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Ofc hentai is porn if you just watch it without the argue i guess it will be easy to quit , good luck.


Worse. Much, much worse.


I've found that any visual stimulus that triggers my "horny" dopamine to be released has essentially the same effect, no matter what it is. Sure, a pretty lady in a bikini might not trigger it, but if it's a naked lady being sexual, the brain doesn't care if it's illustrated or Real. I have PIED and I can Feel the rush when my brain gets the "porn dopamine", it doesn't matter what form it takes; all porn is bad for me. I feel like reading or listening is a little different since it's more in the imagination (maybe half as intense), but it's still bad. My tip is to just make everything you do/ watch wholesome AF. No hint of sexual content. That's what I'm trying this month of July. I've been on the edge a few times (yesterday), but I don't think I've "fallen off" yet, and I'm gonna really focus going forward. The best way is to just cut it out completely.


If you’re committed to a pornography-free life then drawing erotica is off the table. Also all forms of pornography hurts people; just look at a lot of the members in this community who’s lives, relationships, and careers have been ruined by their pornography addiction


Yes, hentai is porn, but there’s nothing wrong with creating pornographic art. Cultures have expressed their sexuality through art for thousands of years


Thank you so much ! That was the answer I was looking for. I was very confused about myself wanting to watch less or quit porn but in the same wanting to draw erotica art :/. Thank you !!!


I see nothing wrong with it if your intention for doing so is to express yourself


Thank a bunch :) Have a great day !




If it's giving rise to a moral conundrum, you already know that it's bad for you


no, it's even worse


One of my issues is basically throwing my life into "porn" adjacent activities when I'm essentially too tapped from porn sessions to actually use porn. This involved working on porn related games, 3d art, and whatever as a way to continue indulging in the escape. There are a lot of other avenues to put your skills to work if you're actually trying to quit porn. When you're actually ready. You won't really have to look externally to ask, "Is it technically porn if I'm watching people through their windows and masturbating IRL, but I asked them for permission 1 time 3 months ago though now I'm kind of just doing it lol". I don't know if I'd turn a blind eye to someone who had an outrageous weed addiction deciding to commit their spare time toward helping cannabis farms for free. It just puts you in an environment where you're continually hearing about and experiencing new developments in the activity. I don't see how you can honestly get porn out of your life if you spend your life dedicated to "helping" porn artists. There will be other people out there that can help them. Other addicts will step up. You're not responsible for saving these people.


I'm not a addict... I just want to watch less... In addition, I help whom I wanna help... These artists sometimes struggles to have a decent live because of their arts...


To that I just say define what works for you. If watching hentai is fine for you then there's nothing to really change! If you find it causing similar issues as you're having with other porn related items then I feel like that's when you should re-evaluate this part of your life.