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If anyone here needs context, this was almost inevitable. Constantly was provoking others in songs including making a diss record of three people that were murdered and shot the music video at a memorial for them , and literally dancing on their graves. Also was publicly posting about a pool party he was having all social media for his birthday yesterday with the address which is how he was pulled up on.


He also made fun of the fact that one of the people murdered, was murdered on their birthday. Which makes me think that Foolio getting shot on his birthday was no coincidence.


It wasn’t his birthday tho. He was celebrated his birthday. His birthday was Friday


>Constantly was provoking others in songs including making a diss record of three people that were murdered and shot the music video at a memorial for them , and literally dancing on their graves. Yikes... The dude clearly didn't know what he was messing with. We reward messiness with attention, but this kind of disrespect does not go unchecked for long. >Also was publicly posting about a pool party he was having all social media for his birthday yesterday with the address You can be messy in hip hop all you want, but this is the number 1 thing to avoid if you wanna stay alive. I remember earlier last year one rapper was killed cause his girlfriend / baby's mom had posted where they were eating and she was blamed for his murder. EDIT: you bitches can stop replying to my comment now, damn


>The dude clearly didn't know what he was messing with. He literally was shot only a couple weeks ago and was likely still in a wheelchair/crutches from that incident when he died.


Oof... and he still put his location out there. He underestimated the opps


It wasn’t a couple weeks ago


Pnb rock


Oh fuck he got whacked? I didn't catch that one.


His bitch set pnb up brotha this shi was different but the same both lacking without A pole but foolio put his own lo out their gng


she didn’t get him killed though. those people were told of pnb rocks’ location by a different guy who SAW him there, the IG post she made had nothing to do with his murder.


Personally, I blame the murders for the murder, but I can see how my comment comes across as blaming her for it (incase that's how it came across to you)


He definitely knew what he was messing with lol pretty sure he openly stated he knew it would get him killed eventually


i’m pretty sure he did it on purpose


Oh I can assure you he knew what he was messing with, dude seemed to relish being surrounded by homicides.


But you got to remember where’s he’s from tbh he was unguided person


Like he went to the cemetery and was dancing on them fr? God damn that’s fd up


Is he the one who had some kind of problem with Adin Ross?


He was on adins stream, seemed like a cool dude on there






Ya'll do realize that song was in response to another song called "Who I smoke", which was just as disrespectful, right?


This is why I always say hip hop culture isn't the problem, it's when street life is brought into hip hop. The bragging about someone's death, the songs he made dissing the dead, there wasn't a rap beef that prompted this, it was the streets that he brought into rap.


Foolio in popheads. This wiiild


anyone who knows anything about this guy should know that he was so flagrantly disrespectful and violent towards other dangerous people that you just have to assume he didn't care about his life at a certain point and just wanted to go viral and die quick.


Exactly they have nothing to lose a lot his friends already died and he took lives himself gotta be haunting


Something is seriously wrong w the rap community


My opinion is that these guys are way too insistent on living the same lifestyle when they make it big as they did when they were nobodies. Many of these guys were directly involved with criminal activity or on the periphery of it. When they become famous, they want to prove they're still "real" by not leaving behind the criminal behavior. This makes them a target by others that want to bring them down, and they can lose their own lives in the process. (see: Takeoff from Migos) The smart rappers are the ones that leave that lifestyle behind when they actually have something to lose. You don't see Jay Z still hanging out with his buddies from Bed-Stuy, do you?


I miss the days of studio gangsters, now everyone has to be about that life.


Well except Drake, Kendrick, and J. Cole. It's interesting how the biggest rappers stay away from the actual lifestyle.


If Kendrick gets gunned down in Compton rolling with these gangs we’d be saying the same thing


I NEVER understood this. Like dude, you have money now. There's no need for robbing and dealing drugs anymore. Just dumb....


You guys are overestimating how much money a guy like foolio has, he wasn’t exactly a superstar


Yes, and beyond that, they make themselves very easy targets for people who are jealous and want to take them down. A wealthy celebrity hanging out with a bunch of criminals or nobodies is actually very dangerous. When you become well-known and rich you have to change up your friend circle.


Hate to armchair psychologize about a lifestyle I'll never have to experience, but... this is perhaps the peak of toxic masculinity? You no longer have to grind, and everybody knows it. But grinding is what makes you a real man, so now you're compensating more than you already were. Bragging more, performing more, which makes you reckless so you're now compensating for how corny people think you are. The only way to win is to stop playing, but that would take maturity these boys don't have. So, you're right, definitely stupid. But I think we can blame society as well as the individual here.


Naw, it’s just the ultimate expression of a culture that glorifies death and destitution. People call it racist to say hip hop is black culture when the ugly side of it is revealed but will proudly call it black culture talking generally about hip hop


He was not rich


Jay-z was never a fucking gangsta or a dope dealer


Cap he sold crack rock 🪨 back in them days you obviously just talking and not from New York


Agreed, stuff like this down to concert management.


Since always


There’s always been something wrong with rap. It’s a criminal enterprise and I have no shame in saying that as a black person. Beautiful art has come from it, but rap has always been a “life fast, die young” kind of lifestyle. It’s spiritually disturbing to me, which is why I don’t listen to much of it.


It’s not just rapping community, it’s the urban music industry world wide, record labels are allowing these singers to write violent and provoking songs and here are the consequences. As long as the singer sells that’s all that matters to the industry.


Yeah, go ahead and blame the industry for some dumb motherfuckers in the hood










I like a couple of his songs but it is what it is. It was gonna happen to him some time the way he was moving and dissing. May he rest in peace though


RIP Foolio Just another case in sadly a long line of rappers losing their lives way too early that should all still be alive. My thoughts and prayers go out to his friends and family.


Given that others may not be familiar with Foolio's discography, here is his ["This Is..." playlist on Spotify.](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DZ06evO4eiv72?si=VUmtRyDdS1WYUNDFE-3qFQ&pi=LGyogM8gRcGgw) This Trap Lore Ross Video [here](https://youtu.be/DyIO3B5EFpM?si=56TE4ob_y_aFx5im) gives context to the conflicts in Jacksonville's rap scene(s)


Nothing wrong with rap, just the content often in it. Commit to a certain content in any genre including rock and metal, etc, you’re going to find yourself getting cooked. It’s really unfortunate but it’d be nice to see this bad content gone from the face of the earth.


He was in the drill rap scene. When he tried to make different music it never buzzed the same as his diss songs. Bad management too. Things could have been different for Jacksonville had foolio had guidance when he got his fame


I do not know his work but no one deserves to die due to unwanted violence. May he rest in peace.


If you knew his work you'd prob change your mind on what you said lol


It was very wanted. Dude was dancing on people's graves and shit.


I'm not trying to convince you he deserved it and I honestly don't think half the people that say he deserved it mean that "literally" .. it's just the way he lived made it inevitable. He murdered multiple people from multiple gangs , one of which was also I famous rapper who he tried to murder , then he made multiple songs about the people he murdered while taking a video dancing on their grave , and everyday of his life on social media he actively taunted the people who's family he murdered .. he didn't deserve it necessarily, it was just going to happen .


He looking up at us 🙏🏼🕊️


RIP to Foolio


how u gon say rip and then post his opps and a trap lore ross video. weirdo


He fr posted “rapper murdered here’s a track where his murder was described” what lol


Hi @dukiejbv and @jahiel0: My intent for posting these was to give a greater context to Foolio and his influence/role in the Jacksonville rap scene, especially given that he is not a widely known figure in pop music spaces. I apologize for appearing disrespectful, and I shall edit the post.


Ok this track goes hard and I'm digging this video, rip


So so young. RIP and my condolences to his family and friends.


And it was his birthday? Oh my god, gun violence in America is out of control


Odd how there isn’t the same issue in the gun toting country scene.


The bunch of rich metrosexuals cosplaying as red necks?


They’re smart enough to realize it’s all just an act for their show. I don’t expect Jason Aldean to understand how to operate a combine anymore than I expect Robert Downey Jr. to be able to build an iron man suit.


almost like guns arent the problem.




























What shirt is he wearing




Met him in DTLA for promoting our cannabis brand and I would always text him telling him to stay out the way to stay in LA and just keep making money but he was in too deep


The spoke it up


He died because he killed 🤷🏿‍♂️


































The issue with the community is the fact that nobody values life anymore. I believe it happened when people started distinguishing when a baby becomes a person and when it’s just a sack of cells. Because we can keep moving the age up higher and higher, but when do we stop it’s the same thing with guns in Florida right now people younger and younger are obtaining weapons and people older and older are saying well. He needs to protect himself at a younger and younger age, I am not for control. I believe everybody should have a weapon. I also am not for people telling women what to do with their bodies. I just think there is a direct correlation between the two.