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Cop was wrong, or was just appealing to be kind. Only rules I know of is you need a valid registration and your car has to point in the flow of traffic.


Also 5 feet from the driveway. Also 25 feet from a corner. 


Also, he said “the only rules I know”…. And I wish you said it too. All I know is something about a fire hydrant


That’s true another 25 feet for fire hydrants. 


Sounds like he or she was appeasing the resident. The city or state owns the street unless it is marked a priv dr on the street sign. Besides that, why not just park in the parking area?


Purely personal preference. I like street parking. Edit: not sure why I'm getting down voted for preferring Street parking


Do you drive a nice car?


Yeah it's a new car. Why do you ask?


I love the fact you seemingly can’t fathom why that would piss people off hahaha. Ignorance truly is bliss…..


I mean, I'm not trying to play dumb. I simply don't know what people's problem is with me liking street parking. Maybe their assumption is that I would choose street parking over lot parking on a narrow busy street where it slows traffic, but that's not the case. I don't want to assume people's reasoning if they don't state it.


Because instead of parking in a parking area you’re a random person parked in front of someone’s home?


Their home is on a public street right in front of a public park. The easiest way to get to the basketball courts is by parking on the street, which is why people park there all the time.


Yet you said previously this was purely out of personal preference? I’m sure their personal preference is to not have some weird stranger sitting in a parked car in front of their home? How is that so difficult to understand? Many things are “legal” doesn’t mean they’re right. I assume I don’t need to go into specifics here.


>Yet you said previously this was purely out of personal preference? I’m sure their personal preference is to not have some weird stranger sitting in a parked car in front of their home? How is that so difficult to understand? I have repeatedly said I understand their concern which is why I didn't mind moving. I never said my preference was to park directly in front of their house. I do mind if they have issues with me parking on that street in general if it's not directly in front of their house. It's reasonable to not want people in front of your house. It's not reasonable to not want people anywhere on your block.


City streets are OK for parking unless clearly marked to the contrary


Unless you were parked too close to the driveway or blocking the driveway, I don't see why the officer should force you to move the car. Sounds like BS.


I don't think you needed to move. I'm not an attorney, but the officer's reasoning does not sound legit or legal.


Did you park your car and leave? Or were you hanging out in front of somebody’s house for long enough they called the cops and you were still in your car?


I did not leave. I was on the phone in my car. I know that it seemed weird for me to be parked there sitting in my car, which is why I expressed that I understood the resident being concerned.


I don't know why you are being downvoted. I would rather someone pull over to speak on their phone than do it while driving.


I almost got a ticket for doing this. Luckily I saw the cop through my living room window. Neighbors across the street complained enough (I wasn’t blocking driveways or anything!! Plenty of room!!!) that they came out and were about to ticket me. Cop told me that the neighbors were complaining bc of their elderly/disabled family member or something? Idk. didn’t get a ticket or any more complaints after I asked him what was illegal about where I parked


Yeah. I moved but I would've definitely contested it if I hadn't been in my car at the time and had been given a ticket. I won't park in front of that house anymore because i have no intention of antagonizing the resident, but if they continue to be pressed about me parking on the street. I'm just going to point out to the next cop that I'm legally parked.


I did stop parking there as often, but not completely. My driveway was probably an 87 degree upward slope, with no flat area to park. Had to throw on the e brake. I did not enjoy parking there or backing out ETA this is probably one of those citations that cops hope ppl will just pay rather than go to court over it


We had a neighbor who left an ancient shitty SUV on the street in front of someone's house for (ready for this?!?!) 17 years. Car was moved maybe 2x, briefly, in all those years. Can you imagine a car like that camped in front of the mayors house for 10 mins let alone 17 yrs? Owner has/had space in the driveway for the crap box but preferred to infringe on the neighbors across the street. 🙄🙄🙄


If the car doesn't move for 3 days or something like that it's considered abandoned and you can get it towed.


Agree. We tried. It took forever to get resolved. So ridiculous.


Some residential streets have permitted street parking for residents during certain hours, but that would be posted. That’s usually in mixed use areas (like the Person Street area) though and there would be signs. If not, the people living there were just being jerks and the cop was just trying to appease them, unless, of course, you’ve got a nice car and happen to be a person of color or match some other stereotype that make people post on Nextdoor.


>unless, of course, you’ve got a nice car and happen to be a person of color or match some other stereotype that make people post on Nextdoor. I do fit this description, so that's possible.




Were you blocking a drive way?


No. Their driveway faced a different street


Then you didn't do anything wrong. The street is private property


Think you meant to say public.


Yes I did. Public property


Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s cool is what I think about sometimes


I get that. Which is why I moved. If they don't want me parked in front of their house that's not a big deal. But I also wanted to make sure that there wasn't something I was misunderstanding about parking regulations. Cause it wouldn't be reasonable for them to prevent me from parking anywhere on the street near the park if it's legal, but I can understand not wanting me parked in front of their house. I just wanted to make sure that if this happens in the future there's no grounds for me receiving a citation for parking on that street.


If you get that then why are you asking in previous comments why you are being downvoted lol?


The question wasn't "why park specifically in front of someone's home?", the question was "why not park in the lot?" The street is public parking as well that can be utilized for the park. I was under the impression that I was being down voted for preferring Street parking, not for parking right in front of someone's home, which I have repeatedly expressed being willing not to do in the future. I am not willing to just not park on the street at all when it's right in front of the park I go to. If they wanna make it a no parking zone I'll use the lot, but you can't just prevent anyone from parking on the street in near your home if it's a public road that isn't marked as a no parking zone.


That cop was being ridiculous. I’d have made them give me a ticket and then fight it in court. There’s no law that you broke.




Then maybe move to live on a private road. Public streets, and sidewalks, and parks and parking are just that, public.




Ahhh the old slippery slope....in the first reply too! Howdy boomer/republican!




Who's calling names, I was saying hello? Geez I knew old angry republicans were salty but damn, can't even say hello.




Am I really though? Hmmmm.




Well, I mean if you're going to wear a maga shirt, expect people to know whether or not they dislike you at first glance.....Also, expect them to act accordingly.


Depends where. If there are no parking signs, then yes.


You should have let him tow your car...then you'd have something to take to city leaders and maybe get something done...now you're just contributing to the problem.


I'd have made them give me a ticket just to see what crazy charge they come up with. I'd record it on video as they wrote it too.


Tell that cop to kick rocks


Posted at 10pm. If your car is running, taking a call can be extremely loud. Bass from a car can be felt inside a house pretty easily.  You say you were parking, but you were not. You were taking a phone call with the car running, I suspect. 


Posted at 10 pm but the stop happened right around 9. It wasn't a loud or long call. I'm sure if noise was an issue it would've been mentioned. I didn't say I was parking, I said I was parked. I have no reason to lie, I was sitting in my car and it was on and I was on my phone. I didn't say this person wasn't justified in calling. In my original post and in all my comments I made it clear that I understand the resident's reaction. My post was asking for clarity on parking ordinances. General consensus seems to be that I can legally park on that street.


They called the police on you. Consider how they knew you were there at all. Were they continuously peering out their windows, or did they hear you? Clearly you did something disruptive to make someone look. 


>Consider how they knew you were there at all. They knew I was there because I was clearly parked in front of their house sitting in my car on my phone for a significant amount of time, and I've parked there before. People have eyes. Id admit if I was loud. I have no reason not to. And I'm sure the officer would've mentioned it if noise was a factor. When the officer realized there weren't any signs posted showing I couldn't be there, they ended up just advising me to park on the other side of the street going forward, and I don't think 10 extra feet would've solved a noise issue. >Clearly you did something disruptive to make someone look.  Or people saw a car sitting outside their house, saw it hadn't moved after awhile and called the police. And also for the majority of the time I was sitting there, my phone wasn't even connected to my car, so it definitely wasn't a noise issue. In my experience, people call the cops on you for all sorts of reasons when you havent done anything illegal. I literally sat down on a curb to have lunch once and someone called the cops because I looked out of place.


Your comments paint a slightly different picture. On the one hand you were legally ok on the other hand parking in front of somebody’s home then sitting on your phone for a long time is mildly rude. Go to a public parking lot and do that, especially at night.


>On the one hand you were legally ok on the other hand parking in front of somebody’s home then sitting on your phone for a long time is mildly rude. Fair enough. I don't plan on parking in front of their house anymore and I understand why they thought it was weird, that's why I moved. I was kinda annoyed that I had to move, but more bothered that the cop didn't have a clear answer about if I was allowed to park on the street in general.


I will say calling the cops was pretty damn weird.


Hard to believe they showed up for something like this. It's a next door moment not a police action.


Tbh I don't think it was that weird to call if they were genuinely worried about me being there, it was the more reasonable option than approaching my car. I think we both would've felt unsafe and it would probably have been handled much less effectively for that reason. The weirdest thing to me was the cop not knowing if I was allowed to park on that street.


Rude? Not rude at all. Calling the cops was crazy but I think the cops know this nut and were appeasing a crank.


This is piggy backing on downtown raleigh parking. I was downtown today trying to park to go to whatever they had going on and it was just so hard to find a spot. Thing is I passed several large empty lots. I know state and city are separate and these were probably state lots by can’t they work out a weekend deal? Talking just large empty parking lots. They keep sending surveys out asking how to improve downtown and get people there, well you have to provide free parking to start.


There are state employees parking lots downtown that you can park in for free on the weekends. There is a large one next to the governor’s mansion.


I never see cars in that one though. I see buses from other school counties many times. Or special vehicles. But not parking


There is plenty of free parking in downtown Raleigh on weekends. Today was the pride festival with an expected attendance around 100,000 people -- not your typical weekend.


True and good point. The 29th is the food rodeo and we will see how parking goes. I was just pointing out there is a large state lot at the corner of Blount and Edenton just north of Moore Square and a block from the capital that is walkable to all these downtown events yet remains empty.


Pretty sure you can't block someone's walkway to the street as well as their driveway.


Pretty sure I didn't block either of those things considering their driveway even didn't face the street I was on.


I had a shitty neighbor who called that in on me. Cop told me I couldn't be within a foot of the driveway or their walkway. Idk if that was correct or whether the cops was just being nice to the home owner vs renter.