security, trash pick up?


They already have people who do those things :( they just did yard work yesterday


Of course they do. But did you ask?


I’m guessing no lol.


I mean, you only pay $500 In rent plus utilities. That’s extremely low living expenses, especially if the RV is paid for. Sorry to be a little bit pushy, but do you have any income at all? I mean, you could swing that with a minimum wage job. Or a $15 an hour job working part time. If you don’t have any income at all, you can’t borrow money from Readdit because you don’t have any money to pay it back. I would recommend calling 211. I would start using the phrase at risk of homelessness to see if there are programs specifically dedicated to that. I mean, if you have no income at all, it’s gonna be hard to dig yourself out


I have been doing art comissions on tumblr but its slow going, haven't made much money.  I have applied for every job in this small town, had a few interviews, didn't get hired.  I have contacted 211, the only assistance programs in my area are for veterans. Going to call around to churches in a little bit here once things are opened up. 211 SHOULD list church financial assistance programs but maybe they didn't, who knows.  I know. 


Donate plasma to get money for gas. Start from there.


Can you sell your RV for a car that runs? You might be better off living in your car for a little while than being homeless and being sued for lot rent.


Its in my mom's name so I couldn't. 


This is a long shot: tell me there’s no maintenance or odd jobs you could do around the park to barter that $500 rent? Weeds to pull, areas to clean, something to paint or wash, board/hammer/nail—anything. 


If its like an apartment, she can file and get you kicked out. If worse comes to worst instead of having your stuff set out to be taken, sell it. TV won't do you any good if you're on the street. Pawn anything that will move. Find out how much actual time you have by going to the sheriff or the courts. Check out any shelters, red cross, welfare. I know you said nothing was close,, but you need to do something. that may be able to help or if you get kicked out, where to go. Plan for the worst now before desperation and panic set in.


Is there day labor sites in your area.? I would think if you show your working landlord, maybe willing to take what you can give daily cause day jobs pay daily


If you cannot afford an attorney, you may want to search *Legal Aid* and *your state's name* to see if you can get one for reduced rate. Here is this website as well: [https://www.usa.gov/legal-aid](https://www.usa.gov/legal-aid)


Thank you!!


You're welcome!


Call 211 they can help you find resources


I have, all the services in my area are for veterans


This is a major problem in Texas. Veterans get immediate housing vouchers. They can be permanent. They get free care from the VA. That can also be lifelong. Because of a massive amount of federal funding focused on veteran services services for everyone else have collapsed.


I am unfortunately not a veteran. 


You should apply to a restaurant


Just see if the RV park will allow you to work there. Pick up trash, cut grass, etc....


Have you tried looking for cash in hand jobs? Maybe make posters or a post on your local neighbourhood watch group on Facebook offering to walk dogs, pet sit, babysit, shop for the elderly, cut grass ect? It will help you get some money in towards your rent and maybe even more depending on how much you decide to charge :) I’d recommend charging a bit less than the companies though. Be safe and I hope things get so much better for you. Sorry to hear about your situation


Thank you 💖💖💖💖


Theft of services is when you get your nails done and then decide not to pay. This is not that. Im sorry you’re going thru this.


Theft of utilities is a very real charge. If someone KNOWS they cannot pay their utility bill, but continues to use utilities, they can be held criminally responsible for theft of utilities. Not sure how it works with a landlord involved, but I know if you’re a property owner (which may include OP, being the RV owner, or occupant), you can be held liable.


This is what RV parks do. They count on you not being able to pay the rate or move your RV. They will kick you out and take the RV for lack of payment. It is the sketchiest shit.


I’m 59, disabled (no disability income yet cuz government makes it near impossible to get) and live in my old 5th wheel in a relatively new RV park located in the desert 2 hrs SE of Bend. Been here 3 years. My rent is $550/mo and it includes a storage shed, all utilities and wifi (I’m the longest tenant here and my arrangement is a bit different from the current $600 rent that DOESN’T include storage, which is $50). This park sprouted up the time I moved in and tends to maintain about 12 occupied RVs at any given time. The place is still being developed to accommodate 100+ units per a large infrastructure project starting soon nearby and so far it’s about halfway done. Have fallen behind at times. My landlord is rather patient as I’m several months behind but am making rent and slowly whittling back rent down. At times the landlord helps by offering work exchange for partial or full rent, as there’s so much that needs to be done still. My biggest sources of income include eBay selling (I have a ton of crap from my 1600’ house to sell off while I simplify my life). I very often find cool stuff in the dumpsters to sell-just sold a $160 electronic and four pairs of good Levi’s for $20 yesterday) as well as roughly $15/wk in cans and bottles and Prolific studies (along with some Data Annotation and UserInterviews, etc). I’m on SNAP (get the max $291/mo) so that helps a lot. Get in on the studies if you have some time. The neat thing about Prolific in particular is it’s very quick to make some small cash and get paid in the same day. It adds up. I think I do about $350 a month with that mostly because I’m home all the time and have no other commitments, so I can frequently check for studies and pop in on some. It’s a great resource. Great answers here in this discussion. Thanks for speaking up, folks. This is the trend for affordable housing, now, and we need to help each other. I’d love to ask folks here/elsewhere for a few hundred to help me get fully squared away, but I always find it hard to ask for help. I’m a retired Paramedic/Firefighter (42 years) and it’s always been the other way around for me. So information like what you people share is valuable to folks like me.


So it's not ideal but there's some online credit cards you can apply to (more leinant than a loan usually) that let you request cash advances and then deposit the cash into your bank account the next business day. Keep in mind the interest rate is kind of high since it's a cash advance but in emergency situations such as this I feel like it's worth it. I use this site called Elastic & it's helped me a lott over the years


Credit union personal loans too


Ill look into it. Idk if they will. My credit is okay now but my parents took out a bunch of stuff on my credit when I was younger and then didn't pay. 




Yes I have an application for disability in 


If you're applying for ssi or ssdi, look into getting a SOAR counselor, they often can speed up favorable determinations and increase your chances of winning. You would qualify for one most likely, but their availability varies on location.  https://howtogeton.wordpress.com/2019/07/03/how-to-get-help-from-the-amazing-soar-program/


Thank you!!! I've never heard of SOAR counselors


They're sadly not that well known. I'm pretty active in disability circles (am on ssdi myself) and have heard multiple anecdotal stories about how they have been very helpful though!


Wow!! Well hopefully I'll be someone with an anecdotal story soon! 


That will help a lot once everything is processed. I’ve had some bad panic attacks this year I am really sorry you are dealing with this on top of panic disorder.


Thank you 💖 literally dog meditative breathing rn not to have a panic attack. Sorry you've had panic attacks, wouldn't wish em on my enemy 💖💖💖


Yeah that's not instant...it can take years and the love to deny ppl even if they legit have a claim so it's not gonna help by the time they need it.




See if you can do some work around the park. I'm sure there are things that need to be done.


What about selling or trading what you have for a vehicle and joining the r/urbancarliving gang?


I don't really have much is the thing. I have my computer but it wouldn't sell for enough to get me a car. 


If you are in the US, there are absolutely financial assistance programs in your area. They are state and federal run..


No, you are not. Only if you think you are. You need to think out of the box and especially **OUT of your head**. You are in your head right now out of fear and anxiety from your situation. (Part of the fight, flight or freeze issue)The fear and anxiety are playing mind games and blocking any possible ideas from even being consideted viable. **This is just the fear and anxiety "talking."** It's a fact and not me putting you down. I'm a retired RN plus have received decades of mental health care, so know these things are so , true. Try all these avenues provided to you. Another good job prospects is on www.pennyhoarder.com that has legitimate Work From Home jobs both Full time and Part-time. If possible, pay *something* towards the rent as a "good faith" gesture to show you are serious about catching up and staying on. Hopefully you are on the good side of the owners, so they will be receptive. This goes a long way in keeping one's spot safe. Stay Strong.


Did you get everything sorted? I would offer a piece of advice. You need a job that offers housing. You will also need to move. Look online using the cool works and indeed. Apply to as many live on positions as you can find. Most places that offer housing are desperate for staff and will overlook not having experience.


Maybe you could get paid to clean for some other tenants of the RV park? In an afternoon you could make a couple hundred dollars.


Will the park owner let you work off the rent?


Pretty sure they can't file criminal charge. Not paying rent is a civil matter and not criminal. They also can't just force you to leave. There is an entire eviction process that must be followed


Get on the phone and start calling. Ask everyone for $10 - let them know you'll pay back $11 when you are on your feet which may take some time Call your local united way - they usually know what programs may be in your area Call the local salvation army - they may have resources set aside Call your local churches, maybe they can help with $$ - but also they may allow an RV to be parked or know someone who does or who tows etc Take notes. Think of what you need besides the $$ - every bit helps


How did you solve the problem?


I just wanted to say that you're a good person from all I can tell. You're polite, you reply kindly to people who give you hard time here, you're consistent and you write well. All those things are appreciated in this world. You should look for a way of life where those qualities are valued.


Now that hot weather is here get a cooler, put in ice and some cans/bottles of soda pop and hawk them on a street corner or anywhere there are people going by. (You obviously sell them for more than they cost you.) Not big money but every bit helps.


I live in a small town, I don't know if that would work


Won't be criminal charges. But I'd expect an eviction.


Debtors prisons aren't American


She has to go to court to get you legally evicted. That takes awhile. You get served papers and have the right to go to court and plead your case. Sit tight. Find a Legal Aid office and try to get yourself an attorney. If you are a Veteran there is assistance for you through your local VA office. Salvation Army, some local churches, and county Community Action Agencies are some sources of rental assistance.


Only Fans? :) jk but that could be an option i suppose. I have had to pawn my stuff off before to pay rent. Also had to beg my parents and siblings, not my best moments but it was what I had to do. CHURCHES also will help you!




No vehicle, she said


are you in florida? i’m in a park in florida, there are a lot of helpful neighbors, maybe talk to them and see what they suggest?


Ill try to work up the courage


23rd of this month ??? Just ask and post where u can the 23rd this month or next month ? I think your going to be ok I’m sorry good luck


No temp agencies?


Live in the middle of no where


No Debt can be held for criminal charges in the USA. If you own the RV they will hold it till you pay the rent or sell at auction.


So xq


Red Cross might be able to help or you could try churches in your area.


Time to join the losers circle and go to a company to train you for CDL A. You can live in truck and make a few bucks while working 90+ hours a week.


Unable to find a job in two months? I’m sorry but I find that hard to believe…. I know it sucks….but u should have been preparing for this….if u knew u were that far behind…. Looking for an alternative to park ur Rv at….someone to help u move it….a job…u now have two days….my guess is owner will either call cops…or try to find someone to tow ur Rv out of the park….


And just out of curiosity….what job were u working b4 to pay the rent? How has ur circumstance changed in the last two months that you went from paying rent to not?


IDK where you're at but in my area you are allowed to park in the truck side of any Loves Truck Stop or AC&T truck stop to sleep. You can get showers there too


Thank you for the tip 💖💖💖💖


Have you tried looking at jobs at Baylor university and HEB.


Houseman Blues. The 23rd came and went and……….


Maybe check out some camp grounds in, or even out of, your area. They're usually cheap and have showers etc. If you can hit up a campground out of your area you may find better opportunities


Maybe start a GoFundMe page. I had to do one recently. I was able to raise about 2300 out of 2500$. I posted a link here. It was mostly my wife's friends and relatives who contributed. Try that. Send everybody you know the link. Have them send the link to everybody they know. It sucks to be in a bad spot. I had to medically retire back in February and it put a damper on our finanaces


Have u signed up for all of the sports betting apps??.. you will need ten dollars to start and each one give you bonus bets...which u bet and keep the winnings...you can turn ten dollars into 800 for real depending how your bets go...if u want more info message me


Look up agencies for home health care for the elderly in your area and apply as a caregiver, a lot will hire with no experience and train. Compared to other jobs it can be a lot less stressful since you are going through a lot mentally. You’re just helping old people with their daily living and providing companionship. Overnights are even easier


Get a job rather you're able or not. Working 20 hours at a dollar general is better than sleeping outside or in a Walmart parking lot.


I haven't read too many comments; but am sadly suprised nobody has called you out on your bullshit. 1st off if you are in the US there are County/City/State Social Services to help, many with Emergency Options available. If you are living on Native Land, this (and only this) does not apply, but they have their own Tribal Rules/Gov't set up. Nobody can have you arrested for theft if you simply dont have the rental payment they want. They can start eviction notices, utilities can be shut off, your car taken, items reposessed, but that still not theft. If you dont qualify for state services, there are still shelters, food shelves available.You obviously still have internet connection to be able to post this. Why dont you spend that time/energy looking for work, rather than trying to mooch? Even basic skills like walking, talking, moving around can get you a job at a fast food place. Or if you dont want that, there are tons of 'help wanted' by private people looking for odd job workers Try that instead of scamming people out of $500


"I haven't read too many comments" full stop. 


Cvs is always hiring apply online ! Won't get paid for two weeks but it's at least something to look into.


I pray the Lord puts in your path a place you are welcomed and you are able to maintain your life


If you have no transportation and no job and nothing but debt, the last place you need to be is in BFE Texas. I'm sorry also that you have disabling mental health problems making it that much harder to put yourself out there to work consistently! But you're in a shitty situation in large part, bc you've made your decisions out of trying to manage your obligations AROUND your mental health issues...doing barely enough to scrape by, or even less. It's probably hard to hear and I'm not trying to be mean, but I think your approach is totally counterproductive. By making allowances for, and limiting your options only to what will accommodate, your anxiety and depression, this is actually backfiring and ADDING to your problems!! It keeps you broke, it keeps you living in continuous poverty and stress, it forces you to decline even CONSIDERING the possibility of ever being truly self sufficient and having long-term peace and security. It sounds like you are pretty young, so you have years ahead of you. Settling for disability payments as the way forward for your future means that you are resigned to accept a threadbare existence, with barely a penny to your name, as a way of life for all your future years to come. Do you really think this is your best option?? Sure, you won't have to work...but you will also never elevate your standard of living past the minimum poverty line. You will be living on beans and rice, never able to afford to fix a cavity in a tooth or a part to repair a broken toilet. That's the reality of what you are planning as a "solution" to your current problems! It's better than nothing...but it's not much better. There are tons of homeless people on disability, unfortunately; and if you choose that route, there's a good chance you will end up in the same situation. Is that really the way you envision living for all the years ahead?? For right now, you need to beg/borrow/steal ( not actually steal!) enough cash to persuade your landlord to let you stay and catch up on your rent. Then you need to get to work!!! Offer to clean houses, clean out hoarder homes, walk dogs, do interior or exterior painting, sort recyclables at your waste facility, scrub floors with an overnight commercial cleaning crew, take in clothing to mend and iron, tutor a student online, etc. Work as much as you possibly can, 2 or 3 jobs if you have to. Go back to all the places you've already applied to see if they've filled those positions, ask for a chance and tell them you'll take $1 per hour LESS for the first 60 days if they'll hire you NOW, on the spot!! When you aren't working, sleep; and when you're not working or sleeping, apply for Medicare and get hooked up with mental health services. Make it your mission in life to get control of your head and your money so you're actually building towards something instead of hiding from it. If you push yourself, you can do this!! If you have a panic attack, oh well!! Slow your breathing WAY down and deep, focus on relaxing every muscle in your body, & count mentally to 100. It will pass....nobody dies from a panic attack. It's embarrassing, but it's not fatal.As you learn to control those events, they'll happen less and less. I used to have panic attacks. My therapist told me to TRY to bring them on, notice what I was saying to myself to get edgy, then tell myself internally that "no, it's not"and mentally change the internal conversation. This actually works! I hope you will raise the $1000 you owe; but more than that, I hope you will really do some honest self-assessment on how you got to this place, and whether you are willing to do the hard work to make lasting changes for a better future. Nobody is stopping you, but you! Sorry this is long but it's meant to help you and show that you DO have power to change your situation...don't be afraid to use it.


Spend every minute of the next few days looking for a job to make rent


Go to the app store on your phone and look for shift work apps. These will allow you to take shifts doing various things as they are available, if there are any in your area. One of them is Instawork. Please check them out and see if they will work for you.