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Damn, 4$ a tab back then is a bit pricey when you think about it.


Probably a dry spell before owsley cranked out a batch


He was already cranking it out in 1969.


I used to know rainbow family cooks on Haight Street back in the 80s. I was selling for $1 per because I was buying sheets for $9. The sheets were usually still a little damp when I got em, so I would get dosed before I got back to the car. I'm not sure of the dosage, but it was really, really good.


I was also selling it in the '80s. I paid $20 a sheet so about 20 cents a hit.


I remember buying tabs in the lot in the 80s that were still damp NFA


I pay 3.80 nowadays


Individually or is that the price per tab if you buy strips/sheets/etc?


380 per sheet which is expensive honestly


I was thinking the same. In 95’-96’ I was getting it 1 for $3 and 2 for $5.


We have a winner!


But acid was like 20x as strong back then.


It was Sometimes about 4x as strong. So divide by 4, it’s still fairly expensive with inflation. They sometimes laid it at 250ug but realized pretty quickly that was too much because A) it’s too much for most people in most situations and B) people would take more than one. Owsley described it as an overdose. 100ug has always been a standard dose but it got laid around 70ug as the norm for most of time, sometimes more like 50. More realistic to assume she may have had “2x” not 20x


A couple of years ago Merry Prankster Ken Babbs did an AMA on Reddit. He said the Pranksters' usual dose was 200ug, sometimes less but that it was rare for anybody to dose significantly higher than that.


In Phil Lesh’s book he mentions 100ug or less as a standard dose for him… While discussing taking some insane dose, in 67 I think. The apple juice incident where they put something like a gram in a cup and sipped from it. Phil said it was crazy but somehow remembered it. Apparently Robert Hunter drank a good bit of it and thought he was dying, of course, but remembered being visited by his friends checking on him. Anyways, yeah the idea of people taking 500ug+ often back in the day is overstated. 200ug is plenty strong. People’s minds were just as easily blown then too. Much more and you just loose touch with reality.


Im pretty sure apple juice night was when he wrote black Peter, no?




Yup. One tab was four trips


Window 🪟 pane


That’s like $40 today


It's about right. Old guy here: used to sell $4 a tab or 2 for $5. I think my wife had the same choker :)


In ‘99, we were paying $2/tab for regular blotter and a 10-strip was $18 or $3-4/each for gel tabs.


I'm 40. I was buying acid for 5 bucks from 8th and well into my early 20s. I've seen it fo for 20 plus after.


Greatful Dead Alpine Valley 1989. $30 a sheet.


fake sign.... whatever happened to 3 for 10


Exactly what I was thinking! In the 80s, $2 to $4 was the standard price and the stuff was strong as hell! She was making a good profit.


Was just thinking 20 years ago we’d get a dosed sweet tart for 5$


Yeah I seriously think those prices have been photoshopped. Hashish is $10 a gram? That is closer to todays prices than back when minimum wage was $1.60. I could see hash being about $2-3 a gram and top shelf stuff for $10 maybe, but that stuff would have to be extra special. The price of that ounce seems about right IF that is in California. It should be stem and seed free as well. You could get stem and seed ounces for less than $10.


I think it’s a tin sign that was sold as a decoration gag in places like Spencer gifts, next to the sign that says “mustache rides 5 cents”, and “Ass, gas, or grass - nobody rides for free”. And also the sign for your van - “if the van’s a rockin’, don’t come knockin’”


Exactly this, it's definitely not photoshopped, I've seen that exact same design in the late 70s vintage book THE HIGH TIMES ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RECREATIONAL DRUGS.


The current market price of pharmaceutical-grade LSD made for legal therapeutical use in Oregon is about $80 for 300 micrograms in an alcohol tincture suspension. That's equivalent to $27 per tab. Amazing stuff though, worth every last cent.


That's what I was thinking. Used to get it for $3 back in "93


1 for $3, 2 for $5


Yea it’s like 8 bucks now lol


yeah but that shit took you to a different universe lol


Grass was $15 an oz until 1976 around me.


Yeah, that’s what I was paying in the 90s


I knew people that were getting $30/100s from the chemist in the 90s. They weren't sold at street level for that amount ever though.


right I was paying $3 in the late 90's


That was my first thought..... first cid I bought was 5, and it was legit...ha, before that it had been given..


I love that the price of acid has barely changed


Purple double barrel was $3 a dose back in the early 80’s so, yea, what’s up with that?


That’s where I’m stuck at


Was thinking the same thing


No one mentioned the fine print about having a parents note to buy smack or meth lol


Probably just a joke. I bet it was frowned apon in most communites. Espcially smack, many famous artist died from that or were seriously altered. Hell, the ones who didnt have stories around it. Like Jimi Hendrix giving Mark Farner Smack and performing an awful concert, or Syd Barrett playing one note the whole performance.


Yeah, that's a novelty sign. Something you'd see at a Spencer's gift store today.




he had mental issues before LSD... do not do LSD if you have mentall issues


He never offically announced what drugs he was on, but it was definitely the full rainbow. Not just LSD.


Barrett was not mentally stable before the heavy drug use. Jerry Garcia basically lived off of LSD and heroin and was able to keep his head.


He was called Roger, not Sydney, FYI. Syd was a nickname, not short for Sydney.


Most likely means they don’t sell smack or meth






Almost looks like the acid queen ... Grace Slick


That hash and acid is quite expensive. You can get both cheaper now.


Where does one find acid? 


You just gotta poke around


Don't tell me this town ain't got no 'cid


Girl you got such dark eyeeees Whoooo


Maybe she had too much too fast


Or just overplayed her part


Quah quah quah quah quaqquaqquaraqua


Ask a punk




In Canada you can literally buy it on the clear net now. Don’t even have to go to the darknet. Along with shrooms and dmt.


Nowadays u can get acid analogues which have similar effect to acid n legal or prodrugs which are perfectly legal and metabolize into lsd-25 in the body Legislation cant keep up with the amount of new drugs being made either they gotta do a blanket ban or give up on fighting the drugs


What country are you in?


The US


Go to any Grateful Dead/phish cover band or jam show and ask around. It is out there


Hang out at your campsite at any festival with jam bands or edm and someone will come round


Look up 1P-LSD, you can buy it online from overseas Edit: to all the people downvoting me, if you can't find acid on the street, 1P and other derivatives are great substitutes. They're made in professional labs and are lab-tested for purity (that is not true for LSD on the streets, and a lot of steet acid IS one of these derivatives being falsely advertised)


Its a Novelty Sign. You could buy these in a Spencers at the mall.


Yep. I remember it well. I'd make 4 stops every time I rode my bike to the mall, Camelot Music (record store), Walden's(bookstore), Gold Mine(arcade) and Spencer's. The blacklight poster section drew me in like a moth to a porchlight. Though it's been a spell (20 years or so?) the last time I went to a mall it was two thirds vacated but there was still a Spencer's. Half the inventory was newer built-for-stoners doodads, half was novelties leftover from the 70's.


Half an ounce of flower for the same price as a gram of hash. Makes me think of that time my neighbor tried growing for the first time and ended up with a whole lot of what we called "70s weed". Fun to roll into massive joints for parties.


What is Betties? I didn't even notice the bottom, she got H too!? If an OZ was $20, then 2grams would only be 1.42. $20 in 1969 would be equal to $171...No wonder my grandftather was smoking homegrown lmao


I think it says “Benies”? As in Benzedrine.


Maybe black Beauties think was like speed pill.


>"Black Beauties" was the street name for a combination amphetamine capsule/tablet containing 10mg of amphetamine and 10mg of dextroamphetamine. The trade name of Black Beauties was Biphetamine 20. >Amphetamines are stimulants, and Biphetamine 20 was reportedly given to soldiers to decrease fatigue and keep them awake during active combat. Later Black Beauties were marketed as diet pills. You right...i bet you some soldiers came back from Vietnam and had some on them. They not on the market anymore. I bet shorty had Quaaludes too lmao


I think it says Betties . I think they called black beauties black Bettie’s as well. It’s very strong speed pill.


Whoa, Black Betty, bam-ba-lam Whoa, Black Betty, bam-ba-lam She really gets me high, bam-ba-lam You know that’s no lie, bam-ba-lam


Bennies are Benzedrine which is an amphetamine Bennies and ludes are Benzedrine and quaaludes and are referenced in the valley of the dolls I wonder what drug the question mark is


Does it say Bennies? Maybe short for benzodiazepines? Something in the xanex family?


Gotta be Benzedrine, which would have been a very popular form of speed in the 60s. Benzodiazepines didn’t come on to the market until the late 70s/early 80s. They would have used barbiturates then for everything we use benzos for today.


no .. bennies were amphetimines... the xanax family basically didnt exist then other than valium... and then there were barbituates and ludes


Don 't think Xanax was on the market (widely) until the 70s. Could very well be bennies tho


Yeah I dont think actual xanex was, but was thinking maybe something in the benzo family to help calm you dowqn/come down from trips.


Just checked, xanax didn't get approved til the 80s. Before Xanax, to my knowledge, anxiety and sleep disorders were treated with sedatives and hypnotics...Barbiturates and Sedatives like Quaalude were common. Syd Barret was said to never waste good "Mandies" which is a brand name of a combo drug that had Quaalude *and* DPH (Benadryl). From personal history, i've used Benadryl and DPH to knock out. You can go to CVS and find DPH in the sleep aide section. Quaaludes are hypnotic as well, so i guess if you need to come down easy, that would do the trick.


Librium is the first benzo and was invented in the 50s and hit the market in 1960, valium came out in 63


I dealed back then and those prices, while on the high side, are reasonable. I wonder what the “?” item is at 17 for $1.00.


Definitely a ground score she's tryna make money off of


One of my top goals in life is to try pure 60s acid


While hiking the Appalachian Trail, I hiked alongside a cannabis professor for a few days. He asked if I wanted to drop some Grateful Dead/Sunshine Daydream acid with him, saying it was some of the best he’d come across in the past few decades. It was stronger yet more “happy” than any other acid I’ve had. The rocky trails looked like canyons folding in on themselves as I hiked. I felt like I was just a head floating over the trail, I never tripped/fell down once (which happens frequently when hiking that much). I haven’t had acid in years, but would immediately give it another go if I came across the right stuff again. EDIT: oh! We stayed at a farm hostel in the mountains that day and I relocated a dozen Indian Runner Ducks to a new pen while tripping balls. Carrying those sweet quackers while falling into the universe is an experience I’ll never forget haha.


From what I’ve heard, the pure 60s acid had/has a happier feeling, less inclined to paranoia. Not sure how that’s possible chemically but it’s interesting. Sure wish I could meet a cannabis professor who would offer me some… very interesting!


It was exactly like that. I skew very paranoid/anxious on psychedelics, at least during the initial come up. This was much stronger than anything I’ve had, yet no paranoia or fear. So much laughter.


Sandoz and owsley are described exactly as that! Late 60s / Early 70s acid began to change because sandoz no longer reduced and owsley was in jail; others began to make but the purity was lower and you started to see the bad trips explode


During that hike, I also had the worst acid I’ve ever had. Got it from a sketchy biker looking dude at the Trail Days festival. It made me jittery, paranoid, literally felt like my head and jaw was filled with acidic electricity. Couldn’t look people in the eyes and the trips weren’t very pleasant. It still “got me there” but it was like I was in a spaceship that was falling apart. Fascinating to experience the differences. Again, I’d take sunshine daydream in a heartbeat.


Sounds more like research chemicals than L. Have been there as well.


chemically its the same... only thing thats different is the dosage,, and setting is evrything


Pure LSD is LSD, there are no strains. The world was just a happier place back then…


Purity matters. Hell, the entire premise of breaking bad is drug purity


I said pure. Like 100%. But even if its 90% pure the residuals on an average dose would be 10ug. What precursors are active in such minute measures? LSD is unique in thats its active in such incredibly small amounts. I don’t know of any other drug thats even in the same ballpark.


Sweet Quackers sure sound delicious right now


well its identical to pure acid now.


60s acid and 20s weed, please.


It was great...and quite inexpensive. Tip: NEVER take 3 hits of Blue Cheer simultaneously....sheesh!


Get 1p-lsd if you can in your location. Not actually acid but people say it’s the same. I enjoyed it very much


NoDoz? She selling caffeine pills? Lol


I think I’m in love


“Requests for meth and smack must be ac-companied by a note from your parents’ What a different time


I always thought the Tintern Abbey song "Vacuum Cleaner" was about a girl like this. Dude's doing housework so she'll "fix me up with your sweet dose, now I'm drifting like a ghost, all the time."


I would like a spoonful of cocaine, please.


Those drugs for sure should be illegal. Now let me tell you about the new prescriptions we offer.


$30 per spoon? Can I pick the spoon? Like a soup ladle?


Not sure the actual weight but it was a standard measure, like the McDonald's coffee stirrers were the standard measure when filling glassine paper bags of heroin, back before they stopped making the spoon shaped ones in the late 70s. In '79 or '80 I remember seeing ads in the HIGH TIMES classified section for new old stock McDonald's plastic stirring spoons for some crazy price like $10 each, less if you bought a handful.


Came across some Hoffman 42 when I lived in London around 2000. Discovered a film set in my neighborhood setting up a bunch of Victorian steam powered machines at around 5 am. Interesting morning.


Jesus Christ!! Drug angel from heaven coming to save me!! lol


I used to buy acid in the early 80’s for $3 a dose, so $4 in 1969 seems high. However, maybe it was harder to get wherever this girl was from.


that's back when u just needed 1 for a full on experience u know what i mean. not this shit today


That’s true, they were making 250mcg doses in the 60’s. That’s a lot to start out with, but definitely worth $4!


Yes those 4 way windowpanes could be 1000 ug back in the golden era.


$5 a tab in the 90s


There's gotta be at least 1 tab sealed away for us to try


Oooh, let’s get the question mark


Quite the bargain that mystery high


the nickname "grass" (and "Mary Jane") have gone by the wayside


DAMN! $20 for a ounce


Right, I got a giant black garbage bag full for 150. Just to see if the guy could deliver on his promise. And he did. Talk about nervous having that much weed in possession.


I'm old enough to remember commercial grade seeded import weed retailing for $40 an oz back in the late 70s.


I’d kill for those coke prices again…


I'll take two ? Please.


We talkin lil McDonalds spoons?


Bro the prices 🤯


“Requests for smack or meth must be accompanied by a note from your parents” lmao what?


Can you imagine normal drug dealers having tabs for 4 bucks ea?? What a time to be alive


I wish I still smoked so I could call it grass. I’d bring that back.


Your right about that 🙂 anywho the prices are a great photo op. Funny when my parents were ripping a bong through the 70s. People either love it or hate it.


Damn. I wish when I showed up at my dealers house he just sat there cross-legged like this holding a sign. “How much for some acid?” *points at sign


"Requests for smack and meth must be accompanied by a letter from your parents." Ok


? If u gotta ask u can't afford it.lol


Hash at 10 bucks a gram, 0 inflation in 50 years


Take me to your dealer..


A lot of that pricing held through the 80’s and even Acid was only &5 a dose in the early 90s.


that's not bad


and where is she today?




There's countless interviews from the band members who said his acid use became intolerable and what made him lose his mind and ultimatelykicked out of Pink. Non of them were doing heroin.


$4 a tab for LSD in 1969? Sounds expensive. I sold it for $3, 2 for $5, throughout the 80's and if you bought more, the price went down a lot. I'd buy grams for like $2300, and dip 12k tabs out of it, so I was paying about 19 cents each. Selling quantity at 50 cents each more than doubled my money. The catch though was that the low LSD prices were only available around San Francisco, so I had to live there, but was able to take advantage of the huge geographical disparity in price by mailing it all over the East Coast, where me and my customers cut out a ton of middle men, keeping prices low but with big profits.


All is see is Bennies 25¢….🥰😴🤪🤘


Micky with his 1960s greeting. “Ah ha! GET HIGH!”


“I’ll take 17 of ‘?’…make that 34!”


U forgetting that 4 bucks back then was nothing and everything at the same time


“Siri: how can I build a Time Machine”


Blows my mind how the price of acid hasn’t really increased over the years. Even with as expensive as that was back then a tab of acid is going to get you a lot higher than an ounce of grass. People pay 15 or 20 bucks for a pill of ecstasy these days and still… 5 bucks a tab? Doesn’t add up!


Take me to there


"*The dealer for a nickel*. Lord, *will sell you lots of sweet dreams* "


Price of hash still the same


Is she gonna make you sit there and smoke half your shit too?


Acid is cheaper today! What a value that drug is! viva la LSD!!


Acid the inflation fighter


“Requests for smack or meth must be accompanied by a note from your parents” lmao what?


Everyone’s older sister back when waiting for her boyfriend to arrive on his Honda.


What size spoon are we talking about for $30. Can I provide my own spoon?


Man I wish I had a hot drug dealer gf


I have a great article about Belushi’s dealer. The good one, not the one that sold him the final hit.


That’s crazy expensive


She’s got a I’m hot tax. Prices a little high.


I could get better prices in 79. That's the I want to fit into the scene prices. The casual drug users, that just wanted to have a little fun on the down low paid a lot less.


$20 for a zip!!!? they was definitely smoking that down town brown 😂. Crazy how it went to “Four fa the dub” (four blunts. Little less than a 8th of a oz) when I was a kid


$20/oz Even for some raggy bunk thats a great deal wtf


A “spoon” of cocaine? Alright, what’s that converted to metric?


The price of acid hasn’t changed all that much


Lemme get a tab


Damn she sold smack too.


Wait-COKE WAS ONLY $30 for 5mL!?!? What. The. Actual. Fuck.


Is no one else going to mention the “?”


Me realizing 1969 also means that 4 dollars of then isnt the same as of now rn u can get lsd tabs for as cheap as 3 bucks but 4 dollars back then is like 34 bucks nowadays


What’s going on with her hand?


Alright, how big is this spoon we’re talking about?


No shrooms?


Lemme get 1,700 question marks please




>requests for smack and meth must be accompanied by a note from your parents. This dealer is as wholesome as she is hot.


Gooney Bird


You're telling me that's NOT Lana Del Rey??


Some of that is pricey for back then. $10 of hash I can get high grade hash here in uk for £10 per g. Acid $4 each, wow. Pay that now almost. Glad inflation has not hit the drug market so much


That's a famous design I first saw in a 1970s vintage book, THE HIGH TIMES ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RECREATIONAL DRUGS.


Haha need a parent note if you want smack or meth. Too funny, but that $20 oz, though!


I want to see the size of the spoon first.


Doing gods work


It’s funny all the Deadheads chiming in


I didn't know Britney Spears sold drugs!


Used to sell it myself and actually even had access during the infamous busts during the early 2000s ("Silo Busts", "Pickard Bust")... we were charging 15.00 per hit. People were gladly paying because you could not find tabs anywhere. It was "still cheaper then shrooms" which tended to go for 50 an 1/8th. The reality is there are only a handful of individuals that are actually producing LSD worldwide at any moment. A major one got popped in the early 2000s. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William\_Leonard\_Pickard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Leonard_Pickard) It is very strange to think back on this... I was like 18 to 20 years old and my friends and I were able to maintain connections to acquire LSD when nobody fucking could. At the time I had no idea how lucky I was and personally I was more interested in the high quality crystal MDMA that was popping up that people were calling "molecule" or "molly". I was going to a lot of raves and jamband shows back then and also had a strong local connection. But yeah I guess we just took advantage of a drought??? At the time I had no idea that was what I was doing, I just wanted to go to concerts/DJs and dance mainly lol. We also used to have "grades" of LSD, often depending on who produced it "silver", "fluff", "amber" etc etc. Not sure what the scene is like nowadays, I only smoke weed nowadays. I'm 40. I might trip again someday but I for sure do not participate in the trade anymore.