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If you have a crit build, the normal savior is good too. If you are playing solo or might be difficult to complete solo without anyone helping you but if you have friends they can revive you also join remnantgame discord you might find someone to help you over there.


If you are playing harcore solo i recommend handler as primary, medic secondary and heal shot mod


Noted, I may have to check around for help just to be safe lol


While this isn't bad, I actually recommend Alchemist secondary because the third skill is fucking insane for both solo and co op in terms of saves, plus the heal is solid


HC vet doesnt deal enough damage where you will die before you can heal, so the living will will be pretty much useless unless you run out of hearts but with medic and heal shot and support dog skill you wouldn't even get knocked in the first place


I ran the tankiest armor I could, I rarely went down, and when I did it was usually because I tried reviving my friend


That's why its better to have healer instead of alchemist because you will never go down to use the living will, but healer you can use well spring and shield skills to keep yourself at full health. And you have to get to level 10 to unlock living will but you stay under level 10 and use both well and shiled skill for medic


I hear ya but I've had way more consistency, especially solo with handler and Alchemist rather than healer, don't get me wrong i love medic, when I playing support with friends non hardcore it's easily my go to


The newly introduced corrupted version is really fun, it's not that hard to get since it's just playing the campaign on veteran difficulty. Get a friend to play with you and make sure your power level always stays in line with that of the different biomes (upgrade nothing but your long gun, archetypes and traits). If you're dreading the cubes in the labyrinth then stay outside of the boss arena and let your friend deal with it until it's done. TBH the hardcore run was a breeze for me since I unlocked the apoc. rewards first and I practiced the bosses more than enough, I mean level 14 annihilation on veteran is not that bad at all. We went with a safe and trusty handler/medic combo btw.


I've done a majority of my playtime solo until I learned/made a build and beat the game but finally got a lot of difficult to get loot(anguish)/apoc run done/platinumed the game/etc because a friend got the game, I just worry about losing all my progress to something dumb since I die an insane amount on all my other characters, my friend runs the turbo heals medic build and I still manage to insta die to stuff haha


I don’t mind helping with my hardcore character. I’ve done my vet hardcore run so not much to lose I don’t think


I wouldn't want you to risk your character for me, if you've got a non hardcore character with a good build should work


Unfortunately it don’t work like that. Only hardcore characters can play with hardcore characters. I’ve got all the hardcore rewards as far as I’m aware on my main character. So no bother honestly


Oh... Oh no. Dang that does make sense tho, Id take you up on the offer for help only if you're %1000 sure but it'd definitely have to wait for another day, it's 5 am for me and I have work soon 😵


Yeah no worries. I’m at work myself, it’s almost midday here in the U.K. What platform are you on?


PlayStation, I heard about cross play but idk how it works, my username is Clunt585


Nice, I’m on ps5 as well. I also don’t know how it works. Worked out were both on ps5, I’ll send a request


Lol finally some good remnant 2 rng


Yes contrary to what most will tell you OG savior is worth it. Corrupted version is even more worth it.


Exactly this, Corrupted Savior may have really high dps, but OG Savior still has one of the best damage to ammo ratios in the game and crazy range


Yeah I still would rather rock OG savior over corrupted in a hugs build personally but corrupted version is a solid choice for literally any build. It is extremely versatile. I’m using the corrupted version in an archon Ritualist build to abuse the mod and the ahanae crystal to ramp up the mod damage and I am getting insane numbers even on apoc.


Personally, for fusion rifles I think hunter/Invader is actually better, especially with the recent buff, but the OG was definitely tough to build for


Yes it was. Mitigating the reload speed is key.


The hardest thing is really just the labyrinth sentinel and random pits in yaesha, use either handler or challenger (I'd prefer challenger) primary and summoner secondary, the summons are really good for increasing damage and taking aggro and regrowth is the single best trait for hardcore


Not the normal version. The corrupted version seems pretty good.


Normal savior is great with the right build but corrupted is great in almost any build


I'm in love with the corrupted version! High dps main fire, just don't use the mod... Or use it with a high mod gen hand gun like nebula to let the swarm Regen the mod power. I haven't put it down since I got it last night!


Thats what I saw, I think you have to do a no death veteran run to get it tho so I may not be skilled enough to get it


It and it's corrupted version are good and fun. Hardcore can be a bit scary but vet isn't too bad and if you only really care about the rewards you can back up your saves and just reload them if you die.


I did my HC Veteran run solo and found it much easier than I was expecting, especially after playing Apocalypse as much. I started Ritualist and then picked Challenger for the revive. Once I unlocked Miasma, I was unstoppable. I got lucky tho and beat it second attempt. The trick is to play safe and stay calm. Don’t let nerves get to you.