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You mean thoughts of your crush? Using your imagination only? That's how it's supposed to be done.


Binoculars in a tree like George McFly.




Perhaps. [Maybe work out with your sponsor where this is on your circle plan](https://saa-recovery.org/literature/three-circles-defining-sexual-sobriety-in-saa/).


Bro, you're asking a human being to not fantasize?


thats still objectifying women




thank you for agreeing with me, i would have explained my self more but i was too tired and now i have 22 down votes but atleast you are here for me❤️


The fact is this sub isn't nofap. This sub is no porn. It's not a popular opinion here,  but porn is not always bad. Poison is in the dosage. But this sub is for people for whom porn had become a problem, and the solution is to quit using it. One effective method is to embrace healthy masturbation habits, so that's what this sub promotes.  Of course masturbation isn't always healthy. Neither is exercise,  bananas, or coffee. The poison is in the dosage.


How so?


Downvote me if you guys want, but i agree with that. Especially if its using pictures, its still porn. Unless OP truly knows their crush personally, focusing on the crush's physical features just for sexual release would make them simply an object ONLY FOR sexual release, therefore objectifying them. Also even using imagination could create increased infatuation and fantasy which can increase anxiety when interacting, and in the long run create disappointment if OP finds out their crush doesn't like them back. I think best bet is to imagine someone OP is no longer interacting with.




Yeah tbh, I feel really guilty imagining a crush or someone attractive I know because when you see them you think "shit I really did that".


Now that, for sure, is unhealthy. We don't harm someone by having sexual thoughts about them.


It is OK until shown to be otherwise. Again, [work out with your sponsor where it is on your circle plan](https://saa-recovery.org/literature/three-circles-defining-sexual-sobriety-in-saa/).


No, as long as no porn is involved then I think it should be fine. Using your imagination without the help of porn is my ultimate goal.




What, having a normal sex drive? Sexual feelings can be porn triggers too. The problem isn't the triggers,  the problem is the behavioral response to the triggers. This sub is for people who are learning to replase the habit of porn with a less problematic habit. 


Say it louder for the people in the back! lol




Yes because at the end of the day your still jerking away to an image instead of putting energy into improving self or dating .


This is a slippery slope as one could use this logic against any downtime or guilty pleasure.


Nope! Have fun with your fantasies






It is not immoral to have sexual thoughts about someone. We don't harm someone with our sexual thoughts.


Missed the point clearly but ok


I say no, particularly if it's just a picture of their face.


I am trying to get away from needing a visual stimulus so, for me, the picture feels closer to porn. But we are all different.