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Ironically, I played it when Rockstar added 60 FPS to the PS4 port. Still so damn good tho. Might give that yet another playthrough šŸ¤”


yea will hit different


They should add 60fps to rdr2, there's no excuse not to, ps5 and xbox series x could do it easily at 1080p and 1440p, the graphics are already great i'm not asking for any graphics remastering just give us a 60fps option come on Rā­


Rdr1, the Witcher 3, ghost of Tsushima is a good start. I like to throw in subnautica for exploration but if youā€™re looking for combat stick to the first three.


Man idk what my problem is but I canā€™t get into The Witcher 3. Iā€™ve tried at least 5 times but something isnā€™t clicking with me. Perhaps Iā€™ll revisit it. Subnautica tho, I love that game A LOT. One of the greatest, underrated exploration games


Same with me but like once I finally got into it, I was really into it. It plays a lot like RDR2 honestly the closest game to that besides RDR1. GOT is great too but a little more predictable. I just got RDR1 because I havenā€™t played it and if you havenā€™t yet itā€™s worth it, it looks and plays great with the PS5 60FPS.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 2 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 60 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Iā€™ve been waiting for one of my comments to get one of these. Todayā€™s a good day.


Well now it just looks like you've done it deliberately. Speaking of which, today I killed 68 rabbits, and only 1 of them had a perfect pelt.


If you donā€™t mind explaining, and itā€™s a 2 parter (without spoiling), what clicked for you when you came back to it, and whatā€™s it about?


I played Witcher 3 before I found RDR2, if it was the other way around I'd be in the same boat as other ppl. I'm afraid RDR2 has permanently fucked my ability to appreciate other games of relative quality. Cyberpunk, Rise of the Ronin, Fallout, nothing is doing it. Now I just get blasted once or twice a week and replay RDR2.


I have exactly the same issue with The Witcher 3. I got the game after recommendations here on reddit, but I haven't managed to fall for it yet. I gave it multiple tries, but we are not clicking.


I love TW3.. shame you don't like it but Ghost of tsushima is a Masterpiece tho. You should defo try that game! Great characters, story, soundtrack & graphics! You'll love it.


Iā€™m with you on W3. The whole franchise is just too corny for me. But even as a game, it feels dated. I fall short with basically all open world games because RDR2 is the only one that pushed for closer to realism rather than a videogamey type of world. Itā€™s all I want now and I canā€™t get into typical games anymoreZ


I appreciate The Witcher for the story, but after RDR2 I fired up TW3 and couldnā€™t get over the horse mechanics. What sucked the most was the almost instant realization that 1) I wouldnā€™t get over it and 2) I wouldnā€™t have noticed had I picked up TW3 before RDR2. I am ruined on open world games. Definitely ruined on any open world games with semi-realistic animals, too.


RDR2 has the best horses. Sometimes I sign on and just have Arthur or John take a ride. I find it soothing. It may sound weird but I love those horses.


One thing I remember bugging me on W3, and Iā€™m sure most will disagree with me on this as this is basically in all games: it was in the first village you encounter thereā€™s kids walking around, lady working etc and not 20ft away there are monsters just chilling. Monsters that are enemies to these people. Monsters that you can kill, walk 20ft away and then go back and they magically respawn (because the game needs them there for players to grind). The lack of logic just mutilates my immersion compared to RDR2. Iā€™m sure rdr2 has examples of this, but itā€™s SO much more better hidden than any other game Iā€™ve ever seen I think it deserves a pass. Theres at least that attempt for realism in its world. I donā€™t blame W3 for this, but itā€™s annoying and imo inexcusable for post-Rdr2 games to still implement this outdated design.


The Witcher 3 is a great game and a lot of people love it (understandably so) but for me the combat system is unbearable, I couldn't go on playing it even if I liked the world and the characters


I've had the same issue with Witcher. Something doesn't stick. Didn't help that the combat is so bad


I agree dude, I tried the witcher 3 so many times but I find it excessively full of cutscenes and long conversations, it supposedly gets better after the prologue but I cant stand it.


Me too with Witcher. Too much potion mixing. I could never find anything close to RDR2.


I feel the same with Witcher 3!


ngl i couldnt get past the sex stuff, it just felt ike everyone woman wanted me and i felt like i was playing a simp simulator


You don't hear this phenomena get discussed enough but almost every game that ended up being life-changing for me were games I didn't like at first. The Witcher 3 took me years to persist with - but once you get there, jesus by the time you're first walking into Toussaint in that second expansion... you'll feel like you lived it all, and you will love Geralt as much if not even possibly more than Arthur. It's all worth it for the experience of Blood and Wine, the only expansion better than Undead nightmare. persist!


I absolutely love thisšŸ˜šŸ¤Œ you mightā€™ve just given me enough to try it now! Thx


Honestly, there is no game like RDR2 imo... but there are some other uniquely immersive games out there of stellar quality you can just get lose in. Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3 come to mind. Very rich in detail with a lot of attention put into the world and characters. Also very polished nowadays. V and Geralt also fall into that same badass renegade with a good layer of complexity vibe that Arthur has. Elden Ring is vast and addicting. Turned me into a Souls nut and made me run through a lot of their catalogue multiple times. Or the simplest answer, RDR1. It's different but the same. You'd be surprised the amount of depth it has.


Iā€™ve played through all but TW3. Very, very solid list herešŸ˜„šŸ‘


Honestly, it's a huge change in scenery but play through the Mass Effect trilogy if you want another big, story driven single player game.Ā Ā 


Ooooh, this sounds enticingšŸ¤”


Mass effect is one of my favorite gaming experiences ever.


Kingdom come deliverance


Ooooh Iā€™ve heard nice things about that game šŸ‘€


Play it man, they are also releasing kcd 2 this year


Imma add it to my list, thank you for recommending itšŸ™


If you like the immersion aspects of RDR2 you will like Kingdom Come: Deliverance a lot. Itā€™s an RPG without magic or any fantasy aspects which I really appreciate. I started playing a few days ago and while it does take practice, you will learn the mechanics eventually. Fighting can be particularly frustrating due to the complex mechanics. Some mods improve gameplay, for example the crosshair while aiming bow mod. The graphics are incredible when on ultra and otherwise they are still great. The animations and voice acting are clunky at times but it doesnā€™t distract me too much. As with all RPGs I would avoid following what other people do and experience everything your way. The DLCs vary, with some story focused and others improving the overall experience of the game. The A Womanā€™s Lot DLC does lock you out of the main game and takes about 5 hours to complete depending on how itā€™s played, so be sure when you want to play that one if you do. The game is currently on sale on steam, but Iā€™m not sure about other platforms.


dont play on console tho it controls are not fit for controller imo


I was going to say this too. Great game.


That's the thing, there are very few good western games out anymore, with the Red Dead series being the undisputed best one. I've never played the Call of Juarez series but that's the closest contemporary from what i hear.


I honestly want to start a game development company that focuses solely on westerns. Thereā€™s a huge market for it, older people will play the games because it reminds them of Clint Eastwood movies, and younger people will play it because rockstar wonā€™t make anymore rdr content


You might actually be onto something šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


If I had money Iā€™d make this happen


We all have 1 life. Assuming game dev is something youā€™re interested in, youā€™d do a disservice to not at least pursue itšŸ˜„


I canā€™t code though, but I can write stories. Maybe if I can get a someone who codes I could just write the script for the game


Yeah, good luck! I'd prob buy if you were able


Rockstar might make more RDR content, but, I mean, the time between the release of RDR1 and RDR2 was 9 years. Earliest release of a new game based on this would be 2027 (with annonuncement of it 2 years before) *at best*, considering that they had to cut planned content simply due to the time restraints they put on themselves, while reportedly also having mandatory UNPAID overtime for their employees. RDR2 is one of the best selling games of all time, and even though it's estimated to be one of the most expensive videos games to develop, it made US$1.38 billion in revenue in the FIRST year of release vs the cost of making it being estimated to be between US$370million and US$540 million..., so I suspect Rockstar wouldn't want to miss out on the money. Odd though that they never produced DLCs for RDR2.


>Odd though that they never produced DLCs for RDR2. They never did for GTA V either, even though they had them planned out already before launch. It's clear Rockstar has no interest whatsoever in making single player DLCs anymore. Which is sad considering they used to make some of the best DLCs in the industry. GTA VI will most likely still have single player story mode but there will be no extra content beyond that and GTA VI Online will probably be the only thing R\* focuses on for the rest of their time as a company.


I might buy it. Itā€™s pretty cheap. Thanks šŸ™


Fallout New Vegas, Red Dead Redemption and undead nightmare, max payne 1-3, and Days Gone. If you have a PC Iā€™d recommend fallout 4 on survival mode with mods that increase ā€œrealismā€.


Ooh Iā€™ve played most of these games with the exception of some, but you cooked with this list, thanks šŸ™


Thank you, in all honesty the ability to shit talk random NPCs alone makes RDR2 unbeatable IMO


ā€œHow are you maā€™am?ā€ ā€œYou have a nice faceā€ ā€œA face Iā€™d like to beatā€ Amazing dialoguešŸ˜‚šŸ™


Honestly just being able to interact with pretty much any person in RDR2 is half the immersion for me! It makes NPCs actually feel alive.


The voice acting and story are so good, I guess thats most of the immersion for me


Itā€™s a legit crime this game didnā€™t get a next-gen update!


Iā€™m happy Iā€™m a person who doesnā€™t get too bothered by 30 fps, but you are ABSOLUTELY right!!šŸ™


Since RDR2 ruined other games for me, I suggest playing Cyberpunk 2077 (Highly Recommended)


Iā€™ve played it to death already. Game is amazing, made me cybercryšŸ˜­


Why was it necessary to say that RDR2 ruined other games here? Like you clearly enjoy other gamesā€¦


I'm actually struggling right now, trying to find a game that fulfills the void RDR2 left. Seems like only Cyberpunk managed to do that since I'm in it for good stories.


If you want a good story, you might want to try 'Detroit - Become Human'


Iā€™ve played that game, and manā€¦ so good. You help bring up some good memories lol šŸ˜†


I'm glad :)


Assassin's Creed games


Oooh Iā€™ve played most of them actually. I might get some backlash for saying this, but I really had so much fun playing Odyssey because of its Greek settingšŸ˜


Yeah theyā€™re great, donā€™t listen to the haters. Valhalla is great too for nature lovers and AC3 has tons of American settler vibes like RDR as well.


That was my favorite for forever, being neck and neck with RDR2. Played Valhalla recently, and live it just as much if not more. A great game and story.


Death Stranding has similar or even slower pacing & vastness feel to it not everyone's cup of tea but i loved the experience from start to finish


If you wouldnā€™t mind, could you give me a brief explanation of what itā€™s about. Everyone makes it seem like the most boring game in the world, but Iā€™m always down for a good story


storywise? one man's exploration of many contemporary issues humanity faces, in particular human connection and it's value, wrap it into metaphorical artsy foil and make it \~50 hours long also if you didn't get bored just riding around and watching the scenery in RDR2 you won't get bored walking & driving around watching the scenery in DS, it's gorgeous


I like this summary. Imma look further into this, thank you šŸ˜Š


Thinking about trying it. Like the weirdness.


For a more out-there suggestion, try Horizon: Zero Dawn and Horizon: Forbidden West.


I played the first one, actually had quite a lot of fun in it. May look into Forbidden West as Iā€™ve heard some nice stuff on it and itā€™s a GORGEOUS game


It's visually stunning, and I have cataracts that are bad enough that they're being removed soon. Honestly, I can't wait to see this game with clear vision!


Sleeping Dogs


Death stranding is amazing if you havenā€™t played it


Fallout 4 TW3 BG3 RDR2 is really kind of it's own thing, I can't think of any comparisons. Closest would be FO4 or FO76. Aside from that I can't think of many, but if you're looking for other games that might surprise you I have a list of games that are totally off the beat but got me addicted.


Hey man, I asked. Gimme your best recommendations, Iā€™m always down to play different stuffšŸ˜ƒšŸ™


Prey is the 1st game that really surprised me. I think I got it free off of PS but I went in fully expecting it not to be my jam, but I got addicted. Alan wake 2 is probably my favourite game of the last 2+ years. Control surprised me too, but I got that off PS+ too. I think it might have been the first game I platinumed. Hollow Knight - same thing, but this game is so hard- but so satisfying. Once you figure out the rhythms to beating an enemy or just traversing an environment, it becomes 2nd nature. I'd recommend it to anyone who has a lot of determination to "get good." Dragon Age: Inquisition was cool. RPG-y, kinda scuffed but not in a bad way, idk, look into it, i loved it. God of war and Ghost of Tsushima are both phenomenal Days Gone was another scuffed surprise. First game that had my stomach truly sink and have me run in terror, but enjoyed (almost) every second of it despite the flaws. Vampyr I really liked. Lots of reading and the game is SO SCUFFED but, I liked it lol. Not sure I would recommend it but if you like vampires, why not. Speaking of vampires, I played Vampire: The Masquerade: Swansong and loved it, and then bought Coteries Of New York. The 2nd is a visual novel with choices but man if you like that sort of game it's great. Made me wish there were more visual novels with RPG elements on PS. Inscryption is great. Disco Elysium- took me a 2nd try to get into it. Tons of reading. Not for everyone, but definitely for those who have patience and depression/ substance issues. The Forgotten City was really great time spent. The mystery of it all. A lot of people shit on The Callisto Protocol, so I went in expecting a 2/10 game and left buying the DLC. I see the issues, but I enjoyed it and it's not super long. Immortals Fenyx Rising is like, great if you want something completely inspired off BOTW / Ass creed games. It's a time sink. Not great, not terrible. Have you tried Kingdom Come: Deliverance? I cannot get past the combat but I can tell it's great. Bastion is an awesome game. For this one, if you can find it for super cheap go in totally blind. The Turing Test if you like puzzles.


Kingdom Come Deliverance is the only game that comes close imo.


Nothing is as well crafted as RDR2, but the closest are RDR1, Uncharted: A Thiefs End, The Last of Us, and Breath Of The Wild.


Iā€™ve played all but BoTW becuase I donā€™t have a switch yet, but those are all amazing recommendationsšŸ˜ƒ


TW3 is better than all of those games as a whole package.


Gta 5 is pretty good in spot of aspects. It's a lot different from rdr2 but it's a pretty good game. But like every body else said just go play rdr1


Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice I know, I know... They have nothing to do with each other, but hear me out. If you enjoyed Red Dead because it was a very intimate story with great character development and good narrative... Prepare yourself to have your heart shattered into pieces. Senua is not only my favorite female videogame protagonist, she's my favorite female character across all media. Hell, I'd even argue she's the bravest character ever if you rush me I seriously can't stress this enough, play it with headphones.


After finishing RDR2 I went onto Cyberpunk. It's a little slow story to start but once it gets going I fell in love with it. Highly recommend it if you're wanting to fill that hole of open world exploration


Oh yeah Iā€™ve played Cyberpunk since its 2.0 lunch. Soooooo good now


I occasionally referred to the Horizon series as Red Dead Robot Dinosaur. In some ways itā€™s better that Red Dead, some ways it feels a bit lifeless in comparison. Overall RDR2 comes out ahead, but I do feel like Horizon is a good spiritual successor.


Ghost of tsushima. Its not the same theme but its still an amazing open world with an amazing story just like rdr2 and its getting a pc port soon


Far cry Dying light Days gone Congratulations on 100%. I am at 96% :)


Resident evil 2 remake


That game is a modern masterpiecešŸ”„šŸ”„ I have it on my list tho. W recommendation


my buddy tells me Witcher 3 is a masterpiece. Newest game, Iā€™ve been told Cyberpunk is insane, especially since the newest dlc.


Oh if you havenā€™t played Cyberpunk, please do. Itā€™s story is great and Night City is one of the best open World cities ever. Love that gamešŸ˜ƒ


Red dead revolver


Iā€™m tempted lol šŸ˜‚


Its the funniest out of all three. Iā€™d recommend it to you. I definitely enjoyed playing it


Nope. Not in totality. Just for story, Iā€™d only put TLOU (both games) and Hellblade in the ballpark. But for total world immersion, nothing comes close. Ps: and rdr1 obviously. It was the rdr2 of its time. Still damn good, a little more GTA-Esq than rdr2. But easier to play and shorter.


Oh yeah The Last of Us games are AMAZINGLY amazing. Part 1 is my #3 favorite game OATšŸ˜­šŸ™


Try Hellblade then. Itā€™s gorgeous, smooth ride, short game with a nice story. The sequel I assume is out this year. Gameplay wise itā€™s a bare bones version of GOW (newer GOWs), but I prefer the bare bones honestly.


I just might. I know thereā€™s a sequel coming out soon, so I might squeeze in some time for the first game. Thx šŸ™


It depends what your favourite aspect of RDR2 is. For me, I'm spending a lot of time playing Hitman: World of Assassination as it scratches the itch of wandering (mostly) freely, with well constructed missions. And then, if you get bored of frustrated, there's always the option of annihilating everything in sight. It's not as complete, or wonderful, as RDR2 but it does fill the void before I start another playthrough.


MY GOD. A fellow Hitman enjoyer. I love World of Assassination so much. And yeah, I do sometimes just go in there and shoot on sight šŸ˜†


Obviously I try initially to sneak, disguise myself, poison the Bare Knuckle Boxer etc but when I get discovered I often just wipe out the entire room before reloading my save. I'm also a big fan of silently taking out all security personnel, one at a time. So far I've only managed this on the Yacht training mission, but it was incredibly satisfying!




Thank you man, much love šŸ¤ ā¤ļø




Thank you siršŸ¤ ā¤ļø


I heard people talking about the call of Juarez games positively


Trying to find exotic plumes, my god its sucks any advice


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcQMWGOeSbTd1C1quePQ1u-1YqeBbrLWx&si=t1TgXzhPiDpqVO_x I would absolutely reference this dude. Heā€™s helped me a lot when on my pursuit to 100%


Ahh thank you very much


Haven't seen a lot of god of war being suggested, the 2018 version and Ragnarok. Great story games


Oh yeah, those games are chefs kissšŸ¤ŒšŸ”„


I have no idea why but playing Cyberpunk 2077 reminded me of what I felt during red dead redemption 2. A similar emotional journey I guess. I highly recommend that game next.


RDR2, it's a great game you should play it




Cyberpunk 2077


Days gone


I might buy this actually. Everyone actually talks HIGHLY about this game, so I might be inclined to get this


There is also a very cool game called Generation zero but that is more Shoot robots and stuff instead of the actual story also there are a lot of stuff going on it


Cyberpunk or Death Stranding next?


so many people just namin random games haha. anyways PLAY EVERY FUCKING SOULSBORNE GAME RAHHHHšŸ¦…šŸ¦….


Oooh I have unfortunately, Fromsoft is my 2nd favorite dev behind RockstaršŸ˜©šŸ¤Œ




You sir, are a legend


Zork 2




He did it the mad lad


Touch some grass for a bit. Let the game sit with you. Digest it. Then go play mass effect because there'll never be a better Sci-Fi video game series than Mass Effect


I am indeed grass touching rnšŸ˜‚ I have Mass Effect on my list rn. Is it really that good?šŸ‘€


you may as well be the best in the west


The only series that has come close and (only slightly) edges out the RDR games is The Last of Us games. I played RDR1 first when it came out on PS3 and then TLOU and both remain my top favorite games of all time.


I'd say rain world but that's nothing like RDR2 in any way.


Red dead revolver since you did rdr1 already




If you like the open world aspect of it, try horizon zero dawn or horizon forbidden west Both are set in huge visually stunning worlds based on parts of north America. Horizon and red dead are the most gorgeous games ive played


For the mundane fun side content shit yakuza games are great. Also the completionism angle. Another great game which leans into the more role-play aspects is Fallout new Vegas!


Evil west. Diablo 4.


Assassins creed odyssey is a really fun and good game !!


Although its not a proper "open world" game the last of us part 1 is a really good game, its a lot more challenging combat wise than rdr2 but if you want a good game I'd play that




Rdr2 is a unique game. You can liken the gameplay and match the story continuity to rdr1, but I don't think anything else compares to it. It's just a wholesome unique experience. Play it again and you will still find different stuff.


Do you have that first picture in high quality by any chance?


not at all like rdr2 but elden ring is the best game i have ever played, maybe after bloodborne


Not exactly a game like RDR 2, but if you haven't played Metro Expodus you def should play it.


Witcher 3, Mafia DE and Fallout 4 are what I can think of


Grand theft auto 4 i know its not like rdr2 but hear me out. -good story -good mechanics -easy to mod on ps3 xbox 360 -fun to play when bored -good map (but small) -npc that dont die of 1 punch (like gta5)


šŸ«” I salute you, champion. Iā€™m still stuck on gambler 9.


Gun was fantastic back in the day. Probably very dated now but it was a favourite growing up.


GTA6 šŸ˜…


I just 100% and platinumed RDR2 months ago. In all honesty I'll probably never touch the game again. RDR2 was generational, no doubt about that and I love the game. However, RDR1 for me is the better game. Maybe it's because I played that first out of the two and it was a special time in my life. I can still go back and play that game and have a blast. The single player (along with Undead Nightmare) is all time great status. The multiplayer was simple but so much more fun than RDR2's. And with being a fan of Wild West media, RDR1 to me felt much more like a Western than RDR2. Not even just on location, but story aspects too. Just my personal opinion. That being said, GTA 6 will be the next generational game that will advance expectations in the gaming industry, and I don't think there is a game that is as deeply nuanced as RDR2 at the moment.


Days Gone!




I donā€™t think there is anything quite like RDR series. It is a Rockstar game, so it follows the same formula as the GTA series, RDR2 however is the pinnacle of this genre. You can try other open world games, I am not aware of anything that even comes close when the quality of world building and storytelling is considered. Except Elden Ring maybe, but thatā€™s a different genre.Ā 


If you're into the immersive parts of RDR2, give Kingdom Come Deliverance a try. This game gives me RDR2 first person vibes, except you're in the 1400s. You can probably find it on sale, and the sequel is scheduled for release later this year. Definitely a highly slept on game imo.


I've been playing GTA 4 recently, great story and highly recommend.


Elden ring


Red dead revolver


Play the red dead game on ps2 Iā€™ve forgot the name but it is fun because itā€™s old.


This is by no means a shooty cowboy game or open world, but for gore and story, Iā€™d recommend the last of us 1 and 2 if you have a PlayStation to play them on. I know itā€™s an out there recommendation, but itā€™s the only other game in recent years, that for me at least, had a story that I thought was amazing. That and RDR2.




Red Dead Revolver! Nobody remembers it but itā€™s the ā€œprequelā€ to RDR1. Though itā€™s not the same story, Iā€™m pretty sure it was just Rockstarā€™s prototype of RDR1


There are no games like RDR till gta comes out


Did somebody recommend the Online version already?...avoid big cities to avoid annoying other players/cheaters..and try to reach everything..freeroam..money..gathering..fractions..:)


No game is like rdr2. Enjoy your retirement


Avoid story games for now u wont be able to concentrate. Try division 2. Cod cold war. Etc Then go for death stranding ors something totally different than cowboys.


God of War 2018 is pretty good after RDR2. It also has a great storytelling side to it but it's also a lot of fun and satisfying to play.


This sounds like a similar situation I was in recently lol. After I finished RDR2, I was looking for something close to it as well, all the while still playing lol. I just started playing Assassinā€™s Creed Valhalla not too long ago at the recommendation of my wife. Eivor is no Arthur & Raventhorpe is no Horseshoe Overlook, but being the only AC game Iā€™ve very played, itā€™s definitely worth a shot. Itā€™s open world, there are side missions, you can interact with people you come across (nothing like RDR2). It actually surprised me with how fun itā€™s been. I almost put it down because it started so slow & I was so used to RDR2 game mechanics lol, but as I progress through the game, I find it much more enjoyable than the day before. Give it a try maybe!


Yes watch JoJoā€™s Bizzare Adventure


Farcry 5




One of the best game


Play rdr1 undead nightmare and gun


I'm gonna go against the grain here and mention something not because of a specific game element (not that it doesn't share *some*) but just because of the absolute magic, never felt before feeling. Something beyond just good gameplay If you can, do what you must to play Breath of the Wild if you already haven't


I'd say Ghost of Tsushima. I felt like playing RDR in Japan


Over a month, wow! Congrats! I love the details of this game! Anything similar would have to be a Rockstar title and I'm sad to say RDR2 is one of a kind! But you could play modded versions on PC. Ones where you can choose your focus.


Absolutely nothing. I started playing video games for the first time during the pandemic and started with RDR2. I have been searching for something equally satisfying as what I got out of RDR2 and have yet to find it. Thereā€™s something incredibly unique and endearing about the characters, the attention to details, the little mysteries, the open world and multi faceted approach to that world that you wonā€™t find in Ghosts or Witcher 3 or any assassins creed Game. I had hopes for AC Valhalla and even just recently beat Elden Ring for a 2nd time (open worlds with horses lol) but they are all different and RDR2 will stand alone at least for me. I will patiently await the day Rockstar decides to take the time and effort to make another one but unfortunately that day may never come. Good luck out there. RIP Arthur and the VDL gang.


Both secret achievements?


RDR2 zombie edition


Mafia: Definitive Edition Pretty underrated, but one of my favourite story games on par with RDR2. You gotta try it If your PC handled RDR2, then it will be a breeze for it with insane Mafia graphics, it's very optimized I can't tell you much, but it's more like a long movie, where you control your character Think of it like RDR2, but it's almost story only (you can go free roam tho, but story is way way better)


Ghost of Tsushima has been recommended all over the internet- I watched my FIL play it and now itā€™s on my to-buy list


Chivalry 2


There is no other game like RDR2. RDR2 unfortunately/fortunately is a one of a kind game. šŸ˜”


I just completed 100% yesterday too! ā€œGuess weā€™re just about done, my friend.ā€ That shit almost broke me


Nothing compares but fallout has a good story and good open world gameplay


I was gunna say RDR 1 but cuz someone already said it play GTA V storymode


Cyberpunk if you like futuristic games


RDR1, Ghost of Tsushima, God of war (the reboot and Ragnarok if you want exploration, the originals for combats and a revenge story) or just step away from gaming for a little bit. Like a week or two. It can either save you from crumbling to post-game depression, or will tear you apart mentally. Good luck!