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I feel like this is everybody in Florida honestly lol. Everyone is always blocking the way, standing in the middle of the isle, oblivious to the fact that people are trying to get around them or just not caring. When you say "excuse me" they get all flustered and annoyed.


Exactly like you get to leave after you get what you need i still have to be here why are you acting like you’re the one being inconvenienced cause you have to take 2 steps forward/backwards


Yep...not just old people.


Boomer is not just an age bracket, it’s a mindset


^ This


You are so right about this. I moved to Florida like 1.5 years ago and I've never experienced people with less awareness or consideration for those around them in my life it drives me nuts


Grew up in Florida. Moved away like ten years ago. Been living west of the Mississippi up until 8 months ago. Ended up back here for work. I forgot how much I really don't like it here.


Right!? I moved from the Ozarks and people were just so much more considerate there than Florida.


When we just got off of covid being a huge deal...The amount of "No fucks" given by these people, is astounding. They have no regard to personal space. I call them the "ME ME ME" Generation.


Yeah they got so angry about having to keep a distance away from others in order to not get sick or spread Covid themselves. It was like they were angry that they weren't allowed to potentially kill anyone.


I had this old lady almost get Shoulder checked the other day. I was in produce, and was near the Green Peppers/Hot Peppers wall area. She reached PAST my face to grab ONE, SINGLE Carrot. No "Excuse me" no "Mind if I get past you?" No warning. Just straight up, REACH past me. They really about to go to the ER over a carrot? I don't mean I'd Maliciously hurt them, but I have a fight or flight you know? ![gif](giphy|oIGmZDhDzDckw|downsized)


a year ago now, I had an old lady push my cart away so she could get to the bell peppers I was standing at. No excuse me or could you move your cart, just a push. I had just gotten to the peppers too.


Cool story, bro, especially the part about Publix selling single carrots.


[Green Pepper Wall](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a7df1e86957da3e9ccb408f/1534709638071-TSGP6MICFQOD0ZTOZGL7/IMG_7198.jpg) What's usually to the Right of this section in a corner for you? Left is usually radishes/turnips,and Cabbages. To the Right: Carrots where they are served in Bags, From Baby to Regular and usually at the bottom, you can buy them single. To the right of the Carrots: Guacamole/salsa and so on. Cool story bro, your publix doesn't have single buy carrots? Also, Bananas: You know how people constantly be ripping them up and leaving single use ones on the bottom? That part too. Usually older people. At least in my retirement center area.


Wow, that's a lot of details. Thanks for the education and edification regarding your local Publix produce section.


Have a GREAT day!


Unless you have anxiety like me! Then you’re actively making sure you are out of the way. Even move my wife to make sure she is out of the way at all times too


Same here


yeah it's all those damn transplants. If everyone could go back to whence they came from, Florida would be full of it's Natives. The passing lane would be the passing lane, people wouldn't stop in the middle of the road bc they missed their turn, friendliness everywhere (bc us Natives are real southerners) instead of all the rejected NY'rs & now we're getting CA rejects. If you weren't born here or aren't married to a native you must go clean up your own state bc coming down here & messing up ours looks like it's Florida's fault.


Youre right man. a lot of People native to here were good and friendly. I was born here too in the 90's. Its changing for the worse


Oh and did I mention we wouldn't be DESTROYING our wildlife by taking their homes & putting up PLASTIC FLORIDA. Our Sand Cranes would still be in their homes minding their own business instead of wondering where they are gonna sleep at night. if you live in one of the new shiny developments? GFY the repercussion that will come from all of this is going to be horrible & they just keep building.


you are not wrong there. transplants gotta live somewhere. let’s fill in this swamp & build a subdivision for them so they can look down their noses at us.


Let's pave over the entire state, including right up to the Green Swamp.


It's the natives that are the issue


I-95 runs both ways.


lol no


You really see society for what it is working retail. Creed, race, sexual orientation, etc. Doesn’t matter, everyone is an asshole when they know people are serving them.


> You really see society for what it is working retail. I went to Busch Gardens the other week. The animals were more civilized and kinder when the caretaker brought out food than when people see me wheel out a short rack from the meat department. 💀


Same reaction when I pull stock from the back or top.


oh really?


did someone say Creed?


Can you take me higher


Please don't come in the chicken.


LMFAOOOOOOOOO that make laugh i needed that thank you


[come in with the milk](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uus--6heuw8)


The problem is I don't think people think they are being rude taking stuff off the cart they probably think they're doing you a favor cuz there's less stuff you have to put on the shelf.


Taking stuff off the cart is whatever. Its the fact that he didn’t move after I politely asked him too & it almost cause me to drop some boxes on the ground. Thats what got on my nerves


You do realize that some old people can't hear too well, right?


You do realize he has eyes & can clearly see that he is in ny way




I’ve noticed this with a lot of people. They’re not actively trying to be rude, they’re just selfish and absolutely oblivious to other people’s needs or that there’s even other people around them existing.


It’s not old people. There are just rude inconsiderate people in are society and the old one were most likely the same way when younger


They know the end is coming for them, and they want to make everyone feel like shit before then just because they can.


Real as fuck


They secretly fear the possibility of no afterlife and they’re simply lashing out.


Keep fucking with me & he’ll find out sooner than he wants to(jokes)


Because we're old. That's why.


I fucking hate old people


SPOILER ALERT !!!! Unless you die young, you're going to get old. Don't throw all of us "old people" in the same bag.


ha! this old fart still uses "bags"


SO does publix ... plastic AND paper. Just keeping with the bagging theme kid.


Yeah well that’s the circle of life dipshit. Right now I get to hate all of the insufferable old people, and when I’m old the younger people can hate me. But until then, I’ll hate to my hearts content.


Yes, you can hate.. r-complex lizard brain etc... . Try using the more evolved part of your brain... OMG. DEVO!!!! Lion King (the movie) depicts circle of life.... Wow..... Have you no concept of death??? By the way.. that is what makes us different from the other great apes.....


Ok boomer


Never heard that clever comeback🙄


Hate? Wow.


I see you deleted “You hate me too”, comment. I feel for you being filled with hate for people you don’t even know.


I hate you sir


I feel sorry for you that you have hate in your heart for anyone especially those you never met. Best of luck navigating through life.


[hate in my hart](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Xya5rfhiaeI)


Yes, hate in your heart not a good thing. Wasted energy.


LOL 🤣🤣 Because they've been nice their whole life & people just continued to sh#t on them .. so by the time they are old they are OVER IT & all y'all's bs.


old people have seen some shit and been through some shit.. and everything hurts 💀 that’s not really an excuse but that’s the only ethical reason i like to think of 😭


![gif](giphy|rBDY1LzAIpyPphFoo6|downsized) I get that but dont take it out on me im not the one or the two


oh okay op definitely not the one or the two got it 💀


I had to cuss this man out an hour ago. I dont play them games. Im always so nice but i have a short fuse. You’re safe though 🫶🏾


yeah sometimes you gotta let people know you have a voice


I try to but nobody here takes me seriously. They only listen when im angry & cussing. Even then shit doesn’t change but it is what it is


"Not today, Satan!"


Plus, I’ll work my cart around and try to let people through due to small areas in produce, but the moment i need space to walk through doors im not worth the trouble from the same customer i went put of my way to help. Let alone the, “Good Morning” and a smile from me, then an eyeroll from old customers. I dont understand how the pandemic made everyone lose their compassion for others.


Post this on r/boomersbeingfools


You would be grumpy too. Check back in with yourself when you are 70+...


nobody should even want to be that old


Nobody does unless they know they WON'T make it to that age...


Boredom, being on the brink of death, entitlement, narcissism.  A lot of it comes from their upbringing. Abusive parenting, being worked to the bone at a young age, lead poisoning from gasoline, etc. 


And there always so annoying, like they buy the whole god damn store and act like they can’t lift 2 cans of soup. Literally had a customer come in and was struggling to pick up a bag that had *3 boxes of cereal* and said it was too heavy for her and she kept bitching and moaning about the bags. Did I mention she had 500 dollars of food that was mostly heavy???


Live in FL. Feel it's just that SOME retired people are not aware of time restraints on busy working people or if not retired are planning an agenda in their minds. Accomplishment not other people is their first agenda.


I've noticed a trend at my store, I work the hot case most days, and most of the older people are very rude. There are a few who are quite nice and I enjoy helping them, but the tone and attitude most of these people show is unacceptable, but as an employee I have to sit in silence and deal with it. Its very frustrating


Thats so true, idk why old people are so rude. Its either extreme assholes or really nice. Never seen an in between


Nice asshole


Part of it is some of them have constant pain and health issues so they take it out on others


Do Floridians realize how much Publix is screwing them over with their inflated prices?


Cause we're curmudgeons. At least I am, but I try to be nice to people.


I am working hard at being crotchety AF.


Learned a new word today




: )


Nothing like trying to fill up the case with meat to only have someone push you you outta the way with a buggy and start looking through your rack. I now immediately grab the rack an take it right into the cooler, fuck em.


As an old man I can only say life in prison or death don't hold as much fear as it used to, and if some younger persons beats me up jokes on the for beating on an old guy. Worse if I beat your ass everyone will laugh at you.


I notice the opposite in that grocery store employees don’t say excuse me, or they cut me off with their cart, like the customer isn’t important. I’m not old, btw. When I worked in a supermarket a few years ago, many of the older people were kind of miserable.


Because customers are constantly right where the worker needs to be for 8 hours a day and completely oblivious in their own world


Even though I'm pretty close to the exit door in life, I have to admit, there are some seriously rude old people. Had a guy come thru express, full MF'ing cart, I tell him it's express, he just looked at me and started unloading his crap. Up behind him a lady with another full cart, I tell her it's express and she replies, I'm with him. Then they tell me they want everything double bagged. Really felt like telling them to do it for themselves. Total was over 600.00.


Especially when you are on your knees stocking and they come right to you and yell EXCUSE ME, I NEED TO GET THROUGH! So I get up only for them to just go down the aisle and not buy or stop at any section. In my head I think you clearly saw me on the ground and still came down the aisle to cut through it?? What, the other aisles had no one on it so you kept looking until you saw me on the ground and raced forward with your cart???


regular customer (probably my age) was blocking the bunker and half the aisle with her cart as I was moving a float around the corner. so as I went around, head first in the dual temp, she acted as if she didn’t see me/hear my, “good morning!” four steps later I parked the guy in front of frozen meat and she whips around past me with, “I almost ran you over!” with the disgust face. If this was you I apologize for not signaling my parking brakes. if you need my insurance info please let me know. if you’re normal pace goes from stopped to hurried, you might need to lay off the coffee diazepam cocktail


There’s something to happens to old people around age 60. Realizing you’re going to die without accomplishing those things you thought you could creates this weird mix of envy/regret/despair. Old people don’t give a shit so they vomit this emotion on younger people so that they can bring them down to their level. Most people compartmentalize this well but others can’t and voila you have a Karen


I do instacart and the shit I witness with old people everyday is wild. Constantly blocking aisles/in the way, coughing loud as hell without covering their mouth right by me, coming up to me saying random shit about whatever when I’m trying to work, the other day I was just finishing up using self checkout and old man asks if I was using it then proceeds to tell his wife “I don’t know what she’s doing” after I replied. Idk what’s up w them.


oh and they love coming at times they know are already busy like with people just getting off of work just to be in the way more.


Bruh... you will get old, you will become a dick. Its the circle of life


Not necessarily, you only become a dick when you’re older if you were a dick your whole life, but if you’re a decent human being for all of your life, then you’ll be a decent human being when you get older, its not that hard.


Doesnt hold water my man.


Yea true, if i still have reddit when im old ill hit you up & see if im a dick🤣


Yep, he was old and rude so that equates to “old people” implying all, are rude. From this I could imply young people are pushy and intolerant.


What do you want me to say “some old people are rude”. I wasnt saying all old people are it was just a general statement


Looks like that customer found you on Reddit. Sorry op.




But what if I said young people are disrespectful (rude) ,or lazy, or entitled, wouldn't you object without the clarifying "some"???? It works both ways.... believe me... you will be old, grey, somewhat immoblie, react slower, maybe in more pain, and likely more apprehensive of the what is to come as the grim reaper awaits.....


Reading comprehension has left the chat lmao


You would think his old ass would know that by now


Your true colors shine through with your rant. Your entitlement is whining about an elders entitlement. I hope you grow up one day.


Im trying to do my job, i politely asked him if he could move, he doesn’t move, almost makes me drop 3 boxes of chicken then takes chicken off of my cat but im entitled. Please stfu & think before you speak


Stellar response. And there lies the problem. Keep on doing your best.


Jax, stfu.


Another prime example… thank you.


I put you in your place & you cant think of anything to say because you’re wrong


[put em in their place](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Co63sm3lgKM)


You put me in my place? Ok tard.




Do you believe this response was even remotely productive? I'm not one to harp on the semantics normally, but you're literally shitting on them for a sub par response, yet you yourself are only providing an unproductive and passive aggressive response without expounding on anything and only reeking of superiority.


You obviously do harp on semantics and this has nothing to do with superiority, get a grip. Try being human and have empathy for your customers who you know nothing about.


Didn't say what you said had anything to do with superiority directly. I said the way you replied, while complaining about the quality of their response, was a response of sub par quality. The way you replied reeked of superiority, that doesn't mean the content of the sentence was talking about superiority. Also, you know nothing about me or what I think about what he was saying. I don't even agree with the dude you replied to, so don't make assumptions just cuz I disagreed with your response.


Fuck off, boomer.


Far from a boomer, just raised better. Lol.


Maybe because being an elder doesn’t automatically grant you the right to be entitled. All of us are just humans.