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He’s also part beaver. https://i.imgur.com/5NBKr7f.jpg


You're awesome! I bet swimming feels good for an old dog with tired legs


[You’re gonna love this](https://www.today.com/pets/loving-arms-man-floats-his-sick-dog-sleep-becomes-internet-934394)


Jesus man.. That picture alone.. and then the story? That link should come with a warning! Thanks for sharing though.


You could be sad or you could be happy that a pet and an owner bonded so well. That dog lived a fruitful life and was loved everyday. There are so many animals that don’t get love like that. That dog lived a good life.


Either way I’m crying.


And I'm crying with you.


That's the internet I love. Thanks for sharing this.




I need to go home and hold my pup. Awe.


pet your dog for me


This was written in 2012 😭😭😭


20 years is a good life for a dog!


Died in 2013 too. :(


Can’t see it cause the website froze my app after telling me to turn my ad block off:(


Maybe [this link](https://protectallwildlifeblog.com/2267-2/) will work better for you? It’s pretty much the exact same story :)


I lost it just reading the headline and more and more as I read the article, geez


This melts my heart


I did not expect to cry today


I did this a lot with my second to last Labrador, who was my special once in a lifetime dog. In fact, she went to sleep in the water with me, and didn’t wake up. My vet was beyond awesome, when it was time they came out to the house and the three of us went down to the river. She died with her head on my shoulder and a stick in her mouth.


I said goodbye to my most special girl this past May, and this thread has me tearing up. I miss her so much.


Please tell me this is a real story.


I'm reading this as it was the plan to have the dog put to sleep while in the water with the owner cradling him. Hence why the vet came out and they all went down to the water. Which is really amazing. If I'm wrong it's amazing either way.


Are you sure it's not a [bear](https://www.mississauga.com/news-story/10213393-update-investigation-over-after-police-receive-reports-of-bear-sightings-in-mississauga/)?


I am unsure.


[Or maybe an alligator](https://globalnews.ca/news/6897097/brampton-alligator-report-peel-police/)?


Hey, nice beaver


Thank you, I just had it stuffed.


Just wanted to say you're an amazing human being and I hope there are billions of more like you some day


There's me thinking he's got buck teeth under those gums


that's a water doggo!


Your awesome. There are so many dogs in shelters that need good homes. Good on you for adopting. Thank you


Thanks for the kind words.


But he's right, you know. To take an older dog or cat into your home is just magnificent. This is what they need. This is what they deserve. Thank you.


We got an older cat and he’s amazing. Don’t think I’d ever actually want to adopt a kitten now that we know how chill older animals can be


As a shelter worker, you're the type of adopter I always hope walks in the doors. Older dogs are some of my favorites! The shelter is extremely tough on all dogs, but especially older pups. I appreciate everybody who adopts, but people willing to take home older animals are extra special 💖


Seriously it's so sad and I don't know how some people can give up their older pets. I plan on adopting older pets to give them a good life once I get a large enough home with a yard.


We got our older dog because his owner was sick and dying of cancer. She gave him up so he would have a home vs finding her one day deceased.


My grandparent's next door neighbor died unexpectedly. Her 16 year old dog was really cranky, and he wasn't nice to anyone besides her. Her children (people in their 50s) tried to adopt the dog, but he bit them several times. My grandparents tried as well, but also got bit several times. Between his long list of medical problems, and his biting, the kids ended up putting the dog down. He was a jerk, but I do miss him. RIP Rocky.


He's so cute! Thanks for adopting an old dog, few people ever do (even though old dogs might already be house-trained and know some basic commands, the right old dog can be the perfect dog for a first time dog owner). What's his name?


The shelter named him Yogi. We don't know what his original name was but he responds to Yogi so we're keeping it. I call him Yogurt a lot though.


May the Schwartz be with you :)


I wish more people would give a senior dog a try. This is my first time with one and I don’t think I’ll ever get a puppy. My old dog is chill and just wants to relax and hang out. He was so sad and nervous in the shelter and now he’s just content.


Have you seen the Golden Ratio on Twitter? They adopt almost exclusively senior dogs and give them a life of luxury while they can


I rescued my dog that I've had now for 4 years from getting put down. We got him at 9 and he's still pushing on. He's an adorable little fellow.


I love old fellers! They’re the sweetest.


I dont really get it. I've adopted 3 older dogs and it's great because they tend to be much more mellowed out. Less of a headache than young pups. However I will admit the vet bills are not fun. had to drop 4k on a dog once. ugh


This is whats holding me back - i cant drop $4k but worry i will feel so guilty not to. Otherwise, i would definitely adopt an.older dog.


Pet Insurance. Get it on seniors when you first adopt them!


A lot of pet insurances will not cover an older animal that hasn’t been paying in since they were young. I could not get coverage for my older cat when I inquired about it.


You will spend so much more on a pure breed (if you buy) during its lifetime. Specially those with breathing problems, joint problems, or those more likely to get cancer (like boxers). Old fellas may come in with problems, but a lot of them are suuuper resilient (my old doggo is the proof of that).


I think it's just a difference in what people are looking for. I personally am a puppy/young dog person who wants their dogs to be able to do all the activities like hiking, running, long walks, agility, etc. Some people want old, chill couch dogs. Both are fine! Just gotta make sure you get the right dog(s) for your lifestyle.


The definition of young (months-old) and what young dogs can do is different. Sure, a 2 month old puppy will have a lot of room to learn and do a lot of activities, but isn't that much time lost or lack of energy compared to a 2-3 year old dog, still young and able to do as much activity as a pup. ​ Give those dogs a chance! They get dumped because they're not puppies any more, but are still as energetic as small ones. ​ We adopted ours at around 1.5, a total puppy, and there hasn't been that much difference during the 8 or so years we've had him.


My dog is 10 and still has puppy energy. People ask if she's a pup, her face is white so you can't tell her age. She's even on prozac to try to chill her out. Perpetual pup.


One of our old men had a $3500 vet bill before we had him a week. Old dogs are not for the faint of heart or those weak in the wallet. We're older with an empty nest and available resources, so we do what we can.


I somehow ended up rescuing an older rat terrier. I never meant to keep her, just thought I’d treat her medical issues and then find her a good home. But she’s the best dog I’ve ever known, so almost 5 years later she’s still with me.


I think there are 2 reasons more people don't adopt older animals. Vet bills is the first. Old dogs are expensive. Second, and more importantly in my view, is that no one wants to get attached to an animal they know will only be around for a couple more years. Losing a pet is such a painful ordeal, I can understand why no one wants to adopt knowing that it's gonna happen soon.


My dog is like this. Got her when she was 9, house trained, comes when you whistle, and is the sweetest dog I have ever met. I have no idea why someone wouldn't want her but I'm glad they didn't because she makes me happy every day.


Older animals in general are so much more chill and mellow. They're great companions for someone who can't keep up with high-energy pets.


Good on you. I’ve tried to get my girl on board with this but she’s more afraid of her broken heart than the feeling of knowing you gave an old friend some good last years. Cheers to you.


My boyfriend started looking at shelter dogs with 2 conditions in mind. 1: has to be a senior and 2: has to have been in the shelter for "too long". I think his time qualifier was like 6 months or something. So we got a 9 year old pit mix who had been there for 7 or 8 months, and to top it off they waived the adoption fee because she's an old lady! She's a peach... unless you're a skunk... then she's a terrifying nightmare monster who will destroy your world.


You’re BOTH amazing humans - senior, unwanted AND a pit mix. Without yall, who knows where she’d be. Sending so much love to your “peach.” 😍


Sigh. Missed the first heck, reposted, missed the second heck. If I miss a heck this time I don't give a heck anymore. Well HECK go ahead and send us some sort of miracle skunk potion because she killed the yard skunk literally within 24 hours of me FINALLY getting the smell off her face after their last match. I even mentioned it in a work meeting during the "what's something good going for you" part because smelling a hint of skunk every time I kissed her was bothersome as HECK. Had to walk into work the next day like "hey so you remember when I was happy about getting rid of the skunk smell? Yeah..."


> I’ve tried to get my girl on board with this but she’s more afraid of her broken heart She's got a point though. I mean sure a dog really needs a home, but sometimes the scar can be pretty devastating for some people.


I used to think like this. Then I realized it was more about how much they needed me than how long they could give me. I'm not saying she's wrong; she's not. I'm just sharing my experience.


I couldn't do it. I want to, and I love that some people can, but there's just no way I could do it. We just fostered a dog for a couple months through Covid, and the only way I could get through the short time with her was keeping the mind set that she's actually someone else's dog, and I'm just dog sitting for an extended time. Knowing that it's my dog, and allowing myself to get closer to it, for a relatively short time span, there's just no way I could handle it. I am constantly turning my brain off to the truth of my two dog's short life span, and I've had them since pups. Like, complete denial.


That’s really nice of you. I hope you and him get a long really well


He's great. Follows me around like he's been with me for years.


12/10 for you and your new resident geriatric, solid human move. Older boys are still very good boys


It makes me feel good to know that someone else adopts older dogs. I have had several seniors over the years, and have always loved them and cried when they pass. Yet I always do it again. Give him a good scratch for me.


The thing is, we go into adopting any pet (except for parrots and tortoises I guess lol) knowing that we will likely outlive them. We're gonna have to deal with the pain of losing them at some point. What matters is that we make the time they have the best we can, so as we grieve we can take comfort in knowing that we gave them a good life. When you adopt senior pets, you don't get as much time with them, but you end up with more time to give more pets the final days and years they deserve. It's an emotional sacrifice and it's noble af I think.


I personally, have discovered that I would rather have the older ones because I don't have the patience for puppies. One of the last little seniors l adopted, was an old lady that had come from a puppy mill. She was ten or so, no teeth, ear infection that had caused her to be almost completely deaf, and never any vet care. She cost me a small fortune, but she became healthy. I had her three years and loved her so much. I held her while she was put to sleep when there was nothing that could be done at the end (liver cancer).


Let me edit after the bot's cringe auto-removal: I've worked in pet care for several years and as much as I love puppies, I never want to raise one again. I always say puppies and kids are the same: They start out life as dumb, quasi-suicidal little aholes and it takes a patient and loving parent to mold them into something acceptable to introduce into society. I'll take a pre-owned model any day lol. Plus the level of pure love and appreciation you get from a pet who's had it a lot worse is a little more fulfilling than that entitled butthole cat or dog who's had it good their whole life! What's that, Spot? You don't WANT to go to your soft bed in your safe comfy crate, WELL THERE ARE CHILDREN STARVING IN AFRICA. You'd love that crate if you ever spent a night on a concrete floor! Let's have a Scared Straight: Shelter Edition.


Well said!


OMG thank you so much.


Good on you, what a star. Hope you and this good elderly boy have a wonderful time together


Not all heroes wear capes


You have a big heart. Thank you, even though you are the lucky one.


Thank you for doing this


You're the best person. I hope you two have some great times together. Enjoy.


The world needs more of you, OP. Here's to you and puppers enjoying the last (hopefully MANY) years of his life.


You are a very good human. Adopting a dog won't change the world, but it will change the dogs world.


You should put that on a tshirt


Unless by world you mean how each of us sees the world as our world. Then in that case, the dog definitely changes the world; *MY* world.


Be sure to post an update later in r/BeforeNAfterAdoption :)


Thank you


You are amazing, what a handsome boy.


Yayyy, old dogs are the greatest. Maybe get him a foam bed or a piece of foam to insert in his regular bed. It cushions their joints.


Congratulations! We adopted a 8 year old pit/Staffie mix from a local shelter in Bulgaria. 5 years in a shelter and 3 before that presumably in the streets. It took a while for him to learn to warm up, but he is the happiest, most loving dog I’ve ever seen 🥰


He a handsome fella.


What a gorgeous boy <3


Seniors are the best! Congratulations to you both!


Looks like he's had a tough time! Lucky boy to have a loving human to live out his days in happiness ❤️


The shelter had just removed a bunch of fatty growths. He’s a bit chubby too but he loves swimming so hopefully he can slim down a little and be more comfortable.


Give him plenty of tummy rubs, and maybe dried duck fillets as treats. Puppers love them and they're low in fat. Best of luck to you both.


We will have to try those!


Aww...give him a hug from me


Awesome, I imagine this dog is very wise and knows all the secrets to life


That’s what I do!! I love seeing people do this!!


Props to you!


Thank you kind soul. 🙌


Give him all the scritches


What a gem! 🥰💕❤️🤩🤩🤩


He looks like he’s got some stories he could tell.


You’re a good person. Thank you. 💚💚💚


Thank you ❤️🐶🙏🏻🥰🐶❤️


Aww he’s been swimming. Good for both of you guys!


Bless you and your good soul. We also gave an old boy, George, the good life in his last days. We don't deserve puppers.


Thank you. ❤️


Thank you for what you’re doing! So many older dogs who just want a home for their final days are overlooked. He’s lucky to have you!


You’re a top person and that looks like a top pooch


Please give pets and offer bacons.


That's what I want to do when I get my own place. Adopt a few senior dogs and give them the best golden years they could have. All I can do right now is take care of my senior cat, but having a bunch of senior animals is my end goal.


What a beauty


Thank you 💙💙💙


Oh that looks like a really good dog right there.


You are amazing


Thank you!


Old dogs are the best dogs. He will fill your heart with joy.


He's a handsome pooch. Congrats on your graciousness and talking the ole' guy in. He looks like he deserves it.


God bless you for that. 💖 🐕


You have such a sweet heart, bless you for giving this gentleman the life and love he deserves.


Thanks...I have my moments!


Well you really honestly made my week. I have a special spot for older pups being a dog groomer and having family who adores dogs for over 60yrs it just warms my heart to see people do these special things for adopted puppers no matter the age. I wish you the best and please keep posting more would love to see his journey.


Congratulations! My first dog was 13 when I adopted him. We had 3 and a half wonderful years together. Make sure to spoil him!!


Takes a strong person to do that. Enjoy your time with him, I’m sure he will with you !


Old babies are the b e s t. I adopted an old chi and an old corgi/Pomeranian. They’re so chill. Just want naps and to take their time on walks. Perfect for apartment living. Bad for the heart, tho❤️


Seniors are wonderful—you’ll never have a more loyal friend. Yogi looks like a sweet boy.


You are an awesome person!


Bless you


He’s so beautiful ❤️


Have the best time together. And thank you for being an excellent human.


He’s adorable


Thankyou for your kindness


Thank you sir.


Saint you are


Thank you


Seems like he is enjoying your pool. Edit-- just saw your pool picture... Ya, he is def happy in that water!


We took in a senior dog with three legs. Thought we’d make him comfortable for the last few months of his life. That was 3 years ago and he’s still with us. Love that dog. He inspires me every day.


I love him. I'm sad now


You are a wonderful human ❤️


You’re a legend for doing that. Thank you


Late to the thread but thanks for adopting that old guy. I'm sure he really appreciates it.


THANK YOU. I used to work at an animal shelter and the older, mixed breed dogs are always the last ones to be adopted. Sometimes they sit in the kennels for months of even years if we're not able to get them into foster. It wasn't quite as heartbreaking the shelter I worked at because it was no-kill and we knew they'd find a home eventually (usually an employee would bond with them and adopt them), but older doggos at other shelters may not be so lucky. So thank you for giving this sweet boy a loving home! He may have been waiting a long, long time. <3


Thank you! He's a handsome old man. Post him to /r/oldmandog


You're a hero


That’s so amazing ! Wishing you all the best


Thank you!


What a beautiful love story.


Aw! Adopt don’t shop is the best kind of methodology :) thank you for giving this beautiful pupper a loving home.


I wish you years of comfort and happiness. Old boys appreciate the love and affection as much as a young pup.


Thank you! ❤️


this is amazing. I will be doing this one day I volunteer in end of life care and I’ve always wanted to do it for dogs


I love you!!!


Cute, looks like a wet rat


Bless you and him.


Adopted my old girl about 5 months ago. Calm, house trained, knows basic commands already, senior dogs are the best for quiet households.


Appreciate seeing this. Thank you for being a good human.


He looks like a fox boi


Happy for you both! He’s handsome ol fella. Awesome that he loves to swim too, good for their joints. Hope you have quality and quantity time together! I adopted a 15 year old yorkie girl, she lived to 20! Still choke up when I think of her. She would slowly nod her head “Yes” when she wanted something I had lol.


Thank you for being such a good human. XOXXO


Thank you so much!!! I'm also an adoptee of a senior dog and they're the best. They come already trained and typically well mannered. Always ready to cuddle and great for a nice leisurely walk. Congrats!


He looks like he'd love some summer sausage.


He takes his pills with gnocchi. He would love a side of summer sausage.


This is what I plan to do once I’m secure in lifers adopt older doggos so they can live their golden years in peace and fully loved


Thanks for adopting senior pups. I adopted my 10 year old gal two months ago and she's perfect. I hope you enjoy all your years together


Because that's what heroes do


You are a special person, thanks for helping this good great ole pooch 👍👍👍


Good for you, we are thing of doing this once we get into your new house.


Thank you for this. Makes me tear up everytime I see posts like this. When my pups are gone I think I will do the same.


A blessing on your Pack.


I don’t know why exactly but this post made me cry. All I can think is what was his life leading up to this? Did he once have a family? He was once a young puppy. Now he’s nearer the end of his time here. And I’m bawling. Thank you for giving him love and shine during his golden years.


Thank you for adopting him!!


Bring him to /r/OldManDog! And congrats!


I give props to people who do that knowing you won’t have them as long


He’s a handsome boy. And you are his hero. Give him a pet for each of us please!


You are an amazing human being. I love you.


Thank you for doing this! If I had the money, I'd buy some land and take as many old and unwanted cats and dogs as I could. If I had a lot of money, I would take humans too. Nobody deserves to die alone. Thank you again!


God bless you.


You are a beautiful person, thank you for doing good things in the world !


Love this


Thank you kind person for rescuing that dog that almost certainly otherwise would have been put down.


Yo bruv if you make me cry I'll glass you


Oh my god. You are good people.


What a handsome fella


Thank you.... he looks content


Seniors are so special I can’t rave about them enough, I wish more people would give them a chance at adoption. Pls tell beaver-pup that I’m his biggest fan already.


You have a big, strong heart. I always admire folks who can help senior pets. Thank you for making his golden years comfy!


amazing so sweet sending love and belly rubs


Cheese Burgers and Butt Scritches, as far as the eye can see.


Good on you my guy, that speaks highly of your character.


I hope his golden years are full of love and good memories with him:).




You...I like you.