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Good job being in recovery. It seems as though life keeps throwing obstacles at us. However, take this as a chance to do things right. Start changing how you eat. Move more. What can you do to prevent using Uber Eats? Buy sandwich fixin’s at the weekend? Eat foods in the following order: 1. ⁠Leafy vegetables 2. ⁠Proteins, fats 3. ⁠Carbs, starches, fruits, sweets, wine/beer This helps lower glucose spikes.


Thank you so much!


Your new addiction can be healthy food and living. It’s mine now ha. Sorry that you’re in this. Just trying to make light of the situation.


I was diagnosed at 6.5 got it down to 5.4, within several months, just concentrate on eating lots of filling lean proteins vegetables fiber and low fat with the occasional treat. Herbal treats are also great try black tea it helps you detox from sugar, also green tea and kombucha as well as apple cider vinegar with a twist of lemon. Wheatgrass powder really helps with sweets cravings. Stay away from fruit oatmeal and breads they spike glucose and leave you hungry. Check out @InsulinResistant1 and Glucose Goddess on socials. GOOD LUCK!!


Are you referring to your fasting blood glucose or your A1C?


These are A1C numbers


You were diagnosed with diabetes or Prediabetes?


Prediabetic is a caution you can go back and stop your old eating habits for life now… eat healthy and stay away from being diabetic


Have you ever been checked for ADHD? Very common with addictions


I actually was diagnosed at 23, but I knew I had it forever and my dad has it. Mine is so bad I’m on disability because I haven’t been able to maintain full time employment for longer than a year and a half to two years my entire life (although there are other mental health diagnoses and obviously substance use as factors too)


I think sugar is an addiction and if you eat fewer carbs, you’ll find you have less of an appetite. That’s my experience.  One thing that helped me with my sugar cravings and appetite was going on metformin. This is a drug which is a first line drug for diabetics and it’s very safe. Nowadays, it’s often been given to prediabetics like you and I. It calmed down my appetite, and I was able to change what I ate In a healthy direction. It’s not mood altering at all. It changes your insulin chemistry.


Thanks for the info on metformin. My Dr wants to put me on it if A1C doesn’t go down.


I’m sorry to hear it’s been awful for you. I’m literally the same i’m currently off work again for like the 4 time in 6 months and probably nearly 3 of those months have all been off work. It’s sooo disabling i’m literally a fucking mess and can’t function. I’ve even debated going down the disability route. Have you ever been medicated? I’m currently waiting to be diagnosed and hopefully be medicated this year


My nutritionist put me on 150g of protein and my sugar cravings were so manageable bc I was so freaking full from all the meat 😂


First thing: dont be scared Try to slowly change ur habits. Dont cut sweets over night. Reduce them or replace them. Start with Diet Sodas instead of Sugar Sodas. Start with half portion of sweets. Make small changes. In 3 month ur AC1 will be less and you will be motivated to take more changes


Congrats on beating the opioid addiction. We do often substitute. I was an opioid addict and smoker. Once I quit smoking I absolutely ramped up my sugar addiction. Prediabetes was probably already in the works but wasn’t tested for it til I asked for it last year. (41 years old now.) A1C was 5.7, I dropped 10 lbs and almost all sugar but not carbs and then A1C was 6.1 this year. I’ve had a CGM for a week now and it’s been interesting! Can you ask your Dr for a CGM? Quitting sugar was pretty hard, I legit felt depressed for a couple days. It’s like any addictive substance. Just keep at it! Sending you all the love and support!!


When you say 6 are you referring to A1C or fasting blood sugar? If its fasting BG then I believe you're not officially diabetic until 7.0, not 6.5.


It's actually 6.4 in the US. So 6.5 is diabetes.


That's for A1C. Not fasting blood sugar. I was referring to FBS.


I don’t know what part of the US you’re talking about because it’s 5.6 in the US. Speaking from experience as a licensed nurse.


The range for prediabetes starts at 5.6, yes, does the range not end at 6.4? This person was talking about the upper limit before reaching the diabetes range, which starts at 6.5 (the prediabetic range being 5.6 to 6.4). They said diabetes starts at 7.0, which is what I was responding to, which is what OP was originally talking about in their post (specifically saying that they're A1c was 6 and the diabetic range was at 6.5).


I had a 6.5 and was not diagnosed with diabetes.


I was just telling this person was the range was. Might want to have a chat with your Dr. [CDC A1c ranges](https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/diabetes-testing/prediabetes-a1c-test.html#:~:text=A1C%20results,Diabetes%3A%206.5%25%20or%20above)


I did ask them about it and they said two a1cs of 6.5 was needed to diagnose me.


Sugar craving can be bad bacteria in the guts. You need fasting to clear that out.