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If you feel like doing hardcore veteran, Savior is the most accessible and very fun, haven't tested it on the field but it's probably pretty good


C. Savior or C. Nebula are two standouts but I suspect Nebula is gonna get patched because it has the infinite DOT scaling bugs.


Savior stands out, but the mods collision feels buggy. I keep missing/bouncing on random debris when I fire The mod shot spread is as bad as it was in R1. Base fire is still amazing. Nebula is bugged out and insanely OP as a result Arbalest shows a lot of promise with its mag size and being an explosive long gun


Nebula worth it?


I like it, very pew pew


I did some grinding at the Root Nexus (happy to explain how for anyone curious) and got all the new ones except the cube gun. First impressions are that Corrupted Savior, Corrupted Arbalest, and Corrupted Nebula are very worth getting, while Corrupted Sorrow is decent and Corrupted Cube Gun... exists, I guess. Corrupted Savior is very pew pew. The longer you fire and build up mod energy, the faster you shoot, until your mod energy is capped. Then you can choose to keep pew pewing or use your mod energy for a very stronk laser, and then build up your mod energy/fire rate again. I haven't tested it a whole lot outside the firing range, but it does seem to go through ammo pretty quickly in exchange for maximum dakka. Damn if it doesn't deliver on the dakka though. Corrupted Nebula is good, but I personally find it a bit niche. It's incredibly strong for its purpose (partially because it's bugged, but I'm sure it'll still be strong even after that gets fixed), which is killing bosses and enemies with easily accessible weakspots. However, it's not ideal for mobbing because it's semi automatic and needs weakspots to shine. If you don't mind clicking a lot and have great aim, you'll probably adore this gun. Don't use it on Kaeula. Corrupted Arbalest is honestly my favorite of the bunch and the one I've played with the most so far. The tracking on its ricochets is downright silly --you can shoot the floor, walls, whatever, and if there's enemies around they'll probably get hit. It has good reserves and a good magazine size, and the mod is really strong, though you do have to use a little caution to not blow yourself up if you don't have kinship maxed. It does good group damage with and without its mod, and does great, very consistent single target damage with its mod active. The mod lasts for two magazines, auto reloads when you activate it, and comes back pretty quickly. I feel like it would pair really well with Summoner's new explosive buff, and you could run Corrupted Meridian or Anguish with it for even more explosions. Corrupted Sorrow is pretty solid all around. I can't say it's anything super great, but for what it is and what it does, it works well. When you hit targets and leave bolts in them, you can activate its mod to send tracking wisps to detonate on the target. You get two mod activations per magazine if you land all your shots (this was tested with Archon, so ymmv). It's a bit like Corrupted Nebula in that you need to shoot an enemy to be able to activate the mod, but it's also more forgiving in that you don't have to hit weakspots or anything. I could see this being a good workhorse weapon for a number of builds because the mod gives it some flexibility between single target and group damage (shooting all your bolts at one target versus tagging a lot of weak enemies in a group), as well as its potential utility in coop play. However, it also doesn't really have any special synergies, and while its damage is not bad, it's also not particularly remarkable, especially compared to Corrupted Nebula's potential output.


Savior forsure


All the newest ones except cube gun are really good and meridian from the first batch is also great


Saviour 1000000000%


Corrupted cube gun can allow you to (almost) never have to reload and is basically like bandit minus the fire rate increase if you use the correct mutator. But I'd say savior probably is just cause that's the mini gun esc weapon folks wanted. Not the fusion rifle we got.


Phemeto was testing Cube Gun on stream today and it was just... bad. No gun in the game except for Cube Gun itself actually struggles to manage its heat with the correct rings and the Cube Gun is just for ad clear because the shots are slow projectiles and do low damage. I'd argue regular Cube Gun is better.


Oh I'm talking about the mod exclusively. The gun itself is very meh. But with the mod you can give any gun that's not single shot a pseudo bandit effect, while bumping up its damage 20%. Is it breaking the game? Not at all. Is it a fun way to try playing? Yes.


You are not seriously giving up your secondary for a mod that is worse than frenzy dust; that's just a meme. That's what I was trying to say, the mod is bad even if you try to use it to buff primary even on heat weapons. It's sadly just bad and lacks any niche at all. You can't set and forget because you have to sit in the trick room.


>You are not seriously giving up your secondary for a mod that is worse than frenzy dust; that's just a meme. Then a meme it is 🤷 I'll still use it. Not everything has to be this "room clearing, boss health chunking" weapon. It's a secondary. Expecting it to have been a god tier weapon when the base was already meh to start is having high hopes. It's not a good or even great way to use it. Cause I don't plan to use it on Apocalypse for sure. But for farming aberrations on veteran and maybe nightmare? Sure. Cause I'm having fun with it. And should I be in a game with randoms and it's not working so well, I'll obviously switch.


My brother in Christ read the title of the post; I hate how you hide behind the "not everything has to be meta ffs" argument when that was what was asked for. As for C. Cube Gun, like I said, it's not really good at anything except for regular ad clear with its shot. Using it like a Mega Buster from Mega Man is fun but I wish the mod actually did something outside of try to fix the gun's bad heat. At least regular Cube Gun has a build where you abuse the infinite ammo and the high fire rate, C. Cube Gun is just meh.


Someone pissed in your cereal and made you eat it this morning didn't they. >I hate how you hide behind the "not everything has to be meta ffs" argument when that was what was asked for. Cause not everything does? If there was one universal answer then it's pointless for people to say the same damn thing over and over and over again. So many people said savior. Okay cool. I don't need to see it from every person that reads the post to say it. It becomes redundant beyond a certain point. The OP asked which one was worth while. Not which one did the most "unga bunga hurr durr big numbers" again, which one is worth while. Opinion based. And if you *really* want me to nitpick. You're gonna farm everything anyway. The corrupted shards don't stack up past 10 unless they changed it. If you just hold onto those 10 and never use them on the other weapons because "omg they aren't meta. Fuck those weapons" you're just wasting what could be resources for other weapons. Thus now farming aberrations is far less something you'd want to do.


No, but the post does. So one assumes your answer is answering the post. Answer the goddamn question or at least try to at least have a serious discussion about the meta. If you don't want to have a discussion about the meta that's fine but when you go "it's bad but it fun" after being rightfully corrected - your answer was not answering the question, you're just dodging the discussion to take the high ground for no reason. Why are you trying to win the argument? There shouldn't have been one. And now you're trying to act like I'm the one that started shit when you got annoyed that I stayed on topic. Is anyone gonna reply "Rusty Repeater" when someone asks "What's the best gun?" And if you do and someone says in replies "no the gun is the worst in the game" you're the person who goes "well its fun for me and I don't care about meta". Do you see the hill you're dying on right now? You've failed to contribute to the discussion and have potentially spread arguably misinformation outright. edit: also "OP asked for which corrupted guns are worthwhile" is literally false, the post says BEST. So please actually try to argue in good faith instead of just lying your ass off.




Savior but it seems kinda broken rn, the mod stacks don't decay when you reach 5 stacks... Likely unintended?


They decay for me. I did notice though if I was putting self inflicted bleed on myself then it wouldn’t.


It’s supposed to start decaying after 2 seconds but tragic said in the discord it’s actually 5 seconds to account for other actions such as swapping guns or relic use




Sorrow and Savior...both are amazing. Sorrow in particular really surprised me with how good it is. Particularly the mod.


Corrupted Savior. It's currently bugged so its weapon mod charges don't decay.


Nope, they decay for sure. I just got it and tested. I've seen a few people mention that self inflicted bleed stops the decay, however.