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Yes, yes. Embrace Lysander. Lysander is your friend!


Although Lysander is a little shit, I’ve always greatly enjoyed his POV chapters. Having a perspective from within the Society is great, and the Machiavellian games that the Society plays with each other were always my favorite part of Red Rising. It was also awesome to see Lysander go through his transition from being a Pixie to being a Pixie that thinks he’s an Iron Gold.




You will regret these words - remind me! One month (how fast do tog read?)


if it takes me longer that a month to finish this book you can send me to deepgrave for enforced reading


Remind me! One day


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I agree with you! Lysander is a fantastic heel in a few notable ways. Most importantly, he believes what he is doing right and justified, despite making horrendously unethical or purely utilitarian decisions, and knowing the decision will harm another or others. He also is given an arc similar to Darrow’s, I think, to make us, as the readers, feel his quest more innately, even though we see his folly and can feel his oversights that he somehow manages to miss. I also think that he is a fascinating person (or character) in the sense of his privilege and lineage within the Society, and, as you’ll read, how he lost his parents and what Octavia had done to him to make him more like herself, and how he earns his scar and other bodily injuries in the fight for the Remnant. Anyway, enjoy your reading. Lysander, whether you love or hate him, or vacillate between, is a fun character to have in this saga, IMHO.


You want to know why we don’t like him but you don’t want spoilers? Help me understand


When did he say he wants to know why we don’t like him? He said he’s seen the Lysander hate, but so far he doesn’t hate him. Do you understand?


The title is a question. Like he doesn’t understand why he’s not supposed to like him Edit to add: “I don’t mind Lysander and idk why y’all don’t like him? but don’t tell me why you don’t like him”


i’m from new zealand and we always make statements that sound like questions so that’s my bad for it not translating well online! it was kind of a cheeky post as i know he’s probably going to do something big bad soon that justifies the hate but it’s fun sharing how i’m feeling as i read the series since no one else around me is reading the series. also, i’m a girl lol.


Dude just get off this sub until you finish the series.


He’s not a bad character. The hate is forced


He’s a fantastic character. He’s a terrible person. Huge difference


I can’t wait to see if your opinion changes once you finish LB


/r/fucklysander must just be a niche thing...


🤣🤣🤣 The posts there are wild 🤣🤣🤣. I love it 😆😆😆


He is the goldest Gold possible


Just you wait boyo. Please come back with an update later 🤣🤣


He the goat


Lysander, despite being a little shit, has some of the greatest chapters writing wise


Heh heh. Looking forward to the update.


casus belli


All my homies hate Lysander