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Yes ladies, *they're single.* 😏


I can contain my orgasm.


Oh my what a luck. ![gif](giphy|l0MYrLAFex1R71l0A|downsized)


you ever like, fully retract your face into your butthole? because thats what im doing when im reading these ![gif](giphy|RJAjTowsU0K1a)


My vagina just sealed itself completely reading these comments


To keep in the evil?


good, keep all that evil locked inside there


Mfrs probably start anxiously mumbling in front of a female cashier and wanna give a fucking treatise on how women are the most evil beings on the planet. "ITS WRITTEN IN THE SCRIPTURES!!! WATCH THIS FILM GUYS THE GIRL WAS A SEXUAL DISTRACTION!!!" Yeah no shit motherfucker considering throughout history women have solely been looked at AS A SEXUAL DISTRACTION. THE PROBLEM LIES IN YOUU MATE. THE FACT THAT YOU CAN'T LOOK AT A GIRL WITHOUT THINKING ABOUT SHAGGING HER OR WIFING HER UP. Touch grass, get a female friend, do better.


The funny part is that according to them god made women “evil” on purpose then got mad at them being “evil” its like smashing your fist against the wall and blaming the wall.


The matrix thing is even funnier since both the Wachowskis are trans


Dude really watched matrix and thought it was about ignoring women lol


The wachowskis: "Here is this amazing film about choices, humanity and authority." Some idiot "oh, this is a film about why (insert marginalized group) is bad, in accordance of my own personal beliefs!


They are fucking stupid to a laughable degree


If heaven is where all these pricks are gonna be, by all means, send me to Hell 🥰


for nonexistent god's sake, they should just get together and be in a big homosexual polycule if they hate women so much


Honestly I don't know if putting them all in that kind of space would make them better or if it would just make things worse. I'm gonna sugarcoat it: some of the most violently misoginystic people I have ever met were gay men.  It's easy to recognize the pattern. When they're in the closet, they resent women for "failing to satisfy their desires." When they're out it, they act like being gay means they're "above the need" to talk to, interact with, or in any way acknowledge women around them. 


The fact that these dipshits always bring up male lions shows the only nature documentary they’ve watched is The Lion King.


Exactly! If anything, the lionesses are more dominant.




"I am like 100 years old". Not if you're slapping 'like' in the middle of a sentence for no reason. 14, more likely.


Like, as like a like fourteen like years like old I like can like confirm like that like we like do like that


I know! I was like and he was t like then she was like so we were like etc.


Wow those are some losers


"Pussified" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)😀


Jesus is gonna come back and kill all the women lol.


>The Bible makes it very clear who the evil gender is. Hmm, it’s almost like the Bible was written by men.


Men talking about statistics. Look I'm a man but if we're going to look at raw statistics men look way more evil on paper.


They traffic kids and commit most of the sins, but unlike women religious communities never called them out


Hey, man, if them thinking I'm a satan spawn keeps them away from me, it's a win all around. They can remain lonely sexless/loveless coomers, and I can avoid spending my time on/around men who only see me as the sum of my genitals. Added bonus, but since I'm also pan, statements like this help drive women who are also interested in women TO OTHER WOMEN. So, they are effectively wingmanning for me, too. At least their anime body pillow will never lie to them as she the perfect woman. An inanimate object.


So, they all hate their mothers? Grow up, farm boys, nobody cares.


Fun fact. These images are from 3 separate videos. Just search women are evil and it's all religious people talking about how women are pure evil and like eve as if god wasn't the one who made them “evil”


I'd wager that these mentally unstable assholes have no trouble getting their hands on firearms if they're in the US. It sure sounds like "guy with a manifesto" that we see in the news after a major 🔫 event.


lot's wife is evil? what did she do? and I see that christians and muslim can find agreement


She looked back when ordered not to. So much worse than Lot himself throwing his young daughters to a mob to be gang raped


Pharaohs was more evil and claim he was god too but hey women are more evil than


It bothers me how straight men will say this shit and then sing praises about how sex with women is the only righteous way and how being gay is gross.... Is it just me who thinks this way lol?


If you say shit like this you don't deserve love I’m sorry. I hope they die alone


Someone found the Sneako fanbase


Women are just sick of shit like this from men like you…. It’s that simple. Women are nice to me because I actually respect them as human beings just like myself…


That is a mind blowing concept to these reactionaries


“It doesn’t matter how attractive or how much money you have”. Exactly. Women still won’t put up with you shit just bc you are hot or rich. He just wants to buy someone.


Some religiously braindead men ´´We dont like women.´´ meanwhile avarage sapphic gal: ´´I like it when women breathe, I love it when women exist. I love women.´´


I thank all the ones involved I didn't wind up a captive fixture of their particular created ex deo (made from god) religious brand of misogynistic echo chambers \^ \^ ' .


Tell us you’re gay without telling us you’re gay?


Women are in hell and men are in heaven this proves gay sex is the intended path my friend


Check & mate.


No mating allowed


"Love thy **mother** and father."




Is the video like a discussion on the culture at the time of the Bible and otherwise deconstructs why Christians think women are evil? Or is it as straightforward as what's on the tin?


These are from 3 separate video


Well, it is true. You won't find any righteous men out of a 1000 women. (I'm sorry)


This belongs in r/justneckbeardthings as well


The incel “I’m a nice guy but women are just heartless to me” energy is strong here lol And divorced asshole whose wife left him for an obviously good reason.


Yeah... "complementarianism"... sure... ^(Separate is inherently unequal.)


That gives the same vibes as “separate but equal” during the jim crow era. Black and white people were certainly not treated as equals during that time.


If you treat people differently, pretty much by definition, you're treating one party better/worse than the other.


the internet has to be dead, these are all bots there’s no way people are this stupid


If they aren't trolls, if they aren't 11 year old brainwashed "alphas", if they aren't 40 year old single creeps that live with their parents...then I don't know what written those comments


If women are evil, then why pharaoh is the most evil villain in the Bible?? He is a male also lucifer is a male too.


We're so dangerous yet throughout history y'all the ones who started tons of war


If you can’t get to the grapes then they sour. Lol. This whole post made me laugh and the comments are equally entertaining. Thank you everyone


They love fantasising about other men. Love is love ❤️


"Women are incapable of love" is such a fucking self-own lmao Yeah dawg, incapable of loving your sweaty misogynistic ass


And men think they are hated 😂 we're despised fir breathing, killed before we say our first word and they cannot handle real statistics about their deeds.


As a person with mommy issues, let's just say that the pot can recognize the kettle here.


Strong Paul energy. Well good, they can gather together in like-minded hatred and fuck each other all day long.




One person in the last slide is so mad at eve for eating the apple 😂 Btw in Abrahamic religions especially in Islam the woman is belittled and labeled literally as “farm” which is something you put your seed in! (Baqara surah, ayah 223). According to Islamic laws (sharia) a woman is a half man and she only gets half of the what brother got in inheritance from parents. And that tells a lot about those who identify themselves as Muslim, especially women.


Ah women! The bane of my existence! /j


I cant tell if these are kids or heartbroken men


Just your average 35-50 year old dumpy, balding white dude who abused and/or ignored his family until served with divorce papers then refused to speak to the ungrateful children unless he was shit talking their mother, and now feels society is racist against white men because he has to pay child support for 3 kids instead of buying a midlife crisis used Porsche Cayman with 200k miles *and* a Wrangler Rubicon on 37" mud tires, both of which totally would let him pull a 20 year old that looks like a 16 year old cheerleader with D cups. Fucking evil bitches, ALL OF THEM!!! I wish I was kidding. There's at least a dozen of those losers that I went to high school with in a town of approximately 3500. It's wild how comfortable they are openly talking about that shit at joint class reunions.


And what about mary ?


Genesis described woman as an ezer, which translates to helper, but it actually means something closer to "rescuer". David said, "My (ezer) is in the Lord." https://youtube.com/shorts/5Vv-E3n1ZTs?si=YYbOWbtnwCxyvOr1


Maybe they should all date each other in the comments they’re all pretty much all outing themselves I fear ☠️…


Can't wait to go to hell tbh 🙏🙏🙏


The first picture is litterally Mario & Luigi's opinion même, or rather Luigi and Mario


How many women here are excited to risk making a son? Seriously, stop making them!


I am having flashbacks to [“The Screwfly Solution.”](https://lexal.net/scifi/scifiction/classics/classics_archive/sheldon/sheldon1.html)